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Xiaofeng Liao edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 21 revisions

The Netherlands X-omics initiative determined an innovation to expand the strong Dutch ‘omics’ technology footprint is to realize a common data integration and analysis framework to drive high-quality multi omics studies.

Unaddressed challenge is limited access to large-scale well-annotated clinical and population series. Numerous large omics analyses of simple and complex systems have been published in the past, yet the associated data is not always findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). This and the lack of harmonization between instruments greatly hampers the re-use of existing data and causes that omics studies have to be re-run unnecessarily.

The data analysis, integration and stewardship pillar of the Netherlands X-omics initiative aims to contribute to the realization of an integrated X-omics infrastructure and to facilitate multi-omics research by providing means for the creation, analysis and integration of FAIR -omics data.

We propose guidelines and tools to make -omics data FAIR at the source, to facilitate reuse of -omics data, and to facilitate the integration of different layers of -omics data. The FAIR Data Cube is an important infrastructure component to achieve this.

1. Preliminary

1.1 FAIR Principles

1.2 Metadata in multi-omics studies

1.3 Investigation-Study-Assay

2. FAIR Data Cube

2.1 Architecture of FAIR Data Cube Architecture of FAIR Data Cube

2.2. Setting up

2.2.1 Apply workspace from SURF Research Cloud

2.2.2 FAIR Data Point Resource definition for ISA metadata schema

3. Demonstration


3.1.1 ACTION metadata

3.1.2 ISA Generation Script

3.1.3 ISA Import Script

3.2 TWOC Demonstration


3.2.2 Submission script

3.2.3 SPARQL query
