Transposable Element Finder (TEF) is a detection program of active transposable elements (TEs) by comparing two NGS sequences.
TEF does not require TE information to detect transposition.
Instead, TEF returns transposed transposon ends information and transposed positon on the reference genome.
Active TEs transposed on the host genome. Because the transposition events are independent, inserted positions of TE should be different between two samples.
Short read sequences from both samples should contain different fusion fragments of genome and TE sequences.
Most TEs make target site duplication (TSD) at inserted position.
TEF detects both ends of TE and inserted position on the genome with information of TSD from NGS short reads.
TEF runs on Unix (Linux and FreeBSD) machine. Eight or 16GB memory is enough. One or more TB disk (SSD is better) space is required. To analyze NGS data of human, 4 or more TB disk space is recommended.
Web page :
For example,
perl a=ttm2,b=ttm5,ref=IRGSP1.0
Options are separated with comma WITHOUT space.
The is implemented with junction and TSD methods.
Default is the junction method.
If tsd_size option is specified, will run with the TSD method.
For example,
perl a=ttm2,b=ttm5,ref=IRGSP1.0,tsd_size=5
The th option is threshold for filtering same TSD sequence.
Default = 0.2
If too many noises are detected, increase th value, e.g. th=0.7.
perl a=ttm2,b=ttm5,ref=IRGSP1.0,th=0.7
The th option is TSD method specific.
Because tmp directries in tergets grow huge size, tmp directories will be deleted
at the end of analysis. If debug=yes is added in options, tmp directories will not
sort_tmp=directory_for_sort is the option for temporary directory for sort command.
If sort_tmp is specified to fast disk, e.g. SSD, sorting will be accelerated.
If your SSD is not enough size, set the tef directory in HDD space and specify sort_tmp in SDD space.
For Linux, max process is limited to number of CPU core. For other OS, default process number is 4.
If you add max_process option, e.g. max_process=8, the uses 8 cores.
perl a=ttm2,b=ttm5,ref=IRGSP1.0,tsd_size=5,th=0.7,option=clear,sort_tmp=/mnt/ssd/tmp,max_process=8
Counting function of k-mer is improved. If disk space becomes an issue, add the compress=yes option.
In addition, if an error is output and the program stops, execute "ulimit -n 4096" before running this program.
This will increase the limit on the number of files that can be opened at once.
git clone
for updating
cd tef
git pull
At first, directories specified by a and b should be made.
For example,
cd tef
mkdir IRGSP1.0 # If runs without ref directory, makes ref directory and exit.
cd IRGSP1.0
cd ..
mkdir ttm2
mkdir ttm2/read
cp somewhere/SRR556173_1.fastq somewhere/SRR556173_2.fastq ttm2/read
mkdir ttm5
mkdir ttm5/read
cp somewhere/SRR556174_1.fastq somewhere/SRR556174_2.fastq somewhere/SRR556175_1.fastq somewhere/SRR556175_2.fastq ttm5/read
ulimit -n 4096
perl a=ttm2,b=ttm5,ref=IRGSP1.0
Fastq files should be saved in read directory in targets.
Files compressed with gz, bzip2, and xz format can be processed.
Results are saved in ttm2 directory, specified by 'a'.
After the commit of f52457f, opens more than 1000 files simalteneously.
ulimit -n 4096
may be required, before running
When you first run, an empty directory specified by the reference name is created. Save the gzipped FASTA file for the reference into this directory, and then run again.
After the second run of, a config file is created in the reference directory. The config file contains a list of chromosome names in the order they appear in the FASTA file. If necessary, rename or change the chromosome names in the config file to “NOP”. For partial contigs or extra chromosomes that are not required, replace the chromosome name with “NOP”. If there are too many partial contigs to ignore, create a config file with all lines set to “NOP” and then replace the desired chromosome names at the relevant positions.
On the third run, creates the reference data set according to the config file and then proceeds with the main routine. Once the reference data set is created, it can be reused for additional analyses. If the reference data is incomplete or corrupted, delete the reference directory and run again.
Usage perl path_of_reference_genome head_sequence tail_sequence
The outputs sequences between head and tail sequences from fasta file of reference genome. Options should be separated by single space.
The range of TE size can be adjusted on line 54 of
Fasta file compressed by gzip, bzip2 and xz can be processed.
For example,
The outputs sliced sequence from the chromosome sequence in reference directory.
For example,
perl IRGSP1.0/chr7 26694795 26698908
The chromosome sequence should be the output of
- 1.4 Improved accuracy of TE detection. 2023-12-14
- 1.3 Insertion direction of TE is shown with same format of version 1.0. 2023-10-09
- 1.2 Correct output transposed positions. Add filter for ambigure TSDs. 2023-09-18
- 1.1 Improve junction method. Large genome data (even human) can be applicable. 2023-08-23
- 1.0 Initial version. 2022-03-29
Miyao, A., Yamanouchi, U. Transposable element finder (TEF): finding active transposable elements from next generation sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 500 (2022).
Free of use for academics. For non-academics, license by NARO (same as PED) is required.
Patent JP 7573862.
Akio Miyao