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aplteam committed Feb 19, 2018
0 parents commit f864f01
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Showing 69 changed files with 5,530 additions and 0 deletions.
434 changes: 434 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/APLTreeUtils-8f.script

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1,041 changes: 1,041 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/FilesAndDirs-121.class

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973 changes: 973 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/Logger-1.class

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274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/OS-3.class
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
:Class OS
⍝ This class offers methods that return the same result under Windows, Linux (without the PI) and Mac OS.
⍝ Examples are `GetPID` and `KillPID`.\\
⍝ Exceptions are the functions `ShellExecute` (Linux/Mac only) and `WinExecute` (Windows only). They
⍝ perform very similar tasks but with very different parameters and results, so they were separated.\\
⍝ Kai Jaeger - APL Team Ltd.\\
⍝ Homepage: <>

:Include APLTreeUtils

⎕IO←0 ⋄ ⎕ML←3

∇ r←Version
:Access Public shared
r←(Last⍕⎕THIS)'1.3.0' '2017-05-14'

∇ History
:Access Public shared
⍝ * 1.3.0
⍝ * Bug fixed in `KillPID`: did not always return a result.
⍝ * Method `History` introduced.
⍝ * Managed by acre 3 now.
⍝ * 1.2.1
⍝ * Fix in `ShellExecute`: when `rc` is not 0 then result should be empty and `more` shouldn't.
⍝ * 1.2.0
⍝ * Documentation improved.
⍝ * Bug fix in `ShellExecute` (Linux and Mac OS only).

∇ (rc more result)←ShellExecute cmd;buff
:Access Shared Public
⍝ Simple way to fire up an application under Linux/Mac OS.\\
⍝ cmd must be a command line ready to be executed.
⍝ * `rc` is the exit code of the command executed.
⍝ * `more` is currently always an empty text vector.
⍝ * `result` is what's returned by the command executed.
:Trap 11
cmd←dtb cmd
:If '&'=¯1↑cmd
cmd←(¯1↓cmd),' </dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &'
{}⎕SH cmd
cmd,←' 2>&1; echo "CMDEXIT=$?"; exit 0'
buff←⎕SH cmd
:If 0=rc

∇ {(success rc more)}←{adminFlag}WinExecute x;ShellOpen;parms;flag
:Access Public Shared
⍝ Simple way to fire up an application or a document.\\
⍝ Note that you **cannot** catch the standard output of any application executed with `WinExecute`.
⍝ However, you might be able to execute it with `WinExecBatch` which can return the standard
⍝ output returned by whatever you've executed - see there.
⍝ `⍵` can be one of:
⍝ * A namespace, typically created by calling [`CreateParms_WinExecute`](#). This is called a
⍝ parameter space.
⍝ * A text string typically specifying a document or an EXE, possibly with command line parameters.
⍝ In case a text string is passed and the name of the file (first parameter: the EXE/document) contains
⍝ a space then this filename **must** be enclosed within double quotes.
⍝ Any other filename with spaces in the name must be enclosed by double-quotes as well.
⍝ A parameter space is usually created by calling `CreateParms_WinExecute`. You can then make
⍝ amendments to it and pass it as right argument. See there for details.
⍝ If the defaults are fine for you and you want just start an EXE or, say, display an
⍝ HTML file then you can just specify a path pointing either to the EXE or to the document.
⍝ You can even specify command line parameters this way but you **must** then enclose `file` with
⍝ double quotes (") even if the file does not contain any blanks. (The `ShellExecute` Windows function
⍝ does not like double quotes but they will be removed before it is called).
⍝ The optional left argument defaults to 0 which makes the verb default to "OPEN". By specifying
⍝ a 1 here it's going to be "RUNAS" meaning that the application is executed in elevated mode
⍝ (=with admin rights). Of course for this being an option the user must have admin rights.
⍝ See the test cases for examples.\\
⍝ The function returns a three-element vector:
⍝ 1. A Boolean flag, 1 indicating success.
⍝ 2. The return code of the Windows API function `ShellOpen`. Is 42 in case of success.
⍝ 3. An empty text string in case of success. In case of failure this may provide additional information.
'Runs under Windows only'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨'Win'≢GetOperatingSystem ⍬
success←0 ⋄ more←'' ⋄ rc←0
:If (⎕DR x)∊80 82
:If 0≠2|'"'+.=x
more←'Odd nunmber of doubles quotes detected'
:If '"'=1⍴x
parms.(file lpParms)←x{(⍵↑⍺)(⍵↓⍺)}1++/∧\2>+\'"'=x
parms.(file lpParms)←x{(⍵↑⍺)(⍵↓⍺)}⌊/x⍳' "'
:ElseIf 326=⎕DR x
:AndIf 9=⎕NC'x'
parms.verb←Uppercase parms.verb
:If 0≠2|'"'+.=parms.lpParms
more←'Odd nunmber of doubles quotes in "lpParms" detected'
'Invalid right argument'⎕SIGNAL 11
'Invalid verb'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨~(⊂parms.verb)∊'EXPLORE' 'FIND' 'OPEN' 'PRINT' 'RUNAS' ''
'ShellOpen'⎕NA'U Shell32.C32|ShellExecute* I <0T <0T <0T <0T I'
adminFlag←{0<⎕NC ⍵:⍎⍵ ⋄ 0}'adminFlag'
:If adminFlag
:Trap 0
rc←ShellOpen parms.(handle verb file lpParms lpDirectory show)

∇ parms←CreateParms_WinExecute
:Access Public Shared
⍝ This method returns a parameter space populated with default values that can be fed to the [`WinExecute`](#) method.
⍝ | **Parameter**| **Notes** |
⍝ | `verb` | Must be one of: EDIT, EXPLORE, FIND, OPEN, PRINT, RUNAS, NULL (default). Note the "RUNAS" is "Open" but with admin rights. |
⍝ | `file` | Name of the file `operation` is performed on. Usually this is an EXE but it can be a document as well. |
⍝ | `handle` | Handle pointing to a window or 0 (default. |
⍝ | `show` | 1 (default) allows the application involved to show its windows. 0 hides any windows. |
⍝ | `lpParms` | Any parameters, for example command line parameters in case the verb is "OPEN". |
⍝ | `lpDirectory`| The working direcotry for the application involved. |
⍝ For more information see <>
parms.handle←0←1 ⍝ Allow the app to show its windows. Suppress with 0.

∇ (success rc result)←{adminFlag}WinExecBatch cmd;batFilename;tempFilename;en;more
⍝ This method executes a command and returns its standard output on `result`.\\
⍝ ** Don't** use this for programs that interact with a user! For example, don't use
⍝ this to fire up an APL session, it cannot work because standard output is redirected.\\
⍝ Uses `WinExecute` for this which cannot capture standard output itself.\\
⍝ Performes the following actions:
⍝ * Puts `cmd` into a batch file which is a temp file.
⍝ * Execute that batch file with `WinExecute`.
⍝ * Circumvent the standard output of the bat file into another temp file.
⍝ * Waits until the temp file makes an appearance
⍝ * Reads that temp file and returns the contents as `result`.
⍝ \\
⍝ * `success` is a Boolean with 1 indicating success.
⍝ * `rc` is a return code. 42 stands for "okay".
:Access Public Shared
'Runs under Windows only'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨'Win'≢GetOperatingSystem ⍬
cmd,←' >',tempFilename
##.FilesAndDirs.DeleteFile tempFilename
WriteUtf8File batFilename cmd
adminFlag←{0<⎕NC ⍵:⍎⍵ ⋄ 0}'adminFlag'
(success rc more)←adminFlag WinExecute batFilename
:If success
result←{##.FilesAndDirs.IsFile ⍵:ReadUtf8File ⍵ ⋄ _←⎕DL 0.1 ⋄ ∇ ⍵}tempFilename
##.FilesAndDirs.DeleteFile batFilename tempFilename

∇ r←GetSharedLib
:Access Public Shared
:Select GetOperatingSystem ⍬
:Case 'Lin'
r←GetLibcName ⍬
:Case 'Mac'
. ⍝ Huuh?!

∇ r←GetPID;∆GetPID;∆GetCurrentProcessId
⍝ Returns the process ID of the current process ID.
⍝ In case of an error a 0 is returned.\\
⍝ See also [`KillPID`](#).
:Access Public Shared
:Select GetOperatingSystem ⍬
:Case 'Win'
:Trap 11
'∆GetCurrentProcessId'⎕NA'I KERNEL32|GetCurrentProcessId'
:CaseList 'Mac' 'Lin'
'∆GetPID'⎕NA'I4 ',GetSharedLib,'| getpid'
:Trap 11
.⍝ Huuh?!

∇ r←KillPID pid;∆KillPID;PROCESS_TERMINATE;False;OpenProcess;TerminateProcess;h;∆OpenProcess;∆CloseHandle;∆TerminateProcess;thisPID
⍝ Kill one or more processes identified by their process ID.\\
⍝ See also [`GetPID`](#).
:Access Public Shared
:Select GetOperatingSystem ⍬
:Case 'Win'
'∆OpenProcess'⎕NA'U4 KERNEL32.C32|OpenProcess I4 I2 I4'
False←↑83 323 ⎕DR 0
'∆CloseHandle'⎕NA'U KERNEL32.C32|CloseHandle I4'
'Invalid PID: not an integer'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨0≠1↑0⍴thisPID
:If 0≠h←∆OpenProcess PROCESS_TERMINATE False thisPID ⍝ Get handle to the process
'∆TerminateProcess'⎕NA'KERNEL32.C32|TerminateProcess P I4'
{}∆TerminateProcess h 0 ⍝ Kill it
{}∆CloseHandle h
:Until 0∊⍴pid←1↓pid
:CaseList 'Lin' 'Mac'
'∆KillPID'⎕NA'I4 ',GetSharedLib,'| kill I4 I4'
:Trap 11
r←∆KillPID 2↑↑pid
:Until 0∊⍴pid←1↓pid
. ⍝ Huuh?!

⍝ Private stuff

GetLibcName←{ ⍝ Linux: extract real name of libc that is actually used
pid←↑⎕SH'echo $PPID'
libs←⎕SH'ldd /proc/',pid,'/exe'

GetAPL_Width←{z←⍵ ⋄ 2×⍬⍴⎕SIZE'z'}

∇ r←GetDyaLib
r←'dyalog',(⍕GetAPL_Width ⍬),'.dylib'

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/Cleanup-1.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(rc en more)←#.FilesAndDirs.RmDir path
:If 0≠rc
:AndIf (1≠rc)∨'not found or missing'{⍺≢(⍴⍺)↑⍵}more
⎕←'Could not remove this: ',path
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/E-1.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{list}←E list
⍝ Get all functions into the editor starting their names with "Test_".
:If 0∊⍴list
list←'T'⎕NL 3
:ElseIf 2=⍴⍴list
list←{⎕ML←3 ⋄ ⊃⍵}list[;⎕IO]
'Invalid right argument'⎕SIGNAL 11
{(0∊⍴⍵): ⋄ ⎕ML←3 ⋄ ⎕ED⊃⍵}&↓'Test_'{⍵⌿⍨⍺∧.=⍨(⍴,⍺)↑[1+⎕IO]⍵}list
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/FailsIf-21.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
⍝ Usage : →FailsIf x, where x is a boolean scalar
⎕TRAP←(999 'E' '(⎕IO⊃⎕DM)⎕SIGNAL 999')(0 'N')
PassesIf~⍵ ⍝ Just PassesIf on negation
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/FindSpecialString-811.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
r←{startIn}FindSpecialString what;⎕IO;⎕ML
⍝ Use this to search for stuff like "CHECK" or "TODO" enclosed between `⍝` (⍵).
⍝ Without left argument the search starts in #.
⍝ However, at the time of writing the user command ]locate does not work on #.
⍝ Reported as bug <01355> to Dyalog on 2017-04-24.
⎕IO←0 ⋄ ⎕ML←3
startIn←{0<⎕NC ⍵:⍎⍵ ⋄ '#'}'startIn'
r←⍉1↓[1]⎕SE.UCMD'locate ',what,' -return=count -objects=',⍕startIn
:If 0<1↑⍴r←(0<r[;1])⌿r ⍝ Drop those with no hits
r[;0]←{2>'#'+.=⍵:⍵ ⋄ {⌽⍵↑⍨1+⍵⍳'#'}⌽⍵}¨r[;0] ⍝ Circumvent bug <01356>
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/G-1.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
⍝ Prints all groups to the session.
r←↓'Test_'{⍵⌿⍨((⍴⍺)↑[1]⍵)∧.=⍺}'T'⎕NL 3
:If ~0∊⍴r←(2='_'+.=⍉{⎕ML←1 ⋄ ↑⍵}r)⌿r
:AndIf ~0∊⍴r←{⎕ML←1 ⋄ ↑⍵}∪{⍵↑⍨⍵⍳'_'}¨{⍵↓⍨1+⍵⍳'_'}¨r
r←r[⍋#.APLTreeUtils.Lowercase r;]
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/GetFileRoot-89.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/GoToTidyUp-115.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
r←{label}GoToTidyUp flag
⍝ Returns either an empty vector or "Label" which defaults to ∆TidyUp
⍝ but signals 999 when flag=1 and "stopFlag" exists and is 1.
:If 1=flag
:AndIf 0<⎕NC'stopFlag'
:AndIf stopFlag
label←{(0<⎕NC ⍵):⍎⍵ ⋄ r←⍎'∆TidyUp'}'label'
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/Initial-1.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Initial dummy;list
#.Tester.EstablishHelpersIn ⍬
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/L-1.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
r←{numbers}L group
⍝ Prints a list with all test cases and the first comment line to the session.
⍝ If "group" is not empty then it will print only that group (case independent).
⍝ May or may not start with "Test_"
⍝ If "numbers" is defined only those number are printed.
numbers←{(0<⎕NC ⍵):⍎⍵ ⋄ ⍬}'numbers'
r←↓'Test_'{⍵⌿⍨((⍴⍺)↑[1+⎕IO]⍵)∧.=⍺}'T'⎕NL 3
:If ~0∊⍴group
r←(({⎕ML←1 ⋄ ↑⍵}#.APLTreeUtils.Lowercase(⍴group)↑¨r)∧.=group)⌿r
:If ~0∊⍴r
:AndIf ~0∊⍴numbers
r←r,⍪{⎕ML←3 ⋄ {⍵↓⍨+/∧\' '=⍵}{⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⍵↓⍨⍵⍳'⍝'}∊1↑1↓⎕NR ⍵}¨r
r←r[⍋{⎕ML←1 ⋄ ↑⍵}##.APLTreeUtils.Lowercase r[;⎕IO];]
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/ListHelpers-11.function
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r←ListHelpers force;list;⎕IO;⎕ML;force
⍝ Lists all helpers available from the `Tester` class.
⍝ When called by a user pass a `0` as right argument to see all helpers that are actually available.
⍝ Specify a `1` in case you want to see all Helpers that **might** be available.
⍝ Helpers are usually established by calling the `EstablishHelpers' method.
⍝ The list includes helpers that won't be established in case the namespace hosting the test cases is scripted!
⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←1
r←0 2⍴' '
list←'Run' 'RunDebug' 'RunThese' 'RunBatchTests' 'RunBatchTestsInDebugMode' 'E' 'L' 'G' 'FailsIf' 'PassesIf'
list,←'GoToTidyUp' 'RenameTestFnsTo' 'ListHelpers' '∆OK' '∆Failed' '∆NoBatchTest' '∆Inactive' '∆NoAcreTests'
list,←'∆WindowsOnly' '∆LinuxOnly' '∆MacOnly' '∆LinuxOrMacOnly' '∆LinuxOrWindowsOnly'
list,←'∆MacOrWindowsOnly' 'FindSpecialString'
:If 'Tester.Helpers'≢{⍵↑⍨-+/∧\2>+\⌽'.'=⍵}⍕⊃⎕RSI
list/⍨←force∨0<⊃∘⎕NC¨list ⍝ List only those that are around
r←↑{⍵(#.APLTreeUtils.dlb{⍺⍺{⍵↓⍨¯1+⍵⍳'⍝'}⍺⍺ ⍵}1⊃(1↓⎕NR ⍵),⊂'')}¨list
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/PassesIf-41.function
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
⍝ Usage : →PassesIf x, where x is a boolean scalar
⍵:⍬ ⍝ Passes test, so →PassesIf x just continues
0=⎕NC'stopFlag':0 ⍝ Stop not defined, continue with test suite
~stopFlag:0 ⍝ Do not stop, continue with test suite
⎕SIGNAL 999 ⍝ Otherwise stop for investigation
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions APLSource/TestCases-11/QuadVariables-11.script
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
:Namespace QuadVariables


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