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Pact Email EmailSender SendEmailAsync(string string string MailboxAddress MailboxAddress MimePart )

welshronaldo edited this page May 30, 2022 · 5 revisions

EmailSender.SendEmailAsync(string, string, string, MailboxAddress, MailboxAddress, MimePart[]) Method

Compile and send an email using whichever transport service has been registered (or just log if none)

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task SendEmailAsync(string recipients, string subject, string message, MailboxAddress from, MailboxAddress sender, params MimePart[] attachments);


recipients System.String

subject System.String

message System.String

from MimeKit.MailboxAddress

sender MimeKit.MailboxAddress

attachments MimeKit.MimePart[]



Implements SendEmailAsync(string, string, string, MailboxAddress, MailboxAddress, MimePart[])

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