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Pact Localization ServiceCollectionExtensions

welshronaldo edited this page May 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

ServiceCollectionExtensions Class

public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 ServiceCollectionExtensions

UseDynamicRequestLocalization(IApplicationBuilder) Adds the DynamicLocalizationMiddleware to automatically set culture information for
requests based on information provided by the client.
NOTE: probably want this placed towards the bottom of the middleware stack to ensure the HttpContext is furnished with an Identity by the time it arrives
UseDynamicRequestLocalization(IApplicationBuilder, RequestLocalizationOptions) Adds the DynamicLocalizationMiddleware to automatically set culture information for
requests based on information provided by the client.
NOTE: probably want this placed towards the bottom of the middleware stack to ensure the HttpContext is furnished with an Identity by the time it arrives
UseDynamicRequestLocalization(IApplicationBuilder, Action<RequestLocalizationOptions>) Adds the DynamicLocalizationMiddleware to automatically set culture information for
requests based on information provided by the client.
NOTE: probably want this placed towards the bottom of the middleware stack to ensure the HttpContext is furnished with an Identity by the time it arrives
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