Fifth beta release of Panoptes 2.0
- #690 Sets of example genome channels can be saved and recalled
- #699 Group channels are now table specific
- #698 Colors of tracks can be picked
- #638 Sequence can be copied from ref seq channel
- #696 Add channels button at bottom of genome browser
- #712 Categorical channels can have queries, respect default query
- #616 Show info on hover over indicators on genome browser
- #716 Allow PopupButton to target new tab
- #743 Improve new popup placement
- #726 Add legend and pie charts to table map
- #47 (!) For map clusters based on a numerical, non-categorical property draw a histogram
- #727 Fetch data for tables in chunks
- #735 Expose controls for subsampling in plots and genotype rows
- #723 Make points display in numerical channels at fix point count excluding NULLs
- #625 Genotypes column header scrolls with genotypes
- #637 Reduce bundle size by half
- #679 Document expected browser compatibility
- #707, #709, #708 IE11 support
- #730,#640 Safari support
- #752, #722 Retina support
- #683 Firefox support
- #663 Clean up zoomed in view on numerical tracks
- #694 Fix showBar on tables
- #508 Clean up genotype controls
- #624 Genotypes don't go full width when zoomed in
- #705 Use channelColour in numerical tracks
- #711 Clean up categorical sidebar
- #728 Don't put commas in years
- #685 Standardise scroll speed across browsers
- #738 Don't line break in genome controls
- #750 Map loading indicator
- #737 Disable greyed out buttons
- #718 Remove config only reload
- #686 Prevent start page from being clobbered by links
- #760 Allow switching marker colour back to none
- #758 Show all showable columns in data tables
- #693 Remove deleted stored filters
- #763 Fix map popups
- #762 Fix map marker titles
- #770 Fix table data download
- #724 Fix flakey "zoom in" message
- #723 Make points display in numerical channels at fix point count excluding NULLs
- #719 Default to fixed scales on numerical tracks
- #774 Various map bugs
- #782 Allow disabling of subsampling
- #721 Disable animation of Y scale when summarisation window changes
- #780 Use correct lat/lng in table marker popup
- #781 Use correct map marker colours
- #779 Chrome clips map markers
- #791 Fix back button
- #744 Rename files to component name
- #796 Load map tiles from domain with https cert
- #798 Table markers load table with action sidebar
- #795 Change pie chart styling to better show corresponding map position
- #797 Show row count on all pie charts