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pablomendes edited this page Jun 15, 2012 · 2 revisions

Initial guidelines were provided on Semantic Web Answers. We will expand them here as we go. For more details on how to run each step of DBpedia Spotlight's data generation, see the Data Generation Manual and the latest version of

Finally, if you plan to change the source code, please consider sending us a pull request so that you can be acknowledged as awesome contributor! It will also help other people trying to do the same, and give them the chance to find things that you haven't found yet.

List of language-dependent classes

  •* - use POS tagging, chunking, NER, etc.
  • org.dbpedia.spotlight.tagging.* - perform POS tagging
  •* - rely on training on a large corpus (we currently only did for EN)
  • - uses Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging