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Known uses
pablomendes edited this page Jul 13, 2012
3 revisions
This page catalogs some projects that we know are using DBpedia Spotlight.
- EuropeanaConnect Media Annotation Prototype contributed by Rainer Simon from and EuropeanaConnect on Feb 16th, 2011.
- Twitter Swarm NLP Chrome Extension contributed by Thomas Steiner from Google Inc. on Feb 24th, 2011.
- Simple API Test Tool contributed by Rob DiCiuccio from on Mar 30th, 2011.
- Topica: University of Sheffield's entry to AIMashup2011
- RDFaCE, an RDFa Content Editor based on TinyMCE, contributed by Ali Khalili from AKSW/UniLeipzig on July 21th, 2011.
- NERD, a framework for comparing Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation tools contributed by Raphaël Troncy, Giuseppe Rizzo from EURECOM on July 29th, 2011.
- SpotlightJS (0.0.1): Pure JS client for DBpedia Spotlight service, contributed by Milan Dojčinovski.
- NIF Wrapper using the NLP Interchange Format
- URIBurner from OpenLink Software uses DBpedia Spotlight to enhance their RDF descriptions.
- Sztakipedia is a MediaWiki Toolbar that can be used on Wikipedia to help editors to create more interconnections (and therefore knowledge) on Wikipedia
- Developing DBpedia Spotlight for Greek
- DiscoBro DiscoBro is a small web application that makes use of DBPedia Spotlight to discover resources in DBPedia that relate to the currently browsed page, and relate these resources to available datasets such as MusicNet and Archive Hub.
- Virtuoso (Enterprise Edition) includes a DBpedia Spotlight Metacartridge that allows annotating textual information with entities extracted from dc:description properties
- Melina+ by Dimitris Spachos and Dimitris Kontokostas, use DBpedia Spotlight to enrich medical educational content for the mEducator project, a Best Practice Network funded by the EC in the eContentplus programme.
- PySpotlight is a thin Python wrapper around the DBpedia Spotlight REST Interface created/used by
- [Knowledge-Based Application Design Patterns]((( Google IO 2012 Talk by Shawn Simister.
- Ke Tao, Fabian Abel, Claudia Hauff, GeertJan Houben: What makes a tweet relevant for a topic? Making Sense of Microposts #MSM2012 Workshop at WWW2012.
- Gianluca Demartini, Djellel Eddine Difallah, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. 2012. ZenCrowd: leveraging probabilistic reasoning and crowdsourcing techniques for large-scale entity linking. In Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web (WWW '12).
- Luca Panziera, Marco Comerio, Matteo Palmonari, Flavio De Paoli: Distributed matchmaking and ranking of Web APIs exploiting descriptions from Web sources. SOCA 2011: 1-8
- Amparo E. Cano, Gregoire Burel, Aba-sah Dadzie, Fabio Ciravegna. Topica: Modelling Point of Interest through Social Awareness Streams. AIMashup'2011
- Nadine Ludwig, Harald Sack. Named Entity Recognition for User-Generated Tags. TIR'2011
- G. Rizzo and R. Troncy. NERD: Evaluating Named Entity Recognition Tools in the Web of Data. In Workshop on Web Scale Knowledge Extraction (WEKEX'11), pages 1{16, Bonn, Germany, 2011.
- Giuseppe Rizzo , Raphael Troncy , Sebastian Hellmann , Martin Bruemmer. NERD meets NIF: Lifting NLP Extraction Results to the Linked Data Cloud Linked Data On the Web (LDOW2012) Workshop at the World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), Lyon, France.
- Yves Raimond, Chris Lowis. Automated interlinking of speech radio archives. Linked Data On the Web (LDOW2012) Workshop at the World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), Lyon, France.
- Edgar Meij, W. Weerkamp, and M. de Rijke, Adding Semantics to Microblog Posts, in Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (WSDM2012), New York, NY, USA, 2012.
- K Tao, F Abel, C Hauff WISTUD at TREC 2011: Microblog Track}}
- Kristian Slabbekoorn, Laura Hollink, Geert-Jan Houben. Domain-aware Matching of Events to DBpedia. Accepted for publication at the DeRiVE workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (ISWC2011), Bonn, Germany.
- Fabian Abel, Ilknur Celik, Geert-Jan Houben and Patrick Siehndel. Leveraging the Semantics of Tweets for Adaptive Faceted Search on Twitter. In the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn, Germany.
- Simon, R., Jung, J., Haslhofer, B. The YUMA Media Annotation Framework. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
More from Google Scholar: citations to ISEM2011 paper
- Named Entity statistics using Apache Pig at Berlin Buzzwords, June 4-5th 2012, by our very own Max Jakob.
- [Knowledge-Based Application Design Patterns]((( Google IO 2012 Talk by Shawn Simister.
"link between information about composers of classical music by exploiting the MusicNet Codex."
LOD2 Indian Summer School Project Ideas by Pablo Mendes.