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Steering Committee 20220621 Minutes

xsong9 edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Attendees: Rebecca, Mike and Yan

Two new SC members approved

Two new members were approved. Yan will notify them and invite them to the committee meetings.

Review feedback from CORAL Online Summit

  • Jennifer comprised a summary report for SC.
  • Questions from the summit were either answered at the summit or later via email.
  • As to other feedback - users wanted step-by-step instruction and in-depth tutorials. Rebecca will lead the efforts to create tutorials or videos. Two new members might be interested in helping out.
  • It doesn't look like we shared the summit recording with participants yet. Mike will work with Lisa and Jennifer to timestamp the video. We'll then share it with participants and post it on CORAL website.
  • Yan received a message from a community member suggesting CS master students to help with coding. The group discussed the feasibility and agreed to have these student help. Mike from Equinox will help set up a mirrored image for students to access code and provide instruction on that. Students should know how to use Git/Github and push code in. CORAL is written in PHP, JQuery, MySQL, CSS and HTML. Students should have some knowledge or experience coding in these languages.

Github issue Nothing happens when clicking the button to add parents in Resources module

issue 679: pull request

Fix had been identified. The change needed to be merged into development. Mike will pull the change into their code branch and merge it.

Update from Mike/Equinox

They were working on getting more people involved with CORAL. Not much progress on JQuery update as the developer was out.

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