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Web Committee 201803 Minutes

Scott Vieira edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 1 revision
  1. Announcements a. The 2.1 RC should be happening soon. We will need to start working on updating the documentation soon. b. ER & L next week. c. Louisa will be leaving the committee in May. Wheelock is merging with Boston University.
  2. Newsletter Update (Heather) a. Talked about security issues (Heather is going to investigate recaptcha and email spam) b. Decided (for now) to keep comments for the news post off. c. Discuss some upcoming content to feature
  3. Website Update (Scott) a. cpanel seems to have a runaway task, so Scott hasn't backed up for a week. Scott will contact GoDaddy about this. b. Recommend that we selectively update plugins due to customizations. We need to run backups before updating plugins. c. Added a download link at top of Download page for linking to github, as requested. d. Setup any pages opening outside of the website to open a new tab. e. Decided to remove older coral images on the download page (version 1.x)--Scott will do this. f. Added a support page under About Us. Right now just for companies. Laurel suggested we add a list for general community support too. -- Scott will work on this. g. Add a "How to make CORAL better" suggestions form (includes examples for website, documentation and software) -- Assign: ?? h. Add landing page for demo-- Assign: ?? i. Add link to "issues" for documentation somewhere on website -- Assign: ?? j. Add publications page -- Assign: Laurel
  4. Website (items not discussed) a. Image attribution isn't working correctly. Assign: Scott b. Recent news post not showing up, probably related to newsletter. Assign: Heather? c. Add website translations -- Assign: ?? d. Current documentation needs to open in new tab -- Assign: Scott e. Do we want to add "The REEF" to the Newsletter header on the newsletter page? -- Assign: Heather
  5. What's next for the Web Committee? a. create, maintain, and update documentation b. Add new features and maintain website c. Post newsletters, news, social media, and other marketing related info -- Heather coordinating? d. New item: create video documentation and aids e. New item: create gifs and tutorials f. Promote and expand faqs documentation g. Team members new to think about possible new chair to replace Scott
  6. CORAL Funding (Louisa, Heather, and Laurel) a. Possible funding resources (i.e.,, - Louisa b. Grant money from SCELC (possibility of migrating funds for GoKB integration to other functions) - Laurel c. Plan to discuss funding in more detail at next meeting.

Next meeting Thursday, April 5, 2018.

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