Table of Contents
This is a bullet hell game, heavily inspired by the Touhou Project series made by Team Shanghai Alice.
This is made for my class's big project, INT2215.
I really like Touhou, that's why.
I used VS Code as my code editor, Photoshop and Audacity to edit the assets.
This is an example of how to set up the project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
*This is on Windows 10.
To complie and run the project, you need Mingw installed.
Please follow this instruction to install it.
1.Clone the repo.
2.Go to the path that you clone the repo and extract it.
3.Go to UET_Danmaku
4.Open CMD by clicking on the address bar in WindowsExplorer, type cmd
then enter
5.Paste the line of code below and run it.
g++ -o Danmaku main.cpp Game.cpp TextureManager.cpp GameObject.cpp Vector2D.cpp Collision.cpp ECS.cpp AssetManager.cpp EnemyComponent.cpp MainMenu.cpp GameOver.cpp YouWin.cpp -I src\include -L src\lib -w -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer
6.Run Danmaku.exe
Arrow keys for movement, z
key for shooting.
- Have graphics
- Have musics
- Have SFXs
- The player character has animation
- Running the game takes only ~30 mb of ram, no memory leak
- Enemies can aim the bullets at the player
- Bosses have their own bullet pattern
- Have a lose / win screen
- Mostly bugless
- There will be 55 enemies, consist of 50 normal mobs and 5 bosses.
- Every 10 enemies killed, a boss will spawn and have an unique bullet pattern.
- Enemies after killing the bosses will be shooting faster, and have more health points.
- Kill all enemies to win.
Le Cong Hoang @ UET -
Project Link: UET_Danmaku
- More enemies, bosses with unique bullet patterns.
- More characters to choose.
- Extra difficulties.
- Player bullet upgrades.
- Bombs.
- Cutscenes, dialogues, HP bar.
- Problem solving skills.
- Know more about class, pointer, github and make.
- Learned about how to find resources online.
Here's the things I used while making the game.