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manifest-tool 2.1.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 02 Nov 15:34

Welcome to the v2.1.0 release of manifest-tool!

The v2.1.0 release includes several new features and is now
dependent on the containerd 1.7.x resolver library and ORAS v2 Go
library, with updated vendoring of the OCI 1.1.0-rc specs. This
enables manifest-tool to include better support for artifacts and
upcoming features in the image and distribution specifications.

The following list highlights some new capabilities:

  • Merging two or more index/image lists into a final target image
  • Related to the above: preserving attestations/artifacts stored
    alongside images in the registry
  • Properly outputting JSON with the use of --raw on inspect
  • Displaying config JSON with an --expand-config option with --raw

Also, the Alpine variant of the manifest-tool image on DockerHub
has been improved with the addition of credential helpers for
GCR, ECR, and ACR.

Thanks to @keg for a contribution that improved the Alpine image
with credential helpers!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for manifest-tool.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at