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Tags: estesp/manifest-tool




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.9

Welcome to the v2.1.9 release of manifest-tool!

This release captures a vendoring update to containerd v2.0.0 as well as recent Go toolchain updates.
This release also has regenerated the OS/arch list with updated support for new architectures.

The alpine-based images are refreshed to the latest release of Alpine Linux, 3.21.0.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.8

Welcome to the v2.1.8 release of manifest-tool!

This is a small release that captures vendor updates and Go toolchain updates that fix various CVEs. This release also
includes a new capability to `inspect` via sha256 hash instead of tag, implemented in #266.

The alpine-based images are refreshed to the latest release of Alpine Linux, 3.20.3. The Google Container Registry helper
in the alpine-based images has also been updated to v2 from v1.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.7

Welcome to the v2.1.7 release of manifest-tool!

This is a small release that captures vendor updates and Go toolchain updates that fix various CVEs. The alpine images are also refreshed to the latest release of Alpine Linux 3.19.2.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.6

Welcome to the v2.1.6 release of manifest-tool!

This is a small release that captures vendor updates and Go toolchain updates that fix various CVEs. The alpine images are also refreshed to the latest release of Alpine Linux 3.19.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.5

Welcome to the v2.1.5 release of manifest-tool!

The v2.1.5 release adds a fix to bring the build-time version
changes from v2.1.4 into the cross-built binaries that are used
for the release tarball.

Also, the Go version used for CI and release builds was
updated to v1.21.5 and the vendoring of containerd was updated
to the latest version in the v1.7 line, v1.7.11.

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.4

Welcome to the v2.1.4 release of manifest-tool!

The v2.1.4 release includes a fix that should allow it to be
vendored by other projects with a more recent Docker version
and work properly.

This is also the first release where the version hardcoding is
removed and the release scripts/Makefile will properly set the
version based on the git tag information.

Thanks to @tricktron for a contribution to make versioning
not dependent on my potentially weak memory of what to do
during the release process!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.3

Welcome to the v2.1.3 release of manifest-tool!

**NOTE:** *v2.1.3 is a quick re-spin of v2.1.x to handle
a timeout during the GH Actions release script run*

The v2.1.3 release includes several new features and is now
dependent on the containerd 1.7.x resolver library and ORAS v2 Go
library, with updated vendoring of the OCI 1.1.0-rc specs. This
enables manifest-tool to include better support for artifacts and
upcoming features in the image and distribution specifications.

The following list highlights some new capabilities:
 - Merging two or more index/image lists into a final target image
 - Related to the above: preserving attestations/artifacts stored
   alongside images in the registry
 - Properly outputting JSON with the use of `--raw` on `inspect`
 - Displaying config JSON with an `--expand-config` option with `--raw`

Also, the Alpine variant of the manifest-tool image on DockerHub
has been improved with the addition of credential helpers for
GCR, ECR, and ACR.

Thanks to @keg for a contribution that improved the Alpine image
with credential helpers!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.2

Welcome to the v2.1.2 release of manifest-tool!

**NOTE:** *v2.1.2 is a quick re-spin of v2.1.x with fixes for the cross-compilation
of credential helpers in the Alpine variant image on DockerHub*

The v2.1.2 release includes several new features and is now
dependent on the containerd 1.7.x resolver library and ORAS v2 Go
library, with updated vendoring of the OCI 1.1.0-rc specs. This
enables manifest-tool to include better support for artifacts and
upcoming features in the image and distribution specifications.

The following list highlights some new capabilities:
 - Merging two or more index/image lists into a final target image
 - Related to the above: preserving attestations/artifacts stored
   alongside images in the registry
 - Properly outputting JSON with the use of `--raw` on `inspect`
 - Displaying config JSON with an `--expand-config` option with `--raw`

Also, the Alpine variant of the manifest-tool image on DockerHub
has been improved with the addition of credential helpers for
GCR, ECR, and ACR.

Thanks to @keg for a contribution that improved the Alpine image
with credential helpers!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.1

Welcome to the v2.1.1 release of manifest-tool!

**NOTE:** *v2.1.1 is a quick re-spin of v2.1.0 with fixes for the cross-compilation
of credential helpers in the Alpine variant image on DockerHub*

The v2.1.1 release includes several new features and is now
dependent on the containerd 1.7.x resolver library and ORAS v2 Go
library, with updated vendoring of the OCI 1.1.0-rc specs. This
enables manifest-tool to include better support for artifacts and
upcoming features in the image and distribution specifications.

The following list highlights some new capabilities:
 - Merging two or more index/image lists into a final target image
 - Related to the above: preserving attestations/artifacts stored
   alongside images in the registry
 - Properly outputting JSON with the use of `--raw` on `inspect`
 - Displaying config JSON with an `--expand-config` option with `--raw`

Also, the Alpine variant of the manifest-tool image on DockerHub
has been improved with the addition of credential helpers for
GCR, ECR, and ACR.

Thanks to @keg for a contribution that improved the Alpine image
with credential helpers!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
estesp Phil Estes
manifest-tool 2.1.0

Welcome to the v2.1.0 release of manifest-tool!

The v2.1.0 release includes several new features and is now
dependent on the containerd 1.7.x resolver library and ORAS v2 Go
library, with updated vendoring of the OCI 1.1.0-rc specs. This
enables manifest-tool to include better support for artifacts and
upcoming features in the image and distribution specifications.

The following list highlights some new capabilities:
 - Merging two or more index/image lists into a final target image
 - Related to the above: preserving attestations/artifacts stored
   alongside images in the registry
 - Properly outputting JSON with the use of `--raw` on `inspect`
 - Displaying config JSON with an `--expand-config` option with `--raw`

Also, the Alpine variant of the manifest-tool image on DockerHub
has been improved with the addition of credential helpers for
GCR, ECR, and ACR.

Thanks to @keg for a contribution that improved the Alpine image
with credential helpers!

If you do find bugs, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker
for `manifest-tool`.

Please report bugs to the issue tracker at [](