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fondlez edited this page Mar 12, 2025
533 revisions
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Addons ⇧
- If you never launched WoW, double click WoW.exe or otherwise launch WoW.
- Log in with one of your characters.
- After login, exit the game completely. In future, to add new addons you will still need to exit the game to see them.
- Download the addon that you want.
- Extract it into the WoW
folder, e.g. C:\GAMES\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns - Double click WoW.exe or otherwise launch WoW.
- At the Character Select screen, look in the lower left corner for the "AddOns" button.
- If button is there, click it and make sure all the addons you installed are listed and make sure "Load out of date AddOns" is checked.
- If the button is NOT there, this means you did not install any addons properly.
If you downloaded your addon from a Github site - usually via the green Code button instead of Releases - then you may need to move the subfolders of the extracted folder out into \Interface\AddOns
or very occasionally to remove the ending "-main" or "-master" of the extracted folder. See below why:
Rule 1: Make sure that in each folder immediately below Interface\AddOns
there already exists a .toc
file in it. This is the addon folder.
Rule 2: Make sure that this addon folder matches the name of the .toc
- GOOD ✅ :
- BAD ❌ :
Browse by Category ⇧
Highly popular addons from Retail are marked in BOLD.
Achievements ⇧
Action Bars ⇧
- Action Bar Saver
- AutoBar
- Bartender4
- Binder
- BindPad
- Button Forge
- Dominos
- Dominos_BuffTimes
- ExtraBar
- jButtonFlash
- ncHoverBind
- OPie
- Profiles: Action bars
- Profiles: Keyboard binds
- Profiles: Macros
- Select
- Simple Action Sets
- TrufiGCD
- tullaRange
Addons Management ⇧
Artwork ⇧
- GryphonsRemover
- kgPanels
- Masque
Masque Skins
${\textsf{\color{green}[external link]}}$ - MistrasDiabloOrbs
- NiceDamage
- SharedMedia
- SharedMedia Additional Fonts
- SharedMedia Additional Sounds
- SharedMedia No Asian Fonts
- SharedMedia ClassicalFonts
- Skinner
- SunnArt
Auction and Economy ⇧
Audio and Video ⇧
Bags and Inventory ⇧
- AdiBags
- ArkInventory
- AutoVendor
- Baggins
- Bagnon
- Bagsync
- BankItems
- BankStack
- Baud Manifest
- BuyEmAll
- cargBags Nivaya
- Combuctor
- DropTheCheapestThing
- engbags
- Extended Vendor UI
- Farmed
- FarmIt
- Genie
- GnomishVendorShrinker
- GnomishVendorShrinker (Vaniron backport)
- idTip
${\textsf{\color{green}[external link]}}$ - MrPlow
- OneBag3
- OneBank3
- ReagentRestocker
- Scrap
- Scrap Cleaner
- SellJunk
- SushiSort
- TBag-Shefki
- Trashcan
- whohas
Boss Encounters and Raids ⇧
- Ailo
- Angry Assignments
- autoInvite
- BigBrother
- BigWigs (TauriWigs edition) - Get This One!
- Blood Legion Cooldown
- BLT Raid Cooldowns
- BossesKilled
- Cooldown Used
- DArcBinds
- DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (core + Webby fix)
- DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (pack + Webby fix)
- DBM - SpellTimers (Requires Deadly Boss Mods)
- DeathNote
- DreadSprayVR
- EnsidiaFails
- ExRT (fondlez fix)
- Gear Grinder
- Hermes
- KKonferSK
- LittleWigs
- MagicMarker (fondlez fix)
- Magic Targets
- MarkingBar
- Mizus RaidTracker
- oRA3
- PhoenixStyle
- QuickMark
- RaidAchievement
- RaidBrowserMassInvite
- RaidBuffStatus
- RaidSlackCheck
- Raid Tracker
- SavedInstances
- ShaOfFearAssist
- SimpleRaidTargetIcons
- Target Charms
- Track Cooldowns
- Who Pulled It
- clearing world markers does not work.
- Alternatives: DArcBinds (keybinds only)
- World Boss Status
Buffs and Debuffs ⇧
- AuraFrames
- ClassTimer
- ElkBuffBars
- NeedToKnow
- PhanxBuffs
- Power Auras Classic
- Raven
- SmartBuff
- TellMeWhen
WeakAuras (Maczuga backport)
- contains a progress texture animation bug. If you need these textures, see Alternatives.
- Alternatives: WeakAuras (Maczuga backport + Inuk fix)
- WeakAuras (Maczuga backport + Inuk fix) - Try This Version!
- WeakAuras 2.0.8
- ZOMGBuffs
Chat and Communications ⇧
- AddEmote
- Angry Assignments
- AutoFlood
- BasicChatMods
- BlockChinese
- Chatter
- Elephant
- Friend List Colors
- GlobalIgnoreList
- Have We Met?
- HoloFriends(continued)
- IgnoreMore
- Immature
- MatureLanguageFilterOFF
- npc-silencer
- Paste
- Pet Emote
- PhanxChat
- Prat-3.0
- Tongues
- TradeForwarder
- WIM (WoW Instant Messenger)
Combat ⇧
- Acheron
- ArcHUD3
- Announce Interrupts
- AzCastBar
- BadPet
- clcInfo
- Combo Points Redux
- Critline
- CooldownButtons
- CooldownCount
- CoolLine
- Dandruff xCT+
- Doom_CooldownPulse
- Ellipsis
- ErrorFilter
- ErrorMonster
- ExtraCD
- ForteXorcist
- Galvin's UnitBars
- Gnosis
- IceHUD
- KethoCombatLog
- KickAlert
- Killshot
- LittleBuddha
- contains a font save bug, if you change fonts.
- Alternatives: Dandruff xCT+, Parrot, ScrollingCombatText (SCT)
- NugComboBar
- NugRunning
- Omen Threat Meter
- OmniCC
- Parrot
- Ovale
- Quartz
- RangeDisplay
- RightClick
- RightClickModifier
- Raeli's Spell Announcer (RSA)
- ScrollingCombatText (SCT)
- SCT - Damage
- SpellFlash
- TrinketMenu
- Vex Power
Companions ⇧
- Auto Safari Hat (ASH)
- Battle Pet BreedID
- BattlePetCount
- Battle Pet Daily Tamer
- CollectMe
- Collectinator
- DailyTamerCheck
- GoGoMount
- PetBattle Teams
- PetJournal Enhanced
- PetTracker
- PetTracker Carbonite
- Pokemon Trainer
- Rarity
- Rematch
- Yay Mounts
Cursor ⇧
Damage Meters ⇧
- Details (r236)
- Details (vaniron backport) - Try This Version!
- EavesDrop
- Recap
- Recount
- Skada
- Skada for MoP Revisited - Get This Version!
- TinyDPS
Database ⇧
Data Export ⇧
- Accountant Classic
- Altoholic
- Analyst
- Armory
- AutoLog
- Census Plus
- FriendsShare
- LoggerHeadLite
- Multishot
- Myslot
Development Tools ⇧
- Ace3
- Addon Usage
- Arbitrary Commands
- BugSack
- !BugGrabber
- EventTracker (fondlez port)
- Interface Usage
- LibSharedMedia-3.0
- Lua Browser
- Reload
- SlashIn
- SlashList
- Spamalyzer
- SpellSpy
- Spew
- Texture Browser
- watch
- WowLua
Gear ⇧
- Examiner
- Fizzle
- iLvLr
- !InspectFix
- ItemLevelDisplay
- ItemRack
- KibsItemLevel
- oGear
- Outfitter
- Pawn
- RatingBuster
- SimpleILevel
- Simulation Craft addon (kennipj backport)
- TopFit
Guild ⇧
Healer ⇧
Looking for Group ⇧
Loot ⇧
- ArkAutoLootBoP
- Bonus Roll Preview
- EPGP Lootmaster
- GrindLoot
- HotLoot
- Lootster
- Ouro Loot
- Raid Roll
- RCLootCouncil
- XLoot
Macro ⇧
Mail ⇧
Map and Minimap ⇧
- Atlas
- Atlas Battlegrounds
- Atlas Burning Crusade
- Atlas_Cataclysm
- Atlas_ClassicWoW
- Atlas_DungeonLocs
- Atlas_OutdoorRaids
- Atlas_Scenarios
- Atlas_Transportation
- Atlas_WorldEvents
- Atlas_WrathoftheLichKing
- AtlasLoot
- AtlasMajorCities Enhanced
- AtlasQuest
- BasicMinimap
- ButtonBin
Carbonite (5106)
- Points of Interest like Inn, bank, Repair and others may not work on Pandaria map
- Alternatives: Carbonite BETA (542a1)
- Carbonite BETA (542a1)
- Chinchilla
- Coordinates
- Cromulent
- Accurate coordinates (DCoords)
- HandyNotes
InFlight Taxi Timer (fondlez fix)
- Fixed: flight timer now ends when a flight lands.
- MapCoords
- MapOfScars
- Mapster
- Minimap Button Frame
- _NPCScan
- _NPCScan.Overlay
- RareCoordinator
- RareSpawnOverlay
- Routes
- SexyMap
- SilverDragon
- TaxiTimer
- TomTom
Minigames ⇧
- DeepDownBelow
- Four Rocks In A Row - requires a partner
- Peggle
- Sudoku
- Tetra
- WoW Texas Holdem - requires a partner
Miscellaneous ⇧
- BlizzBugsSuck
- BlizzMove
- CalendarKeyboardFixer
- Character Notes
- ColorTools
- Higher HotKey
- MoveAnything
- Notes
- StrataFix
- TinyPad
Nameplates ⇧
Professions or Tradeskill ⇧
- Ackis Recipe List
- Ackis Recipe List Modules
- Advanced Trade Skill Window
- Archaeology Helper
- may sometimes cause performance drops or addon compatibility issues
- Alternatives: Minimal Archeology
- Bloodhound2
- Breakables
- FarmHud
- FishingBuddy
- Gatherer
- GatherMate2
- GatherMate2 Data
- GathererMate2_Data - Carbonite Edition
- GatherNow
- GemHelper
- Minimal Archeology
- Molinari
- One Click Enchant
- Professions Leveling Guide
- ProfessionsVault
- Prospect
- ProspectORE
- Skillet
- TradeSkillDW
- TradeSkillInfo
- xanMortarPestle
PvP ⇧
- Ability Team Tracker (ATT) (SushiWoW backport)
- Afflicted
- ArenaSpy
- Atemi
- BattlegroundTargets
- BG Spy
- BigDebuffs (ManneN1 backport)
- Capping
- DBM - PvP Mods (Requires Deadly Boss Mods)
- DontCast
- DRTracker (Standalone)
- FocusInterruptSounds
- GladiatorlosSA
Gladius 3.3.6
- Warning: issue with detection of arena members.
- Alternatives: GladiusEx, Gladius 3.3.6 (Ay fix)
- Gladius 3.3.6 (Ay fix) - Try This Version!
- GladiusEx
- GladiusMoP
- H.H.T.D. (Healers-Have-To-Die)
- Icicle (rainbowdashx port)
- Juked
- Last Second Diminishing Returns Display
- LoseControl
- MrTarget
- NameplateCooldowns
- OmniBar-MoP (ManneN1 backport)
- PvP Score Board
- PVPSound
- SafeQueue
- sArena
- SaySapped
- SpellAlerter (5.1)
- Spy
- Vanas KoS
- VialCooldowns
Quality of Life (QoL) ⇧
- Align
- AltTabber
- Bazooka
- Broker_Everything
- ChocolateBar Broker Display
- CT_Mod
- eAlign Updated
- Kong Automatic UI Hider
- Leatrix_Plus
- Minimalist
- Titan
- Titan (full)
Quests and Leveling ⇧
- BetterEXP
- Blitz
- Daily Global Check
- Daily Global Check Plugins
- Dugi Questing Essential
- Factionizer
- Grail
- Hydra
- Immersion
- Jamba
- LightHeaded
- Loremaster
- MonkeyBuddy
- MonkeyQuest
- Quest Announce
- QuestCompletist
- QuestGuru
- QuestHubber
- QuestItemBar
- QuestPlates
- Quest Reward
- QuickQuest
- SmartQuest
- SorhaQuestLog
- Turn In
- Wholly
- WowPro
- XToLevel
Roleplay (RP) ⇧
Talents and Reforging ⇧
Tooltip ⇧
Transmogrification ⇧
- All The Things (Maczuga backport)
- Cosplay
- MogIt (all modules)
- MogIt
- MogIt_Boutique
- MogIt Highlighter
- MogIt SetTransmog
- TransmogSets
Unit Frames ⇧
- Adapt: Almost-Default Animated Portraits
- CompactRaid
- Easy Frames
- ElvUI - whole user interface
- ElvUI Plugins (Apollyonn backport)
- GhettoFrames
- HideParty
- Lorti UI
- Mouseover Out of Range Pointer
- nUI - whole user interface
- oUF
- oUF_Lanerra
- oUF_P3lim
- PitBull4
- ResourcesOnTop
- ShadowedUnitFrames
- ShestakUI - whole user interface
- SpartanUI - whole user interface
- Stuf Unit Frames
- Target Class Icon
- Target Percent
- Target Portrait Percent Health (Portrait Health)
- UnitFramesImproved
- XPerl
- Z-Perl Unit Frames
Class ⇧
Death Knight ⇧
Druid ⇧
Hunter ⇧
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Hunter
- FloTotemBar
- GFW_FeedOMatic
- Improved Stable Frame
- JSHB 4 - Formerly JS' Hunter Bar
- Kharthus's Hunter Timers
- Pet Selector
- TranqShotMonitor
Mage ⇧
Monk ⇧
Paladin ⇧
Priest ⇧
Rogue ⇧
Shaman ⇧
Warlock ⇧
Warrior ⇧
Other Repositories ⇧
Other Addons ⇧
- Ability Team Tracker(ATT) (SushiWoW backport) - https://github.com/SushiWoW/MoP-ATT
- All The Things (Maczuga backport) - https://github.com/Maczuga/AllTheThings-MoP
- BigDebuffs (ManneN1 backport) - https://github.com/ManneN1/BigDebuffs-MoP
- BigWigs (TauriWigs edition) - https://github.com/Tauri-WoW-Community-Devs/tauriwigs
- Details (vaniron backport) - https://github.com/vaniron/MoP-Details
- ElvUI (Apollyonn backport): https://github.com/ElvUI-MoP/ElvUI-5.4.8
- Immersion (SushiWoW backport) - https://github.com/SushiWoW/MoP-Immersion
KiwiFarm-MOP (kiwiibg backport): https://github.com/kiwiibg/KiwiFarm-MOP
- a small window which tracks gold & items looted and determines items values based upon pricing sources selected. Useful for farming and determining gold per hour earned. The addon can use Auctionator, TradeSkillMaster4, and Aux as price sources. Also tracks and displays instance resets & lock time.
Masque Skins: https://github.com/SFX-WoW/Masque/wiki/Skin-List
- in-progress list of skins that are available for Masque
- OmniBar-MoP (ManneN1 backport) - https://github.com/ManneN1/OmniBar-MoP
- Simulation Craft addon (kennipj backport) - https://github.com/kennipj/SimulationCraft-Addon-5.4.8
- Skada for MoP Revisited - https://github.com/bkader/Skada-MoP/
- WeakAuras2 (Maczuga backport) - https://github.com/Maczuga/WeakAuras2-MoP
Other Resources ⇧
- Shared weakauras (WAs) and ElvUI profiles: https://wa.stormforge.gg/
- Simulation Craft app: https://github.com/kennipj/simulationcraft-MoP/releases
Browse by Name ⇧
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A ⇧
Ability Team Tracker (ATT) (SushiWoW backport) - Track the cooldowns of your party members. Intended for PvP but can also be used in PvE, inspired by the old Party Ability Bars (PAB) (Arena Team Tracker has been renamed to Ability Team Tracker starting with version v8.88). Typing
- Opens the option tab with settings and ability editor. - Accountant Classic - basic tool to track your monetary incoming and outgoings within WoW. It logs per-session and running totals of how much money you have spent and earned from vendors / loot / quests etc...
- Ace3 - a comprehensive framework for WoW AddOn development to streamline many of the common tasks in developing addons. This includes many shared libraries, including lifecycles, saved variables, configuration, event handling, network communications, and more.
- Acheron - death reports.
- Achievements Reminder - Shows list of achieves that are avaible in a zone and tactics for them
- Ackis Recipe List - scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes.
- Ackis Recipe List Modules - Requires Ackis Recipe List! Includes modules: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Enchanting, Engineering, First Aid, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Smelting/Mining, Tailoring
Action Bar Saver - allows you to setup different profiles for your action bars. Mainly this is for hybrid classes that want to be able to respec without spending 10-20 minutes setting their action bars up. All you do is type
/abs save <name>
and it'll save the location of all your spells, macros and items. - Adapt: Almost-Default Animated Portraits - animates the unit frames of (nearly) any UI. When the UI goes to draw a static portrait, this addon instead draws an animated model to the dimensions of the intended portrait.
AddEmote - lets you easily create new /command emotes for all your characters. Command:
- Addon Control Panel - adds the "Addons" button to the game's main menu (The one you get when you hit ESC). It allows you to manage your addons in game, with an interface which looks similar to the blizzard addon manager. ACP will help you deal with the "Clutter" that multi-part addons and libraries introduce by displaying your addons in logical arrangements. ACP has many features to make your addon list easy to manage, help you with missing libraries, and provide you with detailed information about each addon. It supports profiles/sets and favorites
- Addon Usage - an addon to compare the memory and CPU usage of your addons.
- AdiBags - Adirelle's bag addon.
- Advanced Trade Skill Window - an improved window for your tradeskills.
- AffDots - DoT power tracker for Warlocks.
- Afflicted - PvP timer and cool down tracking mod.
- Ailo - Am I locked out? Remembers which of your chars are saved to which instance.
Align - Very simple and light addon that creates a grid on your screen to aid you in aligning and centering your UI. Align is totally resolution independent, and will create even grids no matter how you play. Commands:
/align [32|64|128|256]
- All The Things (Maczuga backport) - Do you find yourself completing old content just so that you can get literally everything for your Collections? Say no more! ALL THE THINGS will help you with your endeavor by giving you the ability to track your completion for everything. Supports tracking of Appearances, Illusions, Mounts, Pets, Toys, Music Rolls, and Titles.
- Aloft - customize and enhance nameplates.
- Altoholic - provides information about your alts.
- AltTabber - small addon which will play a notification for the following: Looking for group, Raid Ready Check, Battleground, World PVP Battleground (Wintergrasp and Tol'Barad), Brawler's Guild.
- Analyst - collects, analyzes and presents information about the in-game economy.
- Announce Interrupts - announces in chat when you interrupt a spell. It is lightweight and fully configurable.
- Angry Assignments - store and share assignments for different raid bosses.
Arbitrary Commands - provides a popup menu containing player-programmable scripts or slash commands. The menu can be shown by any LDB launcher; by default a minimap-pimple icon is used. The scripts are gathered in nested menus, arranged by the player. The scripts can be either slash commands or snippets of Lua code, just like a long '/script'. Commands:
or the LDB/minimap launcher to open the main menu. From the Player Scripts tab, click the top left menu named Instructions. Submenus under Instructions describe specific details. - ArcHUD3 - displays smooth arcs around your character in the middle of the screen to inform you about the health and power (mana, rage, ...) of you, your pet, and your target. In addition, it shows casts, combo points, holy power, soul shards, and a couple of other things. It discretely fades when you are out of combat and at full health/power.
- Archaeology Helper - accelerates your surveying by providing triangulation on a Heads-Up Display (HUD)
- Archy - Archaeology Assistant.
ArenaSpy - will automatically detect your arena opponents during warmup if they are from the same server and faction. To manually add a player to this check list type:
/as add <name>
. It is recommended that you have at least 10 friend slots available to efficiently detect players from your list. - ArkInventory - bag addon showing items from all characters.
- ArkAutoLootBoP - Allows you to loot BoP items without prompting when not in a group or raid.
- Armory - Provides an overview of equipment, stats, inventory, professions, quests, spells and more for all your characters
- Atemi - a flexible enemy cooldown tracker atop of their nameplates. Though, while there are already some addons achieving the same, Atemi is configurable and more modular for future work and inventions.
- Atlas - Instance Map Browser
- Atlas Battlegrounds - battleground maps.
- Atlas Burning Crusade - Burning Crusade dungeon maps.
- Atlas_Cataclysm - Cataclysm Dungeon Maps
- Atlas_ClassicWoW - Classic WoW Dungeon Maps
- Atlas_DungeonLocs - Dungeon Locations
- Atlas_OutdoorRaids - Outdoor Raid Encounters
- Atlas_Scenarios - Scenarios Maps
- Atlas_Transportation - Transportation Maps
- Atlas_WorldEvents - An Atlas Plugin that displays world events maps.
- Atlas_WrathoftheLichKing - Wrath of the Lich King Dungeon Maps
- AtlasLoot - shows the possible loot from the bosses.
- AtlasMajorCities Enhanced - major cities NPC browser.
- AtlasQuest - shows the Quests for dungeons and battlegrounds.
- Auc-Advanced - Auctioneer assists players to track item values; whether buying or selling. You must enable at least one statistics extension (like Auc:Stats:Simple) to begin. Combines with other modules to form the powerful, fully configurable Auctioneer Suite.
- AuctionLite - A lightweight addon that tracks auction house data and improves the auction house interface.
- AuctionMaster - Create your own auctions easily, while seeing the auctions of your competitors. Search for cheap items and save your searches.
- Auctionator - A lightweight addon that makes it easy and fast to buy, sell and manage auctions
- AudioX II - explore almost every World of Warcraft sound sample (there's over 50,000). It also allows you to exchange samples with other AudioX users via chat hyperlinks.
- AuraFrames - Managing your aura frames
- AutoBar - Dynamic bars with buttons that automatically add potions, water, food and other items you specify into a button for use. Does not use action slots.
AutoFlood - periodically sends a single-line message in a chat channel. It's designed for advertisement for guild recruitment, crafting, in-game events... Commands:
. -
autoInvite - With the help of this mod it is possible to invite a complete group setup with one key-press. Players can be imported via a CSV file and easy copy-and-paste. This CSV lines can be e.g. generated by a website or anything else you use. Commands:
/ai show
or with the key defined in the Key Bindings menu from WoW. - AutoLog - automatically turns on and off your combat log while going inside or outside raid or dungeon instances. Includes a data broker to show whether or not AutoLog is currently active.
- AutoRole - sets your role based on your current specialization automatically any time you join a group or raid and updates it any time you change specializations.
- Auto Safari Hat - alerts you if your Safari Hat isn't active when fighting wild pets and activates it when battling Pet Tamers. Additionally, it automatically accepts quests, starts battles, completes quests, and switches pet teams when you right-click on a Pet Tamer.
- AutoVendor - Automatically sells useless stuff and repairs your gear
AzCastBar - A highly customizable and lightweight casting bar replacement addon, with support for saved profiles and plugins. The slash command for AzCastBar is
. Using it will open the the option dialog. You can clear all plugin settings and reset them to their defaults by using the slash command/acb wipeconfig
. This does not affect the saved profiles.
B ⇧
- !BugGrabber - Grabs bugs for the bug sack.
BadPet - Detects and reports pet taunts in dungeons. Helps pet classes prevent them (
to configure) - Baggins - Inventory Management with virtual bags divided into sections.
- Bagnon - Single window displays for your inventory and bank
- Bagsync - tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in collective tooltips.
- Balance Power Tracker - Tracker for Eclipse energy and energy predictions.
- BankItems - View bank, inventory, mail, equipped and guild bank contents from any character anywhere!
- BankStack - From bags we came, to bank we return
- Bartender4 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn
- BasicChatMods - Basic Chat Mods!
- BasicMinimap - a basic solution to a clean, square minimap.
- Battle Pet BreedID - Battle Pet BreedID displays the BreedID of pets in your journal, in battle, in chat links, and in AH tooltips.
- BattlePetCount - Indicate how many and what quality battle pets you have.
- Battle Pet Daily Tamer - puts a familiar paw on the world map to mark where daily pet tamers are that you have not completed for the day.
- BattlegroundTargets - Shows all battleground enemies. A simple 'Enemy Unit Frame' for battlegrounds.
- Baud Manifest - browse your inventory as a list, instead of the standard bag layout. Categories can be created to organize the list, allowing you to place items as well as other categories within them. You can also view manifests of other characters
- Bazooka - Data Broker Display similar to FuBar
- BetterEXP - Advanced EXP bar - Was Maintained by Ture of Sister's of Elune, Updated for Cataclysm and MoP by Joelan of Terokkar
- BG Spy - enemy team talent specialization reader and reporter for use in battlegrounds. Full team listing and specific role listing is supported.
- BigBrother - Checks Raid Buffs, Flasks, Auras and Consumables, and displays them in a compact format. Provides tunable raid alerts to chat about taunts, threat misdirects, cc breakage, rezzes, dispells, and cast interrupts.
- BigDebuffs (ManneN1 backport) - an extremely lightweight addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames to increase the debuff size of crowd control effects. Additionally, it replaces unit frame portraits with debuff durations when important debuffs are present.
- BigWigs (TauriWigs edition) - Get This One! Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings. Includes LittleWigs addon
- Binder - This addon lets you save your current keybinds as a profile, which you can name and optionally add a description to. These profiles are account-wide, allowing you to access them across any character on the same account. A particularly useful feature is the ability to auto-apply profiles based on your spec. If you name a profile after your spec (e.g., Shadow) or class-spec combination (e.g., Priest-Holy), that profile will automatically be applied when you switch to that spec.
- BindPad - BindPad - Keybinding UI for Items, Spells and Macroes. Drag anything into BindPad's slot and click it to bind a key.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Atonement - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash an atonement healer's rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: DK - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation or 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Druid - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, or 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Hunter - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash a maximum dps rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Mage - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash a maximum dps rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Monk - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation, or 3) more informative healing proc highlighting.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Pally - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation, or 3) more informative healing proc highlighting.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Priest - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, or 2) more informative healing proc highlights.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Rogue - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash a maximum dps rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Shaman - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, or 2) more informative healing proc highlights.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Warlock - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash a maximum dps rotation.
- Bitten's SpellFlash: Warrior - Requires Spellflash addon! Replaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, or 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation.
- BlizzBugsSuck - After every patch there are often a variety of bugs that crop up in the WoW UI. Many of them go largely unnoticed by users. AddOn authors have often made small addons to fix these problems. This addon intends to create a single installation for users that include whatever fixes the community can come up with for UI problems. As new issues and workarounds are discovered they will be added. As old issues get fixed they will be removed. Users benefit by having a single addon they can just keep updated to get the fixes. Blizzard benefits by having a single addon to look for our workarounds to their problems and hopefully things get fixed sooner.
- BlizzMove - Move those blizzard windows
- Blitz - automatically accept and deliver quests for you. It is a no-nonsense and simple to configure solution to avoid going over quest intefaces over and over again. You can skip quests by holding a keybind or by selecting specific daily/repeatable quests to always automate.
- BlockChinese - Filters any Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters from chat
- Bloodhound2 - If you have Find Herbs or Find Ore switched on, this add-on displays a red arrow on the minimap. Follow it and it will lead you to herb/ore nodes. Potential node locations show as red gems on the minimap. They're transparent so that you can see actual nodes.
Blood Legion Cooldown - Helps track raid cooldowns visually with icons and bars. It is designed to have minimal impact and be very simple to understand and configure. Commands:
/blcd opt
- BloodShieldTracker - track the value of the Death Knight Blood Shield
BLT Raid Cooldowns - tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights. Commands:
/bltrcd config
- BonusRollPreview - allows you to see at a glance what the possible yields from a bonus roll would be. When the bonus roll window shows up, press the arrow button to show a quick preview of items. You can also change your spec priority right from the window, see the button in the top left corner.
- BossesKilled - Creates a row of buttons showing you how many bosses you've cleared in each LFR wing, and the buttons light up if you're currently queueing for the corresponding raid.
Breakables - Displays a bar on screen that allows quick access to enchanting, jewelcrafting, and inscription professions by presenting a Disenchant/Prospect/Mill button and all of the breakable items you have for that profession next to it. Also displays a bar for any locked junkboxes in your inventory if you're a Rogue. This allows one-click access for breaking down items instead of finding the item in your bag, clicking the appropriate profession/skill button, and clicking the item for each and every item you want to break. For prospecting and milling, you will see the number of items you have alongside the number of times you can break it. Typing
opens configuration - Broker_Everything - Broker plugins for: zone text, durability, calendar, tracking, bags, xp, dualspec, gold, clock, curency, location, fps, latency, memory usage, nameplates, guild and friends. You know, the bare essentials.
- BugSack - Toss those bugs inna sack.
- Bulk Mail - offers the unique ability to automatically send emails based on rules you configure. This is very useful and powerful if you have bank alts that for specific resources. With a few clicks you can now send all collected items to the right alt simply by opening the send mail page.
- Bulk Mail Inbox - allows you to selectively pick mails to open from the inbox, open all mails with money or open all items.
- ButtonBin - A bin for all your LibDataBroker buttons
- Button Forge - Add as many or few extra Action Bars and Buttons to your user interface to complement the standard (or other) Action Bars
- BuyEmAll - Enhances shift-click interface at vendors.
C ⇧
- CalendarKeyboardFixer - Bug fix for the Blizzard calendar: prevents unexpected window closure while editing events
- CameraPlus - dedicated to all movie makers. It is a simple but powerful WoW addOn to make accurate and smoothy WoW movies! With CameraPlus you can switch into 'Movie mode' by selecting a binded key. When this movie mode is engaged, user defined specific WoW UI parts - like names, chat bubbles, combat texts... - can be shown or hidden and camera movements speed can be adjusted, so soft panoramic camera movements can be created at the desired speed. It also has full control over the max camera distance, increasing it from 15y to 25y base and up to distance max factor 3.
- Capping - Battleground timers and other goodies.
- Carbonite (5106) - a google style map replacement for world of World of Warcraft. Older, but safer version. It should have less errors, but may also have less features than later versions. Bug: Points of Interest like Inn, bank, Repair and others may not work on Pandaria map. Alternatives: Carbonite BETA (542a1)
- Carbonite BETA (542a1) - a google style map replacement for world of World of Warcraft. Supports extra features like more map icons in Pandaria, but may show errors
- cargBags Nivaya - a fan update of cargBags_Nivaya for Mists of Pandaria. This is an inventory addon featuring item filters, new items, support for item sets, empty bagspace compression and alot more. It is a layout for cargBags. However, cargBags is included, so you don't need to download it separately.
- Census Plus - Collects and displays census information.
Character Notes - allows you to set and manage notes on other player's characters. Notes are stored per realm so notes are shared across your characters on a realm. Notes can be set on any character name. The notes are simple and generic and are not tied to a friend, an ignored character, etc. Notes can be set and managed in many ways, including clicking frames or chat. Commands:
- Chatter - Lightweight Chat Improvements
- Chinchilla - Minimap addon of awesomeness. chewing sound. It'll nibble your hay pellets.
ChocolateBar Broker Display - create a bar on top or bottom of your screen where other addons called Broker plugins can display stuff like your fps. Usage: right click the bar or type
to open the options menu. -
ClassTimer - create timers for your own buffs and debuffs. Type
or use an LDB launcher - Claw - addon for cat and bear druids that simplifies gameplay and maximizes DPS by doing all the decision making for you. It uses an advanced priority list from the SimulationCraft project, improved for ease of use in actual gameplay. It will calculate which ability would give you the highest DPS (and TPS) during the current combat situation. It includes a combo point display, action button glows, it knows when you miss, includes ability cooldown + interrupt timers.
- clcInfo - help the user easily track various cooldowns/auras/procs. It supports multiple talent builds and should switch easy between them. Also allows class specific modules that implement rotations (like clcret) or other features class specific.
- CLC DK - put all the necessary Death Knight information together in an easy to see display.
- Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface
- Collectinator - Provides methods for determining which mini-pets and mounts you are missing.
- CollectMe - Displays a list of mounts, companions and titles which the character is missing and allows to summon companions and mounts
- ColorTools - Tools (for colors).
- Combuctor - bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible, while still feeling part of the default interface
- ComboPointsRedux - Numerical and graphical display of Combo Points and similar buffs/debuffs. Also tracks Holy Power and Soul Shards.
- CompactRaid - an addon that simply answers "Yes" to your question, it greatly improves the Blizzard's default raid frame UI to make it become compatitive with, if not better than, any other third-party raid frame UI.
- CooldownButtons - Shows simple Buttons for your Cooldowns. Monitor all active Item or Spell(incl. Pet) Cooldowns as Buttons.
- CooldownCount - Display Cooldown Count of Spell Icon and Item
Cooldown Used - an addon that monitors many spell casts from your party/raid members (mostly, special spells with long cooldown), like Shield Wall, Rebirth, Guardian Spirit... Commands:
- CoolLine - Shows cooldowns on a single bar.
- Coordinates - Adds coordinates to the minimap and the world map
- Cosplay - Adds a button to undress the model in the Dressing room, which makes viewing some items easier (eg. Checking out some new pants if you wear a robe).
- Critline - Saves your normal and critical records and flashes a message if you break the record.
- Cromulent - Shows ZoneInfo on the World Map in a perfectly cromulent fashion.
- CT_Mod - customizes your interface to include hotbars, buff timers, statistics recording, and much more. Includes: CT_BarMod, CT_BottomBar, CT_BuffMod, CT_Core, CT_ExpenseHistory, CT_Library, CT_MailMod, CT_MapMod, CT_PartyBuffs, CT_RaidAssist, CT_RaidAssist_MTPlayers, CT_Timer, CT_UnitFrames, CT_Viewport.
- CursorCastbar - adds circular cast bar(s) to your mouse cursor.
- _Cursor - Adds custom effects to your cursor.
D ⇧
- DArcBinds - Provides keybinds for the following: Archaeology, Raid Marks, World Markers, Mounting, Targeting, Fishing.
Daily Global Check - Type
to open the main frame. This addon, with its plugins, opens an easy to read frame that tracks which dailies/weeklies have been completed by your characters. It can track simple things like available quests or the more difficult things to remember like which world bosses have been killed. - Daily Global Check Plugins - Requires Daily Global Check! Includes plugins: Isle Of Thunder, Pet Tamers, Timeless Isle and World Bosses.
DailyTamerCheck - Tracks the completion of daily tamer quests. Type
to show the frame. - Dandruff xCT+ - An Add-On that enhances and out-performs the default Floating Combat Text!
DCoords - a lightweight location & coordinates addon. Supports user interface, minimap, world map, mouse pointer coordinates. Commands:
- DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (core + Webby fix) - fight encounter helper for PvE, especially bosses in raids and dungeons. This is just the core addon and modules included with the core for Mists of Pandaria: Brawlers, DefaultSkin, DBM, Heart of Fear, MogushanVaults, Pandaria, Party-MoP, Scenario-MoP, SiegeOfOrgrimmar, TerraceOfEndlessSpring, ThroneOfThunder, WorldEvents. Fixed (by Webby): unit spell casting detection bug in DBM-HeartofFear.
- DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (pack + Webby fix) - fight encounter helper for PvE, especially bosses in raids and dungeons. Includes the core addon and many additional modules: AQ20, AQ40, BaradinHold, BastionTwilight, BlackTemple, BlackwingDescent, Brawlers, BWL, ChamberOfAspects, Coliseum, DMF, DragonSoul, EyeOfEternity, FireLands, HeartOfFear, Hyjal, Icecrown, Karazhan, MoltenCore, MogushanVaults, Naxx, Onyxia, Outlands, Pandaria, Party-BC, Party-Cataclysm, Party-MoP, Party-WotLK, PvP, Scenario-MOP, Serpentshrine, SiegeOfOrgrimmar, Sunwell, TerraceOfEndlessSpring, TheEye, ThroneFourWinds, ThroneOfThunder, Ulduar, VoA, WorldEvents. Fixed (by Webby): unit spell casting detection bug in DBM-HeartofFear.
- DBM - PvP Mods (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - Requires DBM - Deadly Boss Mods! Adds support for PvP battlegrounds and arena to Deadly Boss Mods (DBM).
- DBM - SpellTimers (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - Requires DBM - Deadly Boss Mods! A small addon that uses DBM timers to show spell cooldowns from raid members. It is fully configurable through a simple GUI so you can easily add new spells. This is NOT to be confused with boss ability cooldowns. Those are built into Deadly Boss Mods and do not require this plugin. Only install this plugin if you want to track PLAYER cooldowns.
- DeathNote - Death analysis tool
- Decursive - Afflictions display and cleaning for solo, group and raid with advanced filtering and priority system.
DeepDownBelow - Type
to open the main frame. Roguelike pve mini game based on wow's "kill - loot - wear" style. You can use your character model and class to kill mobs and drop wow armor pieces going from greys to epics! With 5 basic spells/abilities for each class and 15 levels, it's a great way to relax while waiting for bgs / lfd / raid etc. Each wow character has a unique ddb character that starts at level 1 using the wow character's model / class. Press the Esc key to hide the frame and then just type/ddb
to open it again. No need to save your progress manually, when you close the game or/reload
it saves your progress automatically. If you don't like how your character's progressing, you can reset it and start over! - Details (r236) - Essential tool to impress that chick in your raid. Original version v1.29.3 r236 (2014-10-11) when Retail was Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8.
- Details (vaniron backport) - Try This Version! Essential tool to impress that chick in your raid. Backport from Details (2020-02-10) when Retail was Battle for Azeroth 8.3.0.
- Dominos - A main actionbar replacement
- Dominos_BuffTimes - shows buff/debuff times (for spells that you cast) on action buttons as a cooldown (in addition to coloring the borders of the buttons). When used with OmniCC, this should show the countdown until a buff/debuff expires as a number on the button. Dominos_BuffTimes was originally born as modification of Dominos_Buff (found with Dominos). Despite the name, it does not require Dominos to function, nor is it affiliated with Dominos.
DontCast - Warns a player when their current target has buffs or debuffs that eliminate (or significantly mitigate) incoming damage. The default buff/debuff list will switch modes (between magical and physical) depending on the current spec of the player (healers will see both magical and physical buffs/debuffs). Displays the name and icon of the buff/debuff, as well as a timer displaying a countdown of time remaining until the effect expires. Buffs and debuffs can be added and removed with the appropriate slash commands:
- Doom_CooldownPulse - Flash an ability's icon in the middle of the screen when it comes off cooldown.
- DreadSprayVR - VR HUD for Dread Spray sequences in the Sha of Fear encounter
- DroodFocus - Buffs / Debuffs tracker, energy monitor, combo points, and more... for druid feral/guardian
- DropTheCheapestThing - Drop the cheapest thing you're carrying
- DrTracker (Standalone) - Tracks diminishing returns for CC in arenas
- Dugi Questing Essential - All-In-One addon for anything to do with questing & leveling.
- DXE - Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX
E ⇧
- eAlign Updated - A simple alignment grid.
- Easy Frames - Make your unit frames colored and glorious. This addon is a fork of GhettoFrames (but it's only visual fork, because all code written from scratch).
- EasyMail - Mail frame mod that allows the user to select addressees from a drop-down list and to automatically collect all attachments from all mails in the in-box
- EavesDrop - A simple combat log that shows events (such as damage, heal, buff/debuff...), using icons and colors to make it easy to find important information by a quick skim. It separates incoming events (left side) from outgoing events (right side) from misc. events (middle).
- Elephant - A friendly companion that remembers the chat.
- ElkBuffBars - EBB adds groups of bars to your screen showing you which (de)buffs currently affect your toon or some other units.
- Ellipsis - A full-featured, multi-target Aura (DoTs and HoTs) timer and Cooldown tracker.
- ElvUI (Apollyonn backport) - backported version of ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria (5.4.8) ElvUI is a full UI replacement. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. As such, you'll only ever have to update ElvUI and not worry too much about its individual components. This UI will arrange your interface to be more flexible and practical. Recommended additional addons: ElvUI Plugins, InspectFix. Shared ElvUI profiles: https://wa.stormforge.gg/
- ElvUI Profiles (Apollyonn backport) - Requires ElvUI (Apollyonn backport) addon! Plugins for ElvUI, includes: ElvUI_AddOnSkins, ElvUI_Enhanced, ElvUI_EnhancedFriendsList, ElvUI_MicrobarEnhancement.
- engbags - AutoSorting Bags
EnsidiaFails - Reports in raid chat whenever a raid member "fails." Type
to configure. - EPGP Lootmaster - Full loot distributing system for EPGP.
- EpicMusicPlayer - Mp3Player
- ErrorFilter - Filters the errors dislayed in the UIErrorsFrame.
- ErrorMonster - Redirecter for errors, system messages and information messages.
EventTracker (fondlez port) - allows you to view detailed information on tracked (programming) events. Command:
- Examiner - check other players gear, talents, achievements, honor and arena team details. When you inspect someone, it will show a stat summery of all their equipped gear combined. Please note that these values are from gear alone, and will not include bonuses from buffs, talents or normal base stats.
- Extended Vendor UI - Extends the merchant interface for easier browsing.
- ExRT (fondlez fix) - Exorsus Raid Tools, later known as Method Raid Tools (MRT). Modules: Raid cooldowns, Fight log (damage, healing, auras, spells, power, segments, combat time), Raid Inspect (equipment, talents and glyphs, other info), Notes (send to players, draft support, marks, class icons and colors), Raid Check (ready check, check food, check flask), Invite tools, Marks Bar (raid target marks, world markers), Timers (pull, afk, custom and combat start), Bonus loot, Raid loot, Classes (chat spell links), Bossmods, Encounter statistics. Fixed: LibSharedMedia-3.0 optional dependency load error.
- ExtraBar - Adds an extra moveable bar of buttons to the interface without changing the existing bars
- ExtraCD - Internal Cooldowns (ICD) of talents, items (especially trinkets) and enchants.
F ⇧
- Factionizer - Tells you what you can do to improve your factions
Farmed - Requires Ace3! Lists the items that are typically farmed and automatically provides a categorised count of those items in you bags. Command:
- FarmHud - Turns your minimap into a hud for gathering resources!
- FarmIt - Actively monitor how much you have of any currency or item (including what's in your bank) with custom farming objectives. Receive notifications as you progress, and hear the familiar "quest completed" sound when you reach your goal amount. FarmIt is a "set it and forget it" farming tool.
- FishingBuddy - Help with fishing related tasks -- clothing, fish information, etc.
- Fizzle - Show item durability and quality in the character frame.
- FloTotemBar - Add some bars for casting of totems/traps, with timers showing the remaining life time of the objects.
FocusInterruptSounds - makes a sound when your current target (or focus**) starts casting. To configure settings type
(or go to Interface Options). Also has basic functionality to announce successful interrupts. Use with[@focus]
macros for interrupts (Counterspell, Spell Lock, Wind Shear, ... - ForteXorcist - provides you with a lot of useful tools to make playing your character easier and more fun.
Four Rocks In A Row - It's kind of like Connect 4 but not enough to bother involving lawyers. Play against anyone else on your realm who also has Four Rocks In A Row installed. Solo play not yet supported. Commands:
- Friend List Colors - This addon does more than just coloring your friends by class. You can specify what kind of information is shown and how the text is colored. You may even use the note field to specify their alias and show that in the friend list - the possibilities are endless!
- FriendsShare Resurrection - an addOn that lets you keep the same friends list across characters, on a per server basis.
G ⇧
- Galvin's UnitBars - a resource tracking addon. Tracks things like mana, combo points, chi, etc.
- Gatherer - Gatherer is an addon that allows you to remember your gathering locations and view them on either or all of your main map, your minimap, or in an onscreen display HUD. It also allows you to share your finds with your guild, raid or your friends.
- GatherMate2 - Collects Herbs, Mines, Gas Clouds, Archaeology, Treasure and Fishing locations and adds them to the worldmap and minimap
- GatherMate2 Data - Requires GatherMate2! Database for gathering locations
- GathererMate2_Data - Carbonite Edition - 99% The original GatherMate2_Data. Only changes made were the removal of Gathermate2.lua, and changing the toc to require Carbonite instead of Gathermate2. Works with Carbonite for Node Imports (Herb/Mining)
- GatherNow - Give logical progression of Mining, Herbalism & Skinning
- Gear Grinder - Keep track of your characters gearing progression by tracking the following in a compact tooltip: Bonus Roll tokens, Specific currencies, World Boss kills, and Raid completion progress
- GemHelper - Search, filter and craft gems in the game!
- Genie - Genie helps you organize your bags, bank and/or guildbank
- GFW_FeedOMatic - Helps a Hunter keep his pets well fed (and the food in his inventory under control).
- GhettoFrames - UnitFrames based on the standard blizzard frames.
- GladiatorlosSA - PVP Spell Sound Alert
- Gladius 3.3.6 - Arena enemy unit frames. Warning: issue with detection of arena members. Alternatives: GladiusEx, Gladius 3.3.6 (Ay fix)
- Gladius 3.3.6 (Ay fix) - Try This Version! Arena enemy unit frames. Fixed: Detection of arena members.
- GladiusEx - GladiusEx is an arena unit frames addon based on Gladius.
- GladiusMoP - a Gladius replacement addon
- GlobalIgnoreList - Maintain an ignore list across all characters and optionally servers
- GnomishVendorShrinker (Vaniron backport) - compact scrolling vendor frame (includes PvP currency)
- GnomishVendorShrinker - Compact scrolling vendor frame
- Gnosis - Highly configurable castbar and single timer addon.
- GoGoMount - One-key solution for mounting/dismounting, supports spells, shapeshifting
- Grail - Knows about quests
- Greenwall - allows multiple guilds to share a common guild chat and officer chat. It is designed to be a turn-key system that requires your guild members to do nothing more than install the add-on to participate.
- Grid2 - A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit frames
- GrindLoot - This was intended as a quick way to loot cloth from mobs. It ended up autolooting quest items, money and green (or better) items. Prevents auto-loot from filling your bags with grey items. You can override if you want to loot a specific gray
- GryphonsRemover - Simply removes the Gryphons from your Buttonbar
- Gryphonheart Items - Write a book, a note, a loveletter perhaps a poem, and keep it within your bag or trade it to other users of GHI. Create birthday presents, tools, food, drinks, weapons, banners – everything! Only your own imagination sets the bar. Among the more popular features of GHI, you can also create items that will grant you a buff, which is fully visible to other GHI users. Are you a noble of a rich family with an expensive ring, crest or necklace? Wear it with full details now, and let others see how wealthy you are! Are you a beggar or peasant with certain belongings upon you? Show the RP’ing community exactly how you look! You can create items which consumes other items you have created like food when you eat it, or additional bags to store all the items you come across.
- GTFO - GTFO, you're dying!
- Guild Bank Search - adds a filter to your guild bank window to easily find things in cluttered tabs. It searches both the items in your bank and the log text quickly and intuitively.
- GuildMemberInfo - TradeSkills - a simple addon that displays guild member professions on the Guild Member Detail frame and gives a quick link to there book. It is designed to make it quick and easy to what someones professions are.
H ⇧
- HaloPro - Range indicator to ensure you are maxing the potential of Halo, like a Pro!
- HandyNotes - Handy notes for your maps
- HaveIDoneThat - ...have I done that (probably achievement-related) thing?
- Have We Met? - Have you ever thought, I've played with this player before... maybe it was on an alt or maybe it was months ago. Do you want to know who you have grouped with? Yes, then this add-on is for you. Fully integrated into the unit tool tip (i.e. show up when you point at another player)
- HealBot - Adds a panel with skinable bars for healing, decursive, buffing, ressing, range checking and aggro tracking
- H.H.T.D. (Healers-Have-To-Die) - Spot those bloody healers instantly and help them accomplish their destiny! (PVP and PVE)
- Healium - A healing user-interface addon that provides up to 15 customizable buttons next to each party or raid members name. Based on FB Healbox.
- Hear Kitty - plays soothing and distinct orchestral sounds as you gain and spend your combat resources. It's like having your own theme music! You'll hear tones as you gain combo points or stacks of your buffs, and when you hear the final note played, you'll know it's time for a finishing move. Never watch for little red dots or buff stacks again!
- Hekili Priority Helper - ability priority helper addon that recommends several steps into the future. It uses a SimulationCraft-like action priority list (APL) to recommend the next ability to use. Only currently supports: Elemental and Enhancement Shaman.
- Hermes - tracks your raid's cooldowns, and displays them using configurable buttons or bars. What's unique about Hermes is it's ability to tell you who "does" and "does not" have a particular cooldown available. If you're a raid leader, healer, tank or anyone who has to coordinate cooldowns, you'll appreciate the approach Hermes takes. Also tracks cooldowns of non-Hermes users using its Spell Monitor.
HideParty - allows a user to hide various parts of the default WoW user interface. HideParty has an interface options menu. Type
options to open the options menu. - Higher HotKey - raises the hotkey text above cooldowns, flashing borders and other stuff like OmniCC. The upshot is your hotkeys always appear topmost on action buttons.
- HoloFriends (continued) - implements an extended friends window in WoW to offer you a better management of your friends and ignores.
- HotLoot - autoloot filter designed to streamline the looting process. This AddOn will allow you to automatically loot various items related to professions and quests.
Hydra - Multiboxing and group leveling helper that aims to minimize the number of times you need to actively control secondary characters. Hydra is not a replacement for key cloning software - addons can’t cast spells, target units, or perform many other actions, so you will still need some way to send your key strokes and mouse clicks to your secondary characters’ instances of WoW. Type
for options
I ⇧
- !InspectFix - Fixes some bugs that arise in the Blizzard UI while inspecting characters
- IceHUD - Another HUD addon
Icicle (rainbowdashx port) - Adds enemy cooldowns to their nameplates! In cases where spells have variable cooldown times I've used the lowest possible that I'm aware of, So please remember that in some cases the cooldown shown is a guideline not concrete. Icicle uses the combat log so if cooldowns are used out of its range or are otherwise hidden from it they will not show up. Commands:
- idTip - Adds IDs to the ingame tooltips.
- IgnoreMore - Ignore more than 49 people, autoshared between your alts
- iLvLr - Tool to help gearing a character
- Improved Stable Frame - puts all of your pets on a single page instead of the default layout of having tons of separate pages.
- Immature - This AddOn is a work-around solution to the persistent mature chat filter bug.
- Immersion (SushiWoW backport) - a replacement for the quest & gossip frames. Inspired by the talking head frame, it is a solution to the wall of quest text you never read, without hindering your progress. Skip ahead, accept quests and select dialogue options with the press of a single button or simply click anywhere on the frame to pick up the next quest. All your hotkeys are customizable and you can even use number keys to press specific gossip/quest options.
- Inflight Taxi Timer (fondlez fix) - InFlight is a simple taxi flight timer mod that lets you know how long it will take to get to your destination. Other mods may provide a similar feature, however, InFlight is a lightweight alternative that, in most cases, is leaner, faster and uses a lot less memory (which is the main motivation behind InFlight). Fixed: flight timer now ends when a flight lands.
Interface Usage - Using this tool, you can find culprits in your World of Warcraft interface, that are slowing down the overall performance. Commands:
ItemLinker - allows you to link items in chat without having an item or looking through your inventory/bank. In addition, you can get the item tooltip for any item in the game. By using the search box of this minimalistic interface you can search through all the items in the game. Shift-Click if you want to post the link into chat. Left-Click to get a pop-up of the tooltip. Commands:
- ItemRack - a mod to make swapping equipment easier through popout slot menus, equip slot buttons, gear sets and automated swaps.
- ItemLevelDisplay - Useful automation routines
J ⇧
- Jamba - designed specifically with Multiboxers in mind. It includes many tools that multiboxers will find indispensable when it comes to ease of interaction between your entire team. Jamba is not a key broadcaster. While it does communicate between multiple toons, you will still need a broadcasting option.
- jButtonFlash - Add flash animation to pressed action button
- JSHB 4 - Formerly JS' Hunter Bar - Configurable Hunter bar addon.
- Juked - Tracks interrupts and important cooldowns.
K ⇧
- kgPanels - Create panels for customizing your UI, sucessor to eePanels
- KethoCombatLog - Shows Taunts, Interrupts, Dispels, Crowd Control, Deaths. Supports Combat Text output through Blizzard FCT / SCT / MSBT. Custom message formatting.
KickAlert - doesn't spam everyone else with whether or not you interrupted, but keeps track of when it is your turn. Type
for options - Kharthus's Hunter Timers - Hunter ability timers.
- KibsItemLevel - enhances Character and Inspection panes by adding item level next to each item, gems, relics, and enchants, or placeholders if missing, average item level.
- Killshot - Killingblow notification for Raid, Party, Guild, BG and Arena.
- KKonferSK - Suicide Kings loot distribution system.
Kong Automatic UI Hider - can fade out pieces of the user interface (Minimap, PlayerFrame, Recount, etc.) and then automatically show them again when moused-over, entering combat, or any of several other user-specified conditions are met. Commands:
. - Kui_Nameplates - Prettier, lightweight, configurable nameplates.
L ⇧
- LargerMacroIconSelection - Shows you a much bigger macro icon selection frame instead of the standard 5x4 one
- Last Second Diminishing Returns Display - show all relevant diminishing return timers on yourself, your party members, all arena opponents, your current target, and your focus. THIS ADDON WORKS OUTSIDE OF THE ARENA. Each display is individually movable, allowing maximum customization of your UI. You can also change the size of these displays. Each separate DR category is configurable, allowing you to customize the addon to only show certain spell groups. For example, if you were a rogue you would be able to turn off the "fear" DR category to avoid unnecessary clutter and information. You may also turn on and off all displays so that you see the ones you are interested in. For example, you can turn off the DR timer display on yourself and your party, and still see the DR timer displays on all 5 arena opponents if you wish.
Leatrix_Plus - quality of life improvements to enhance the default user interface:
- Automation: Party, Blockers, Character, Blizzard.
- Interaction: Vendor, Groups, Loot Alerts.
- Chat: General, Mechanics, Chat Colors.
- Text: Zone Text, Mail Text, Combat Text, Quest Detail Text, Error Text.
- Interface: World Map + Fog of War reveal (cursor coordinates, map scale, map opacity, quest details), Controls, Minimap, Information, Frames.
- Miscellaneous: Quests, UI Visibility, Tooltip, Features (unit frame colors etc).
- System: Graphics, Privacy, Sound, Battle.net.
- LFG Shout/Trade Shout - filters all general chat channels looking for typical LFG and trade chat text (LFG, LFM, LF2M, ICC, WTB etc). It uses and advance scoring system to rate chat messages and work out if they are suitable. Once it detects a chat advert it will log the request and shout it out to you in the middle of the screen (with a sound). The last 40 players to post an advert can be accessed via the DataBroker Menu
- LFR Advanced - Adds intormation tooltips into LFR browser
- LibSharedMedia-3.0 - library for shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons. Usually not required except by addon authors.
- LightHeaded - Allows you to view WoWHead comments for quests in-game
- LittleBuddha - chat addon designed to do only one thing and do it well. It manages the flashing of the chat tabs when a new message is received. You can enable/disable tab flashing for a variety of channels. This comes in especially handy if you have multiple chat tabs to separate channels like I do. I have a tab called "Guild" just for guild chat and another called "Whispers" just for whispers and BattleNet chat. With flashing enabled I don't have to constantly check if something is typed. The tab will flash when I receive a message.
- LittleWigs (TauriWigs edition) - Boss warnings for 5-man dungeons & scenarios. Depends on addon BigWigs (linked)
LoggerHeadLite - is a an automated combat logger for instances. It allows selecting specific instances. Commands:
Lootster - a loot rolling interface that allows you to call for and capture loot roll, arbitrate ties and announce winner(s). In addition to managing simple rolls, it also manges various DKP styles, including the ability to automatically record points credited for attendance and debited for loot. For more information see the FAQ that is at the end of ##readme.htm## in the Lootster download. Commands:
- Loremaster - Identifies quests for the Loremaster achievements that haven't yet been completed and helps you find them
- Lorti UI - Darkens default UI
- LoseControl - Displays the duration of CC effects on your character
- Lua Browser - Using Lua Browser allows you to easily browse through the Lua environment, tables, widgets and other values. This can be quite useful when developing addons.
- Ludwig - Item Database
M ⇧
- MacroToolkit - Enhanced macro frame with additional tools
- Mage Nuggets - Mage Nuggets is a mage utility with many useful nuggets to make the lives of mages easier.
- MagicMarker (fondlez fix) - lets you easily classify and mark mobs simply by moving the mouse over them while pressing a modifier key. This allows incredibly fast marking of trash groups. Although not necessary for the addon to function, you can configure the priority and crowd control methods you wish to use on a per mob basis. You can also customize the marks to use for tank targets and each crowd control method. This allows for consistent marking of targets to tank and crowd control in raid and party situations. Fixed: UI and library errors for MoP.
- Magic Runes - Deathknight Rune Display.
- Magic Targets - simple set of frames that shows the current targets of the members raid or party. It's meant primarily for use in raiding to keep track of all the mobs currently engaged in combat. Note: The bars are not clickable. Due to the secure templates added in WoW 2.0, this is no longer possible. PvP specific addons get around this limitation by making macros that target players by name. Since NPC names are not unique, this is not a viable solution for Magic Targets.
- MailMinder - Records mail when visiting the mailbox to make keeping track of mail and expiration dates easy.
Mail Outbox - links sent mail info into chat frame (with item summary, subject, etc..) and keeps history which you can show by
history command (yeah you can open many and compare, check, sort..each separately). You can click column headers to sort view a bit. And there is a config page with a bit of settings - Market Watcher - scans individual items or collection of items instead of the entire auction house at once. It also (optionally) records many snapshots of the auction house for user specified items. This allows charting of historical price data and more
MarkingBar - an addon to help players use raid markers in parties and raids. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, while offering a wide variety of options without taking up a lot of memory. Command:
- MapCoords - shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap, below you and your party members portrait, it can also show coords below your minimap (all optional).
- MapOfScars - SkyCompass
- Mapster - Simple Map Mod
- Masque - A dynamic button skinning add-on.
- MatureLanguageFilterOFF - Turn the filter off and KEEP it off because it keeps getting turned on, even in-game sometimes.
- MikScrollingBattleText - Scrolls battle information around the character model. Bug: contains a font saving bug, if you change fonts. Alternatives: Dandruff xCT+, Parrot, ScrollingCombatText (SCT)
- Minimal Archaeology - Archaeology UI replacement, Archaeology History and more...
- Minimalist - A Collection of Automations and Interface Tweaks.
- Minimap Button Frame - Collects the minimap buttons and puts them into a moveable frame.
- Misspelled - Watches your chat, flagging missplled words, and offering correctly spelled suggestions.
- MistrasDiabloOrbs - Fully customizable Diablo Orbs, for WoW!
- Mizus RaidTracker - easy to use addon for tracking raids, loot and attendance. It provides solid automatic tracking functions, a simple to use GUI for modifying tracked data and a CTRaidTracker compatible data export.
- MobInfo2 - provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. opponents/monsters). It adds new information to the game's Tooltip whenever you hover with your mouse over a mob. It also adds a numeric display of the Mobs health and mana (current and max) to the Mob target frame. It can also track kill counts and loot stats per mob and many other features.
- MogIt (all modules) - Transmogrification Assistant. Modules: Accessories, Boutique, Cloth, Highlighter, Leather, Mail, OneHanded, Other, Plate, Ranged, TwoHanded, Wardrobe, WowHead.
- MogIt - Transmogrification Assistant. Modules: Accessories, Cloth, Leather, Mail, OneHanded, Other, Plate, Ranged, TwoHanded.
- MogIt Boutique - Requires MogIt! Shows all transmog sets!
- MogIt Highlighter - will place a bright glowy border over items in your MogIt wishlist, making them easier to find.
- MogIt: SetTransmog - Requires MogIt! Allows you to transmogrify your MogIt wishlist sets in one go, using the transmogrification UI. Adds MogIt sets to the existing outfit menu.
- Molinari - One-click Milling, Prospecting, Disenchanting and Lockpicking!
- MonkeyBuddy - allows you to easily configure your MonkeyQuest with a nice config window instead of nasty slash commands. Just click on the little Monkey in the bottom right corner of the mini-map to open the window.
- MonkeyQuest - displays quests and their objectives in a nice drag able frame in a very customizable way. For easy configuration, download MonkeyBuddy!
- Monk Timers - Shows Cooldowns and Buffs for all Monk Specializations.
- MouselookHandler - Allows controlling when mouselook is started and stopped.
- Mouseover_Out_of_Range_Pointer - When your grouped mouseover unit is out of range of spells, this addon displays an arrow beside your cursor pointing in their direction. There's an option in the Interface Options Panel to also show the arrow for units within the range of spells. The arrows are color coded. This will work with any raid frames, including the default raid frames.
- MoveAnything - Move, scale, hide and adjust transparency of just about any screen element in the game.
- MrPlow - a fast and simple inventory sorter. Designed generally for Onebag style setups where it treats all bags as a single one, it will sort all the items in your inventory, bank or guild bank into item groups and types.
- MyRolePlay - allows you to make a profile about your character that other users of MyRolePlay or other RP addons can read, both in a tooltip preview and in its entirety within the profile viewer. It is intentionally less comprehensive and complex than some alternatives, designed to be friendly to players who prefer only the most widely used core elements of RP addons, providing most of the features a roleplayer would desire.
MrTarget - provides advanced opponent unit frames during battlegrounds. Uses Pokemon names for Russian target calling. Console commands:
,/mrt hide
,/mrt show
- Multishot - Takes screenshots of memorable events in your World of Warcraft career.
- Myslot - transfers settings between accounts. Myslot can export your ActionBar Layout, Macros and Key Bindings as a transfer-friendly text, which can be copy/paste into Notepad, sent via email, etc. Any character, even a different class, can use Myslot to import those settings from the 'Exported text'.
N ⇧
- NameplateCooldowns - Shows the cooldowns of an enemy player above their nameplates
ncHoverBind - a simple addon that does one thing: binding buttons on mouseover. You can mouse over actionbuttons, spells in the spellbook and macro's in the macro pane and bind them while hovering. You can bind keys, mousebuttons 4 and 5 and the scrollwheel with this addon. If you made a mistake in binding, you can just press "Discard" and your old bindings are loaded. Real simple! Usage: Download and install. To start use either
. Hover over buttons, spells or macro's and press a key, scroll with the mouse or press mousebutton 4 or 5. After you've bound your spell/items/macro's press "Save bindings" and your done! Due to request, HealBot users now use/hvb
, instead of/hb
. Sorry for any inconveniences. - NeedToKnow - Track specific buffs, debuffs, and cooldowns with bars that always appear in the same place in the same color. NeedToKnow is great for short buffs and debuffs you use a lot. For example, a rogue could show bars for Slice and Dice, Rupture, and Garrote.
- NiceDamage - Changes Damage and Healing Font
- NoGuild - Block guild advertisements in whispers and public chat channels.
Notes - create and manage text notes ingame in a questlog like frame. Includes todo status checks. Type
into the chat to open/close the frame - _NPCScan - Scans NPCs around you for rare ones.
- _NPCScan.Overlay - Adds mob patrol paths to your map.
- npc-silencer - Silent NPC's, so they no longer spam the chat fully. Example: Topper McNabb
- NugComboBar - Combopoints counter
- NugRunning - Rotational Spell Timer Addon for all classes.
- nUI - a user interface replacement for World of Warcraft. It is 100% standalone code designed to feel like Bliz meant the UI to look this way. nUI removes a ton of clutter from the display, provides detailed targeting information, an integrated HUD, cooldowns and more all in one tightly integrated single-source addon that requires no user configuration.
O ⇧
- oGear - Check your gear at a glance. With one look you can see which piece you've forgotten to enchant or gem up. You can do the same with any friendly target.. just control-click and you'll see their gems, enchants and average item level in the lower right. Shift-clicking any gems or enchants will also insert the link into your current chat or auction window.
- Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
OmniBar (ManneN1 backport) - an extremely lightweight addon that tracks enemy cooldowns. Now for MoP! To open the options panel, type
- OmniCC - Cooldown count for everything
- OneBag3 - part of a long line of bag replacements for the default game bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame.
- OneBank3 - the latest in a long line of bank bag replacements for the default bank bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame.
- One Click Enchant - provides a button in your tradeskill window to create enchantment scrolls with a single click. The button also displays the number of enchanting vellums in your inventory and shows the tooltip of the scroll that will be created. You may also link the scroll item by shift-clicking the button.
- OPie - Group abilities into rings that appear when you hold down a binding.
- oRA3 - Raid and Party Assist
- Ouro Loot - tracks loot during a raid and then produces output formatted for pasting on a guild forum or similar place. Loot is optionally categorized by boss if you have Deadly Boss Mods installed. Loot can be annotated with notes (getting disenchanted, awarded for offspec, going to a guild vault, etcetera) and the forum output will be marked up appropriately. A longer-term history of loot is kept also. This addon specifically has nothing to do with the actual awarding of loot, only the tracking of it. So if your raids already have an addon to help with that (loot council, GDKP, whatever), you can continue using it without interference. Some stats on the raid roster are kept for attendance tracking, although this is not the main goal.
- oUF - Unit frame framework. Does nothing by itself.
- oUF_Lanerra - oUF layout by Lanerra
- oUF_P3lim - Minimalistic layout
- Outfitter - an equipment management addon which gives you fast access to multiple outfits to optimize your abilities in PvE and PvP, automated equip and unequip for convenience doing a variety of activities, or to enhance role-playing. Supports scripts and even generate outfits, e.g. based on Pawn addon weights
- Ovale - Show the icon of the next spell to cast
- Overachiever - Tools and tweaks to make the lives of players seeking Achievements a little bit easier.
P ⇧
- PallyPower - Raid/Party Paladin buffs.
- Parrot - Floating Combat Text of awesomeness.
- PassLoot - Auto roll greed, need, pass or manually roll on items.
- Paste - a small utility that enables multi-line/unlimited-length pasting of text or commands into WoW. If you've ever tried to paste a paragraph of text or a list of slash commands into WoW you've probably noticed that newlines are stripped and anything over 255 characters is silently truncated. The Paste addon solves this problem.
- Pawn - Pawn calculates scores for items that let you easily see which one is better for you.
- Peggle - The popular game Peggle, now for World of Warcraft!
- PetBattle Teams - Create unlimited teams of pets and quickly switch between them in the pet journal.
- Pet Emote - a roleplay-focused add-on for classes in World of Warcraft who have combat pets (Hunters and Warlocks primarily, although there is support for Mage water elementals and Death Knight ghouls).
- PetJournal Enhanced - Displays the rarity of the enemies pets in their tooltip.
- Pet Selector - designed to help Hunters choose the best pet from the ones they have available when in a party or raid. Pet Selector scans the current party/raid (note: you must be within inspect range of all members for this to work properly) for buffs they could potentially provide, then, using a priority table, selects one of the Hunter's pet to fill a gap in the available buffs. If there is no gap, or if the Hunter does not have a suitable pet, Pet Selector will select a random pet. It can also be used outside a party/raid to select a random pet. It can also be used to call a specific pet or Pet Selector's choice using a key binding
- PetTracker - Tracking pets in and out of combat since 2012.
- PetTracker Carbonite - Requires PetTracker and Carbonite! Displays PetTracker data on Carbonite.
- PhanxBuffs - Basic replacement for the player buff and debuff frames.
- PhanxChat - removes chat frame clutter and adds some functionality.
- PhoenixStyle - famous WoW addon that tracks many fails, and other useful and interesting information on boss fights and has some interesting thing for raid leaders
- PitBull4 - Dog-themed unit frames. Woof. Arf. Yip.
- PlateBuffs - Show buffs and debuffs on nameplates. Should work with most nameplates, including default Wow nameplates. FanUpd by Alea.
- pNameplates - Lightweight Nameplate addon
- Poisoner - Poison application helper for rogues.
- Pokemon Trainer - the very first pet battle related addon for World of Warcraft and is your individual combat helper when it comes to pet battles. It is completely overhauled and rewritten. Choose between the next-generation or the old combat display and start duelling until your keyboard catchs fire.
Possessions - keeps track of gold and items across all of your characters on each server. Its primary utility comes from being able to use a slash command to instantly show you where you already possess an item on the server without cluttering your tooltips all the time. You can filter the list to show items from a certain player or a certain location. It will keep track of items you mail to known alts. Commands:
- Postal - Postal: Enhanced Mailbox support
- Power Auras Classic - Designed to give visual or audible cues to the user in response to in-game events, such as gaining buffs or debuffs. Types of cues range from simple texture displays to stack counters, timers to timer bars, and are fully user-configurable. Can be animated or have sounds attached as well.
- Prat-3.0 - A framework for chat ehancement modules.
- Professions Leveling Guide - an in-game, load on demand guide to help you level your professions faster.
- ProfessionsVault - Simple and super light-weight tracking of profession links for all your alts.
- Profiles: Action bars - Create profiles for action bars
- Profiles: Keyboard binds - Create specialization keybind profiles (e.g. One profile for Restoration, one profile for Balance etc)
- Profiles: Macros - Create profiles for macros (DRUID Heal, DRUID heal pvp, DRUID tank, DRUID dps, DRUID tank dps). Get more than the 138 allowed macros!
- Prospect - Prospect ore by right clicking on it
ProspectORE - inspired by an old addon titled Ore Crusher, allows you to calculate how valuable prospecting ore currently is. Scan the Auction House, input how much of each type of ore you would like to prospect, and given the current prices at the time of the scan, the addon will estimate how much gold one could expect as a return. Ability to pull data from TSM-AuctionDB, Auctioneer, and Auctionator. Commands:
. - PvP Score Board - Implements an Alliance vs Horde score board for PvP e-sport events featuring a timer and synchronization. Can be used for any kind of PvP events such as open PvP games, war games, battlegrounds and arenas.
- PVPSound - A simple, light-weight addon that plays various sound effects on killing blows and specific Battleground events.
Q ⇧
- Quartz - Modular casting bar.
Quest Announce - designed to keep most anyone informed on the progression of your quests. It can be configured to announce to Say, Party, Guild, Officer, or /whisper someone directly via the default chat frame. It can also announce to the UIErrorsFrame and/or the RaidWarning frame for solo announcements. All of the configuration options can be set via Blizzard's standard options menu (command shortcut:
). - QuestCompletist - Enables you to see what quests you have completed, and what ones you have left to do.
- QuestGuru - Quest Log Enhancement
QuestHubber - designed to show pinpoints on the world map of all the quests you've missed. Commands:
, or/questhubber
to access the options. - QuestItemBar - Automatically shows a bar with buttons for the quest items you possess. It looks similar to a standard action bar.
- QuestPlates - Shows your current quest progress directly on unit nameplates, with the number of mobs you have left to kill or items to collect.
- Quest Reward - automatically select the best quest reward, based on vendor value. You can still look the other items over, in case one of them is an upgrade, so no need to worry about it giving you the wrong item!
QuickMark - allows you to set the raid target icon of units quickly rather than having to go through the right-click menu or create keybindings. Command:
- QuickQuest - Quest automization wizardry
R ⇧
- Raeli's Spell Announcer (RSA) - Easy Spell Announcements! Amongst other things.
- RaidAchievement - Group and raid achievements tracker
- RaidBuffStatus - Reports on a configurable dashboard or to group chat on consumables, buffs, AFK, mana and many many others but in an intelligent automagic way. RBS is the last nail in the coffin of all slacking level max-level raiders
- RangeDisplay - Estimated range display. Type /rangedisplay for config
- RaidBrowserMassInvite - Invite lots of players in the raid browser for world boss groups
- Raid Roll - An addon that can be used to perform Raid Rolls
RaidSlackCheck - a separate standalone addon of Phoenix Style. Potions check - shows who uses potions in a raid and who doesn't, also tracks pre-poting and who uses Healthstones. Flask check - shows who has no flask or food buff. Buffs after rebirth - check buffs in combat after rebirth. Type
for more info -
Raid Tracker - Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing. Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window
/rt io
, or on the minimap menu. Chat commands:/rt
- RareCoordinator - Syncs the rare mob kill timers on the Timeless Isle across the realm
- RareSpawnOverlay - World Map Overlay for rare NPC's
- Rarity - Tracks rare drops, including companions and mounts
- RatingBuster - Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison
- Raven - Monitors spells, provides timers, cooldowns, action bar highlights, helpful notifications
- RCLootCouncil - Interface for running a Loot Council.
- ReagentRestocker - Automatically restocks your reagents, arrows, etc. when you visit the appropriate vendors or your bank.
- Recap - Displays the damage and healing of all participants in combat
- Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display.
- ReforgeLite - Calculates optimal reforging for given weights/caps.
- Reforgerade - Reforges your gear to the results returned by reforging calculators.
Reload - Reload adds slash commands and customizable key bindings to reload your ui. Commands:
- Rematch - An addon for managing battle pet teams and pets.
- Reputation Bars - a modular addon that lets you watch one or more faction standings, i.e. the amount of reputation you have with them. It can be used to track specific factions or automatically track the ones you gain rep with. It is especially useful for those with custom UIs that no longer have the default Blizzard rep bar available.
- ResourcesOnTop - Moves the class resources to the top of the PlayerFrame, with a vertical inversion of the textures so they fit perfectly.
- Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) - Retribution paladin "rotation" helper.
- RightClick - Disables right click to attack enemy units
- RightClickModifier - allows you to modify the behavior of right clicking in game. You can enable or disable right click targeting, as well as double click targeting, in and out of combat. You can also set a value for the time between double clicks. This behavior affects units and objects.
- Routes - Routes on your worldmap and minimap!
S ⇧
- SafeQueue - Removes the Leave Queue button for arenas and battlegrounds.
- sArena - Improved arena frames.
- SavedInstances - Tracks raid/instance/worldboss lockouts for all your characters, daily/weekly quests, currencies, trade cooldowns, and more!
- SaySapped - Says "Sapped" to alert those around you whenever a rogue saps you. Great for Arenas, Battlegrounds and World PvP!
- Scrap - Sells all your junk at the merchant.
- Scrap Cleaner - Deletes your cheapest Scrap when your bags get full, keeping them ready for more loot.
- ScrollingCombatText (SCT) - Adds Scrolling Combat Text above your character
SCT - Damage - Adds your damage to Scrolling Combat Text. It provides a way for you to see your damage in a static location. This can be useful against large mobs like those in MC, Bosses, etc... Can use SCT animations or its on built in style. Commands:
or click the SCTD button on the SCT options menu. - Select - adds the /select macro command you can use instead of /use or /cast to use an item or spell among a list. Right-clicking your macro from the bars will pop out a menu where you can change the item or spell to use.
- SellJunk - Sells all junk in your inventory at once.
- SexyMap - Spice up your minimap with some sexy options.
- ShadowedUnitFrames - Now with 300% more shadows than the leading competitors
- Shaman Friend - Windfury Counter and Helper for Elemental Shields, Weapon Enchants, Purge, Grounding Totem, Lightning Overload etc.
- ShaOfFearAssist - Assistance to the dance during Dread Spray
- SharedMedia - Inserts media(fonts, bars, borders, etc) into LibSharedMedia's storage. They can then be selected by any addon that supports the LibSharedMedia library, a lot of them do.
- SharedMedia Additional Fonts - Inserts 26 additional fonts into LibSharedMedia's storage.
- SharedMedia Additional Sounds - Registers 26 additional sounds into LibSharedMedia's storage.
- SharedMedia No Asian Fonts - Removes the Chinese and Korean versions of default game fonts from SharedMedia in Western and Russian game clients.
- SharedMedia ClassicalFonts - Inserts 15 additional fonts into LibSharedMedia's storage.
- ShestakUI - modular, lightweight, all-in-one overhaul for the World of Warcraft interface. It aims to streamline and clean up the interface, removing unnecessary frills and wasted space as well as fill in some of the holes left in the default UI.
- Shield Maid - A tracker for Shield Block and Shield Barrier.
- ShieldsUp - Text-based shaman shield monitor.
- Simple Action Sets - Allows all existing actions to be saved to a set which can be changed to later.
- SilverDragon - Remember where rares were
- SimpleILevel - Adds the Average iLevel (AiL) to the tooltip of other players
- SimpleRaidTargetIcons - Displays a widget on modifier + left click or double click on a unit to let a player assign Raid Target Icons.
Simulation Craft addon (kennipj backport) - a small addon that simplifies the process of generating a Simulationcraft profile for your character. Typing the chat command
will bring up a text box containing an exported profile for your character. This profile can be copy/pasted into SimC's "Simulate" window or into any text editor and saved as a .simc file. -
SlashIn - Provides the
command for delayed execution. Also provides/slashin
, in case of conflicts with other addons providing/in
. Also provides the/int
command for throttled actions, when you like to spam click macros but only want the action to happen once. - Skada - Modular damage meter.
- Skada for MoP Revisited - Get This Version! a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU. This is total rewrite of the original Skada addon, it all started from version r301 for 3.3.5 and built up to the current state.
- Skinner - changes the look of the default UI by reskinning.
- Skillet - A replacement tradeskill window
SlashList - Prints out all the usable slash commands, sorted alphabetically, in a window. Commands:
- Slice Admiral - Info-center for maximizing Rogue DPS.
- SmartBuff - Cast the most important buffs on you or party/raid members/pets. Use /sbm for options menu.
- SmartQuest - gives you the ability to monitor your party members' quest progress and objectives in real time. It will also provide you with a series of distinctive sound alerts when various questing events occur.
- SmartRes2 - Co-ordinated targetless Party and Raid wipe recovery. Evolved
- SnowfallCursor - Highlights the cursor when it is moving
- SorhaQuestLog - allows the display of quests and achievements on the screen in a configurable way
- Spamalyzer - monitors and collects data for traffic on the AddOn communication channels in order to help identify AddOns which are sending unnecessary or excessive traffic.
- SpartanUI - User Interface combining elegant artwork with well designed features.
SpellAlerter (5.1) - a basic spell alert mod based off the original SpellAlert mod. Features: Add any spell and ability you want to be alerted to; Three filters: Enemy Spellcasts, Enemy Buffs, and Friendly Debuffs; Additional filtering for players only (reduces spam from things such as Mirror Image); Each alert can have its own sound play. It's similar to making triggers in MSBT but a lot more simplified. Commands:
. - SpellFlash - makes suggestions of what spell you may want to cast next by flashing on top of the spell buttons. A type of rotation or action priority helper.
SpellSpy - A Spell Brower Addon. With this addon you can lookup and browse all spells in World of Warcraft. Commands:
- SpellStealer - pops up a small frame with a list of stealable buffs on your current target, it will only show up when the target is an enemy and has buffs you can steal. It will also print in your main chatframe a link to the spell you stole in the format of 'You have stolen [spell] from .'
- Spew - Spews out lua
- Spy - Detects and alerts you to the presence of nearby enemy players.
- StrataFix - Fixes strata bugs in UI windows
- Stuf Unit Frames - replacement to StellarUF. Stuf has the same initial layout and feel of StellarUF, but Stuf is highly customizable.
- Sudoku - creates unique Sudoku puzzles of various difficulties and provides an intuitive interface for solving them.
- SunnArt - Allows you to modify the size of the rendered 3D area of the screen with textured bars in the non-rendered areas
- SushiSort - Bag ans Bank Sorting Addon. Access the menu with "/ss"
T ⇧
- Tabard Addict - Shows which tabards you have equipped on your way to meeting the various tabard collection achievements.
TalentMacros - automagical macros for each talent tier. Commands:
. - Target Charms - places a floating frame for easy and quick access to assigning charms/raid icons to targets.
- Target Class Icon - Adds class, spec, creature type and faction info to the target frame.
- Target Percent - Adds a health percentage to the Blizzard target, focus target & boss target frames.
- Target Portrait Percent Health (Portrait Health) - See your target's health percentage in bold text over their portrait.
- TBag-Shefki - an alternative bag and bank interface. It was built by modifying Engbags. The last bag addon you'll ever need. Autosorting, viewable anywhere, easy to use yet amazingly configurable.
- TellMeWhen - Provides visual, auditory, and textual notifications about cooldowns, buffs, and pretty much every other element of combat.
- Tetra - a puzzle game using tetrominoes. A tetromino is a grouping of four blocks, of which there are only 7 distinct combinations. These tetrominos are thrown into the top of a 10x20 grid one at a time and fall to the bottom of the play area. The purpose of the game is to line up 10 in a row, which makes the row disappear. You get more points per row if you eliminate multiple rows at a time. You also get points for landing a tetromino. For every 10 lines you clear you go to the next level where the tetrominoes fall faster and are worth more points. Try to get as many lines and the highest score that you can.
Texture Browser - a developer tool which allows you to browse all icons within WoW's interface. It should probably have been named "Icon Browser" instead. You can shift click on a texture entry to paste the path into the chat box, and then copy it from there to insert into your code. Commands:
- TidyPlates - enhances World of Warcraft's nameplates.
- TidyPlates Themes - Requires Tidy Plates! Includes themes: CleanPlates, Renaitre, Simple, and Slim.
- TidyPlates_ThreatPlates - Requires Tidy Plates! Revolutionary threat reactive nameplates by Suicidal Katt.
- TaxiTimer - adds flight time to the taxi map
- TinyDPS - a lightweight damage and healing meter.
TinyPad - a simple but powerful page-based, notepad addon that's easy to use. To summon:
, bind a key, or turn on a minimap button in the settings panel. - TinyTip - changes the look of your GameTooltip
- TinyTip Options - options for TinyTip
- TipTac - Highly Customizable Tooltip Enhancement Addon
- Titan (full) - (All plugins!) Adds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins.
- Titan - Adds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins.
- TomTom - Acts as your portable navigation assistant
- Tongues - allows languages, dialects, affects on outgoing chat messages.
- TopFit - Gear Optimization made easy
- TotalRP - aims to be the best way to customize, describe and drive your role-play interactions
- TotemTimers - Show timers for totems and shaman spells (duration, cooldown).
Track Cooldowns - tracks and displays raid/party cooldowns. Commands:
- TradeForwarder - The trade channel version of LFGForwarder, which will let you see trade channel wherever you are.
- TradeSkillDW - Lightweight tradeskill double wide window with profession's tabs.
- TradeSkillInfo - gives you all the information that you need about tradeskills, including the ones that your character cannot craft.
- TradeSkillMaster - an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold-making processes. TSM's features include everything from improving the native crafting and auctioning experiences to helping you gather needed materials and sniping that low-hanging auction house fruit!
TranqShotMonitor - a useful tool for hunters, although usable by rogues and druids as well. Due to the patch 4.0.1 changes to Tranquilizing Shot (focus cost and cooldown removal) you can use tranquilizing shot multiple times. That isn't useful for example if you use a macro to dispell enrage from your focus target, as you won't know for sure whether it's been dispelled. This addon will notify you when your Tranquilizing Shot dispells a buff and it will also say which buff has been dispelled. Works for rogue's Shiv and druid's Soothe as well. Type
/tsm o
TransmogSets - Allows to create transmogrification sets, and quickly store/retrieve them from bank or void storage. Slash command:
- Trashcan - Trashcan keeps space free in your inventory by selling low value gray items or deleting/destroying them if you do not visit a vendor and are running out of space.
- TrinketMenu - AddOn to manage trinkets.
- TrufiGCD - shows the last used abilities of party and arena members.
- tullaRange - allows the user to make action buttons change color completely under the following conditions: an action is out of range OR user is out of energy/mana/focus/etc. The color is configurable and the addon performs better than older alternative RedRange.
- Turn In - Automates the selection of quest and gossip options.
U ⇧
- UnitFramesImproved - Extends the Blizzard unitframes for better visuals, with a minimal footprint.
V ⇧
- Vanas KoS - Kill-on-Sight notifier, that uses every possibility, to detect nearby KoS targets, and notifies the user in different ways. Additionally it records PvP-Stats in outdoor PvP and shows these in the tooltip (configurable).
- Vex Power - shows every powertype as an energybar. It also shows combo points or similar important and trackable class/spec specific alternative-power and buffs.
- VialCooldowns - show all the cooldowns of an enemy above their nameplates. The addon has a small config near the top of Vial.lua for changing iconsize, x y offsets and the font.
- VuhDo - Raid Frames providing click-heal functionality, buff and debuff control, main tank management and much more
W ⇧
- WarlockReminder - Helpful reminders for Warlocks
watch - a development addon that lets you display contents of variables and continually updates the result. Commands:
- WeakAuras (Maczuga backport) - A powerful, comprehensive utility for displaying graphics and information based on buffs, debuffs, and other triggers. Bug: progress texture animation bug. Alternatives: WeakAuras (Maczuga backport + Inuk fix)
- WeakAuras (Maczuga backport + Inuk fix) - Try This Version! A powerful, comprehensive utility for displaying graphics and information based on buffs, debuffs, and other triggers. Fixed: progress texture animations.
- WeakAuras 2.0.8 - A powerful, comprehensive utilty for displaying graphics and information based on buffs, debuffs, and other triggers. Note. this is the last known version during original Mists of Pandaria expansion. It is not as advanced as backports from later versions of the game. Alternatives: WeakAuras (Maczuga backport + Inuk fix)
- whohas - modifies every item tooltip in the game to show which of your characters have the item in the tooltip, and where. This works in your inventory, at the auction house, on chat links, and even in trade skill windows. The tooltip will show how many of the item each of your characters have, and where - in their inventory, in the bank, equipped, or even in their inbox. This can be useful for managing your overall inventory, or for finding out who has the items you need for crafting. WhoHas requires a separate addon to track all of your personal items. WhoHas currently supports: Altoholic, Armory, Possessions
- Wholly - Shows quest database and map pins
- Who Pulled It - Notifies you of a group member pulling an enemy if everybody was previously out of combat.
- WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) - Give whispers an instant messenger feel.
WowLua - an in-game Lua scripting environment that includes an interactive Lua interpreter as well as a multi-page script editor. Commands:
- wMarker - Raid Controls / Marker Controls - Raid Markers, World Markers, and party controls always easily accessible! Also, adds keybinds for them into WoW keybinds. Bug: clearing world markers does not work. Alternatives: DArcBinds (keybinds only)
- World Boss Status - tracks and displays the world bosses defeated by all your characters on the same realm
- WowPro - Guides created by the WoW-Pro Community. You will need either TomTom or Carbonite installed for full functionality.
- WoW Texas Holdem - a fully functional Texas Holdem Poker Mod that allows World of Warcraft players to play texas holdem with each other while in World of Warcraft. This mod provides users something to do while waiting for spawns, raiding, and while looking for a group. We do not suggest playing for real money, or world of warcraft gold.
- WoWVid - (WoW Video) allows the user to watch movies inside WoW while doing dailies or grinding.
WhichRankDoesWhat - Displays a grid of guild ranks versus guild permissions, including permissions for each tab in the guild vault. This information is primarily displayed by Blizzard's builtin Guild Control button on the guild window's Info tab, but that button is only clickable if you are the guildmaster. D'oh! This addon is intended for the rest of us. Commands:
X ⇧
- xanMortarPestle - Mill/Prospect/Disenchant using (Alt + Right-Click) on an item.
- XLoot - Core module for Loot and Looting-related UI improvements
- XPerl - Replaces the normal unit, party, target, pet frames and adds target-of-target.
XToLevel - provides details about your leveling progress, tracking a variety of items required until you reach your next level. Tracks: mob kills and quests, dungeon runs, battleground runs as well as individual battleground objectives, gathering professions including Archaeology, pet battles. Features can be configured via the configuration panel, which is accessible in the Interface/AddOns window, or simply by typing the commands:
Y ⇧
- Yay Mounts - Manages your Mounts.
Z ⇧
- ZOMGBuffs - All in one buffing mod for all classes.
- Z-Perl Unit Frames - Perl, with Extra stuff. Much enchanced from Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames, and a complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools, with little remaining of the original Nymbia code.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Addons
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