This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 8, 2023. It is now read-only.
Release 0.18.0
New features
This release focuses mostly on bug fixing.
- HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- HARP-10717: New setter and getter for
added toMapView
(#1661) (#1678) - HARP-10782 Support predicate when clearing cached tiles (#1647)
- HARP-10363: Adds API to limit gpu upload of tiles per frame (#1597)
- HARP-8943: Tile Processing Queue, to queue tile request like load, decode, create (#1615)
New Examples
Changes in dependencies
- Upgrade lodash (#1696), harp-fontcatalog (#1644), three (#1655).
- Add dependency to eslint (#1637), earcut (#1658)
API changes
- 254ab36 HARP-9982: Disable line clipping by default (#1466)
- a23db76 HARP-11196 getScreenPosition accepts world positions (#1677)
- 7a3e7ed Extract Here API specific code from WebTileDataSource (#1652)
- 0114c81 HARP-10772: Support pick result count limit.
API additions
- 0fca5be HARP-10772: Add pickable flag to object's userData. (#1708)
- 8ce945f HARP-10772: Add enablePicking to DataSourceOptions
- c286274 HARP-11091: Add DataProvider.onDidInvalidate
- 12dca05 HARP-11222: Add depthTest property for SolidLineTechnique.
- fe093f8 HARP-10770: Adding methods to remove images from cache (#1659)
- HARP-6703 Fallback logic (#1604)
Change log by type
Bug fixes / Cleanups
- 336862f HARP-10881: Fix visible building/polygon outlines for disabled buildings/polygons (#1721)
- 4df3fdd MINOR: Fix wrong polecap color for here-webtile example (#1717)
- 47db4a1 HARP-11147: Fix transient geometry highlighting in object picking example.
- 4a756a0 HARP-10881: Added image regression test to reproduce the issue (#1713)
- 0d045f6 HARP-11090: Labels invisible in Post effects samp.
- aa3b01c HARP-11212: Fix undefined behavior when computing the edge color.
- 8e5cbcc Change error message to warning to avoid confusion (#1709)
- bd82748 HARP-10772: Skip picking for invisible objects, depth prepass meshes … (#1702)
- 3f730f0 Moving build-bundle before build-example (#1706)
- bcd7362 HARP-10772: Finish PickListener results explicitely.
- bfc1418 HARP-11102: Support MapView's max bounds for globe. (#1678)
- fbb8ba3 HARP-10772: Try to extract featureId whenever there's some userData available.
- 73de261 HARP-10309: Move camera along view axis in zoomOnTargetPosition.
- fbe8dcf MINOR: Look-at zoomLevel/distance applies together with bounds (#1681)
- d4f7a27 HARP-11087: Evaluate Tiles from removed DataSources as not visible (#1676)
- 607c580 HARP-11145 Fix adding rotating callback to completion of first frame (#1670)
- a6924ce HARP-10876: Fix usage of dynamic color expressions in extruded buildings.
- fb8af7c HARP-10648: Fix stroking of geometry touching the tile border.
- 66a1a93 HARP-10648: Remove usages of
. - 02d43fe HARP-10648: Clean up the Ring API.
- 702d21a HARP-10765 Ensure 1x1 mipmap texture generated... (#1664)
- 93197f2 HARP-11037: Clip polygons against tile bounds.
- 18cd3da HARP-11037: Fix cracks at the tile boundaries. (#1656)
- 9795472 HARP-10979: Discard the point geometries outside the tile bounds.
- 6e3b206 HARP-8201 Default stencil ref 0 is wrong... and fix improper initialization of stencilWrite and add test case to show overlapping
- a069f43 HARP-8201: Improve rendering of transparent lines.
- 1ec65b6 HARP-10925: Clear tile cache when setting new theme (#1631)
- 4fa7edf HARP-10466: Traffic icons fade to white not transp
- a96e733 MINOR: Fixes stop function of CameraKeyTrackAnimation (#1636)
- 81518cf MINOR: Fix GeoBox clone method.
- e1c4a9b HARP-10866: Fix decoding of GeoJSON MultiLineString features.
- 09562ad HARP-10769: Fix frame complete event (#1605)
- e44a613 HARP-10648: Add a buffer of about 5% around the clipped tile.
- 9191ffd MINOR: Trigger release only if tag is added (#1684)
- 81f178a HARP-10966 - Adding Firefox test for Windows (#1692)
- d5d2cf0 Remove WebGLInfo log message b/c it fails on Firefox (#1703)
- c299f96 Move website from gh-pages to s3 (#1697)
- c35c025 Install the deps using yarn --frozen-lockfile.
- 421e401 Fix cache key and restore keys in ci.yaml.
- dab7341 Add environment variable HARP_NO_HARD_SOURCE_CACHE.
- 6cbc5a4 HARP-11222: Add unit tests to createMaterial for solid lines depth test. (#1695)
- 692bf14 HARP-6703 Fix copying across images (#1666)
- fb05aec Disable constantly failing test on Windows Firefox (#1641)
- 23fb36b HARP-10876: Add a test that renders extruded polygons without batching. (#1667)
- 0a85720 HARP-10782 Add unit tests for VisibleTileSet clear cache method.
- 3baa616 HARP-10648: Add a test for polygons touching the tile border.
- dc0937c HARP-10772: Add unit test to verify picking can be disabled for a DS.
- 697b9e6 MINOR: Spelling mistake (#1714)
- f248b93 Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (#1696)
- c002d32 HARP-11102: Address review comments.
- cd41d3b HARP-11102: Update test cases for zoomOnTargetPosition.
- 0c59100 HARP-11235: Add information about deprecation to (#1690)
- f761fe0 HARP-9420 Remove unneeded extras from app generator (#1679)
- cebb53a HARP-11210: Fix typo in the HERE vector tile example.
- 6b58995 HARP-10753: Use @remarks tsdoc tags.
- cd476ca HARP-10113: Add missing copyright info in samples
- 6667f98 Add the
directory to .gitignore - e2a4e4e MINOR: Fix yarn test-browser (#1665)
- 2c2804f HARP-10863: Adds Mesh Size Estimatation for PointsMaterial and SquaresTechniqueExample (#1663)
- 9b2322a HARP-8943 Pass TaskQueue to constructor
- dffadda HARP-8943 Remove duplicated code
- f93977b MINOR: Add tweet badge
- 5dbee05 HARP-10847: Upgrade to harp-fontcatalog 0.1.6 (#1644)
- 2181b39 Remove verbose log messages.
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- 62063c8 Merge pull request #1633 from heremaps/release_0_17_0
- 1325606 Merge branch 'master' into release_0_17_0
- a6851df MINOR: Fix lerna.json formatting
- 9a0a736 Fix ae-internal-mixed-release-tag error.
Change log grouped by module
@here/ v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-datasource-protocol v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 2a5b7b4 HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- 254ab36 HARP-9982: Disable line clipping by default (#1466)
- 12dca05 HARP-11222: Add depthTest property for SolidLineTechnique.
- a6924ce HARP-10876: Fix usage of dynamic color expressions in extruded buildings.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
@here/harp-debug-datasource v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here 8ce945f HARP-10772: Add enablePicking to DataSourceOptions
@here/harp-examples v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 4df3fdd MINOR: Fix wrong polecap color for here-webtile example (#1717)
- 2a5b7b4 HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- c299f96 Move website from gh-pages to s3 (#1697)
- dab7341 Add environment variable HARP_NO_HARD_SOURCE_CACHE.
- cebb53a HARP-11210: Fix typo in the HERE vector tile example.
- cd476ca HARP-10113: Add missing copyright info in samples
- 2c2804f (HARP-10863): Adds Mesh Size Estimatation for PointsMaterial and SquaresTechniqueExample (#1663)
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 7a3e7ed Extract Here API specific code from WebTileDataSource (#1652)
- 0de8865 (HARP-10363): Adds API to limit gpu upload of tiles per frame (#1597)
- edc4169 (HARP-8943): Implements a Tile Processing Queue, to queue tile request like load, decode, create (#1615)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
@here/harp-features-datasource v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-geojson-datasource v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-geometry v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 93197f2 HARP-11037: Clip polygons against tile bounds.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
@here/harp-geoutils v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- 81518cf MINOR: Fix GeoBox clone method.
@here/harp-lines v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 6e3b206 HARP-8201 Default stencil ref 0 is wrong... and fix improper initialization of stencilWrite and add test case to show overlapping
@here/harp-lrucache v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-map-controls v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 4df3fdd MINOR: Fix wrong polecap color for here-webtile example (#1717)
- cd41d3b HARP-11102: Update test cases for zoomOnTargetPosition.
- 6170d00 HARP-10717: Restrict view to given geo bounds for mercator.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- a96e733 MINOR: Fixes stop function of CameraKeyTrackAnimation (#1636)
@here/harp-map-theme v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-mapview-decoder v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 2a5b7b4 HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- c286274 HARP-11091: Add DataProvider.onDidInvalidate
- edc4169 (HARP-8943): Implements a Tile Processing Queue, to queue tile request like load, decode, create (#1615)
- e44a613 HARP-10648: Add a buffer of about 5% around the clipped tile.
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- 1ec65b6 HARP-10925: Clear tile cache when setting new theme (#1631)
- 09562ad HARP-10769: Fix frame complete event (#1605)
@here/harp-mapview v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 697b9e6 MINOR: Spelling mistake (#1714)
- 2a5b7b4 HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- 0fca5be HARP-10772: Add pickable flag to object's userData. (#1708)
- aa3b01c HARP-11212: Fix undefined behavior when computing the edge color.
- bd82748 HARP-10772: Skip picking for invisible objects, depth prepass meshes … (#1702)
- 254ab36 HARP-9982: Disable line clipping by default (#1466)
- bcd7362 HARP-10772: Finish PickListener results explicitely.
- 8ce945f HARP-10772: Add enablePicking to DataSourceOptions
- 6cbc5a4 HARP-11222: Add unit tests to createMaterial for solid lines depth test. (#1695)
- 12dca05 HARP-11222: Add depthTest property for SolidLineTechnique.
- 0114c81 HARP-10772: Support pick result count limit.
- fbb8ba3 HARP-10772: Try to extract featureId whenever there's some userData available.
- 73de261 HARP-10309: Move camera along view axis in zoomOnTargetPosition.
- c002d32 HARP-11102: Address review comments.
- bfc1418 HARP-11102: Support MapView's max bounds for globe.
- fbe8dcf MINOR: Look-at zoomLevel/distance applies together with bounds (#1681)
- a23db76 HARP-11196 Expand getScreenPosition... (#1677)
- d4f7a27 (HARP-11087): Evaluate Tiles from removed DataSources as not visible (#1676)
- fe093f8 HARP-10770: Adding methods to remove images from cache (#1659)
- 6b58995 HARP-10753: Use @remarks tsdoc tags.
- 702d21a HARP-10765 Ensure 1x1 mipmap texture generated... (#1664)
- 2c2804f (HARP-10863): Adds Mesh Size Estimatation for PointsMaterial and SquaresTechniqueExample (#1663)
- 6170d00 HARP-10717: Restrict view to given geo bounds for mercator.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 0a85720 HARP-10782 Add unit tests for VisibleTileSet clear cache method.
- 45a1bc9 HARP-10782 Support removing cached tiles by filter
- dffadda HARP-8943 Remove duplicated code
- 9b2322a HARP-8943 Pass TaskQueue to constructor
- 0de8865 (HARP-10363): Adds API to limit gpu upload of tiles per frame (#1597)
- edc4169 (HARP-8943): Implements a Tile Processing Queue, to queue tile request like load, decode, create (#1615)
- 6e3b206 HARP-8201 Default stencil ref 0 is wrong... and fix improper initialization of stencilWrite and add test case to show overlapping
- a069f43 HARP-8201: Improve rendering of transparent lines.
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- 4fa7edf HARP-10466: Traffic icons fade to white not transp
- 81518cf MINOR: Fix GeoBox clone method.
- 09562ad HARP-10769: Fix frame complete event (#1605)
@here/harp-materials v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- aa3b01c HARP-11212: Fix undefined behavior when computing the edge color.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 6e3b206 HARP-8201 Default stencil ref 0 is wrong... and fix improper initialization of stencilWrite and add test case to show overlapping
- a069f43 HARP-8201: Improve rendering of transparent lines.
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- 4fa7edf HARP-10466: Traffic icons fade to white not transp
@here/harp-olp-utils v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
@here/harp-omv-datasource v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 2a5b7b4 HARP-11205 Adding dependencies to DecodedTile/Tile (#1688)
- 47db4a1 HARP-11147: Fix transient geometry highlighting in object picking example.
- dc0937c HARP-10772: Add unit test to verify picking can be disabled for a DS.
- c286274 HARP-11091: Add DataProvider.onDidInvalidate
- fb8af7c HARP-10648: Fix stroking of geometry touching the tile border.
- 66a1a93 HARP-10648: Remove usages of
. - 02d43fe HARP-10648: Clean up the Ring API.
- 93197f2 HARP-11037: Clip polygons against tile bounds.
- 18cd3da HARP-11037: Fix cracks at the tile boundaries. (#1656)
- 9795472 HARP-10979: Discard the point geometries outside the tile bounds.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- e44a613 HARP-10648: Add a buffer of about 5% around the clipped tile.
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
- e1c4a9b HARP-10866: Fix decoding of GeoJSON MultiLineString features.
@here/harp-test-utils v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 8e5cbcc Change error message to warning to avoid confusion (#1709)
- d5d2cf0 Remove WebGLInfo log message b/c it fails on Firefox (#1703)
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- 2181b39 Remove verbose log messages.
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
@here/harp-text-canvas v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 0d045f6 HARP-11090: Labels invisible in Post effects samp.
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 5dbee05 HARP-10847: Upgrade to harp-fontcatalog 0.1.6 (#1644)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.
@here/harp-transfer-manager v0.17.0..v0.18.0
@here/harp-utils v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- edc4169 (HARP-8943): Implements a Tile Processing Queue, to queue tile request like load, decode, create (#1615)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
@here/harp-webtile-datasource v0.17.0..v0.18.0
- 8ce945f HARP-10772: Add enablePicking to DataSourceOptions
- 546c044 HARP-11015 Upgrade to three@0.118 (#1655)
- 7a3e7ed Extract Here API specific code from WebTileDataSource (#1652)
- ec30684 Mark readonly members. (#1640)
- f4c39c9 Prefer nullish coalescing instead of using a logical or operator.