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How to run executable examples?

iks github user edited this page Jun 21, 2019 · 16 revisions

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If you work with an IDE provided by the developer colleague who setup SysNat for your team, you start SysNat by a prepared launch configuration. If you have no IDE available, there is a bat-file that allows to start SysNat as a Java application. Anyway, when started, SysNat reads the settings defined in file settings.config which is located in the root of the sysnat.natural.language.executable.examples folder. Depending on one of these setting, the execution may not start directly and a dialogue is displayed where all user settings are displayed and can be modified. The most important setting is the *Test Application". For information about user settings see User Settings and the SettingsConfigDialogue.

SysNat always searches for all existing executable examples (XX) available for the defined test application. Unless the test execution is triggered without defining a so-called Execution Filter (also called Execution Tag) all of those XX are executed. Depending on the test application and the number of tests this may last many hours. To select a subset of XX for execution, define one or more tags as execution filter either in the config.settings file or in the SettingsConfigDialogue. Available tags are defined in the header of the XX definitions. In addition, you can use each existing XXID as an execution filter to execute only this single XX. See also Managing XXIDs and tags for Execution Filters.

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