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Tutorial: Create new test application

Reik edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 36 revisions


Adding a new test application is not frequently done, but the prerequisite to run executable examples. SysNat provides a tool for the developer who is going to do this:

  1. Start SysNatExecutor with your launch configuration and press SHIFT CTRL ALT m to switch to Developer Tools.

  2. Enter name of Test Application, choose its type and an initial environment, name the environment and choose the Login Mode.

  3. For a web application you simple have to enter its URL for the web browser.

  4. If the test application needs a login, provide the information for all fields in the section "Login configuration".

  5. Start generation of the new SysNat test application and close SysNatExecutor.

  6. Restart SysNatExecutor. The new test application is preselected. Start test execution and view the resulting report.


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