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Tutorial: Use mass test data

iks github user edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 13 revisions


  1. Open file "./sysnat.natural.language.executable.examples/ExecutableExamples/GoogleSearch/WebPageCheck.nlxx".

  2. Dublicate an existing executable example and give the new executable example the name "Parametrized Web Page Check".

  3. Replace line 'TestData: GoogleSearchSysNat' by the new line 'Test-Parameter: GoogleSearchMassData'.

  4. Create new Excel file "./sysnat.natural.language.executable.examples/testdata/GoogleSearch/GoogleSearchMassData.xlsx".

  5. Open excel file and enter at an arbritrary position the following data:

     |root cell            |SearchText|ExpectedSearchResultText1           |ExpectedSearchResultText2|
     |GoogleSearchMassData1|SysNat    ||Operate your software system|
     |GoogleSearchMassData2|IKS GmbH  |            |IKS GmbH: Individuelle Softwareentwicklung und IT-Beratung|
  6. Start SysNat and check test report.

  7. Delete Excel file and create Create new Excel file "./sysnat.natural.language.executable.examples/testdata/GoogleSearch/GoogleSearchMassData.dat" with following content:

     ExpectedSearchResultText2=Operate your software system
     SearchText=IKS GmbH
     ExpectedSearchResultText2=Unternehmen | IKS GmbH - Hilden
     SearchText=Clean Coding Cosmos
     ExpectedSearchResultText2=Clean Coding Cosmos | mit Jörg Vollmer und Dr. Reik Oberrath
  8. Start SysNat and check test report for the same results.


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