Releases: johnrm174/model-railway-signalling
Release 4.0.0
Release 4.0.0 is now 'complete' will all the main features envisaged at the start of the development.
Specific enhancements for Release 4.0.0 include:
- Application documentation in the form of a 'quick-start' guide (downloadable PDF)
- 'Arrow keys' will 'nudge' objects in edit mode (or scroll canvas if nothing selected)
- 'Escape' key can be used to cancel 'in progress' object moves and area selections
- 'Cntl-r' will reset the main window to fit the specified canvas size (after user re-sizing)
- 'Cntl-m' is now the keyboard shortcut for toggling Edit/Run mode (for consistency)
- Improvements to layout load - errors/warnings simplified (no more spam messages)
- Text boxes - Ability to add/edit text boxes on the schematic to annotate the layout
- Canvas configuration - Ability to change the grid size and toggle 'snap-to-grid'
- Toggle signal automation - Be an active signalman or just watch the trains go by
- Signals can be overridden (to DANGER) on up to 3 track sections ahead
- Signals can be interlocked with up to 3 occupied track sections ahead
- Basic DCC Programming - 'one touch' and Configuration Variable (CV) programming
- Consolidation of library functions (deprecated library API functions removed)
- Minor bugfixes and application enhancements to improve the overall user experience
Release 3.6.0
Completion of MQTT networking functions (to include publish and subscribe for Track sensors)
Numerous minor bugfixes and enhancements to (hopefully) improve the overall user experience)
Consolidation of library functions - resulting in some API functions being DEPRECATED
Release 3.5.0
What's new in Release 3.5:
MQTT networking - large layouts with multiple signalling areas can be split across multiple platforms
- Simple configuration for connecting to a local (you'll have to stand-up) or internet-based MQTT broker
- Publish and subscribe to signals, track sections and block instruments from each application instance
- Publish and subscribe to DCC feeds - allows multiple applications to share the same R-Pi/Pi-SPROG
Release 3.4.1
What's new in Release 3.4.1:
- Minor bug fixes and enabling work for MQTT networking
- Improvements to the operation of single line block instruments
- Some block instrument library API functions have been DEPRECATED (see
Release 3.4.0
What's New in Release 3.4.0:
- Point and line colour selections - to enable colour coding of routes
- Line end-style selections - end-stops and arrow styles can now be specified
- Help text is now displayed in a scrollable window (so it can be extended)
- Enhanced error/warning reporting via popups - reduced reliance on logs
- Layout 'info' function (under Help) allows you to add notes for your layout
- Fixed issue when selecting objects if Canvas is scrolled within the main window
- Various window geometry improvements to keep key UI elements visible on resizing
- Track section occupancy logic corrected for passing shunt-ahead ground signals
- Bugfix to correctly display interlocked signals on Block Instruments 'interlocking' tab
- Bugfix to fit window to schematic following load of a new schematic
- Enabling work for future editor MQTT networking configuration functions
- Note that as a result of this some of the current MQTT library functions have been DEPRECATED
Release 3.3.0
Main updates for Release 3.3.0 are:
- Tidy up of imports
- Refactor of menubar and main editor modules
- Popup error messages (to reduce reliance on logs)
- Block instruments - configuration and interlocking
- Improved/expanded system tests
- Various minor bugfixes
Release 3.2.0
Main focus of this release has been improving application stability and robustness via system tests. Also general refactoring to improve code quality. Other features added:
- Ability to specify a layout file (to be loaded at startup) on the command line
- Function to reset layout state (clear down the layout into its default state)
- Undo and Redo functions added for schematic editing
- Override distant signals to display caution if any home signals ahead are at danger
As always - suggestions for future releases gratefully appreciated
Release 3.1.0
Enhancements to baseline editor functionality to support track sections and signalling automation
Additional configuration examples also added to demonstrate the interlocking and automation functions
Deprecated library functions removed to tidy up the code base
Release 3.0.0 - Layout Editor MVP
Initial release of MVP Layout Editor functionality to enable signalling schemes to be created and modified without the need to write code (all configuration is done via the UI).
What's supported in Version 3.0.0:
- Schematic editing - points, signals and lines
- SPROG interface - DCC control of signals and points
- Basic interlocking of signals and points
- Save and load of layout schematic and state
What's coming next:
- Interlocking - of distant signals with the home signals ahead
- Schematic editing - Track sections and block instruments
- Automation - sensor events and integration with track sections and signals
- Application documentation
- MQTT networking
Any bug reports and feedback you may have would be gratefully appreciated - specifically:
- What aspects are intuitive? What aspects aren't?
- What aspects do you particularly like?
- What aspects particularly irritate you?
- what features would you like to see next?
Release 2.6.3
Enabling functions to support schematic editor (in development)