This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 24, 2021. It is now read-only.
Release v3.0.2 [PR #1031]( - `no longer return the full validation state+result on device report submission` === * Branch: ether/no-results-with-report-submission * Revision: a6b220896 * Labels: api, breaking, device reports, needs-reporter > Instead, we return the URL that can be used to fetch it in the Location header > of the response. This is much cheaper for the database, given 99% of the time it > is an automated system submitting reports and the response is not used. > > (this effectively reverses #685. sorry sungo.) People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-01T23:30:36Z Commits --- * [c9b46c]( - `no longer return the full validation state+result on device report submission` - - - [PR #1032]( - `remove deprecated "rack_id" parameter when modifying a layout` === * Branch: ether/create-layout-no-rack_id * Revision: baf72944d * Labels: api, breaking > affects endpoints: > POST /layout/:layout_id > POST /rack/:rack_id_or_name/layout/:layout_id_or_rack_unit_start > POST /room/:datacenter_room_id_or_alias/rack/:rack_id_or_name/layout/:layout_id_or_rack_unit_start People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:00:00Z Commits --- * [e10371]( - `v3.1: remove deprecated "rack_id" parameter when modifying a layout` - - - [PR #1030]( - `return the proper canonical URL when creating a hardware_vendor` === * Branch: ether/fix-create-hardware_vendor * Revision: 403f3260b * Labels: api, breaking People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:10:53Z Commits --- * [8f3cb3]( - `return the proper canonical URL when creating a hardware_vendor` - - - [PR #1029]( - `drop unused column device_nic.iface_driver` === * Branch: ether/remove-iface_driver * Revision: dd630b75f * Labels: api, breaking, database People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:13:43Z Commits --- * [6bea60]( - `drop unused column device_nic.iface_driver` * [199404]( - `update version and date in schema diagrams` - - - [PR #1036]( - `fix validation result result order` === * Branch: ether/fix-validation_result-result_order * Revision: ff4a6f41a * Labels: database > fix queries used in updating v2 validation results to v3 format. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-05T20:02:32Z Commits --- * [eecfcb]( - `fix validation_state_member.result_order uniquification` * [dd698a]( - `comment out the bits that we do not run on the historical database` - - - [PR #1033]( - `simplify validation states and results endpoints` === * Branch: ether/one-validation_state-result * Revision: fa8188a63 * Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui > * simplify GET /device/*/validation_state to only return one result > > Previously, it returned the latest (with matching status(es)) validation_state > per plan, but we have never in practice been switching validation_plans on a > single device, so practically speaking we never returned more than one result, > and all the existing clients only display the last result anyway. > > Note that HTTP 404 will now be returned if there is no suitable validation_state > to be returned, as opposed to a previous response of 200 + "[]". > > > * denormalize legacy validation data into validation results > > preparation for removing the GET /validation/* endpoints > This also eliminates the need for calling GET /validation repeatedly. > > affects endpoints: > POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation/:validation_id > POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation_plan/:validation_plan_id > POST /device_report?no_update_db=1 > GET /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation_state?status=<pass|fail|error>&status=... > GET /validation_state/:validation_state_id People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T22:21:10Z Commits --- * [4bb7dd]( - `simplify GET /device/*/validation_state to only return one result` * [a7a2e2]( - `denormalize legacy validation data into validation results` - - - [PR #1038]( - `infrastructure and doc fixes` === * Branch: ether/infrastructure-and-doc-fixes * Revision: 79e376b90 * Labels: docs > - fix some project documentation > - fix some small details of internal and route documentation > - add an override option to the migration script > - tweak the script used to populate tags/releases People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T22:25:37Z Commits --- * [220354]( - `update README` * [0ff56c]( - `the repository is now at` * [f830f2]( - `more doc clarifications` * [eed888]( - `allow overriding the target database when running migrations` * [8c02a7]( - `skip the Labels: section if there are none` - - - [PR #1034]( - `inflate hardware_product.specification in requests and responses` === * Branch: ether/inflate-hardware_product-specification * Revision: 3d03ac3b6 * Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui > affects endpoints: > - GET /hardware_product/:id_or_name_or_alias_or_sku > - POST /hardware_product > - POST /hardware_product/:id_or_name_or_alias_or_sku > > Previously it was json-encoded, but this complicated validating request > payload verification, and also clients will want to render the specification > contents anyway, so just pass them around as inflated structures. > > Also note that in api v4.0, this field will be removed entirely. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T23:26:22Z Commits --- * [cb411f]( - `inflate hardware_product.specification in requests and responses` - - - [PR #1039]( - `also log the exception when email sending fails` === * Branch: ether/fix-email-errors * Revision: 67d79eb42 * Labels: bug > ..which will help us see that our previous attempts to send email errors to > rollbar were also failing People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T23:35:59Z Commits --- * [132a8a]( - `also log the exception when email sending fails` - - -