Releases: joyent/conch-api
PR #1051](#1051) - misc internal cleanup
Branch: ether/misc-cleanup
Revision: 8757a71
Labels: refactor, tests
some non-client-facing fixes and upgrades.
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-10-23T18:59:32Z
- a5b49b -
development aid: print unexpected exception that occurs after rendering a response
- b58db4 -
update carton installations
- 0a414b -
clean up a few uses of $c->req->url
- c70bf8 -
include the full URI including query parameters in these rollbar messages
- 4b6940 -
no need to force the user to log in yet again after changing password here
- beb250 -
use a more specific uniq function
- ce46bf -
perl5120delta: "C<if (%foo)> has been optimized to be faster than C<if (keys %foo)>."
PR #1052 - v3.0.4 misc fixes
Branch: ether/v3.0.4-misc-fixes
Revision: 2f01b29
Labels: docs
minor internal changes and doc fixes
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-10-26T19:14:03Z
- f86ad4 -
update schema diagrams for changes made in v3.0.3
- 3a3a38 -
remove old comment
- 7a9ab5 -
minor punctuation fixes
- 22c180 -
simplify this expression
- 3ba8e7 -
simplify these uses of columns()
- fcd716 -
clean up lib includes and exported functions
PR #1053 - move schema routes to /json_schema
Branch: ether/move-schema-routes
Revision: 0fe90f7
Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell
- remove camel-casing of schema definition names (with a redirect for old names)
- use a more useful $id in returned schema definitions
- move all schema routes to /json_schema (with a redirect for the old endpoints)
- add GET /json_schema/common/:name and GET /json_schema/device_report/:name
- Author: karenetheridge
- Reviewed By: perigrin - APPROVED
- Merged By: karenetheridge
- Merged: 2020-10-29T15:34:57Z
- d7b978 -
properly fix $id in returned schema documents
- b80848 -
no longer decamelize schema names in GET /schema/:type/:name
- ecddd5 -
remove redundant and duplicate tests; reorder some tests for consistency
- 4abfd1 -
rename this plugin
- bbc569 -
ensure that further-customized *Error schemas are a superset of Error
- d13693 -
rename this json schema
- 278688 -
also handle endpoints that have already been deprecated
- 8279dd -
move /schema routes to /json_schema
- 3dd7f5 -
tighten up this route definition
- 0870d8 -
remove "title" from the schema response
- 1c4349 -
use a more specific Content-Type header for this endpoint
- 8af837 -
add support for GET /json_schema/common/:name and GET /json_schema/device_report/:name
PR #1054 - simplify data returned by GET /build
Branch: ether/better-builds-endpoint
Revision: 7f62a8e
Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui
- remove options ?with_device_health, ?with_device_phases, ?with_rack_phases
- remove 'completed_user' and 'admins' properties
- replace ?include_completed option with ?started=<0|1> and ?completed=<0|1>
for filtering results (by default, all builds are returned)
- Author: karenetheridge
- Reviewed By: bdelano - CHANGES_REQUESTED
- Reviewed By: bdelano - DISMISSED
- Reviewed By: perigrin - DISMISSED
- Reviewed By: dustinryerson - DISMISSED
- Merged By: karenetheridge
- Merged: 2020-10-29T16:38:58Z
- 936824 -
simplify data returned by GET /build
Release v3.0.3
PR #1041 - for completing a build, also check phase for devices right in the build
Branch: ether/complete-build-device-phase
Revision: e60c895
Labels: api, bug
We were checking device health for both devices on the build and devices located in racks in the build,
but only checking device phase (<= production) for devices located in racks in the build.
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-10-09T22:30:49Z
- 71c180 -
for completing a build, also check phase for devices right in the build
PR #1042 - fix authentication challenge returned on 401, 403 responses
Branch: ether/fix-www-authenticate
Revision: 78c01ce
Labels: api, bug
We should not be sending "Basic" as we do not recognize that type, but rather "Bearer" where the
Authorization header is expected to contain a JWT.
- Author: karenetheridge
- Reviewed By: dustinryerson - APPROVED
- Merged By: karenetheridge
- Merged: 2020-10-13T22:29:48Z
- f71997 -
fix authentication challenge returned on 401, 403 responses
PR #1043 - add build.links, rack.links
Branch: ether/build-rack-links
Revision: a9a7d97
Labels: api, database, enhancement, needs-shell, needs-ui
include links in GET responses for builds and racks
allow updating links in
POST /build/:build_id_or_name
POST /rack/:rack_id_or_namenew endpoints:
POST /build/:build_id_or_name/links
DELETE /build/:build_id_or_name/links
POST /rack/:rack_id_or_name/links
DELETE /rack/:rack_id_or_name/links
- Author: karenetheridge
- Reviewed By: dustinryerson - APPROVED
- Reviewed By: perigrin - APPROVED
- Merged By: karenetheridge
- Merged: 2020-10-15T17:07:33Z
- cd1587 -
add build.links, rack.links
PR #1045 - v3.0.3 misc fixes
Branch: ether/v3.0.3-misc-fixes
Revision: bd9d560
Labels: bug, docs
- documentation fixes
- ensure the request data doesn't go away before the rollbar handler finishes
- fix rollbar message used for deprecated actions
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-10-16T19:58:39Z
- 312b0c -
fix documentation example
- 04bbfe -
fix documentation regarding endpoint permissions
- 91195d -
bind to $c->tx in the sending mail error handler
- 7a089d -
fix rollbar message used for deprecated action
PR #1048 - fixes for builds and completed state and production phase
Branch: ether/update-builds-not-complete
Revision: 1147a0c
Labels: api, database, needs-shell, needs-ui
do not permit adding or creating a device or a rack to/in a completed build
in endpoints:
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/device
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/device/:device_id_or_serial_number
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/rack/:rack_id_or_name
- POST /rack
- POST .../rack/:rack_id_or_name
- POST .../rack/:rack_id_or_name/assignment
closes #1044.
add ?include_completed option to GET /build
It defaults to false, so GET /build with no query parameters will return uncompleted
builds only.closes #1046.
Mark all existing builds (with devices that have reported) as "completed"
We use the timestamp on the latest associated device report (for devices
directly in the build, or located in a rack in the build) to determine the
completed time.closes #1047.
do not permit adding device to a build when phase >= production
in endpoints:
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/device
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/device/:device_id_or_serial_number
- POST /build/:build_id_or_name/rack/:rack_id_or_name
- POST .../rack/:rack_id_or_name
- POST .../rack/:rack_id_or_name/assignment
closes #1049.
- Author: karenetheridge
- Reviewed By: dustinryerson - APPROVED
- Merged By: karenetheridge
- Merged: 2020-10-22T21:26:27Z
- afb857 -
shorten some syntax
- 956874 -
do not permit adding or creating a device or a rack to/in a completed build
- 730999 -
add ?include_completed option to GET /build
- 128206 -
Mark all existing builds (with devices that have reported) as "completed"
- 60ea2c -
do not permit adding device to a build when phase >= production
PR #1050 - remove workspaces: part 1
Branch: ether/remove-workspaces-part-1
Revision: 947ac85
Labels: database
Delete all workspace data, but leave the endpoints alone for now.
Also remove all the endpoint tests, which will speed up testing.
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-10-22T22:08:14Z
- 6c68fa -
remove all tests of workspace endpoints
- 17b15a -
remove all use of workspaces in tests of other entities
- 4baef0 -
delete all workspace database content
Release v3.0.2 [PR #1031]( - `no longer return the full validation state+result on device report submission` === * Branch: ether/no-results-with-report-submission * Revision: a6b220896 * Labels: api, breaking, device reports, needs-reporter > Instead, we return the URL that can be used to fetch it in the Location header > of the response. This is much cheaper for the database, given 99% of the time it > is an automated system submitting reports and the response is not used. > > (this effectively reverses #685. sorry sungo.) People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-01T23:30:36Z Commits --- * [c9b46c]( - `no longer return the full validation state+result on device report submission` - - - [PR #1032]( - `remove deprecated "rack_id" parameter when modifying a layout` === * Branch: ether/create-layout-no-rack_id * Revision: baf72944d * Labels: api, breaking > affects endpoints: > POST /layout/:layout_id > POST /rack/:rack_id_or_name/layout/:layout_id_or_rack_unit_start > POST /room/:datacenter_room_id_or_alias/rack/:rack_id_or_name/layout/:layout_id_or_rack_unit_start People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:00:00Z Commits --- * [e10371]( - `v3.1: remove deprecated "rack_id" parameter when modifying a layout` - - - [PR #1030]( - `return the proper canonical URL when creating a hardware_vendor` === * Branch: ether/fix-create-hardware_vendor * Revision: 403f3260b * Labels: api, breaking People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:10:53Z Commits --- * [8f3cb3]( - `return the proper canonical URL when creating a hardware_vendor` - - - [PR #1029]( - `drop unused column device_nic.iface_driver` === * Branch: ether/remove-iface_driver * Revision: dd630b75f * Labels: api, breaking, database People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-02T16:13:43Z Commits --- * [6bea60]( - `drop unused column device_nic.iface_driver` * [199404]( - `update version and date in schema diagrams` - - - [PR #1036]( - `fix validation result result order` === * Branch: ether/fix-validation_result-result_order * Revision: ff4a6f41a * Labels: database > fix queries used in updating v2 validation results to v3 format. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-05T20:02:32Z Commits --- * [eecfcb]( - `fix validation_state_member.result_order uniquification` * [dd698a]( - `comment out the bits that we do not run on the historical database` - - - [PR #1033]( - `simplify validation states and results endpoints` === * Branch: ether/one-validation_state-result * Revision: fa8188a63 * Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui > * simplify GET /device/*/validation_state to only return one result > > Previously, it returned the latest (with matching status(es)) validation_state > per plan, but we have never in practice been switching validation_plans on a > single device, so practically speaking we never returned more than one result, > and all the existing clients only display the last result anyway. > > Note that HTTP 404 will now be returned if there is no suitable validation_state > to be returned, as opposed to a previous response of 200 + "[]". > > > * denormalize legacy validation data into validation results > > preparation for removing the GET /validation/* endpoints > This also eliminates the need for calling GET /validation repeatedly. > > affects endpoints: > POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation/:validation_id > POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation_plan/:validation_plan_id > POST /device_report?no_update_db=1 > GET /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/validation_state?status=<pass|fail|error>&status=... > GET /validation_state/:validation_state_id People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - DISMISSED]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T22:21:10Z Commits --- * [4bb7dd]( - `simplify GET /device/*/validation_state to only return one result` * [a7a2e2]( - `denormalize legacy validation data into validation results` - - - [PR #1038]( - `infrastructure and doc fixes` === * Branch: ether/infrastructure-and-doc-fixes * Revision: 79e376b90 * Labels: docs > - fix some project documentation > - fix some small details of internal and route documentation > - add an override option to the migration script > - tweak the script used to populate tags/releases People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T22:25:37Z Commits --- * [220354]( - `update README` * [0ff56c]( - `the repository is now at` * [f830f2]( - `more doc clarifications` * [eed888]( - `allow overriding the target database when running migrations` * [8c02a7]( - `skip the Labels: section if there are none` - - - [PR #1034]( - `inflate hardware_product.specification in requests and responses` === * Branch: ether/inflate-hardware_product-specification * Revision: 3d03ac3b6 * Labels: api, breaking, needs-shell, needs-ui > affects endpoints: > - GET /hardware_product/:id_or_name_or_alias_or_sku > - POST /hardware_product > - POST /hardware_product/:id_or_name_or_alias_or_sku > > Previously it was json-encoded, but this complicated validating request > payload verification, and also clients will want to render the specification > contents anyway, so just pass them around as inflated structures. > > Also note that in api v4.0, this field will be removed entirely. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - DISMISSED]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T23:26:22Z Commits --- * [cb411f]( - `inflate hardware_product.specification in requests and responses` - - - [PR #1039]( - `also log the exception when email sending fails` === * Branch: ether/fix-email-errors * Revision: 67d79eb42 * Labels: bug > ..which will help us see that our previous attempts to send email errors to > rollbar were also failing People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-10-07T23:35:59Z Commits --- * [132a8a]( - `also log the exception when email sending fails` - - -
Release v3.0.1
PR #1025 - better logging
- Branch: ether/v3.0.1-better-logging
- Revision: 7052e68
- Labels:
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-09-24T19:47:16Z
- 5a7d5e -
log password changes and auth failures even on production
- 2b4f10 -
also log exceptions to $logdir/exception.log
- a40524 -
implement an access log
- fc3fbf -
fix: properly log original remote IP as well as proxy IP
PR #1026 - force new user to change password after first login
- Branch: ether/v3.0.1-new-user-change-password
- Revision: 313d092
- Labels:
closes #975.
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-09-24T19:58:48Z
- 14d18d -
force new user to change password after first login
PR #1027 - misc improvements
- Branch: ether/v3.0.1-misc-improvements
- Revision: 07f9e69
- Labels: bug, build, high priority, low priority
- fix: no tokens were being expired because search parameters no longer matched
- add occasionally-useful script for resetting passwordsadd this script for resetting passwords which is occasionally useful
- avoid "Wide character in ..." warnings everywhere, e.g. in commands
- documentation updates
- fix: also redirect /hardware_product/sku=foo/specification URLs
- minimum postgres version is now 10.14
Author: karenetheridge
Merged By: karenetheridge
Merged: 2020-09-24T21:30:06Z
- 1e02a7 -
fix: no tokens were being expired because search parameters no longer matched
- d87bc2 -
add this script for resetting passwords which is occasionally useful
- e5b0c6 -
avoid "Wide character in ..." warnings everywhere
- 091833 -
allow for (currently non-existent) query parameters in /logout route
- a7450d -
documentation updates
- c08a6e -
fix: also redirect /hardware_product/sku=foo/specification URLs
- 7a396e -
conch-v3-staging and conch-v3-prod are now running postgres 10.14
- 489f7e -
include the exception in the response in all cases
Release v3.0.0.
Release v3.0.0-b13 [PR #1022]( - `v3.0.0 b13 improvements` === * Branch: ether/v3.0.0-b13-improvements * Revision: 8b8ef4e58 * Labels: device reports, docs > final changes for v3.0.0? 👍 > > - add a bit of missing documentation that was omitted when builds were added a year (!!!) ago > - drop some breadcrumbs into the stash during report processing for easier debugging of rollbar notifications People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-09-15T22:37:32Z Commits --- * [b04bdf]( - `add link to /build endpoints` * [c3beb6]( - `leave some breadcrumbs in the stash for easier debugging` - - -
release 3.0.0-b12 [PR #1016]( - `v3.0 b12 fixes` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b12-fixes * Revision: 1f1b3132c * Labels: database, docs > - fix documentation of recently-added hardware_product endpoints > - rename a json schema to conform to an upcoming naming restriction > - make copies of the validation_result and validation_state_member tables just before truncating them during the v3 deployment process People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-08-18T18:37:00Z Commits --- * [2ee3ea]( - `fix docs` * [0363e9]( - `rename this schema, to allow for tighter constraints later on` * [daef89]( - `save backups just before truncating these files` - - - [PR #1020]( - `fix switch_peers validation` === * Branch: ether/switch_peers-unique-results * Revision: 783fb87ea * Labels: bug, validation > ensure that switch_peers validation results are all unique > > This resolves (and many more) where > validation_result.component is null, therefore resulting in many duplicate validation_result rows > being created, which results in a database constraint violation. > People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-09-14T20:50:00Z Commits --- * [8d4a00]( - `ensure that switch_peers validation results are all unique` * [433993]( - `remove the unused "name" key from internal validation results` - - -
release v3.0.0-b11 [PR #1015]( - `fix: hardware_product.specification must be a json string` === * Branch: ether/hardware_product-specification-json * Revision: 64c358ecf * Labels: api, bug, v3.0 > validate hardware_product.specification on creation and update > > The specification property must be null, or a properly json-encoded string. > Note that this will be changing in v3.1: specification will be passed as a > fully inflated document rather than as an encoded string. > > resolves rollbar notifications: > > People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-08-12T20:16:59Z Commits --- * [fdceed]( - `this property does not need to be provided in create` * [1bb856]( - `validate hardware_product.specification on creation and update` - - -
Release v3.0.0-b10 [PR #1007]( - `Allow changing the hardware_product for an occupied rack_layout...` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-change-occupied-layout * Revision: bf010e39e * Labels: api, enhancement, v3.0 > .. as long as the new hardware_product_id matches the occupying device (which > may require hitting POST /device/:device_id_or_serial_number/hardware_product > first). Other values (namely rack_unit_start) still cannot be changed for an > occupied layout. > > closes #1002. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - APPROVED]( * Reviewed By: [karenetheridge - COMMENTED]( * Reviewed By: [perigrin - COMMENTED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-06-23T20:04:23Z Commits --- * [232f7c]( - `Allow changing the hardware_product for an occupied rack_layout...` - - - [PR #1006]( - `v3.0 b10 changes` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-changes * Revision: 7926261ac * Labels: docs > some non-user-facing fixes and improvements. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-06-23T20:11:11Z Commits --- * [e00c0d]( - `fix bin/conch-db for test db changes as done in eaced0c8eb` * [42dfe9]( - `more clearly show that the /workspace endpoints are all deprecated` * [caf4c8]( - `tighten up all $refs to conform to the proper spec` * [2b81b8]( - `doc updates: add links to controller actions` - - - [PR #1008]( - `also mark all workspace-related endpoint schemas and fields as deprecated` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-deprecate-workspace-fields * Revision: f420e601e * Labels: api, docs People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-07-16T20:25:27Z Commits --- * [4bfda1]( - `also mark all workspace-related endpoint schemas and fields as deprecated` - - - [PR #1009]( - `v3.0 b10 changes2` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-changes2 * Revision: 3396a6ad8 * Labels: tests > minor changes to include in v3.0-b10. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-07-21T20:17:04Z Commits --- * [c8cd3a]( - `use single quotes, to avoid unnecessary extra escaping` * [36ae2c]( - `raise the promise timeout interval` - - - [PR #1010]( - `mark as deprecated some json schemas and fields that are leaving in v3.1` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-deprecations * Revision: e3a7150bd * Labels: People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-07-21T21:36:13Z Commits --- * [36454f]( - `mark as deprecated some json schemas and fields that are leaving in v3.1` - - - [PR #1012]( - `deprecate these json schemas also` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-deprecations2 * Revision: e8ee98e84 * Labels: People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-07-21T23:49:56Z Commits --- * [f8db19]( - `deprecate these json schemas also` - - - [PR #1013]( - `extend DELETE /device/:id/links to selectively remove some links` === * Branch: v3.0-remove-link * Revision: ab7d1ffd9 * Labels: api, database, enhancement, v3.0 > supporting an optional payload that contains the links to remove > > resolves #1011. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-08-04T16:03:59Z Commits --- * [6e71cf]( - `validate uris more strictly` * [0c7be9]( - `extend DELETE /device/:id/links to selectively remove some links` - - - [PR #1014]( - `v3.0 b10: pod fixes and other tiny fixes` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-b10-pod-fixes * Revision: b8bf03233 * Labels: docs > - fix some comments in json schemas > - fix some pod documentation > - fix a utility script to use the right db user People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-08-04T18:55:30Z Commits --- * [a5cf73]( - `json schema comments: do not reference endpoints that do not exist` * [03a9ee]( - `fix pod` * [4a4ded]( - `use correct username when generating schema updates etc` - - -
Release v3.0.0-b9 [PR #1004]( - `v3.0.0 b9 fixes` === * Branch: ether/v3.0.0-b9-fixes * Revision: c47bac545 * Labels: tests > misc accumulated fixes that are safe to bring in to v3.0. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-06-16T17:07:52Z Commits --- * [f0b22c]( - `add ability to test the stash in Test::Conch` * [081801]( - `fix column list in now-defunct janitor script` * [812743]( - `remove obsolete script` * [834e91]( - `update carton installations` * [0ea9e5]( - `test, and fix, mechanism for reporting use of endpoints that have been removed` * [1a805b]( - `add labels to tests that lacked them` * [eaced0]( - `test db cleanup: create conch role first; disconnect gracefully; remove unneeded configs` * [afb9ec]( - `clarify that $c->status calls render().` - - - [PR #1005]( - `new hardware_product endpoints for v3.0` === * Branch: ether/v3.0-hwp * Revision: 7a84b5fbd * Labels: api, enhancement, needs-shell, needs-ui, v3.0 > new interfaces for direct manipulation of hardware_product.specification > > PUT /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/specification?path=:json_pointer_to_data > DELETE /hardware_product/:hardware_product_id_or_other/specification?path=:json_pointer_to_data > > closes #1003. People --- * Author: [karenetheridge]( * Reviewed By: [dustinryerson - APPROVED]( * Merged By: [karenetheridge]( * Merged: 2020-06-17T18:18:50Z Commits --- * [6e4c9d]( - `sku was made not-nullable in migration 132 (v3.0.0-a6)` * [b9a206]( - `change GET /hardware_product to only return some fields, not all of them` * [994dac]( - `update docs for existing hardware_product endpoints` * [f34f6e]( - `new interfaces for direct manipulation of hardware_product.specification` - - -