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705 Park and AutoPark

Anthony Good edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 3 revisions


The Park function allows you to park your antenna in a preset position quickly. Typically this is done to protect an antenna or in the case of a mobile setup, to stow it away for travel.


To enable the Park functionality, uncomment this line in your features file:


The default park azimuth and elevation is set in the settings file:


Replace "360.0" with your desired park azimuth, and "0.0" with your desired park elevation. Note that the azimuth is expressed in raw degrees, so, for example if you have a rotator with a starting azimuth point of 0 degrees and 450 degrees of rotation, you could specify 450.0 to have a parking azimuth of 90 degrees (fully counter-clockwise).

To also enable the AutoPark functionality, uncomment this line in your features file:



To initiate antenna parking, execute the \P command.

The \Y command is used to query the status of AutoPark and set the AutoPark timer.

\Y - AutoPark status
\Yx[x][x][x] - Set AutoPark timer time (minutes) 


Several pins are available for use with the Park and Autopark feature:

#define button_park 0 // pull low to initiate park

#define park_in_progress_pin 0 // goes high when a park has been initiated and rotation is in progress

#define parked_pin 0 // goes high when in a parked position

#define pin_autopark_disable 48 // Pull low to disable autopark

#define pin_autopark_timer_reset 44 // Pull low to reset the autopark timer (tie in with rig PTT)

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