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820 Command Reference

Anthony Good edited this page Dec 27, 2021 · 41 revisions

Yaesu GS-232 Commands

B              - Report elevation
C              - Report azimuth
C2             - Report azimuth and elevation
S              - Stop all rotation
A              - Stop azimuth rotation
E              - Stop elevation rotation
L              - Rotate azimuth left (CCW)
R              - Rotate azimuth right (CW)
D              - Rotate elevation down
U              - Rotate elevation up
Mxxx           - Move to azimuth
Wxxx yyy       - Move to azimuth xxxx and elevation yyy
X1             - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 1
X2             - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 2
X3             - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 3
X4             - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 4
O              - Azimuth offset calibration
F              - Azimuth full scale calibration
O2             - Elevation offset calibration
F2             - Elevation full scale calibration
P36            - Switch to 360 degree mode
P45            - Switch to 450 degree mode
Z              - Toggle north / south centered mode
H              - Help

Easycom Commands

AZ             - Read azimuth
AZ[xx]x.x      - Initiate azimuth rotation to a heading	
EL             - Read elevation
EL[xx]x.x      - Initiate elevation rotation to a heading
ML             - Move Left (CCW)
MR             - Move Right (CW)
MU             - Move Up
MD             - Move Down
SA             - Stop azimuth movement
SE             - Stop elevation rotation

Note that Easycom commands are executed upon receiving a space, carriage return, or line feed

Easycom Command Reference

DCU-1 Commands

AP1###;         - Set azimuth target,  ### = 0 to 359
AP1###<cr>      - Rotate to azimuth target,  ### = 0 to 359
AM1;            - Execute rotation target that was set with AP1###; command
AM1<cr>         - Execute rotation target that was set with AP1###; command
AI1;            - Report azimuth in ";###" format
AI1<cr>         - Report azimuth in ";###" format
;               - (Semicolon with no other characters before it) Stop rotation

Backslash Commands

Backslash commands are available by default and are available regardless of activation of Yaesu or Easycom commands.

\Ax[xxx][.][xxxx]   - manually calibrate azimuth
\Ax[x][x]           - manually calibrate azimuth (FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER & FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT)
\Bx[xxx][.][xxxx]   - manually calibrate elevation
\Bx[x][x]           - manually calibrate elevation (FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER & FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT)
\C                  - display clock
\D                  - activate debug logs
\E                  - initialize EEPROM
\Fxx                - change I/O pin LOW, xx = pin number
\Gxxxxxx            - set coordinates using grid square
\H                  - Clear and redraw the LCD display
\Ix[x][x]           - set az starting point
\I                  - display the current az starting point
\Jx[x][x]           - set az rotation capability
\J                  - display the current az rotation capability
\Kx                 - force disable the az brake even if a pin is defined (x: 0 = enable, 1 = disable)
\K                  - display the current az brake state
\L                  - rotate to long path
\M                  - query moon azimuth and elevation
\Mx                 - activate or deactivate moon tracking (x: 0 = deactivate, 1 = activate)
\Nxx                - change I/O pin HIGH, xx = pin number
\Oyyyymmddhhmm[ss]  - set clock (enter UTC time, not local time, seconds are optional) 
\P                  - park antenna
\PA[x][x][x]        - set / query park azimuth
\PE[x][x][x]        - set / query park elevation
\Q                  - Save settings in the EEPROM and restart
\R                  - remote port receive sniff activate/deactivate
\S[string]          - send text out remote port
\T                  - remote port transmit sniff activate/deactivate
\U                  - query sun azimuth and elevation
\Ux                 - activate or deactivate sun tracking (x: 0 = deactivate, 1 = activate)
\V[-]x[.][x][x][x]  - configure clock timezone offset in hours
\Wxxyyy             - turn on pin PWM; xx = pin number, yyy = PWM value (0-255)
\XM                 - calibrate azimuth and elevation to current moon position
\XS                 - calibrate azimuth and elevation to current sun position
\X0                 - clear calibration to defaults
\Y                  - query AutoPark status
\Yx[x][x][x]        - deactivate or activate AutoPark and set timer time
\Z                  - suspend automatic remote commands
\+                  - azimuth LCD display mode switch: normal, raw degrees, +overlap
\~[x][x][x]         - satellite tracking status, x = seconds to periodically print (no argument = print once)
\^x                 - activate or deactivate satellite tracking (x: 0 = deactivate, 1 = activate)
\!                  - erase satellite TLE file area in eeprom
\@                  - print satellite TLE file area from eeprom
\#                  - load satellite Keplarian elements file into eeprom
\$xxxxxxx           - change current satellite (xxxxxx = satellite name in stored TLE file)
\%x[x][x]           - print next x passes of the current satellite (defaults to one with no parm)
\|[x][x][x]         - list satellites available for tracking with current az and el, and next AOS and LOS,
                      x = seconds to periodically print (no argument = print once)
\(                  - show satellite, sun, and moon automatic tracking parameters
\&                  - invoke recalculation of all satellite tracking
\-                  - query audible alert state
\-0                 - disable audible alerts
\-1                 - enable audible alerts
\-X                 - silence current audible alert
\-~                 - manually trigger audible alert    
\-A0                - disable AZ target alert
\-A1                - enable AZ target alert
\-E0                - disable EL target alert
\-E1                - enable EL target alert 

Extended Commands

(Commands below are disabled if compiling with OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_EXCLUDE_EXTENDED_COMMANDS)

\?ARxx              - analog pin read; xx = pin #
\?AS                - query azimuth rotation status
\?AWxxyyy           - analog pin write; xx = pin #, yyy = value to write (0 - 255)
\?AZ                - query azimuth
\?BCxxxxx yyyyy     - calculate bearing to coordinate target xxxxx = latitude, yyyyy = longitude
\?BGxxxx[xx]        - calculate bearing to grid target
\?CL                - read clock
\?CGxxxx[xx]        - convert grid to coordinates
\?CCxxxxx yyyyy     - convert coordinates to grid xxxxx = latitude, yyyyy = longitude
\?DLxx              - digital pin write low; xx = pin #
\?DHxx              - digital pin write high; xx = pin # 
\?DIxx              - digital pin initialize as input; xx = pin #
\?DOxx              - digital pin initialize as output; xx = pin # (01, 02, A0,etc.)
\?DPxx              - digital pin initialize as input with pullup; xx = pin #
\?DRxx              - digital pin read; xx = pin #
\?DTxxyyyy          - digital pin tone output; xx = pin #, yyyy = frequency
\?EL                - query elevation
\?ES                - query elevation rotation status
\?GAx[x][x][.x][x]  - go to AZ xxx.x
\?GEx[x][x][.x][x]  - go to EL
\?GCxxxxx yyyyy     - go to coordinate target xxxxx = latitude, yyyyy = longitude (rotate azimuth)
\?GTxxxx[xx]        - go to grid target (rotate azimuth) 
\?GS                - query GPS sync status
\?NTxx              - no tone; xx = pin #
\?PG                - ping remote
\?RD                - rotate down
\?RC                - read coordinates
\?RG                - read grid square
\?RL                - rotate left
\?RR                - rotate right
\?RU                - rotate up
\?SA                - stop azimuth rotation
\?SE                - stop elevation rotation
\?SS                - stop all rotation
\?TSxxxx            - set satellite tracking check interval (mS)
\?TUxxxx            - set sun tracking check interval (mS)
\?TMxxxx            - set moon tracking check interval (mS)
\?TXxxxx            - set satellite rotation interval (mS)
\?TYxxxx            - set sun rotation interval (mS)
\?TZxxxx            - set moon rotation interval (mS)
\?TAx[.]x           - set satellite degrees difference threshold
\?TBx[.]x           - set sun degrees difference threshold
\?TCx[.]x           - set moon degrees difference threshold
\?AO                - azimuth full CCW calibration      (Alpha Oscar, not A zero)
\?AF                - azimuth full CW calibration
\?EO                - elevation full DOWN calibration   (Echo Oscar, not E zero)
\?EF                - elevation full UP calibration
\?CV                - query code version
\?NG                - output Nextion gSC variable immediately on Nextion port

Extended Command Responses

\!OKxx[]            - response to command sent: valid command
\!??xx[]            - response to command sent: error
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