A dynamic arcade game where you control a demon ball to eat smaller dots and grow bigger. Features both manual play and AI learning modes.
- Demon-themed player ball with rainbow glow effects
- 6 types of food dots with unique behaviors
- Dynamic dot movements with bounce physics
- High score system
- Two play modes: Manual and AI
- Real-time visual effects and particle systems
Control your demon ball directly:
- โ Move up
- โ Move down
- โ Move left
- โ Move right
- SPACE Restart after game over
Watch and train an AI agent to play:
- ๐ต Black dot (3px) - 10 points
- ๐ข Green dot (5px) - 20 points
- ๐ท Blue dot (7px) - 30 points
- ๐ฃ Purple dot (9px) - 40 points
- ๐ก Orange dot (12px) - 80 points
- ๐ด Red dot (15px) - 160 points
- Win: Reach 5000 points
- Lose: Touch any dot larger than yourself
# Install game dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Manual play mode
python manual_play.py
# AI training mode with game rendering.
python train.py --render
# AI training mode, text only
python train.py
# Test trained AI
python test.py --model models/model_1000.pth --render
- Deep Q-Network (DQN) implementation
- Prioritized Experience Replay
- Dynamic reward system
- Real-time training visualization
- WandB integration for metrics tracking
- Python 3.10+
- Pygame 2.6.1
- PyTorch for AI training
- WandB for experiment tracking
Scores are automatically saved in highscores.json
. Only top 10 scores are kept.
Coming soon!
Have fun!