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Releases: mp-se/gravitymon


05 May 18:12
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v1.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

update 2022-05-06

  • Fixed calibration bug (calibration was broken via html page)
  • Added esp32 build


  • Moved applying temp sensor resolution in loop so there is no need to reboot.
  • Advanced software settings is only disabled if settings contain default values.
  • Added button on indexpage to direct to github issues.
  • Added button to extract important information for support requests.
  • Updated docs with information from beta1.
  • First point in gravity formula is now reserved for water gravity, this to allow detection of angles below water that can be filtered out.
  • Added advanced setting to ignore angles that are lower than water. This is disabled by default.
  • Added experimental support for MPU6500 (allowing that deviceID), waiting for confirmation on function.
  • Changed layout on index page with measured data on top.


  • Update documentation to match new version
  • Add circuit schema for ESP32


18 Apr 15:18
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Changes in this version:

  • Added one http push target that uses HTTP GET. This can be used with ubidots or blynk api's.
  • Added function to test push targets from configuration page. It will send data and show the return code as a first step.
  • Added documetation on how to integrate with using http get.
  • Config page now shows the estimated runtime for the device (based on a full battery and previous average runtime)
  • Experimental release of firmware using an esp32 instead of esp8266
  • Merged index and device pages into one so that all the needed information is available on the index page.
  • Removed api for device (/api/device), it's now merged into the /api/status api.
  • Test function in format editor now uses real data and not fake.
  • Split push configuration into two sections to make it fit better on smaller devices
  • Updated WifiManager and DoubleReset libraries
  • Updated esp32 target with littlefs support
  • Updated esp32 target with BLE send support (it will simulate a tilt)
  • Mounted esp32 d1 mini mounted to a iSpindle PCB 4.0 (CherryPhilip) which worked fine.
  • Documented hardware changes on esp32
  • Default mDNS name is now shown on WIFI setup page.
  • Added option to manually update/downgrade firmware under hardware settings.
  • BUG: Corrected PIN for voltage read on ESP32
  • BUG: If using plato and not gravity formula was defined the value was set to null.
  • BUG: Temp format name was incorrect in iSpindle format causing receiver to incorrectly read temperature.
  • BUG: Temperature sensor adjusmemnt value was not handled properly when using Farenheight.
  • BUG: If the ID was to low the device id could end up with a leading space causing errors in data post. Added leading zero to ID.
  • BUG: Entering wifi setup and a timeout occured the wifi settings could be deleted.


05 Mar 14:36
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Added a few missing function and fixed a few minor bugs.

  • Added option to set http headers (2 per http endpoint), these can be used for other http formats than json (default) and for adding authentication headers.
  • Added possibility to view last 10 errors on device page.
  • Added possibility to define token parameter used in iSpindle format.
  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with Brewspy
  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with Thingspeak
  • Added option to do a factory reset via API.
  • Logging the runtime, how long a measurement take (last 10 are stored). This can be used to check how good the wifi connection is and estimate the lifetime when on battery. Check the device page in the UI for this information.
  • Refactored code to free up more RAM to make SSL more stable.
  • Before connecting to an SSL endpoint the device will try to use a new SSL feature called MFLN (Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation) that allow us to reduce the buffers from 16k to 2k. This can make a huge difference on a device with only 40k RAM. Not all servers might support this feature.
  • Updated documentation pages.
  • Tested batterylife, 47 days using an update frequency of 5 min

v.0.7.1 Bug fixes and documentation updates

30 Jan 13:37
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Documentation updates

  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with Fermentrack
  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with Ubidots
  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with HomeAssistant
  • Added instructions for how to configure integration with Brewers Friend (not verified)

Bug fixes

  • BUG: Defined mqtt port was ignored, used default values.
  • BUG: Extended length of HTTP url fields from 100 to 120 chars.
  • BUG: Fixed issue with default template so it now includes the device name correctly.

v0.7.0 SSL support, custom push formats and plato

25 Jan 17:08
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  • SSL support for HTTP targets. #2
  • SSL support for MQTT targets. #2
  • SSL support for OTA. #2
  • Added support for gravity in Plato. #5
  • Added error handling for calibration page.
  • Added experimental target ESP32 (using an ESP32 D1 Mini which is pin compatible with ESP8266). Not really usable since wifi connection is extreamly slow with current Arduino releases (3-8 seconds). #3
  • Added experimental format editor so users can customize their data format used for pushing data. This will reduce the need for custom push targets. As long as the service is supporting http or https then the data format can be customized.
  • Added check so that pushing data is not done if memory is low (this will avoid crashes)
  • MQTT topic has been removed from config (handled via format templates)
  • MQTT port port number added. Port over 8000 will activate SSL.
  • Breaking change: To simplify the internal structure the temp sensor adjustment is now stored in C. So if you have enabled this function using F you will need to go into the configuration and update the adjustment factor again (hardware config).
  • Breaking change: The MQTT push option has been changed to match the iSpindle behaviour. If the behaviour in v0.6 is wanted this can be done via the format editor. #7

v0.6.0 Added MQTT support and updated libraries

13 Jan 17:21
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  • Changed the wifi manager and refactored wifi.cpp
  • LED is now turned on when Wifi Portal is open
  • Refactored main.cpp to make it easier to read
  • Tested runtime performance
  • Improved documentation
  • Added warning on config page when sleep is <300
  • Enabled selection of gyro temperature sensor under Hardware settings
  • Added warning when short sleep interval and gyro temp is enabled
  • Added support for MQTT
  • Bug: MPU init sometimes caused crash during startup.

Link to documentation:


09 Jan 08:35
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Feedback on the functionallity is highly appreciated.

iSpindle replacement firmware with these main features:

  • Operates in two modes gravity monitoring and configuration mode
    In gravity monitoring mode it behaves just like the iSpindle, it wakes up at regular intervals, measures angle/tile, temperature, calculates gravity and pushes the data to defined endpoints.
    In configuration mode the device is always active and the webserver is active. Here you can view the angle/tilt values, change configuration options and more. When in this mode you can also interact with the device
    via an REST API so data can be pushed to the device via scripts (see API section for more information).
  • Can send data to multiple endpoints at once
  • Build in function to create gravity formulas, so no need for using other tools for this part
  • Automatic temperature adjustment of gravity reading
  • OTA support from local webserver
  • DS18B20 temperature adjustments
  • Gyro Movement detection
  • Support for Celcius and Farenheigt as temperature formats.

New in this release:

  • Creating gravity formula on device
  • Refactoring and code cleanup
  • Totally rewritten documenation on github pages