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Releases: mp-se/gravitymon

v1.2.0 beta 2

20 Nov 19:13
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v1.2.0 beta 2 Pre-release

This release adds support for 4 esp32 boards and the floaty hydrometer design.


  • Added function to calculate voltage factor based on measured value.
  • Updated battery estimation for the various esp32 boards.
  • Added support for the ESP32 lite board which is used in the Floaty Hydrometer variant.
  • Allows serial console to be sent to tx/rx pin on all boards


  • Added section about the Floaty hardware.

v1.2.0-beta1 First beta for ESP32C3 mini

18 Oct 17:37
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  • Added support for the ESP32 C3 mini board
  • Added support for the ESP32 S2 mini board
  • Added support for the ESP32 lite mini board (floaty build)
  • Serial output is written to TX/RX pins instead of the USB connection for the ESP32c3. This way the serial console can be viewed when running on battery power.

Issues addressed

  • BUG: The first portion of a format template was lost when doing conversion.


  • Updated hardware section with options for ESP32 boards
  • Updated installation instructions.

You need brewflasher 1.5 or newer to flash the c3 --port COM6 write_flash --flash_mode dio 0x8000 .\partitions32c3.bin 0x10000 .\firmware32c3.bin

v1.1.1 Fixed conversion bug in format template

18 Oct 15:28
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BUG: The text before the first variable was missed in the conversion of a format template.


14 Aug 12:33
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  • Added information to error log about abnormal resets (for instance crashes) to detect and fix those
  • Changed storage mode so that the device will go into deep sleep until reset (sleep forever)
  • Updated sensor types in home assistant for auto registration of device
  • Added ${app-ver} and ${app-build} to format template as new variables
  • Improved error messages when creating formula so the troublesome measurement points can be identified
  • Changed defaule validation threashold from 1.6 SG to 3.0 SG, this should allow for some more variance when creating formula
  • Updated format template for Home Assistant, aligned with new mqtt configuration format
  • Added format template for Home Assistant with automatic device registration
  • Added storage mode which is activated under hardware setting. When place on the cap (<5 degres tilt) the device will go into storage mode and deep sleep.

Known issues, not yet fixed

  • When updating firmware and the feature deep sleep is active the device will activate deep sleep if the gyro is not responding. FIX: Reboot device

Issues adressed

  • Refactored error logging function to reduce memory usage and crashes. Max size of error log is 2 x 4 kb
  • Refactored format template engine to reduce memory usage and crashes, can how handle slightly larger payloads than before. Increase from around 1100 chars to 1600 chars
  • BUG: Refactored format api to handle larger payloads
  • BUG: After manual firmware upload the device would crash and go into wifi setup mode.
  • BUG: After manual firmware upload the device will in some cases not be able to connect with the gyro, the symptom is that it will say, "Gyro moving" in the web UI. In this case the device needs to be reset (or powered on/off). I havent found a way to fix this from the code. The message after firmware update has been updated with this information
  • BUG: Temp corrected gravity was not used when pushing data to removed
  • BUG: Low memory in format api which resulted in mqtt template to be set to null
  • BUG: Large format templates could be saved but when loading it's only blank
  • BUG: Copy format templates used an old format for iSpindle and Gravmon where the token was not used
  • BUG: Gravity correction formula not calculating correctly

User interface

  • Updated format template with information on size and warning message if the template is too large
  • Added error message if gyro connection/initialization fails (before the message was Gyro Moving only)
  • Added error message if no temp sensor can be found
  • Added drop down menus in user interface to simplify navigation to sub pages (format, test and upload)
  • Added Assistant Device registration, this is only done when format template is saved, during normal operation only data values are posted on MQTT. If HA is restarted then the device will disappear
  • Calibration temperature (for temp adjustment) can now be set under advanced settings, default is 20C
  • Changed length of device name from 12 to 63 chars. 63 is the max limit according to mdns.
  • Under format options its now possible to select brewfather ispindle format to avoid errors connected to using the wrong format template with the various brewfather endpoints
  • Added brewblox as format under format options
  • Added home assistant (with device registration) as format under format options
  • User can now edit the voltage level that forces the device into config mode (device detects charging)


  • Added documentation for Brewpiless as target
  • Added documentation for BVrewblox as target
  • Updated documentation for HA integration since described method was deprecated
  • Updated documentation for ubidots service integration
  • Updated documentation in data format section
  • Updated hardware section with documentation on installing reed switch
  • Updated configuration section with documentation on new settings
  • Added q&a on formula creation and value deviation


  • Upgraded framework for ESP8266 to v5.0.0
  • Upgraded framework for ESP32 to v2.0.2
  • Updated OneWire library to be complaint with new ESP32 SDK
  • Fixed issue in i2cdev connected to wrong usage of TwoWire on ESP32 (Gyro initialization hang).

v1.1.0 beta4

10 Aug 05:59
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v1.1.0 beta4 Pre-release

User interface

  • Updated format template with information on size and warning message if the template is too large


  • Added information to error log about abnormal resets (for instance crashes) to detect and fix those.
  • Changed storage mode so that the device will go into deep sleep until reset.

Issues adressed

  • Refactored error logging function to reduce memory usage and crashes
  • Refactored format template engine to reduce memory usage and crashes, can how handle slightly larger payloads than before. Increase from around 1100 chars to 1600 chars.

v1.1.0 beta3

02 Aug 20:05
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v1.1.0 beta3 Pre-release

User interface

  • Added error message to user message if gyro connection fails.
  • Added message to user message if no temp sensor can be found.
  • Added drop down menus in user interface to simplify navigation to sub pages
  • Changed behavior for Home Assistant Device registration, this is only done when format template is saved, during normal operation only data values are posted on MQTT.


  • Updated sensor types in home assistant (auto registration)

Issues adressed

  • BUG: Refactored format api to handle larger payloads.
  • BUG: After manual firmware upload the device would crash and go into wifi setup mode.
  • BUG: After manual firmware upload the device will in some cases not be able to connect with the gyro, the symptom is that it will say, "Gyro moving" in the web UI. In this case the device needs to be reset (or powered on/off). I havent found a way to fix this from the code. The message after firmware update has been updated with this information.

v1.1.0 beta 2

29 Jul 20:24
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v1.1.0 beta 2 Pre-release


  • Updated docs for HA integration since method was depricated

User interface

  • Calibration temperature (for temp adjustment) can now be set under advanced settings.
  • Changes length of device name from 12 to 63 chars. 63 is the max limit according to mdns.


  • Improved error messages when creating formula so the meaasurement points can be identified.
  • Changed defaule validation threashold from 1.6 SG to 3.0 SG, this should allow for some more variance when creating formula.
  • Updated format template for Home Assistant for using manual configuration (Aligned with new mqtt configuration format)
  • Added format template for Home Assistant with automatic device registration
  • Added ${app-ver} and ${app-build} to format template as new variables.

Issues adressed

  • BUG: Temp corrected gravity was not used when pushing data to removed
  • BUG: Low memory in format api which resulted in mqtt template to be set to null
  • BUG: Large format templates could be saved but when loading it's only blank. Increased total memory from 3kb to 5kb

v1.1.0 Beta 1

06 Jul 08:43
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v1.1.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

This is a beta release and since I have updated a number of dependant libraries I need to do a long term test before this is an official release. The ESP32 release needs a lot of testing due to a major upgrade of the arduino libraries.

Please use the firmware update in the web interface to apply this version.


  • Fixed errors in data format section
  • Added q&a on formula creation and value deviation
  • Added documentation for Brewpiless as target
  • Updated docs for ubidots service integration.
  • Added brewblox as new service

User interface

  • Under format options its now possible to select brewfather ispindle format to avoid mixing endpoints.
  • Added brewblox as format under format options.
  • User can now edit the voltage level that forces the device into config mode (charging)


  • Added storage mode which is activated under hardware setting. When place on the cap (<5 degres tilt) the device will go into
    storage mode and sleep for the max allowed time.


  • Upgraded framework for ESP8266 to v5.0.0
  • Upgraded framework for ESP32 to v2.0.2
  • Updated OneWire library to be compliant with new ESP32 SDK
  • Fixed issue in i2cdev connected to wrong usage of TwoWire on ESP32 (Gyro initialization hang).

Issues adressed

  • BUG: Copy format templates used an old format for iSpindle and Gravmon where the token was not used.
  • BUG: Gravity correction formula not calculating correctly.


10 May 16:45
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  • Update documentation to match v1.0
  • Installation instructions updated on how to find the device after wifi has been configured.
  • Documentation on brewfather has been updated to adress SG/Plato conversion
  • Added circuit diagram for esp8266 and esp32
  • Added additional http error codes to troubleshooting documentation

User interface

  • Upgraded to bootstrap v5.1 for web pages.
  • Added button on indexpage to direct to github issues.
  • Added button to extract important information for support requests.
  • First point in gravity formula is now reserved for water gravity, this to allow detection of angles below water that can be filtered out.
  • Changed layout on index page with measured data on top.
  • Added tooltips to all fields in user interface
  • Added function on format page so that it's easy to copy a format template from the docs (simplify service integration).


  • Added advanced setting to ignore angles that are lower than water. This is disabled by default.
  • Added support for MPU6500 (standard is MPU6050).
  • Removed brewfather option (can use standard HTTP options), the old apporach can still be used via changing format template.
  • Added 5 more points for formula creation, so a total of 10 angles/gravity values can be stored.
  • Added https support for Influxdb v2
  • Added possibility to set 2 wifi ssid where the second acts as a fallback in case it fails to connect. If succesful the seconday becomes the new primary.
  • SSL connections are skipped on ESP8266 when in config mode since there is a high probability it will crash due to low memory.
  • Advanced settings: Added possibility to have variable push intervals for different endpoints so that different frequency can be used, for example; 5min mqtt, 15min brewfather.
  • Advanced settings: Changes how many times the gyro is read (less reads, quicker but less accurate)
  • Advanced settings: Set amount of gyro movement is allowed for a accurate read.
  • Advanced settings: What deviation is acceptable for creating formula deviation
  • Advanced settings: Various timeouts, wifi connect, wifi portal, http connects.
  • Advanced settings: Adjust resolution of temp sensor (9 bits to 12 bits), higher resolution takes longer thus reducing batterylife

Issues adressed

  • BUG: Fixed issue in formula calculation in case there were a gap in the data series
  • BUG: Field name for wifi strength changed from "rssi" to "RSSI"
  • BUG: Fixed issue with probing MFLN on non standard ports
  • BUG: Changed http connection to keep-alive so that server does not close port before the client has had a chance to read the response.


29 Apr 15:38
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v1.0.0-beta1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release of the next version with a few new requested features included. It has not been long term tested.

Upgrade can be done via the UI under Configuration - Hardware - Firmware Upload.


  • Upgraded to bootstrap v5.1 for web pages.
  • Added tooltips to all fields in user interface
  • Removed brewfather option (can use standard HTTP options), the old apporach can still be used via changing format template.
  • Added 5 more points for formula creation, so a total of 10 angles/gravity values can be stored.
  • Added function on format page so that it's easy to copy a format template from the docs (simplify service integration).
  • Added https support for Influxdb
  • Added possibility to have variable push intervals for different endpoints so that different frequency can be used, for example; 5min mqtt, 15min brewfather.
  • Added advanced settings: Changes how many times the gyro is read (less reads, quicker but less accurate)
  • Added advanced settings: Set amount of gyro movement is allowed for a accurate read.
  • Added advanced settings: What deviation is acceptable for creating formula deviation
  • Added advanced settings: Various timeouts, wifi connect, wifi portal, http connects.
  • Added advanced settings: Adjust resolution of temp sensor (9 bits to 12 bits), higher resolution takes longer thus reducing batterylife
  • Added additional http error codes to troubleshooting documentation
  • Added possibility to set 2 wifi ssid where the second acts as a fallback in case it fails to connect. If succesful the seconday becomes the new primary.
  • SSL connections are skipped on ESP8266 when in config mode since there is a high probability it will crash due to low memory.
  • Installation instructions updated on how to find the device after wifi has been configured.
  • Documentation on brewfather has been updated to adress SG/Plato conversion
  • BUG: Fixed issue in formula calculation in case there were a gap in the data series
  • BUG: Field name for wifi strength changed from "rssi" to "RSSI"
  • BUG: Fixed issue with probing MFLN on non standard ports