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Add meta-qc utils per # 87 (#123)
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* Update find helpers

* Add meta qc utils per #87

* Update docs

* Update pkg reference

* Fix missing pkgdown reference

* Export additional functions

* Update file and parsing handling

* Ignore empty datasets

* Fix typo

* Update docs, better handle server errors

* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Robert Allaway <>


Co-authored-by: Robert Allaway <>
  • Loading branch information
anngvu and allaway authored Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 38e939d commit 47f5542
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Showing 16 changed files with 504 additions and 57 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions NAMESPACE
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260 changes: 260 additions & 0 deletions R/annotation_qc.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
#' Generate manifest via schematic service
#' See [schematic manifest generation](
#' Note that this uses the access token of user that should already by logged in with `syn_login`.
#' @param data_type Data type of the manifest to generate (aka Component).
#' @param dataset_id Optional, if given this fills out manifest for existing dataset instead of generating a blank manifest.
#' @param title Optional, custom title.
#' @param schema_url Optional, defaults to main NF 'latest' data model.
#' @param asset_view Optional, defaults to main NF portal fileview.
#' @param output_format Format of 'excel', 'google_sheet', or 'dataframe'. Defaults to 'excel'.
#' @param use_annotations Use annotations if filling out manifest for existing dataset. Defaults to TRUE for NF.
#' @param service Service endpoint to use. Defaults to the schematic production endpoint.
#' @returns For excel, path to local file; for google_sheet, URL to sheet; for dataframe, JSON string of data.
#' @export
manifest_generate <- function(data_type,
dataset_id = NULL,
title = data_type,
schema_url = "",
asset_view = "syn16858331",
output_format = "excel",
use_annotations = TRUE,
service = "") {

# yes, param has been re-encoded like this for 'dataframe'
output_format_param <- if (output_format == "dataframe") "dataframe (only if getting existing manifests)" else output_format
access_token <- .syn$credentials$secret
use_annotations <- tolower(as.character(use_annotations))

req <- httr::GET(service,
query = list(
schema_url = schema_url,
title = title,
data_type = data_type,
use_annotations = use_annotations,
dataset_id = dataset_id,
asset_view = asset_view,
output_format = output_format_param,
access_token = access_token

status <- httr::status_code(req)
if(status != 200L) stop("Unsuccessful request, received status code: ", status)

if(output_format == "excel") {
file <- "manifest.xlsx"
message(glue::glue("Manifest generated and saved as {file}"))
bin <- httr::content(req, "raw")
writeBin(bin, file)

if(output_format == "google_sheet") {
message("Manifest generated as Googlesheet(s)")
url <- httr::content(req)

if(output_format == "dataframe") {
message("Manifest(s) generated as JSON doc")
json_str <- httr::content(req, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
# json_str <- jsonlite::minify(json_str)

#' Validate manifest via schematic service
#' See [schematic validation](
#' Get validation results from schematic service. Downstream utils can consume these results for custom display/report.
#' @inheritParams manifest_generate
#' @param json_str JSON string representing metadata.
#' @param file_name Path to file, has to be `.csv`. Ignored if `json_str` is given.
#' @param restrict_rules Use only basic schematic validation instead of extended validation with Great Expectations, default `FALSE`.
#' @export
manifest_validate <- function(data_type,
json_str = NULL,
file_name = NULL,
restrict_rules = FALSE,
schema_url = "",
service = "") {

restrict_rules <- tolower(as.character(restrict_rules))

# json_str can't be more than 4-8 KiB (nginx server typical limits), otherwise header overflow error
if(!is.null(json_str)) {
if(object.size(json_str) > 40000) stop("Data of this size should be submitted as a file instead of JSON string")
req <- httr::POST(service,
query = list(
json_str = json_str,
schema_url = schema_url,
data_type = data_type,
restrict_rules = restrict_rules))
} else if(!is.null(file_name)) {
if(!file.exists(file_name)) stop("Trying to validate ", file_name, " that can't be found.")
req <- httr::POST(service,
query = list(
schema_url = schema_url,
data_type = data_type,
restrict_rules = restrict_rules),
body = list(file_name = httr::upload_file(file_name), type = "text/csv"))
} else {
stop("Must provide manifest data as either JSON or local file path.")

status <- httr::status_code(req)
if(status != 200L) stop("Unsuccessful request, received status code: ", status)
result <- httr::content(req)

#' Terse error messages please
#' @param error An error object from schematic.
#' @keywords internal
tersely <- function(error) {
row <- error[[1]]
column <- error[[2]]
message <- error[[3]]
value <- error[[4]]

wording <- if(grepl("is not one of", message)) paste(shQuote(value), "is not a valid value for", column) else message

#' Provide a pass/fail summary result
#' @param result Result list data from schematic service.
#' @returns Boolean for whether passed.
#' @returns List of structure `list(result = result, notes = notes)`, where `result` indicates whether the dataset passed.
#' @keywords internal
manifest_passed <- function(result) {

errors <- length(result$errors)
if(errors) {
messages <- unique(sapply(result$errors, tersely))
notes <- paste(messages, collapse = ", ")
return(list(result = FALSE, notes = notes))
} else {
return(list(result = TRUE, notes = "No errors"))

#' Infer data type of a dataset folder
#' Infer the data type by checking the first few files.
#' TODO: Check `dataType` instead of Component and derive Component
#' because some older files does not have Component explicitly.
#' @inheritParams manifest_generate
#' @return List of structure `list(result = result, notes = notes)`, where `result` can be `NA`.
#' @export
infer_data_type <- function(dataset_id) {

children <- .syn$getChildren(dataset_id)
children <- reticulate::iterate(children)
if(!length(children)) return(list(result = NA, notes = "Empty dataset folder"))
children <- first(children, 3)
data_type <- c()
for (entity in children) {
e <- .syn$getAnnotations(entity)
data_type <- append(data_type, e$Component)
data_type <- unique(data_type)
if(is.null(data_type)) return(list(result = NA, notes = "Metadata insufficient to infer data type."))
if(length(data_type) > 1) return(list(result = NA, notes = "Conflicting data types observed."))
return(list(result = data_type, notes = ""))

#' QC dataset metadata with pass/fail result
#' R wrapper for validation workflow with schematic. Because there is no validation-only service endpoint,
#' we move metadata around twice (generating manifest from server and submitting back to server),
#' so once schematic has a validation-only service endpoint that would be much more efficient.
#' A dataset in this context is a folder, usually tagged with `contentType` = "dataset".
#' Note that we prefer to wrap the schematic web API over a local installation because:
#' - Will not require user to go through local schematic setup for this to be functional
#' - API more likely reflects an up-to-date version of schematic and consistent with current DCA deployment
#' When `data_type` can't be inferred based on annotations, this is treated as a fail.
#' Status: alpha and likely to change based on changes in `schematic`.
#' @param dataset_id Id of folder that represents a dataset, not actual Synapse dataset entity -- see details.
#' @param data_type A specific data type to validate against, otherwise tries to infer based on annotations. See details.
#' @param asset_view A reference view, defaults to the main NF portal fileview.
#' @param schema_url Schema URL, points by default to 'latest' main NF schema, can change to use a specific released version.
#' @param cleanup Whether to automatically remove reconstituted manifests once done. Default `TRUE`.
#' @returns List of structure `list(result = result, notes = notes)`,
#' where `result` indicates passing or `NA` if no data or if couldn't be validated for other reasons.
#' @export
meta_qc_dataset <- function(dataset_id,
data_type = NULL,
asset_view = "syn16787123",
schema_url = "",
cleanup = TRUE) {

files <- reticulate::iterate(.syn$getChildren(dataset_id))
if(!length(files)) return(list(result = NA, notes = "Empty dataset"))

if(is.null(data_type)) {
data_type <- infer_data_type(dataset_id)$result
if( return(list(result = FALSE, notes = "Metadata quality insufficient to even infer data type"))

# Reconstitute metadata manifest -- using excel as the safest option for now
xl <- manifest_generate(data_type, dataset_id, output_format = "excel")
csv <- readxl::read_excel(xl, sheet = 1)
write.csv(csv, file = "manifest.csv")
# Validate
results <- manifest_validate(data_type = data_type, file_name = "manifest.csv")
if(cleanup) file.remove(xl, "manifest.csv")
}, error = function(e) {
list(result = NA, notes = e$message)

#' QC metadata at the project level with pass/fail result
#' For projects with a relatively standard structure that also corresponds to what the DCA expects,
#' this is an adequate wrapper to go through the datasets and do basic QC in a one-stop-shop manner.
#' For selective validation or other (e.g. milestone-based or ad hoc) structures, look at `meta_qc_dataset`.
#' @param project_id Synapse project id.
#' @return A table of with rows for the datasets QC'd, with dataset id, name, TRUE/FALSE pass result, and summary;
#' otherwise `NA`.
#' @export
meta_qc_project <- function(project_id) {

data_root <- find_data_root(project_id)
if(is.null(data_root)) {
message("Data root could not be located. Project structure may require custom assessment and dropping down to `meta_qc_dataset`.")
in_data <- .syn$getChildren(data_root)
in_data <- reticulate::iterate(in_data)
# Select only folders in data and ignore files at this level
datasets <- Filter(function(x) x$type == "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder", in_data)
if(length(datasets)) {
dataset_names <- sapply(datasets, `[[`, "name")
dataset_ids <- sapply(datasets, `[[`, "id")
message("Datasets for QC:\n", glue::glue_collapse(dataset_names, sep = "\n"))
results <- lapply(dataset_ids, meta_qc_dataset)
report <- rbindlist(results)
report$dataset_name <- dataset_names
report$dataset_id <- dataset_ids
} else {
message("No datasets found under data root.")

26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions R/annotations.R
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Expand Up @@ -62,29 +62,3 @@ copy_annotations <- function(entity_from,

#' QC a derived manifest
#' Check missing annotations, usually because input files are missing values so nothing could be copied.
#' It might also be helpful to visualize the manifest via a package like `naniar::vis_miss(manifest)`.
#' @param manifest A manifest, usually from one of the `annotate_*` functions.
#' @param sample_io Input/output mapping used; only used if missing annotations detected.
#' @return NULL if no problems, otherwise a table of entity ids affected, the attributes missing, and inputs used.
#' @export
qc_manifest <- function(manifest, sample_io) {
missing <- apply(manifest, 2, function(x) sum(
if(all(missing == 0)) {
message("All values are present in manifest")
} else {
message("Some values not present in manifest...")
na_attrs <- apply(manifest, 1, function(x) names(x[]))
na_subset <- manifest[lengths(na_attrs) > 0, .(entityId)]
na_subset[, attributes := sapply(na_attrs[lengths(na_attrs) > 0], paste, collapse = ",")]
na_subset <- merge(na_subset, sample_io[, .(output_id, output_name, input_id, sample)], by.x = "entityId", by.y = "output_id")

18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions R/find.R
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,20 @@ find_child <- function(child_name, parent) {

#' Find data folder
#' Convenience function to find data folder, which can have slight name variations, in a project.
#' @param project_id Synapse project id.
#' @export
find_data_root <- function(project_id) {

data_root <- find_child("Data", parent = project_id)
if(is.null(data_root)) data_root <- find_child("Raw Data", parent = project_id)

# Find nextflow assets --------------------------------------------------------- #

# Convenience functions for getting Synapse ids of nextflow assets
Expand All @@ -56,7 +70,7 @@ find_child <- function(child_name, parent) {
#' @param asset Name of asset to find.
#' @returns Id of samplesheet.
#' @export
nf_find_asset <- function(syn_out,
find_nf_asset <- function(syn_out,
asset = c("software_versions", "multiqc_report", "samplesheet", "samtools_stats")) {

asset <- match.arg(asset)
Expand All @@ -75,7 +89,7 @@ nf_find_asset <- function(syn_out,

#' Return workflow version according to workflow meta
#' @inheritParams nf_find_asset
#' @inheritParams find_nf_asset
#' @returns Version string.
#' @export
nf_workflow_version <- function(syn_out) {
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