*sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-libg2o libgoogle-glog-dev
First you need to install rosmelodic on ubuntu 18.04 *install intel opencl https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime/releases *install openvino then ros_openvino here https://github.com/gbr1/ros_openvino
Before making, you'll have to source setupvars.sh
source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh
The path to your setupvars.sh may be different.
*install camera files
git clone https://github.com/slightech/MYNT-EYE-D-SDK.git ~/Libraries/MYNT-EYE-D-SDK
cd ~/Libraries/MYNT-EYE-D-SDK
make init
make all
sudo make install
if there is error about header not found
cp ~/MYNT-EYE-D-SDK/wrappers/ros/devel/include/mynteye_wrapper_d/*
TODO: Add launch files for what to do inside elevator (7 to 2, 2 to 7), entering/exiting floor 2, exiting 7. Edit run_integrated.py
correspondingly. Edit SDH7_enter_elevator.py
to receive "ding" input.
NOTE: run_integrated_sim
and robot_nav_sim.launch
currently may not work without some editing. If needed, ask Alex for help.
Package name : navigation
Dependencies: sudo apt install ros-melodic-navigation
For teleop: git clone https://github.com/lrse/ros-keyboard.git
Launch file : robot_nav.launch (for simulation with stage, just robot_nav_sim.launch)
Aligns the robot with 2D pose estimate and sets the goal with 2D set goal. Can also set goal with http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/SendingSimpleGoals
To run:
roslaunch navigation robot_nav.launch
: Loads SDH_all_floorplan
(found in maps
) into map_server
. Launches amcl
, move_base
, and rviz
. Runs run_integrated.py
(found in scripts
), which has the high-level logic for operation.
: Broad overview: sets initial poses and goals for move_base
. Uses the roslaunch
library for python to launch the elevator logic. In particular, launches SDH7_enter_elevator.launch
and kills upon receiving a callback that elevator operation is done.
Subscriptions: /elevator/done
: Upon receiving a message, kills the latest launch file.
: Runs position_controller.py
, SDH7_enter_elevator.py
(both in scripts
), lidar_elevator_detection.py
(in elevator_utils
: Gives commands to the robot given waypoints. Does basic collision avoidance (stopping). Used exclusively for elevator logic. move_base
controls all other movement.
Subscriptions: Receives pose from /amcl_pose
, goals from /goal_position
, /elevator/done
to know when to stop, and /scan
for LiDAR scans.
Publishers: /cmd_vel_acc
for velocity commands, goal_position_cb
to publish when a goal has been reached.
: Contains general logic of entering the 7th floor elevator.
Subscriptions: /goal_position_cb
to know when a goal has been reached.
Publishers: /goal_position
to publish new goals from a list for position_controller.py
to follow. /elevator/done
to publish when done so run_integrated.py
can kill the launch file that spawned this node.
TODO: SDH7_exit_elevator.py
, SDH2_enter_elevator.py
, SDH2_exit_elevator.py
-cv2, cv_bridge
TODO: Currently only supports 7th floor.
We use a LiDAR to determine whether or not an elevator door has opened in front of us. This is done by standing in front of the right side elevator and checking if there are enough LiDAR scans from within the elevator for us to believe the door is open. If it is not open for a while after hearing the elevator "ding", we conclude that the left elevator door must have opened.
Topic: /elevator/detection
Message type: Int32
Information: 7 if 7th floor elevator detected. 2 if 2nd floor elevator detected. Else, does not publish.
To run:
rosrun elevator_utils lidar_elevator_detection.py
NOTE: The rest of "Elevator Door Detection" is deprecated, but is kept since the script is still in the repository. This uses optic flow for detecting which elevator door opens. Robot must stay still to use, with 2 elevator doors in the frame.
To run:
rosrun elevator_utils elevator_detection
To get the value.
0: no open door
1: left door open
2: right door open
def door_detection_callback(door_value):
rospy.Subscriber("elevator_door_open", Int8, door_detection_callback)
Eliminate human movement through human detections
This uses the features from floor 7 and floor 2 to detect floors
To run:
rosrun elevator_utils floor_detection
To get the value.
For each floor, binary int for the detection of floor
pub = rospy.Publisher('floor_to_detect', Int8, queue_size=10)
pub.publish(0) #modify this value
# 0: no floor
# 1: floor2 when in the left elevator
# 2: floor2 when in the right elevator
# 3: floor7 when in the left elevator
# 4: floor7 when in the right elevator (direction facing the elevator from outside)
def floor_detection_callback(door_value):
#0 or 1 for the floor
rospy.Subscriber("floor_value", Int8, floor_detection_callback)
Requirements: pyaudio
This uses the frequency of the ding to detect which door opens. Right now it works well on Floor 7, not so well on Floor 2, yet.
To run:
rosrun voice_utils ding_detection 7 #7 or 2 for the floor number
To get the value.
def ding_detection_callback(ding_value):
#0: no door opens
#1: left door
#2: right door
rospy.Subscriber("ding_value", Int8, ding_detection_callback)
Packages Needed: In requirements.txt inside voice_utils
Use to call human to press button: Use rosrun voice_info Trial.py If human found inside elevator: Use rosrun voice_info Trial2.py
Voice recognition stuff is in recognizer.py which is written as a ROS service such that it can read input from mic and publish back to the node.
rosrun voice_info recog.py