Contains the Workshop scripts I used for the Hitbox project. As well as the place where everything will be kept up-to-date, instead of updating the Reddit post every time.
Feel free to use these resources for whatever you want.
The old method of (brute force) rotation transformation often overloads the server when using Genji, and also "vibrates" when moving around using any hero. So I updated the code to minimize the server load. The hitbox display is now 100% smoother. :)
For Workshop Creators, if you need the raw vertex and edge list for the hitbox mesh, I've uploaded a new file. Hope it will be useful.
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
To prove this, I bought myself the skin and actually scanned myself once. There is absolutely zero difference between them.
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
Hitbox Playground: 0A3TE to play with Genji's Deflect, Sigma's Kinetic Grasp and D.Va's Defense Matrix in game!
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
You can also use the Workshop code HP8XQ to play with Genji's Deflect hitbox!
Thanks KarQ! It features new visualizations made specifically for this video. I hope you enjoyed!
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
Each colour represent something different:
- Green: Normal, body hitbox, fitted
- Red: Critical hitbox, fitted (unless combined with Cyan)
- Blue: Hitbox intersection (with ground) indicator
- Cyan: Manually placed hitbox
- Yellow: Newly added hitbox (in patch comparisons)
- Teal: Shields (e.g. Brig shield)
- Orange: Cannot be shot at at that particular angle (e.g. in Genji's Deflect)
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
Click here for an orthographic comparison
Blizzard released PTR 1.48 today with changes to Echo and Reinhardt's head hitbox. Both hero's head hitbox volume was reduced to 78.48% and 76.93% of the original respectively. A new hitbox for Echo was made for her obtrusion on her shoulders (highlighted in yellow in the album).
Since these changes could be furthur altered during the PTR cycle, the 360 degree version will be release when these changes hit live.
More detailed numbers (percentage to old model in brackets):
Hero (%Ana) | Head SA | Body SA | Total SA | Total Vol | Total Vol ^2/3 | Head Vol** | Head Vol** ^2/3 |
Reinhardt (1.47) | 212.2 | 446.3 | 427 | 902 | 433.3 | 420.8 | 260.6 |
Reinhardt (1.48) | 158 (74.44) | 446.4 (100.02) | 422.6 (98.97) | 894.9 (99.21) | 431 (99.47) | 323.7 (76.93) | 218.8 (83.96) |
Echo (1.47) | 136.8 | 152.4 | 151.1 | 138.9 | 124.5 | 171.2 | 143.1 |
Echo (1.48) | 100.4 (73.38) | 154.1 (101.12) | 149.6 (99.05) | 137.4 (98.97) | 123.6 (99.31) | 134.3 (78.48) | 121.7 (85.08) |
** This number was taken by considering the entire Head hitbox, disregarding the obstructed portion (because it is hard to define the separation between body and head. Take these numbers very carefully
↓↓↓ Click me! [YouTube Video] ↓↓↓
Click here for the YouTube playlist
Click here for an orthographic comparison
Feel free to use these resources for whatever you want.
This is a follow-up post to this back in November 2019. This version provides a 360 degree view of the entire hero with hitbox representation at a very high precision, as well as showing the critical areas.
Scans were performed using a Workshop script, and then extracted from the game, converted, and imported to Blender. Capsules and polygons meshes were fitted to the point cloud. The result was then overlayed onto in-game screenshots.
Since the entire process takes time, the scans were performed since December 2019 to March 2020 through many patches, both on Live and PTR. The detailed list of patch used, and misc. stats are shown here
Improvements over the last version:
- Full 360 degree view, can use any angles in the future since the data has already been taken, only new screenshots are needed.
- Very high precision, up to 5 decimal places (±0.000005m or ±0.005mm in error). This allow spheres to be fitted at high accuracy.
- Shows critical area without relying on in-game critical detection.
- Shows hitboxes under ground level. Blue spots indicated hitboxes close to or intersecting the ground. Hitboxes below ground are fainter.
The only drawback is still there is no consistent way of locking the idle animation — freezing a hero does not set its animation to 0. So for heroes like Zenyatta, Sigma, Lucio, Mercy, Mei suffer from a more discrepancy between each screenshot than other heroes.
We can also calculate the size of the hitboxes for comparison. Here I used various metric, including Surface Area (SA) and Volume (Vol) and Volume ^2/3, as pointed out by u/nspr, the third metric may be a better number to represent the size of the hitboxes. All numbers in %Ana.
** This number was taken by considering the entire Head hitbox, disregarding the obstructed portion (because it is hard to define the separation between body and head. Take these numbers very carefully
Hero (%Ana) | Head SA | Body SA | Total SA | Total Vol | Total Vol ^2/3 | Head Vol** | Head Vol** ^2/3 |
Tank | |||||||
D.Va | 114.6 | 505 | 472.7 | 1179.8 | 518.2 | 463 | 277.8 |
D.Va (Pilot) | 115.4 | 97.5 | 99 | 105.5 | 103.6 | 124.6 | 115.8 |
Orisa | 271.8 | 504.1 | 484.9 | 866.1 | 421.7 | 505.3 | 294.5 |
Reinhardt | 212.2 | 446.3 | 427 | 902 | 433.3 | 420.8 | 260.6 |
Roadhog | 267.4 | 361.6 | 353.8 | 761.1 | 386.9 | 678.9 | 358.5 |
Sigma | 132.7 | 207.5 | 201.3 | 232.7 | 175.6 | 204.7 | 161.2 |
Winston | 294.8 | 449.9 | 437.1 | 955.5 | 450.3 | 771.2 | 390.3 |
Winston (Primal) | 513.2 | 737.3 | 718.8 | 2155.6 | 774.6 | 1678.1 | 655.4 |
Wrecking Ball | 183.1 | 604 | 569.2 | 1181.9 | 518.9 | 446.2 | 271 |
Wrecking Ball (Ball) | 0 | 275.9 | 253.1 | 785.9 | 395.3 | 0 | 0 |
Zarya | 165.9 | 152.2 | 153.4 | 202.7 | 160.2 | 227.9 | 173.2 |
Support | |||||||
Ana | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Baptiste | 75.1 | 136.8 | 131.7 | 138.3 | 124.1 | 105.3 | 103.5 |
Brigitte | 87.6 | 123.5 | 120.5 | 123.4 | 115.1 | 99.4 | 99.6 |
Lúcio | 80.7 | 114 | 111.2 | 126.7 | 117.1 | 74.7 | 82.3 |
Mercy | 93.8 | 112.8 | 111.3 | 106.2 | 104.1 | 100.5 | 100.4 |
Moira | 116.4 | 98.8 | 100.2 | 121.8 | 114.1 | 171.2 | 143.1 |
Zenyatta | 149.7 | 102 | 106 | 152.1 | 132.3 | 227.9 | 173.2 |
Zenyatta (Transcendence) | 145.4 | 114.9 | 117.4 | 161.7 | 137.7 | 227.9 | 173.2 |
Damage | |||||||
Ashe | 156 | 99.2 | 103.9 | 89 | 92.6 | 178.2 | 147 |
Bastion (Recon) | 225.2 | 296.4 | 290.5 | 379.2 | 243.2 | 321.1 | 217.7 |
Bastion (Sentry) | 79.8 | 285.9 | 268.8 | 372.8 | 240.4 | 184.3 | 150.3 |
Bastion (Tank) | 0 | 368.9 | 338.4 | 196 | 156.6 | 0 | 0 |
Doomfist | 122.2 | 234.1 | 224.8 | 286.5 | 201.7 | 158.6 | 136 |
Echo | 136.8 | 152.4 | 151.1 | 138.9 | 124.5 | 171.2 | 143.1 |
Genji | 95.8 | 115.2 | 113.6 | 122 | 114.2 | 124.6 | 115.8 |
Hanzo | 91.7 | 116.9 | 114.8 | 121.7 | 114 | 93.2 | 95.4 |
Junkrat | 119.2 | 132.5 | 131.4 | 98.8 | 99.2 | 128.6 | 118.3 |
McCree | 122.2 | 152.1 | 149.7 | 121.8 | 114.1 | 165.7 | 140.1 |
Mei | 73.4 | 97.7 | 95.7 | 101.1 | 100.8 | 104.9 | 103.2 |
Pharah | 129.2 | 206.6 | 200.2 | 196.1 | 156.7 | 178.2 | 147 |
Reaper | 155.6 | 143.4 | 144.5 | 195 | 156.1 | 227.9 | 173.2 |
Sombra | 83.2 | 92.3 | 91.6 | 77.9 | 84.7 | 87.3 | 91.3 |
Soldier: 76 | 112.4 | 120 | 119.4 | 142.8 | 126.8 | 171.2 | 143.1 |
Symmetra | 136.9 | 114.7 | 116.5 | 130.1 | 119.2 | 166.1 | 140.3 |
Tracer | 119.6 | 117.2 | 117.4 | 139.9 | 125.1 | 124.6 | 115.8 |
Torbjörn | 144.8 | 166.7 | 164.9 | 222.8 | 170.6 | 262.1 | 190.1 |
Widowmaker | 148.9 | 107.7 | 111.2 | 131.7 | 120.1 | 178.2 | 147 |
If you want the raw numbers, it’s included in the spreadsheet.
- Total amount of data point extracted: 7279051
- Out of all hitboxes, only 3 are not in form of a sphere/capsule. This is in
- Rip Tire model on Junkrat’s back (I believe the actual Tire in his ultimate is the same)
- The lid on Hammond’s mech
- The treads on Bastion’s Tank form
- A lot of hitboxes have “nice” numbers. For example, capsule with radius or length 0.20000, 0.40000, 0.25600, 0.43200, 0.12800. This is NOT observed in Sigma’s hitboxes
- The camera settings in-game are 103 degrees, with a distance of 3.09m (exception: 3.4m for Wrecking Ball’s Mech Form).
- The outbreak of COVID-19 gave me enormous amount of free time to work on this project
- The Workshop update on patch 1.45 speeds up the scanning process by at least 10 times
- If you looked close enough, one of Winston’s Primal hitbox is coloured cyan, because it wasn’t fitted, it was placed manually
- Mercy holding a pistol is not included because Mercy’s hitboxes alone took me soooo long
- The bonus clip is for Wrecking Ball’s T-Pose / reference pose. Someone found a glitch of forcing Hammond dummy bot to crouch. Turns out there is no hitbox pose that match the ref pose, it just uses its idle pose. Just a funny glitch I’d like to share.
Click here for the Workshop script I used
Or just use the code GBFGK (for 1.46)
Before you start, be reminded that this script does not show you the hitbox in-game, it just extracts the data.
The syntax used here are the new C-style syntax from 1.48 onwards.
The enemy bot is spawned at Global.BOT_POSITION = Vector(0, 0, 0)
, and when you select a hero, you will be placed in-front of the bot for confirmation. The bot is facing towards the positive z-axis, so it's left-hand direction is towards positive x-axis. For the rest of the document, all directions are in terms of the bot.
The start- and end-point for the ray casts are located in array Global.RAY_CAST_VECTORS[0]
and Global.RAY_CAST_VECTORS[1]
defines the positive depth direction and Global.RAY_CAST_VECTORS[3]
defines the positive height direction. By default, the beams are scanning from the front and back of the bot. One beam starts at [0]
to [1]
and the other from [1]
to [0]
, effectively scanning from both directions.
can be rotated in order to perform scans from different direction. Voice line right rotates the entire scan setup counterclockwise horizontally by 90-degrees. To confirm, the top-right HUD B-R-C now read 0-1-0. Each time it rotate horizontally the R value increases by one, therefore it will goes throught the cycle 0,1,2,3. Voice line left rotates the entire scan setup counterclockwise vertically by 90-degrees. It will update the B value in B-R-C, so pressing once will show 1-0-0. You can combine the rotations freely, but technically only 0-0-0, 1-0-0, and 0-1-0 are useful.
- Example: 0-1-0 will perform a side scan, L is bot's left-to-right and R is bot's right-to-left. Depth
- Example: 1-0-0 will perform a top-down scan, L is bot's foot-to-head and R is bot's head-to-foot. Depth direction is identical to 0-0-0, but positive Height direction is now bot's back-to-front
Each scanline undergoes 2 for loops, first loops the height value, than the depth value, both inclusive. The script first use Ray Cast Hit Player
to check if the beam hit a player or not, then proceed to call Ray Cast Hit Position
to obtain the actual data. This is done to avoid large amount of redundant data. Turn this check off if you want to scan building (e.g. Junkrat's Steel Trap).
You can individually scan each direction. Scan directions are indicated by L and R in the script. By default, L is the front-to-back direction, and R is the back-to-front direction.
- Pressing Interact scans both directions
- Pressing Ultimate status scans L only
- Pressing Group up scans R only
The position of the hits are stored in player variable of the player, in l_hit_store
and r_hit_store
. The array is refreshed after each vertical slice, so each entry in the debug inspector is effectively 1 vertical slice. Currently, I can store 420 vectors in 1 array without problem, but I'm not sure if it can handle any higher amount. The entire debug entries are copied for furthur processing.
- Set the bounds.
- Set the hero to spawn.
- Set the resolution.
- Set the orientation of the scan.
Voice Line Right
,Voice Line Left
in game
Each line is one entry, the syntax is
server_tick, variable_target, variable_1, variable_2, ... , variable_26
Therefore after one scan, you should only see the following types of lines
0.016, veriable_target, 0, 0, ...,0
(26 zeroes)- The first two lines must be in this format, they contains no data and can be ignored
server_tick, variable_target, {}, {}, 0, 0, ... ,0
(24 zeroes)- This is no hits in that vertical slice
server_tick, variable_target, {(point_1); (point_2); ... ; (point_n)}, {(point_1); (point_2); ... ; (point_n)}, 0, 0, ... ,0
(24 zeroes)- This is n hits in both directions
server_tick, variable_target, {(point_1); (point_2); ... ; (point_n)}, {}, 0, 0, ... ,0
(24 zeroes)- This is L scan only
server_tick, variable_target, {}, {(point_1); (point_2); ... ; (point_n)}, 0, 0, ... ,0
(24 zeroes)- Similarily, this is R scan only
- If you have many data (>30000 in total), the game will freeze after copy. This is completely normal, the copy is processing in the background. The script is only designed to do 1 scan per session, so expect to get kicked by the server after copying the data.
Date | |
201021 | Updated the Hitbox Playground to run smoother, and raw data for Creators |
201020 | Added skin comparison for Genji, and added dates to past updates |
201017 | Updated the playlist, GIF album and the latest YouTube vid |
200512 | Added color code explanation |
200513 | Added Junkrat's Mine, Junkrat's Trap, Genji's Deflect, Training Bot, Brigitte Shield, Mercy Valkyrie to the playlist |
200519 | Updated the playlist to reflect hitbox changes in 1.48 LIVE |
1.48 LIVE has passed the verification test. Both Rein and Echo's hitbox was pushed to LIVE as in PTR |