Releases: sera619/Unknown-Journey-GD4
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
- Patch v0.4.5:
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
Added an automatic version check at game start and existing internet connection. If the currently installed version is out of date, a dialogue box will automatically open with the information. New trap "Mine" has been implemented. New weapon "Fire Sword" is in the game. The player now automatically changes the appearance of the weapon when the weapon is changed.
The player life and energy display has been revised, the DoTHUD has also been revised and the old potion count overview window has been removed. The game is now automatically saved when leaving the game world. Missing hotkeys have been added to the options menu.
In addition, many smaller adjustments were made to the user interface and the backend. The devconsole has been optimised a few times.
Patch v0.4.3:
- Add check current networkstate function
- Create automatic gameversioncheck and prompt user if outdated
- Create "Mine"-Trap
- Create new CharacterHUD - Icons
- Add Cooldown on item usage (1 sec)
- Add multiselect to add items @ "DevConsole"
- Create "DevWorld" for development and debugging tests
- Create Playersprite "Player with Lightningsword"
- Remove last old Infobox Messages
- Add Energie reduce overtime if energie is more than 0
- Update Bomb-descriptiontext
- Add knockback force to "Bomb"
- Change player deathsound audiobus to "Ambiente"
- Create "RewardController"
- Add RewardController @ Enemys
- Create "ValueDisplay" to display health, damage, energie values if event occurs
- Add "ValueDisplay" @ Player
- Remove PotionHUD from UI
- Add function if UI Panel shows set automatic in front of screen
- Create "FireswordDrop"
- Fix "deathscreen" display duration
- Update Playerstats to use new "ValueDisplay"
- Add "Mine"- Warning SFX
- Update CharacterHUD replace text with Icons
- Re-Design "DotHUD" UI-Element
- Create current time notice
- Add autosave on exit game
- Re-Design health/energy-HUD UI-Element
- Update debug output message format
- Add Custom-Mousecursor for "PointingHand"
- Fix Tilemap-Error on "CityCellar"-Dungeontileset
- Fix OptionHUD-Tabbuttons
- Re-Design Option-Keymap-Panel
- Add missing hotkeys to Option-Keymap-Panel
- Update Devtools
- Fix non update playersprite after change gameworld
- Fix interaction for vendor and npc
- Fix Quests (development state)
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
This update is a bit more extensive again this time. 3 new NPCs have been added to the game, and 2 new quests are also available (including the one to unlock the bomb).
3 completely new game worlds are available: "Wood Cave", "Alchemy Lab", "City farm".
A new weapon has been implemented: "Lightning Sword".
I have given the lightning sword and the ice sword special effects that have a chance of being triggered when attacked. The basic setup for the "Grabbling Hook" ability is implemented.
Furthermore, mouse cursors have been adjusted, item drops have been visually enhanced with shaders.
In addition, the settings for brightness, contrast and saturation can now be adjusted in the options menu. The options menu has been equipped with a setting reset for video/audio sepperat. Other smaller hotfixes and UI adjustments.
For more details read below.
Patch v0.4.1:
- Create Playersprites "Firesword", "Icesword"
- Setup playersprite change on equipchange
- Add "Brightness", "Saturation" & "Contrast" video-option
- Add Damage-Shader @ "EyebalL"
- Setup new Player-Skill "Grabbling Hook"
- Setup new Player-State "Grabbling"
- Create "HookSpot" object
- Update video-setting savefile
- Add Option-Reset-Button for Audio&Video-Settings
- Re-factor optionpanel backend
- Add Accept-Dialog to prevent missclick actions on optionsreset
- Add Attention-Sound on Accept-Dialog
- Add Accept-Dialog to Namesetting if input is empty or profile already exists
- Create mousecursor styles (nomral, ibeam)
- Create new Weapon "Lightning-Sword"
- Create Weapon-Effects
- Add backend functionality to trigger weapon Effects
- Create Ice-Sword Weaponeffect animation
- Create Lightning-Sword Weaponeffect animation
- Create GPU-Particles for itemdrops
- Add various colored particleeffects @ itemdrops
- Create Item (bomb) placing soundeffect
- Create "CityAlchemy" game map
- Create "CityFarm" game map
- Create "WoodCave" game map
- Update Teleporter locations
- Create new NPC "Prof. Aiden"
- Create new Quest "Alchemistic"
- Create new Quest "Bombs"
- Create new Itemdrop "Ashe"
- Add "AsheDrop" to "Skeletonmage" reward-scenes
- Fix setting update bug, should now load/set saved settings correctly
- Adjust item-descriptiontexts for weapons
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
2 new NPC´s added to "City" gameworld. A special playergraveyard object is added to gameworld.
New useable item "Bomb" added and created objects that can destroy with bombs. Including Actionbar-Button, Inventoryplace, Item-drop and animations.
Added 2 new Zones to "City" gameworld: "Graveyard", "Farm". Added more SFX and VFX. and much more!For more details read below:
Patch v0.3.9:
- Create "Bomb"-Item/object/Drop-Item
- Create "Destroyable Wall"
- Create "Player Graveyard"
- Add "Graveyard"-Zone @ "City"
- Fill details @ "City"
- Add SFX @
- "Bomb"
- "Destroyable Wall"
- "Coin" collect
- Adjust Notice-Message-Texturesize
- Re-Color Sword-Slasheffect
- Fix Optionloadbug
- Create Actionbar-Slot for "Bomb"
- Add player item-drop position
- Add function to use items
- Add keyframes @ player animations to rotate dropzone correctly
- Add "Last Death" watch
- Add Ingame-Map-Names dictionary
- Add "Bomb" @ InventoryManager
- Fill details @ "Hills" map
- Create default hitbox
- Add Notice to display ingame map name
- Fix non update Equipframe
- Add "Farm"-Zone @ "City"
- Create new NPC "Farmer Caelan"
- Create new NPC "Reaper Ashe"
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
New Enemy "Eyeball" with new Spell is created. The optionmenu is resdesign and include now the option to change ambiente volume
"City" game map have more NPC now.
"City Cellar" game map have now NPC´s and enemies.
Add much more sound effects. Fix serveral bugs.
For more details read below.
Patch v0.3.7:
- Add Ambiente volume option
- Re-work backend audiomanager
- Update Audio-Bus settings
- Create function to prevent old optionfile loadcrashes
- Create "Fire"-SFX files
- Create new enemy "Eyeball"
- Create new Enemyprojectile "Fireball"
- Add Enemys on "City Cellar"
- Add background sound @ "City Cellar", "City Hotel", "City Shop"
- Add SFX @
- "Switch Cabinet"
- "Bricks"
- "Stove"
- "Camin"
- "Campfire"
- "Torch"
- "Clock"
- "Spiketrap"
- "Firetrap"
- "Book"
- "Sleep" / "Bed"
- Player "Sword take"
- Player "Sword stick"
- "Healthpot take"
- "Energiepot take"
- "Waterbottle"
- "Fruit Bush"
- Create player interaction raycast
- Update interactable objects for raycast tracking
- Fix dialog bug if interactable objects are to close each other
- Create "Knight Bran" NPC
- Create "Marshall Eldon" NPC
- Add more NPC @ "City"
- Fix continue player move if Teleportarea entered
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and escape Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
A whole 2 new quests and 2 new NPCs are in the game. Interactive items have been added to the quests. The "City Cellar" game world has been expanded to include further features.
This means that cooldown timers have also been added to the action bar. A confirmation dialogue window has been added to ensure that, for example, when deleting game saves, the user is asked once again whether this action should really be carried out. Many small user interface animations were added.
In the game world "City Hotel" the NPC for the new quests was added and a lot more!
Patch v0.3.4:
- Add cooldownprogressbar on actionbar buttons
- Create AcceptPopup to prevent actions by mistake (delete savegames)
- Fix Unique-Savegame bug if add new Chests on maps
- Draw "Error Notice" texture
- Add common noticemessage @ Noticesystem
- Add error noticemessage @ Noticesystem
- Adjust "Player" Hitbox/Spellbox/Body collider
- Made "Door" lockable/unlockable
- Draw "Box-Plattform"
- Draw "Electric Case" on/off
- Draw "Red Chest"
- Draw "Cable" Tileset (autotiling)
- Edit "Chest" to select chesttype
- Add Red Chest @ "Chest" object
- Adjust "Trap" to select traptype
- Re-Design "City Cellar" map
- Animate Micromenu
- Create breaking "Bricks" object
- Create "Switch Box" object
- Create "Switch Cabinet" object
- Add "Switch"-Elements @ "City Cellar" map
- Add "Lava" terrain @ "City Cellar" map
- Create NPC "Danika"
- Create Quest "Danika"
- Create NPC "Thalassa"
- Create Quest "Befreiung"
- Add NPC "Danika" @ "City Cellar"
- Add NPC "Thalassa" @ "City Hotel"
- Add metaldoor @ group "doors"
- Fix keep hiding actionbar after dialogbox close
- Update questtext @ "Ernte"
- Add new quests @ "QuestManager"
- Create NPC-Names Dic @ "T"
- Add questcheck to kill no needed objects @ "City Cellar"
- Re-Size Notice background-textures
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to prevent any crashes.
Quick Overview:
- Add new Noticemessagesystem
- Created 2 new Maps "City Cellar", "City Hotel"
- Filled up more details on gamemaps
- Created Traps "Chainblade", "Spiketrap"
- Created multiple SFX/VFX
- Created player "pushable" Objects
- Add "Actionbar"
- and much more! Details below!
Changelog Patch v0.3.1:
- Create Python Devtool script to wrap helper scripts
- Create NoticeBox
- Create Notice BG Textures
- Create NoticeMessage to display not important events
- Add new noticemessages to items & quests
- Add errorhandler on Devtool-Wrapper
- Fix clipping Doors @ city
- Add interaction icon to chest
- Add Rewards to Mushroom-Enemy
- Enable Attack state on Mushroom-Enemy
- Add Gold-Drop reward to enemies
- Create PhysicsBox
- Add pushable worldobject
- Create new World "City Cellar"
- Create new World "City Hotel"
- Adjust default sound settings
- Update teleporterlocations
- fill details on "City Cellar"
- fill details on "City Hotel"
- Add Light & Light-Occulder on "City Cellar"
- Add Lights on "City Hotel"
- Re-design "City Hotel" world
- Create Fireplace, Candle, Stove, Great Candle animations
- Create "Switch" object
- Re-Design Player House
- Create Trail-Tilset for Trappaths
- Create water reflection animations
- Add Switch "Click"-Soundeffect
- Enalbe interaction icon on interactable objects
- Create "Chainblade Trap"
- Create "Chainblade Trap" animations
- Add Pathfollow for traps on "City Cellar"
- Fix player crash if no knockback on area set
- Create "Spike Trap"
- Add Traps to "City Cellar"
- Add Teleport function to Devconsole
- Create Actionbar Icons/Slot(active/passive) images
- Create Actionslot for "Healthpot", "Energiepot", all attacks, "Dash"
- Create Actionbar
- Add Actionbar to interface
- Add show/hide micromenu if micromenu-submenubutton is pressed
- Add disable/enable actionbar if dialogbox is showing/hiding
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "Unknown Journey -TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and escape Gamecrashs!
Patch v0.2.9:
- Fix crashing game on quest complete (Dataerror)
- adjust shake effect
- enable loadmenu ingame
- fix info spam on mainmenu
- add current os time on pause menu
- create ingame StatisticBook
- create Player-Statistic functionality
- Update Datahandler for statistic
- set alphainformation to Mainmenu
- add remove old savefiles check
- Setup automaticly Create-Github-Release
- Create Makefile
- Add House BG sound
- Add Reset Savefile button @ loadmenu
- Add ingame micromenu
- Add Quicksave button @ micromenu
- Create script to update Makefile
- Add more details to inner house
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "Unknown Journey -TechAlpha.exe"
Patch v0.2.6:
- Create new Worlds: "Small Wood", "City", "City Shop"
- Create 3 new Quests
- Add music theme to gameworlds
- Create Player Inventory
- Create Shop-System
- Create NPC Vendor
- Add NPC Cititzens to "City" map
- Add Playersword SFX
- Create Treasure-Chest
- Add unique loot functionality
- Create animated Doors
- Design "Small Wood" map
- Add enemy reward System
- Create Coin-Drop Item
- Add player equipsystem
- Add new Equipitems: "Ice-Sword", "Fire-Sword", "Sword"
- Add Itemdrop SFX
- Add Questitem pickup SFX
- Create Random-Dialogs & Random-Dialog-System for cititzens
- Create interactable clock
- Add massive details on all Maps
- Create Random Navigationagent
- Create Navigationpaths
- Adjust teleportlocations
- Adjust player teleport positions
- Add played time counter
- Create Background-Savecontroller for unique lootable objects
- re-design all water-tiles/-sprites
- Create base lootable questitem object
- multiple small hofixes
New Alphatech version:
Download the zip > Extract to a dictionary > open dictionary > run "Unknown Journey -TechAlpha.exe"
- add external Profile Manager for multiple players and savedata
- create Loadmenu GU
- create Loadmenu GUI Mainmenu animation
- add Loadmenu GUI @ MainMenu & Interface(ingame)
- add levelup sounds to levelup effect
- fix crashing game if player leave enemy detector and enemy is getting into Flee state
- adjust questlog coloring
- made dotbar progessbars more visible
- enable sword energie generation @ Skeleton Mages
- several small hotfixes
Full Changelog: Techalpha-v.0.1.3...TechAlpha-v.0.1.4
New Alphatech version:
Download the zip > Extract to a dictionary > open dictionary > run "Unknown Journey -TechAlpha.exe"
- Add Devconsole
- fixing Skeleton Ai.
- fix enemy spell
- fix heal and hit effect on player/enemys
- add vsync function @ Options
- fix shadow bug
- add more effect sounds (potion drink and more)
- several small hotfixes
Hotfix Update:
- fixing wood level physic/draw layers
- adjust questlog colors
- add Option UI Keys
- add frost cast effect
Full Changelog: Techalpha-v0.1.1...Techalpha-v.0.1.3