Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
- Patch v0.4.5:
Download the zip > Extract to a directory > open directory> run "UnknownJourney-TechAlpha.exe"
IMPORTANT: If you already played the game please click the "Reset" Button on the Loadmenu to Reset Savefiles and prevent Gamecrashs!
Quick Overview:
Added an automatic version check at game start and existing internet connection. If the currently installed version is out of date, a dialogue box will automatically open with the information. New trap "Mine" has been implemented. New weapon "Fire Sword" is in the game. The player now automatically changes the appearance of the weapon when the weapon is changed.
The player life and energy display has been revised, the DoTHUD has also been revised and the old potion count overview window has been removed. The game is now automatically saved when leaving the game world. Missing hotkeys have been added to the options menu.
In addition, many smaller adjustments were made to the user interface and the backend. The devconsole has been optimised a few times.
Patch v0.4.3:
- Add check current networkstate function
- Create automatic gameversioncheck and prompt user if outdated
- Create "Mine"-Trap
- Create new CharacterHUD - Icons
- Add Cooldown on item usage (1 sec)
- Add multiselect to add items @ "DevConsole"
- Create "DevWorld" for development and debugging tests
- Create Playersprite "Player with Lightningsword"
- Remove last old Infobox Messages
- Add Energie reduce overtime if energie is more than 0
- Update Bomb-descriptiontext
- Add knockback force to "Bomb"
- Change player deathsound audiobus to "Ambiente"
- Create "RewardController"
- Add RewardController @ Enemys
- Create "ValueDisplay" to display health, damage, energie values if event occurs
- Add "ValueDisplay" @ Player
- Remove PotionHUD from UI
- Add function if UI Panel shows set automatic in front of screen
- Create "FireswordDrop"
- Fix "deathscreen" display duration
- Update Playerstats to use new "ValueDisplay"
- Add "Mine"- Warning SFX
- Update CharacterHUD replace text with Icons
- Re-Design "DotHUD" UI-Element
- Create current time notice
- Add autosave on exit game
- Re-Design health/energy-HUD UI-Element
- Update debug output message format
- Add Custom-Mousecursor for "PointingHand"
- Fix Tilemap-Error on "CityCellar"-Dungeontileset
- Fix OptionHUD-Tabbuttons
- Re-Design Option-Keymap-Panel
- Add missing hotkeys to Option-Keymap-Panel
- Update Devtools
- Fix non update playersprite after change gameworld
- Fix interaction for vendor and npc
- Fix Quests (development state)