Releases: shanewhi/world-energy-data
Latest release
Handling of unpublished data
Improved execution of scripts and console output for case where country being profiled isn't listed in EI and or IEA data.
Reduced chart qty
Reduced the quantity of charts generated and improved debug output.
Global Carbon Budget 2024 update
Global Carbon Budget 2024 update
Improved elec chart
Improved electricity by share chart to show final year values.
Improved charts
Improved handling of data containing NaN when column chart functions plot a line at zero for zero values, or values below threshold.
Improved chart footnotes.
Minor bug fix and improved charts
Minor bug fix in column charts.
Improved column charts to consistently display a line at zero for zero values, or values so small they aren't visible when plotted as columns.
Improved column chart footnotes.
Improved charts
Improved footer text for charts. Added country list to chart 4 - Shares of national fossil fuel production.
Added footer text
Small update - added footer text about rounding to dual change charts (charts 8 & 15).
Improved charts and IEA data update for 2024
IEA data update
Improved chart titles and formats
Combined charts where possible to reduce total number
Improved chart footer texts