cd wette_racecar_ws
git submodule init
git submodule update
colcon build
To create a new map from scratch, we need to run cartographer in map-creation-mode, and let the vehicle drive slowly through the racetrack using gap_follow.
ros2 launch vehicle_control
ros2 launch cartographer_ros
once, the map is good, it can be saved using commands
ros2 service call /finish_trajectory cartographer_ros_msgs/srv/FinishTrajectory "{trajectory_id: '0'}"
ros2 service call /write_state cartographer_ros_msgs/srv/WriteState "{filename: '/root/cartographer_ws/map.pbstream'}"
which creates the file /root/cartographer_ws/map.pbstream
from map.pbstream, a map.pgm and map.yaml can be created using
ros2 run cartographer_ros cartographer_pbstream_to_ros_map -pbstream_filename=/root/cartographer_ws/map.pbstream -map_filestem=map
The files /root/cartographer_ws/map.pgm and map.yaml should be created.
To use an existing map, cartographer needs to be run in localization-only mode:
ros2 launch vehicle_control
ros2 launch cartographer_ros map_filename:=/root/cartographer_ws/map.pbstream
Start Slam Toolbox with command
ros2 launch slam_toolbox slam_params_file:=/root/wette_racecar_ws/mapping_localization/mapper_params_online_async.yaml
Open rviz and add the SlamToobox Panel (Panels --> Add new panels). You can find a "save to file" button there.
Localize in that map using slam_toolbox (has its own problems due to non-fixed map clashing with a fixed raceline)
ros2 launch slam_toolbox slam_params_file:=/root/wette_racecar_ws/mapping_localization/localization_params_online_async.yaml
ros2 launch mapping_localization/ params_file:=mapping_localization/nav2_params.yaml map:=MindenCitySpeedway0408.yaml
If the map does not show up in rviz2, set Map->Topic->"Durability Policy" to "Transient Local" in the left rviz control pane.