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Unity using Sqlite

L edited this page Jul 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

I see online blogs talking about referencing sqlite3.dll,Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll,System.Data.dll,for example Setup Database (SQLite) for Unity
or using some of the third-party import methods unity-3rdparty-sqlite-net
or importing via third-party package management tools Unity3D 入门:如何管理 Unity 项目中的 NuGet 包?使用第三方 NuGet 包管理器——NuGetForUnity.
But I found out that Unity has libraries for Sqlite. It is Unity.VisualScripting.Dependencies.Sqlite.SQLiteConnection,The information is here:Unity.VisualScripting.Dependencies.Sqlite.SQLiteConnection
So I simply made a demo of inserting, deleting, and querying.
Unity.VisualScripting.Dependencies.Sqlite.SQLiteConnection can use directly without any references, so you can complete the operation of Sqlite.
Here is part of the key code.
Create Table

using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite))
    var count = db.CreateTable<UserInfo>();
    count = db.CreateTable<RandomEvent>();

Insert Data

using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite))
    var count = db.Insert(new UserInfo()
        Name = "test1Name",
        Sex = SexEnum.Woman,
        Birthday = new DateTime(1990, 10, 2)
    }, typeof(UserInfo));
    List<UserInfo> users = new List<UserInfo>();
    users.Add(new UserInfo()
        Name = "test2Name",
        Sex = SexEnum.Man,
        Birthday = new DateTime(2000, 10, 2)
    users.Add(new UserInfo()
        Name = "test3Name",
        Sex = SexEnum.Woman,
        Birthday = new DateTime(2004, 10, 2)
    count = db.InsertAll(users, typeof(UserInfo));

Modify Data

using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite))
    var count = db.Update(new UserInfo()
        Id = 3,
        Name = "test1Name-Update",
        Sex = SexEnum.Woman,
        Birthday = new DateTime(1990, 10, 2)
    }, typeof(UserInfo));

Delete Data

using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite))
    string sql = "select Id,Name,Sex,Birthday from UserInfo where Id =3";
    var data = new object[] { "Id", "Name", "Sex", "Birthday" };
    var deleteData = db.Query(new TableMapping(typeof(UserInfo)), sql, data).FirstOrDefault();
    if (deleteData != null)
        var count = db.Delete(deleteData);

    var count2 = db.Delete<UserInfo>(4);

Query Data

using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite))
    string sql = "select Id,Question,[Order] from RandomEvent";
    var data = new object[] { "Id", "Question", "[Order]" };
    var datas = db.Query(new TableMapping(typeof(RandomEvent)), sql, data);

    //enum not work :(
    //var datas2 = db.Find<UserInfo>(user => user.Name.Contains("test"));
    var datas2 = db.Find<RandomEvent>(randomEvent => randomEvent.Question.Contains("q"));

    var data3 = db.Get<UserInfo>(1);

The data table needs to be declared.

[Table(name: nameof(RandomEvent))]
public class RandomEvent
    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Question { get; set; }
    public int Order { get; set; }
[Table(name: nameof(UserInfo))]
public class UserInfo
    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public SexEnum Sex { get; set; }
    public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }

Sample Code

After opening the project, you can execute it in the scene TestSqliteCanvas.

If you don't feel comfortable using it, you can wrap another layer yourself~

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