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Post Beach Challenges

tobyamiel edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

The following are a number of challenges to test the player's skill after opening the 'bridge' of the beach. They transition from the end of the beach to the beginning of the park, providing the player with a change to a more linear structure, as well as challenging them in more specific lessons.

Challenge 1 - Basic Movement

What is the purpose of this area?

To test players on their ability to use more basic movement abilities

What does this mean?

  • Testing players ability to walk, sprint, and jump, as well as combining these
  • Quickly introducing climbing with slick surfaces

Layout / Critical Path

On the below screenshots, the black arrow (if not acting as signage) denotes the path the player takes as a squirrel, and the pink denoting the path once in ball form.

The player will enter the challenge from the left, with the only path to move upwards.


The player will need to walk over a log, and then jump while walking to move higher, with a platform below to allow them to try again on failed attempts. Following this, there will be a steep climb to the ball making thing, and a slippery surface short enough that players can climb through it, in order to teach them that this is possible.


Once at the top, the player can turn into a ball, and can only roll back down, which will send them on a path towards the ramp. If they have enough speed, they can roll over the top of the jumping platform, or roll underneath and come back up. Both will give the player enough speed to move up the ramp.


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