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Risk Assessment

Lachie Hines edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 39 revisions

Risk Assessment

Two ways to manage and identify key risks and issues in the project we are using are Trello dependency links and a Risk assessment table.

Task Dependencies

On our Trello board linking tasks via dependency links is a way to highlight to each member of the project whether or not the task they are working on is blocking or linked to another members task.

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Risk Table

Another method for highlighting issues and risks that aren't necessarily on Trello cards/tasks is a Risk Assessment table. Here each risk is given an ID and description and then a probability and impact rating (Low, Medium, High). Risks with High in both categories are raised at each meeting to assess if the risk has been addressed. A column is also added to highlight which group of people on the project the risk most affects; Programmers, Artists, Level Designers, e.g.

Risk Matrix

no. Very Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Highly Likely
No Impact Low Low Low Med Med
Minor Impact Low Low Med Med High
Moderate Impact Low Med Med High High
Major impact Med Med High High Very High
Critical Impact Med High High Very High Very High
  • This matrix is used to categorize risks, using likelihood against the impact of each risk to get a "score".
No. Description Risk Score Raised by
1 Length of game is getting too long Medium Designers
2 Needing to learn new tools to complete certain aspects High Everyone
3 Constant design changes High Everyone
4 Working on things that are out of scope High Everyone
5 Working and prioritizing the incorrect tasks Medium Everyone
6 Not enough play testing Medium Everyone
7 Unsure of what features are still needed High Designers
8 Covid and motivation issues High Everyone
9 Not ensuring the codebase is well kept Medium Programmers

Risks managed:

  • 1: The length of the Game has been scaled back and a set time length has been agreed on by the group (10-15min)
  • 2: Tied into rescoping of game, everyone's tasks have either been scaled back or assigned to someone who knows the tools
  • 7: Tied into rescoping, games core elements have been discussed at addressed
  • 4: Scope of the game has been discussed and each member is aware of what features are being included.
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