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Data preview service

David Megginson edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 5 revisions

The HXL Proxy's Data-preview service at /api/data-preview.csv and /api/data-preview.json generates a raw (non-HXL-processed) preview of any tabular data source that the HXL Proxy can read. The service accepts the following GET parameters:

Parameter Is required? Description
url yes URL of the dataset to preview (must be publicly readable)
sheet no The zero-based index of the sheet/tab to preview, if the source is an Excel workbook (defaults to 0 for the first sheet). Note that this does not apply to Google Sheets; use the full URL with the hash to get a specific tab
filename no The download filename (defaults to data-preview.csv or data-preview.json)
rows no The maximum number of rows to return (defaults to -1, for all)
force no If the value is "on", skip caching (defaults to a one-hour cache for both input and output)

The results include a CORS header to allow in-browser Javascript use.

To get a list of all the sheets in a Microsoft Excel workbook, use the Data preview sheets API endpoint.


Preview a Google Sheet, all rows, and return the results as JSON:

Same as the above, but with CSV output (UTF-8 character encoding):

JSON output, but limited to just the first 2 rows:

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