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Address structure

redrinkwater edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

To add an address to a report.

Create a new variable for the role of the agent to be used in the address:

Go to View > Variables

Name the variable e.g. addressRole

Set the variable in Variable Expression, include "" to ensure it will work in the script

Each Element of the address also needs to have a variable created for it. These follow the same structure:

Name element: ((edu.ku.brc.specify.config.Scriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getByLoanAgentRole($F{Loan_Number},$V{addressRole},"agent.Title")

Address element: ((edu.ku.brc.specify.config.Scriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getByLoanAgentRole($F{Loan_Number},$V{addressRole},"address.address")

The last element of each is the table.fieldName this needs to be changed to match the field name of the relevant element.

This is entered in to the Variable Expression Field.

In the Initial Value Expression enter "".


In the document enter the following into the Text Field box:

($V{agentTitle}==""?"":$V{agentTitle}+" ")+($V{agentFirstName}==""?"":$V{agentFirstName}+" ")+($V{agentLastName}==""?"":$V{agentLastName}+"<br/>") +($V{addressAddress}==""?"":$V{addressAddress}+"<br/>") +($V{addressAddress2}==""?"":$V{addressAddress2}+"<br/>") +($V{addressAddress3}==""?"":$V{addressAddress3}+"<br/>") +($V{addressAddress4}==""?"":$V{addressAddress4}+"<br/>") +($V{addressAddress5}==""?"":$V{addressAddress5}+"<br/>") +($V{addressState}==""?"":$V{addressState}+"<br/>") +($V{addressPostalCode}==""?"":$V{addressPostalCode}+"<br/>") +($V{addressCountry}==""?"":$V{addressCountry})

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