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Editing fields in Query for Reports

redrinkwater edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 1 revision

If a report has already been created, but some of the fields used in it have been changed, the report won't work unless the the fields have been updated in both the query and the report.

A video from Specify on how to do this is available here:

A summary of the steps from this video:

Find the query being used as the data source for the Report in Query -> Saved Queries

Add the new field and remove the one we are no longer using.

Save the record.

Go to SpiReport and open the report that we want to update.

Find the section in the details part of the report.

Right click and select Edit Expression

The $F() section will look broken, as the field it was referecing has been removed. Add the new field name (as it is in the middle fields section). The text should turn green if it is OK.

Save the report.

The change should now be reflected when the report is run in Specify.

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