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Economy Configuration

Ren edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

» Home » Economy » Configuration


  • payments: Configuration settings affecting paying money
    • maximum-distance: The maximum distance players may be from each other in order to transfer money via /money pay (or /pay). In order to set this to effectively global, set it to a really big number.
  • currency: Configuration settings related to currencies
    • default: The default currency used where none is specified. This is required for a number of integrations, including Vault. You should make the currency in-game, before setting this and restarting the server.
  • dynamic-exchanges: These settings relate to dynamic currency exchanges (i.e. the rate changes depending on how much people exchange the currency)
    • rate-change: This is the amount the rate on a dynamic exchange should change with every transaction. The rate is calculated as the amount converting from, divided by the amount converting to, and is local to the dynamic exchange sign.

Recommended cache sizes

  • money_hidden id: Should be the size of the maximum amount of players, or disabled if money character card field is not in use
  • money_hidden character_id: Should be the size of the maximum amount of players, or disabled if money character card field is not in use
  • rpkit_currency id: Should be the size of the amount of currencies in use
  • rpkit_currency name: Should be the size of the amount of currencies in use
  • rpkit_wallet id: Should be the size of the maximum amount of players


    description: Allows adding currencies
    default: op
    description: Allows removing currencies
    default: op
    description: Allows listing currencies
    default: true
    description: Allows adding money to a player''s balance
    default: op
    description: Allows subtracting money from a player''s balance
    default: op
    description: Allows setting a player''s balance
    default: op
    description: Allows paying other players money
    default: true
    description: Allows viewing your own balance
    default: true
    description: Allows viewing other player''s balances
    default: op
    description: Allows opening your wallet
    default: true
    description: Allows creating dynamic exchange signs
    default: op
    description: Allows creating exchange signs
    default: op


If you are using PlaceholderAPI, you may use placeholders in the format %rpkeconomy_money${currency}%, where ${currency} is the name of the currency you want to get. For example, %rpkeconomy_moneygold% would be the amount of money the player has in the currency 'gold'.

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