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Tutorial: Voronoi tessellation based grain structure

Sunil Anandatheertha edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 12 revisions

All parameters to be changed in VTGS_V1.m. Necessary files are

  1. VTGS_V1.m: Parameters to be changed in this are next to each image in the figures below. Choose either type = 'random';, type = 'rect_hex'; OR type = 'hex';.
  2. make_hex_grain_structure_v2.m. NO change needed.
  3. VoronoiLimit.m. NO change needed.

Voronoi tessellation over a random lattice: Grains of random geometry

  1. STEP 1: open VTGS_V1.m
  2. STEP 2: Set type = 'random'; under case random
  3. STEP 3: Set the following:
startx     = value;
starty     = value;
lengthx    = value;
widthy     = value;
Nopoints_i = value;
Nopoints_j = value;
xscale     = value;
yscale     = value;
origshiftx = value;
origshifty = value;

to values as indicated HERE

Voronoi tessellation over a rectangular lattice: Rectangular grains

  1. STEP 1: open VTGS_V1.m
  2. STEP 2: Set `type = 'rect;'
  3. STEP 3: Set the following:
startx  = value;
starty  = value;
lengthx = value;
widthy  = value;
incr_i  = value;
incr_j  = value;

to values as indicated HERE

Voronoi tessellation over a triangular lattice: Hexagonal grains

  1. STEP 1: open VTGS_V1.m
  2. STEP 2: Set `type = 'hex;'
  3. STEP 3: Set the following:
x_lim  = value;
y_lim  = value;
h_dist = value;
v_dist_factor = value;

to values as indicated HERE

Voronoi tessellation over a rectangular-triangular mixed lattice

  1. STEP 1: open VTGS_V1.m
  2. STEP 2: Set `type = 'rect_hex;'
  3. STEP 3: Set the following:
startx     = value;
starty     = value;
lengthx    = value;
lengthy    = value;
incr_i     = value;
incr_i_fac = value;
incr_j     = value;
incr_j_fac = value;

bs_ext = [value value;
          value value;
          value value;
          value value;
          value value];

to values as indicated HERE. NOTE: bs_ext may be used as provided above or as following, in which case, a rectangular domain will be used!

bs_ext = [startx         starty;
          startx+lengthx starty;
          startx+lengthx starty+lengthy;
          startx         starty+lengthy;
          startx         starty];

Voronoi tessellation over a random spatially gradient matrix

  1. STEP 1: open VTGS_V1.m
  2. STEP 2: Set `type = 'rand_exponent;'
  3. STEP 3: Set the following:
startx     = value;
starty     = value;
lengthx    = value;
lengthy    = value;
Nopoints_i = value;
Nopoints_j = value;
xscale     = value;
yscale     = value;
origshiftx = value;
origshifty = value;

constantx  = value;
exponentx  = value;
constanty  = value;
exponenty  = value;

to values as indicated HERE.

generating pixellated grain structure equivalent of the Voronoi tessellated grain structure

By setting the below parameter, pixellated grain structure can be generated. An example can be seen [HERE] (link may not show properly. Pplease go the appropriate section in the webpage opened by the link)( CODE TO BE UPDATED AND SUBSEQUENTLY PARAMETERS TO BE PROVIDED HETRE

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