See to see compatible Minecraft shaders.
See to see compatible Minecraft mods.
See Mod Support Matrix or Shader Support Matrix to check how your device works out.
MobileGlues, which stands for "(on) Mobile, GL uses ES", is a GL implementation running on top of host OpenGL ES 3.2, with running Minecraft Java Edition in mind.
Capable of running Minecraft Sodium mod;
Capable of rendering most minecraft shaders with Minecraft Iris mod or Optifine.
Capable of running some Minecraft mods with custom rendering routines, such as JourneyMap and Create.
Plugin App has been open sourced at MobileGlues-plugin.
Except where otherwise stated, the content of that repository is provided under ECVL V1.0 license.
Since we are a small team, we cannot own every distinct device and do through tests on them.
If you are interested in this project, please consider contributing to the project by:
Filling out the mod support matrix or shader support matrix!
We need your help to test the compatibility of shaders and mods, and a broad variety of devices!
How to fill out the table
You may:
- Add a new device to the table, by appending a new row to the table. (You can get device codename from
adb shell getprop
) - Add a new item to the table, by appending a new column to the table. (Make sure you have modify all the rows to add the column!)
- Fill out the table with the compatibility of the item on the device, by marking the cell with
- a checkmark (✅) if the item is compatible,
- or a cross (❌) if the item is fully not compatible (and file an issue/link to the issue).
- If the item is not tested (not included in your modpack/you do not install this mod), mark the cell with a question mark (?).
- a asterisk (*️⃣) if the item is working, but have missing features and/or have graphical glitches (and file an issue/link to the issue).
- If applicable, you may want to mention what additional drivers/plugins rather than the one vendor provides, are in use (such as turnip drivers, ANGLE, etc.) in the "Additional Drivers/Plugins in use" column.
- If applicable, you should add a file named
, to provide additional information, and put the link in the last column.
Copyright (C) 2025 Swung0x48, BZLZHH, Tungsten. All rights reserved. Logo artwork kindly provided by Aou156.
SPIRV-Cross by KhronosGroup: github
glslang by KhronosGroup: github
GlslOptimizerV2 by aiekick: github
cJSON by DaveGamble: github
Gson by Google: github
AndroidX Activity Compose by Android Open Source Project (AOSP): Android Developers