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NI DAQMX Channel Attributes Analog Output
See how to get and set attributes.
- DAQmx_AO_Max
- DAQmx_AO_Min
- DAQmx_AO_CustomScaleName
- DAQmx_AO_OutputType
- Voltage
- Current
- Function Generation
- General Properties
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the maximum value you expect to generate. The value is in the units you specify with a units property. If you try to write a value larger than the maximum value, NI-DAQmx generates an error. NI-DAQmx might coerce this value to a smaller value if other task settings restrict the device from generating the desired maximum. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the minimum value you expect to generate. The value is in the units you specify with a units property. If you try to write a value smaller than the minimum value, NI-DAQmx generates an error. NI-DAQmx might coerce this value to a larger value if other task settings restrict the device from generating the desired minimum. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | char* |
Description: | Specifies the name of a custom scale for the channel. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Indicates whether the channel generates voltage, current, or a waveform. |
Restrictions: | Not Settable |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Voltage | 10322 | Voltage generation. |
DAQmx_Val_Current | 10134 | Current generation. |
DAQmx_Val_FuncGen | 14750 | Function generation. |
You can get this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies in what units to generate voltage on the channel. Write data to the channel in the units you select. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Volts | 10348 | Volts. |
DAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale | 10065 | Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the current limit, in amperes, for the voltage channel. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies in what units to generate current on the channel. Write data to the channel in the units you select. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Amps | 10342 | Amperes. |
DAQmx_Val_FromCustomScale | 10065 | Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name. |
DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS | 12516 | Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the kind of the waveform to generate. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Sine | 14751 | Sine wave. |
DAQmx_Val_Triangle | 14752 | Triangle wave. |
DAQmx_Val_Square | 14753 | Square wave. |
DAQmx_Val_Sawtooth | 14754 | Sawtooth wave. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the frequency of the waveform to generate in hertz. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the zero-to-peak amplitude of the waveform to generate in volts. Zero and negative values are valid. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the voltage offset of the waveform to generate. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the square wave duty cycle of the waveform to generate. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies if the device generates a modulated version of the waveform using the original waveform as a carrier and input from an external terminal as the signal. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_AM | 14756 | Amplitude modulation. |
DAQmx_Val_FM | 14757 | Frequency modulation. |
DAQmx_Val_None | 10230 | No modulation. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the FM deviation in hertz per volt when DAQmx_AO_FuncGen_ModulationType is DAQmx_Val_FM. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies in ohms the impedance of the analog output stage of the device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies in ohms the load impedance connected to the analog output channel. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the state of the channel when no generation is in progress. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_ZeroVolts | 12526 | Generate 0 V. |
DAQmx_Val_HighImpedance | 12527 | Set the channel to high-impedance, effectively disconnecting the analog output circuitry from the I/O connector. |
DAQmx_Val_MaintainExistingValue | 12528 | Continue generating the current value. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the terminal configuration of the channel. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_RSE | 10083 | Referenced Single-Ended. |
DAQmx_Val_Diff | 10106 | Differential. |
DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff | 12529 | Pseudodifferential. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the common-mode offset of the AO channel. Use the property only when Terminal Configuration is set to Differential. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the units of DAQmx_AO_Resolution. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Bits | 10109 | Bits. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Indicates the resolution of the digital-to-analog converter of the channel. This value is in the units you specify with DAQmx_AO_ResolutionUnits. |
Restrictions: | Not Settable |
You can get this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the upper limit of the output range of the device. This value is in the native units of the device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the lower limit of the output range of the device. This value is in the native units of the device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies whether to ground the internal DAC reference. Grounding the internal DAC reference has the effect of grounding all analog output channels and stopping waveform generation across all analog output channels regardless of whether the channels belong to the current task. You can ground the internal DAC reference only when DAQmx_AO_DAC_Ref_Src is DAQmx_Val_Internal and DAQmx_AO_DAC_Ref_AllowConnToGnd is TRUE. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies whether to allow grounding the internal DAC reference at run time. You must set this property to TRUE and set DAQmx_AO_DAC_Ref_Src to DAQmx_Val_Internal before you can set DAQmx_AO_DAC_Ref_ConnToGnd to TRUE. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the source of the DAC reference voltage. The value of this voltage source determines the full-scale value of the DAC. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Internal | 10200 | Internal to the device. |
DAQmx_Val_External | 10167 | External to the device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | char* |
Description: | Specifies the source of the DAC reference voltage if DAQmx_AO_DAC_Ref_Src is DAQmx_Val_External. The valid sources for this signal vary by device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies in volts the value of the DAC reference voltage. This voltage determines the full-scale range of the DAC. Smaller reference voltages result in smaller ranges, but increased resolution. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the source of the DAC offset voltage. The value of this voltage source determines the full-scale value of the DAC. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Internal | 10200 | Internal to the device. |
DAQmx_Val_External | 10167 | External to the device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | char* |
Description: | Specifies the source of the DAC offset voltage if DAQmx_AO_DAC_Offset_Src is DAQmx_Val_External. The valid sources for this signal vary by device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies in volts the value of the DAC offset voltage. To achieve best accuracy, the DAC offset value should be hand calibrated. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies whether to enable reglitching. The output of a DAC normally glitches whenever the DAC is updated with a new value. The amount of glitching differs from code to code and is generally largest at major code transitions. Reglitching generates uniform glitch energy at each code transition and provides for more uniform glitches. Uniform glitch energy makes it easier to filter out the noise introduced from glitching during spectrum analysis. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies the amount of time between when the sample is written by the host device and when the sample is output by the DAC. This value is in the units you specify with DAQmx_AO_FilterDelayUnits. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the units of DAQmx_AO_FilterDelay and DAQmx_AO_FilterDelayAdjustment. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_Seconds | 10364 | Seconds. |
DAQmx_Val_SampleClkPeriods | 10286 | Sample Clock Periods. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies an additional amount of time to wait between when the sample is written by the host device and when the sample is output by the DAC. This delay adjustment is in addition to the value indicated by DAQmx_AO_FilterDelay. This delay adjustment is in the units you specify with DAQmx_AO_FilterDelayUnits. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64 |
Description: | Specifies in decibels the gain factor to apply to the channel. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies whether to write samples directly to the onboard memory of the device, bypassing the memory buffer. Generally, you cannot update onboard memory directly after you start the task. Onboard memory includes data FIFOs. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies the data transfer mode for the device. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_DMA | 10054 | Direct Memory Access. Data transfers take place independently from the application. |
DAQmx_Val_Interrupts | 10204 | Data transfers take place independently from the application. Using interrupts increases CPU usage because the CPU must service interrupt requests. Typically, you should use interrupts if the device is out of DMA channels. |
DAQmx_Val_ProgrammedIO | 10264 | Data transfers take place when you call an NI-DAQmx Read function or an NI-DAQmx Write function. |
DAQmx_Val_USBbulk | 12590 | Data transfers take place independently from the application using a USB bulk pipe. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | int32 |
Description: | Specifies under what condition to transfer data from the buffer to the onboard memory of the device. |
Valid values
DAQmx_Val_OnBrdMemEmpty | 10235 | Transfer data to the device only when there is no data in the onboard memory of the device. |
DAQmx_Val_OnBrdMemHalfFullOrLess | 10239 | Transfer data to the device any time the onboard memory is less than half full. |
DAQmx_Val_OnBrdMemNotFull | 10242 | Transfer data to the device any time the onboard memory of the device is not full. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | uInt32 |
Description: | Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | uInt32 |
Description: | Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if possible. Normally, NI-DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and possibly result in a system crash. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
Data Type: | float64* |
Description: | Indicates the coefficients of a linear equation that NI-DAQmx uses to scale values from a voltage to the native format of the device. Each element of the array corresponds to a term of the equation. The first element of the array corresponds to the y-intercept, and the second element corresponds to the slope. Scaling coefficients do not account for any custom scales that may be applied to the channel. |
Restrictions: | Not Settable |
You can get this attribute using:
Data Type: | bool32 |
Description: | Specifies whether to enable the DAC interpolation filter. Disable the interpolation filter to improve DAC signal-to-noise ratio at the expense of degraded image rejection. |
You can get/set/reset this attribute using:
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- gRPC API Differences From C API
- Task Configuration And Control
- Channel Configuration And Creation
- Timing
- Triggering
- Read Functions
- Write Functions
- Export Hardware Signals
- Scale Configuration
- Internal Buffer Configuration
- Advanced Functions
- System Configuration
- Error Handling
- Buffer Attributes
- Calibration Info Attributes
- Channel Attributes
- Device Attributes
- Export Signal Attributes
- Persisted Channel Attributes
- Persisted Scale Attributes
- Persisted Task Attributes
- Physical Channel Attributes
- Read Attributes
- Scale Attributes
- System Attributes
- Task Attributes
- Timing Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Watchdog Attributes
- Write Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configure Functions
- Measurement Functions
- Control Functions
- Trigger And Event
- Attribute Functions
- Query Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Utility Functions
- Supported Device
- Source Attributes
- Transient Attributes
- Voltage Attributes
- Current Attributes
- Pulse Voltage Attributes
- Pulse Current Attributes
- Cutoff Attributes
- Measurement Attributes
- Trigger Attributes Functions
- Event Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- Inherent Ivi Attributes
- Supported Device Attributes
- Init And Close Functions
- Session Locking Functions
- Utility Functions
- Error Handling Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Attributes Functions
- Pin Map Functions
- Low Level Functions
- Low Level Action Functions
- Pin Control Functions
- Static IO Functions
- Clock Generator Functions
- Levels And Timing Functions
- TDR Functions
- PPMU Configuration Functions
- DC Voltage Functions
- DC Current Functions
- PPMU Action Functions
- Pattern Configuration Functions
- Pattern Action Functions
- History Ram Functions
- Source Memory Functions
- Capture Memory Functions
- Triggers And Events Functions
- Conditional Jump Trigger Functions
- Sequencer Flag Functions
- Sequencer Register Functions
- Match Fail Combination Functions
- Pattern Results Functions
- Sort Results Functions
- Frequency Measurement Functions
- IVI Inherent Attributes
- Specific Driver Information Attributes, Read Only
- Driver Setup Information Attributes
- Device Attributes
- Pin Control Attributes
- Level Configuration Attributes
- Trigger Configuration Attributes
- PPMU Attributes
- Patterns Attributes
- Pattern Opcode Event Attributes
- Timing Offset Attributes
- Keep Alive Attributes
- Frequency Measurement Attributes
- Clock Generator Attributes
- History RAM
- Synchronization Attributes
- TDR Endpoint Termination Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Standard Output Functions
- Arbitrary Waveform Output Functions
- Arbitrary Sequence Output Functions
- Incremental Waveform Write Functions
- Configure Clock Functions
- Trigger And Syncronizations Functions
- 5404 Routing Functions
- Script Output Functions
- Configure Onboard Signal Processing Functions
- Configure Peer To Peer Functions
- Attribute Functions
- Waveform Control Functions
- Error Functions
- Output Attributes
- Arbitrary Waveform Attributes
- Data Transfer Attributes
- Onboard Signal Processing Attributes
- Peer To Peer Attributes
- Standard Function Attributes
- Clock Attributes
- Event Attributes
- Triggering Attributes
- Instrument Specific Attributes
- Inherent IVI Attributes
- 5401 5411 5431
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Fetch Results Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Packet Attributes
- Auto Detect Signal Attributes
- Modacc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- Twenty dB Attributes
- Frequency Range Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attributes Functions
- Fetch Results Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Signal Detection Attributes
- Component Carrier Attributes
- List Attributes
- Modacc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- Pvt Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Ch Configuration Functions
- NB IoT Configuration Functions
- ModAcc Configuration Functions
- ACP Configuration Functions
- CHP Configuration Functions
- OBW Configuration Functions
- SEM Configuration Functions
- PVT Configuration Functions
- SlotPhase Configuration Functions
- SlotPower Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- ModAcc Fetch Functions
- ACP Fetch Functions
- CHP Fetch Functions
- OBW Fetch Functions
- SEM Fetch Functions
- PVT Fetch Functions
- SlotPhase Fetch Functions
- SlotPower Fetch Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Component Carrier Attributes
- ModAcc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- PVT Attributes
- SlotPhase Attributes
- SlotPower Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
NI-RFmx SpecAn
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Read Functions
- Fetch Functions
- Utility Functions
- Marker Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- Cdf Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- Fcnt Attributes
- Harm Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- Spectrum Attributes
- Spur Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- AMPM Attributes
- Dpd Attributes
- IQ Attributes
- IM Attributes
- NF Attributes
- Phasenoise Attributes
- PAVT Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Fetch DSSS ModAcc Functions
- Fetch OFDM ModAcc Functions
- Fetch SEM Functions
- Fetch TXP Functions
- Fetch PowerRamp Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- OFDM Attributes
- Auto Detect Signal Attributes
- DSSS ModAcc Attributes
- OFDM ModAcc Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- PowerRamp Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Acquisition Functions
- Utility Functions
- Calibration Functions
- General Attributes
- Vertical Attributes
- Signal Path Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Triggers Attributes
- Events Attributes
- Device Characteristics Attributes
- Peer To Peer Streaming Attributes
- Configuration List Attributes
- Inherent IVI Properties Attributes
- De-embedding Attributes
- Self Calibration Attributes
- Factory Calibration Attributes
- External Alignment Attributes
- Device Specific Attributes
- General Functions
- Generation Configuration
- Utility Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Arb Attributes
- Clock Attributes
- Configuration List Attributes
- De-embedding Attributes
- Device Characteristics Attributes
- Device Specific Attributes
- Events Attributes
- External Calibration Attributes
- Inherent IVI Attributes Attributes
- IQ Impairment Attributes
- Load Configurations Attributes
- Modulation Attributes
- Obsolete Attributes
- Peer To Peer Attributes
- RF Attributes
- Self Calibration Attributes
- Triggers Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configure Functions
- Attribute Functions
- Acquisition Functions
- Measurement Functions
- Calibrate Functions
- Utility Funcitons
- Error Handling Functions
- IVI Compliance Or Obsolete Functions
- Vertical Attributes
- Horizontal Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Clocking Attributes
- Synchronization Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Waveform Measurements Attributes
- Onboard Signal Processing Attributes
- Peer To Peer Streaming Attributes
- Device Attributes
- IVI Or Obsolete Attributes
- Instrument Capabilities Attributes
- If Digitizer Attributes
- gRPC API differences from C APIs
- General Functions
- Cluster Properties
- Database Properties
- Device Properties
- ECU Properties
- Frame Properties
- Interface Properties
- LIN Schedule Entry Properties
- LIN Schedule Properties
- PDU Properties
- Session Ethernet Properties
- Session Frame Properties
- Session Interface Properties
- Session Properties
- Session SAE J1939 Properties
- Signal Properties
- Subframe Properties
- System Properties
- IP-Stack Functions
- Socket Options
- Socket Functions