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NI XNET XNET Signal Properties
- Byte Order
- Comment
- Configuration Status
- Data Type
- Default Value
- Frame
- Maximum Value
- Minimum Value
- Mux:Data Multiplexer?
- Mux:Dynamic?
- Mux:Multiplexer Value
- Mux:Subframe
- Name (Short)
- Name Unique to Cluster
- Number of Bits
- Scaling Factor
- Scaling Offset
- Start Bit
- Unit
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
char * | Read/Write | No | Empty String |
XNET Signal
Comment describing the signal object.
A comment is a string containing up to 65535 characters.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
i32 | Read Only | No | N/A |
XNET Signal
The signal object configuration status.
Configuration Status returns an NI-XNET error code. You can pass the value to the nxStatusToString error code input to convert the value to a text description of the configuration problem.
By default, incorrectly configured signals in the database are not returned from the XNET Frame Signals property because they cannot be used in the bus communication. You can change this behavior by setting the XNET Database ShowInvalidFromOpen? property to true. When a signal configuration status becomes invalid after the database is opened, the signal still is returned from the Signals property even if the ShowInvalidFromOpen? property is false.
Examples of invalid signal configuration:
- The signal is specified using bits outside the frame payload.
- The signal overlaps another signal in the frame. For example, two multiplexed signals with the same multiplexer value are using the same bit in the frame payload.
- The frame containing the signal is invalid (for example, a CAN frame is defined with more than 8 payload bytes).
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
char * | Read/Write | Yes | Defined in nxdbCreateObject |
XNET Subframe
String identifying a subframe object.
Lowercase letters (a–z), uppercase letters (A–Z), numbers, and the underscore (_) are valid characters for the short name. The space ( ), period (.), and other special characters are not supported within the name. The short name must begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or underscore, and not a number. The short name is limited to 128 characters.
A subframe name must be unique for all subframes in a frame.
This short name does not include qualifiers to ensure that it is unique, such as the database, cluster, and frame name. It is for display purposes.
You can write this property to change the subframe's short name.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
nxDatabaseRef_t | Read Only | N/A | N/A |
XNET Subframe
Returns the reference to the parent frame. The parent frame is defined when the subframe is created, and you cannot change it afterwards.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
nxDatabaseRef_t | Read Only | N/A | N/A |
XNET Subframe
Reference to the subframe's parent PDU.
This property returns the reference to the subframe's parent PDU. The parent PDU is defined when the subframe object is created. You cannot change it afterwards.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
u32 | Read/Write | Yes | N/A |
XNET Signal
Signal byte order in the frame payload. This property defines how signal bytes are ordered in the frame payload when the frame is loaded in memory. The signal byte order values (decimal value in parentheses) are:
nxSigByteOrdr_LittleEndian (0)
Higher significant signal bits are placed on higher byte addresses. In NI-CAN, this was called Intel Byte Order.
!Little Endian (Intel) Byte Order
Little Endian Signal with Start Bit 12
nxSigByteOrdr_BigEndian (1)
Higher significant signal bits are placed on lower byte addresses. In NI-CAN, this was called Motorola Byte Order.
!Big Endian (Motorola) Byte Order
Big Endian Signal with Start Bit 12
This property is required. If the property does not contain a valid value, and you create an XNET session that uses this signal, the session returns an error. To ensure that the property contains a valid value, you can do one of the following:
Use a database file (or alias) to create the session.
The file formats require a valid value in the text for this property.
Set a value using the nxdbSetProperty function.
This is needed when you create your own in-memory database (:memory:) rather than use a file. The property does not contain a default in this case, so you must set a valid value prior to creating a session.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
u32 | Read/Write | Yes | N/A |
XNET Signal
Signal data type. This property determines how the bits of a signal in a frame must be interpreted to build a value. The signal data types (decimal value in parentheses) are:
nxSigDataType_Signed (0)
Signed integer with positive and negative values.
nxSigDataType_Unsigned (1)
Unsigned integer with no negative values.
nxSigDataType_IEEEFloat (2)
Float value with 7 or 15 significant decimal digits (32 bit or 64 bit).
nxSigDataType_ByteArray (3)
Signal >64 bit. This can be accessed only using conversion sessions (see nxConvertByteArrayToFramesSinglePoint and nxConvertFramesToByteArraySinglePoint).
This property is required. If the property does not contain a valid value, and you create an XNET session that uses this signal, the session returns an error. To ensure that the property contains a valid value, you can do one of the following:
Use a database file (or alias) to create the session.
The file formats require a valid value in the text for this property.
Set a value using the nxdbSetProperty function.
This is needed when you create your own in-memory database (:memory:) rather than use a file. The property does not contain a default in this case, so you must set a valid value prior to creating a session.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
Double | Read/Write | No | 0.0 (If Not in Database) |
XNET Signal
The signal default value, specified as scaled floating-point units.
The data type is 64-bit floating point (DBL).
The initial value of this property comes from the database. If the database does not provide a value, this property uses a default value of 0.0.
For all three signal output sessions, this property is used when a frame transmits prior to a call to nxWrite. The XNET Frame Default Payload property is used as the initial payload, then the default value of each signal is mapped into that payload using this property, and the result is used for the frame transmit.
For all three signal input sessions, this property is returned for each signal when nxRead is called prior to receiving the first frame.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
bool | Read Only | No | False |
XNET Signal
Use this property to determine if a signal is static or dynamic. Dynamic signals are transmitted in the frame when the multiplexer signal in the frame has a given value specified in the subframe. Use the Multiplexer Value property to determine with which multiplexer value the dynamic signal is transmitted.
This property is read only. To create a dynamic signal, create the signal object as a child of a subframe instead of a frame. The dynamic signal cannot be changed to a static signal afterwards.
In NI-CAN, dynamic signals were called mode-dependent signals.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
Double | Read/Write | No | 1000.0 |
XNET Signal
The scaled signal value maximum.
nxRead and nxWrite do not limit the signal value to a maximum value. Use this database property to set the maximum value.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
Double | Read/Write | No | 0.0 |
XNET Signal
The scaled signal value minimum.
nxRead and nxWrite do not limit the signal value to a minimum value. Use this database property to set the minimum value.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
u32 | Read Only | N/A | N/A |
XNET Signal
The multiplexer value applies to dynamic signals only (the XNET Signal Mux:Dynamic? property returns true). This property defines which multiplexer value is transmitted in the multiplexer signal when this dynamic signal is transmitted in the frame.
The multiplexer value is determined in the subframe. All dynamic signals that are children of the same subframe object use the same multiplexer value.
Dynamic signals with the same multiplexer value may not overlap each other, the multiplexer signal, or static signals.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
bool | Read/Write | No | False |
XNET Signal
This property defines the signal that is a multiplexer signal. A frame containing a multiplexer value is called a multiplexed frame.
A multiplexer defines an area within the frame to contain different information (dynamic signals) depending on the multiplexer signal value. Dynamic signals with a different multiplexer value (defined in a different subframe) can share bits in the frame payload. The multiplexer signal value determines which dynamic signals are transmitted in the given frame.
To define dynamic signals in the frame transmitted with a given multiplexer value, you first must create a subframe in this frame and set the multiplexer value in the subframe. Then you must create dynamic signals using nxCreateObject to create child signals of this subframe.
Multiplexer signals may not overlap other static or dynamic signals in the frame.
Dynamic signals may overlap other dynamic signals when they have a different multiplexer value.
A frame may contain only one multiplexer signal.
The multiplexer signal is not scaled. Scaling factor and offset do not apply.
In NI-CAN, the multiplexer signal was called mode channel.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
u32 | Read/Write | Yes | N/A |
XNET Signal
The number of bits the signal uses in the frame payload.
IEEE Float numbers are limited to 32 bit or 64 bit.
Integer (signed and unsigned) numbers are limited to 1–64 bits. NI-XNET converts all integers to doubles (64-bit IEEE Float). Integer numbers with more than 52 bits (the size of the mantissa in a 64-bit IEEE Float) cannot be converted exactly to double, and vice versa; therefore, NI-XNET will round them appropriately. If you are interested in the full precision, use a conversion session and byte array conversion.
Byte Arrays are signals that can extend every size, even >64 bits. The only way to access them is through a Frame Read/Write session, and a conversion session that will access the signal data as a byte array (see nxConvertByteArrayToFramesSinglePoint and nxConvertFramesToByteArraySinglePoint).
This property is required. If the property does not contain a valid value, and you create an XNET session that uses this signal, the session returns an error. To ensure that the property contains a valid value, you can do one of the following:
Use a database file (or alias) to create the session.
The file formats require a valid value in the text for this property.
Set a value using the nxdbSetProperty function.
This is needed when you create your own in-memory database (:memory:) rather than use a file. The property does not contain a default in this case, so you must set a valid value prior to creating a session.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
Double | Read/Write | No | 1.0 |
XNET Signal
Factor a for linear scaling ax+b.
Linear scaling is applied to all signals with the IEEE Float data type, unsigned and signed. For identical scaling 1.0x+0.0, NI-XNET optimized scaling routines do not perform the multiplication and addition.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
Double | Read/Write | No | 0.0 |
XNET Signal
Offset b for linear scaling ax+b.
Linear scaling is applied to all signals with the IEEE Float data type, unsigned and signed. For identical scaling 1.0x+0.0, NI-XNET optimized scaling routines do not perform the multiplication and addition.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
u32 | Read/Write | Yes | N/A |
XNET Signal
The least significant signal bit position in the frame payload.
This property determines the signal starting point in the frame. For the integer data type (signed and unsigned), it means the binary signal representation least significant bit position. For IEEE Float signals, it means the mantissa least significant bit.
The NI-XNET Database Editor shows a graphical overview of the frame. It enumerates the frame bytes on the left and the byte bits on top. The bit number in the frame is calculated as byte number x 8 + bit number. The maximum bit number in a CAN or LIN frame is 63 (7 x 8 + 7); the maximum bit number in a FlexRay frame is 2031 (253 x 8 + 7).
This property is required. If the property does not contain a valid value, and you create an XNET session that uses this signal, the session returns an error. To ensure that the property contains a valid value, you can do one of the following:
Use a database file (or alias) to create the session.
The file formats require a valid value in the text for this property.
Set a value using the nxdbSetProperty function.
This is needed when you create your own in-memory database (:memory:) rather than use a file. The property does not contain a default in this case, so you must set a valid value prior to creating a session.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
nxDatabaseRef_t | Read Only | N/A | Parent Subframe |
XNET Signal
Reference to the subframe parent.
This property is valid only for dynamic signals that have a subframe parent. For static signals or the multiplexer signal, this property returns 0 and an error indication.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
char * | Read/Write | No | Empty String |
XNET Signal
This property describes the signal value unit. NI-XNET does not use the unit internally for calculations. You can use the string to display the signal value along with the unit.
Data Type | Direction | Required? | Default |
string | Read Only | N/A | N/A |
XNET Subframe
This property returns a subframe name unique to the cluster that contains the subframe. If the single name is not unique within the cluster, the name is ..
You can pass the name to the nxdbFindObject function to retrieve the reference to the object, while the single name is not guaranteed success in nxdbFindObject because it may be not unique in the cluster.
Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server
Session Utilities API Reference
gRPC API Differences From C API
Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients
C API Docs
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- Task Configuration And Control
- Channel Configuration And Creation
- Timing
- Triggering
- Read Functions
- Write Functions
- Export Hardware Signals
- Scale Configuration
- Internal Buffer Configuration
- Advanced Functions
- System Configuration
- Error Handling
- Buffer Attributes
- Calibration Info Attributes
- Channel Attributes
- Device Attributes
- Export Signal Attributes
- Persisted Channel Attributes
- Persisted Scale Attributes
- Persisted Task Attributes
- Physical Channel Attributes
- Read Attributes
- Scale Attributes
- System Attributes
- Task Attributes
- Timing Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Watchdog Attributes
- Write Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configure Functions
- Measurement Functions
- Control Functions
- Trigger And Event
- Attribute Functions
- Query Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Utility Functions
- Supported Device
- Source Attributes
- Transient Attributes
- Voltage Attributes
- Current Attributes
- Pulse Voltage Attributes
- Pulse Current Attributes
- Cutoff Attributes
- Measurement Attributes
- Trigger Attributes Functions
- Event Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- Inherent Ivi Attributes
- Supported Device Attributes
- Init And Close Functions
- Session Locking Functions
- Utility Functions
- Error Handling Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Attributes Functions
- Pin Map Functions
- Low Level Functions
- Low Level Action Functions
- Pin Control Functions
- Static IO Functions
- Clock Generator Functions
- Levels And Timing Functions
- TDR Functions
- PPMU Configuration Functions
- DC Voltage Functions
- DC Current Functions
- PPMU Action Functions
- Pattern Configuration Functions
- Pattern Action Functions
- History Ram Functions
- Source Memory Functions
- Capture Memory Functions
- Triggers And Events Functions
- Conditional Jump Trigger Functions
- Sequencer Flag Functions
- Sequencer Register Functions
- Match Fail Combination Functions
- Pattern Results Functions
- Sort Results Functions
- Frequency Measurement Functions
- IVI Inherent Attributes
- Specific Driver Information Attributes, Read Only
- Driver Setup Information Attributes
- Device Attributes
- Pin Control Attributes
- Level Configuration Attributes
- Trigger Configuration Attributes
- PPMU Attributes
- Patterns Attributes
- Pattern Opcode Event Attributes
- Timing Offset Attributes
- Keep Alive Attributes
- Frequency Measurement Attributes
- Clock Generator Attributes
- History RAM
- Synchronization Attributes
- TDR Endpoint Termination Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Standard Output Functions
- Arbitrary Waveform Output Functions
- Arbitrary Sequence Output Functions
- Incremental Waveform Write Functions
- Configure Clock Functions
- Trigger And Syncronizations Functions
- 5404 Routing Functions
- Script Output Functions
- Configure Onboard Signal Processing Functions
- Configure Peer To Peer Functions
- Attribute Functions
- Waveform Control Functions
- Error Functions
- Output Attributes
- Arbitrary Waveform Attributes
- Data Transfer Attributes
- Onboard Signal Processing Attributes
- Peer To Peer Attributes
- Standard Function Attributes
- Clock Attributes
- Event Attributes
- Triggering Attributes
- Instrument Specific Attributes
- Inherent IVI Attributes
- 5401 5411 5431
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Fetch Results Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Packet Attributes
- Auto Detect Signal Attributes
- Modacc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- Twenty dB Attributes
- Frequency Range Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attributes Functions
- Fetch Results Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Signal Detection Attributes
- Component Carrier Attributes
- List Attributes
- Modacc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- Pvt Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Ch Configuration Functions
- NB IoT Configuration Functions
- ModAcc Configuration Functions
- ACP Configuration Functions
- CHP Configuration Functions
- OBW Configuration Functions
- SEM Configuration Functions
- PVT Configuration Functions
- SlotPhase Configuration Functions
- SlotPower Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- ModAcc Fetch Functions
- ACP Fetch Functions
- CHP Fetch Functions
- OBW Fetch Functions
- SEM Fetch Functions
- PVT Fetch Functions
- SlotPhase Fetch Functions
- SlotPower Fetch Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Component Carrier Attributes
- ModAcc Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- PVT Attributes
- SlotPhase Attributes
- SlotPower Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
NI-RFmx SpecAn
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Read Functions
- Fetch Functions
- Utility Functions
- Marker Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- ACP Attributes
- Cdf Attributes
- CHP Attributes
- Fcnt Attributes
- Harm Attributes
- OBW Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- Spectrum Attributes
- Spur Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- AMPM Attributes
- Dpd Attributes
- IQ Attributes
- IM Attributes
- NF Attributes
- Phasenoise Attributes
- PAVT Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- gRPC API Differences From C API
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Set And Get Attribute Functions
- Fetch DSSS ModAcc Functions
- Fetch OFDM ModAcc Functions
- Fetch SEM Functions
- Fetch TXP Functions
- Fetch PowerRamp Functions
- Utility Functions
- Build String Functions
- Advanced Functions
- General Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- OFDM Attributes
- Auto Detect Signal Attributes
- DSSS ModAcc Attributes
- OFDM ModAcc Attributes
- SEM Attributes
- TXP Attributes
- PowerRamp Attributes
- Advanced Attributes
- General Functions
- Configuration Functions
- Acquisition Functions
- Utility Functions
- Calibration Functions
- General Attributes
- Vertical Attributes
- Signal Path Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Triggers Attributes
- Events Attributes
- Device Characteristics Attributes
- Peer To Peer Streaming Attributes
- Configuration List Attributes
- Inherent IVI Properties Attributes
- De-embedding Attributes
- Self Calibration Attributes
- Factory Calibration Attributes
- External Alignment Attributes
- Device Specific Attributes
- General Functions
- Generation Configuration
- Utility Functions
- Calibration Functions
- Arb Attributes
- Clock Attributes
- Configuration List Attributes
- De-embedding Attributes
- Device Characteristics Attributes
- Device Specific Attributes
- Events Attributes
- External Calibration Attributes
- Inherent IVI Attributes Attributes
- IQ Impairment Attributes
- Load Configurations Attributes
- Modulation Attributes
- Obsolete Attributes
- Peer To Peer Attributes
- RF Attributes
- Self Calibration Attributes
- Triggers Attributes
- Setup Functions
- Configure Functions
- Attribute Functions
- Acquisition Functions
- Measurement Functions
- Calibrate Functions
- Utility Funcitons
- Error Handling Functions
- IVI Compliance Or Obsolete Functions
- Vertical Attributes
- Horizontal Attributes
- Trigger Attributes
- Clocking Attributes
- Synchronization Attributes
- Acquisition Attributes
- Waveform Measurements Attributes
- Onboard Signal Processing Attributes
- Peer To Peer Streaming Attributes
- Device Attributes
- IVI Or Obsolete Attributes
- Instrument Capabilities Attributes
- If Digitizer Attributes
- gRPC API differences from C APIs
- General Functions
- Cluster Properties
- Database Properties
- Device Properties
- ECU Properties
- Frame Properties
- Interface Properties
- LIN Schedule Entry Properties
- LIN Schedule Properties
- PDU Properties
- Session Ethernet Properties
- Session Frame Properties
- Session Interface Properties
- Session Properties
- Session SAE J1939 Properties
- Signal Properties
- Subframe Properties
- System Properties
- IP-Stack Functions
- Socket Options
- Socket Functions