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NI DIGITAL PATTERN DRIVER Trigger Configuration Attributes

ShantanuShinde edited this page May 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

Trigger Configuration Attributes


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150029
Datatype ViInt32
Access R/W
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions





Specifies the Start trigger type.

The digital pattern instrument waits for this trigger after you call the niDigital_init function or the niDigital_BurstPattern function, and does not burst a pattern until this trigger is received.

Defined Values:
NIDIGITAL_VAL_NONE (1700) Disables the Start trigger. Pattern bursting starts immediately after you call the niDigital_init function or the niDigital_BurstPattern function.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (1701) Pattern bursting does not start until the digital pattern instrument detects a digital edge.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_SOFTWARE (1702) Pattern bursting does not start until the digital pattern instrument receives a software Start trigger. Create a software Start trigger by calling the niDigital_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function and selecting start trigger in the trigger parameter.Related information: SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150030
Datatype ViString
Access R/W
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions niDigital_ConfigureDigitalEdgeStartTrigger


Specifies the source terminal for the Start trigger. This property is used when the NIDIGITAL_ATTRIBUTE_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to Digital Edge.

You can specify source terminals in one of two ways. If the digital pattern instrument is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The source terminal can also be a terminal from another device, in which case the NI-Digital Pattern Driver automatically finds a route (if one is available) from that terminal to the input terminal (going through a physical PXI backplane trigger line). For example, you can set the source terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/StartTrigger.

Defined Values:
PXI_Trig0 PXI trigger line 0
PXI_Trig1 PXI trigger line 1
PXI_Trig2 PXI trigger line 2
PXI_Trig3 PXI trigger line 3
PXI_Trig4 PXI trigger line 4
PXI_Trig5 PXI trigger line 5
PXI_Trig6 PXI trigger line 6
PXI_Trig7 PXI trigger line 7

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150031
Datatype ViInt32
Access R/W
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions niDigital_ConfigureDigitalEdgeStartTrigger


Specifies the active edge for the Start trigger. This property is used when the NIDIGITAL_ATTRIBUTE_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute is set to Digital Edge.

Defined Values:
NIDIGITAL_VAL_RISING_EDGE (1800) Asserts the trigger when the signal transitions from low level to high level.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_FALLING_EDGE (1801) Asserts the trigger when the signal transitions from high level to low level.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150032
Datatype ViString
Access R/W
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions niDigital_ExportSignal


Specifies the destination terminal for exporting the Start trigger.

Terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the digital pattern instrument is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0.

Defined Values:
Do not export signal The signal is not exported.
PXI_Trig0 PXI trigger line 0
PXI_Trig1 PXI trigger line 1
PXI_Trig2 PXI trigger line 2
PXI_Trig3 PXI trigger line 3
PXI_Trig4 PXI trigger line 4
PXI_Trig5 PXI trigger line 5
PXI_Trig6 PXI trigger line 6
PXI_Trig7 PXI trigger line 7

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150033
Datatype ViInt32
Access R/W
Applies to Conditional Jump Trigger instance
Coercion No
High-level Functions





Disables the conditional jump trigger or configures it for either hardware triggering or software triggering.

Valid Values:
NIDIGITAL_VAL_NONE (1700) Disables the conditional jump trigger.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_DIGITAL_EDGE (1701) Configures the conditional jump trigger for hardware triggering.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_SOFTWARE (1702) Configures the conditional jump trigger for software triggering.
Default Value:


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150034
Datatype ViString
Access R/W
Applies to Conditional Jump Trigger instance
Coercion No
High-level Functions niDigital_ConfigureDigitalEdgeConditionalJumpTrigger


Configures the digital trigger source terminal for a conditional jump trigger instance. The PXIe-6570/6571 supports triggering through the PXI trigger bus.

You can specify source terminals in one of two ways. If the digital pattern instrument is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The source terminal can also be a terminal from another device, in which case the NI-Digital Pattern Driver automatically finds a route (if one is available) from that terminal to the input terminal (going through a physical PXI backplane trigger line). For example, you can set the source terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/ConditionalJumpTrigger0.

Valid Values:
String identifier to any valid terminal name
Default Value:
VI_NULL ("") Returns an empty string.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150035
Datatype ViInt32
Access R/W
Applies to Conditional Jump Trigger instance
Coercion No
High-level Functions niDigital_ConfigureDigitalEdgeConditionalJumpTrigger


Configures the active edge of the incoming trigger signal for the conditional jump trigger instance.

Valid Values:
NIDIGITAL_VAL_RISING_EDGE (1800) Specifies the signal transition from low level to high level.
NIDIGITAL_VAL_FALLING_EDGE (1801) Specifies the signal transition from high level to low level.
Default Value:


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150036
Datatype ViString
Access R/W
Applies to Conditional Jump Trigger instance
Coercion No
High-level Functions niDigital_ExportSignal


Specifies the terminal to output the exported signal of the specified instance of the conditional jump trigger.

Valid Values:
VI_NULL ("") Returns an empty string
PXI_Trig0 PXI trigger line 0
PXI_Trig1 PXI trigger line 1
PXI_Trig2 PXI trigger line 2
PXI_Trig3 PXI trigger line 3
PXI_Trig4 PXI trigger line 4
PXI_Trig5 PXI trigger line 5
PXI_Trig6 PXI trigger line 6
PXI_Trig7 PXI trigger line 7

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.

Default Value:
VI_NULL ("")


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150040
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to Conditional Jump Trigger instance
Coercion No
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies the terminal name from which the exported conditional jump trigger signal may be routed to other instruments through the PXI trigger bus. You can use this signal to trigger other instruments when the conditional jump trigger instance asserts on the digital pattern instrument.

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
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