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NI DAQMX Trigger Attributes

Greg Stoll edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Trigger Attributes



Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the type of trigger to use to start a task.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AnlgEdge 10099 Trigger when an analog signal signal crosses a threshold.
DAQmx_Val_AnlgMultiEdge 16108 Trigger when any of the configured analog signals cross their respective thresholds.
DAQmx_Val_DigEdge 10150 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of a digital signal.
DAQmx_Val_DigPattern 10398 Trigger when digital physical channels match a digital pattern.
DAQmx_Val_AnlgWin 10103 Trigger when an analog signal enters or leaves a range of values. The range is in the units of the measurement.
DAQmx_Val_Time 15996 Trigger when a specified time is reached.
DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Disable triggering for the task.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the name of the internal Start Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return the name of the trigger source terminal.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Start Digital Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Start Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies on which edge of a digital pulse to start acquiring or generating samples.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Rising 10280 Rising edge(s).
DAQmx_Val_Falling 10171 Falling edge(s).

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Digital Edge Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Digital Edge Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Digital Edge Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device. If you set this property to TRUE, the device does not recognize and act upon the trigger until the next pulse of the internal timebase.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Digital Pattern


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the physical channels to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a port is included, the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Start Trigger to occur.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the Start Trigger occurs when the physical channels specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_StartTrig_Src match or differ from the digital pattern specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_StartTrig_Pattern.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_PatternMatches 10254 Trigger when the physical channels match the specified pattern.
DAQmx_Val_PatternDoesNotMatch 10253 Trigger when the physical channels do not match the specified pattern.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the Start Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies on which slope of the trigger signal to start acquiring or generating samples.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope 10280 Trigger on the rising slope of the signal.
DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope 10171 Trigger on the falling slope of the signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies at what threshold in the units of the measurement or generation to start acquiring or generating samples. Use DAQmx_AnlgEdge_StartTrig_Slope to specify on which slope to trigger on this threshold.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement or generation. If DAQmx_AnlgEdge_StartTrig_Slope is DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below DAQmx_AnlgEdge_StartTrig_Lvl minus the hysteresis. If DAQmx_AnlgEdge_StartTrig_Slope is DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above DAQmx_AnlgEdge_StartTrig_Lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to use hysteresis.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Edge Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Edge Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Edge Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Multiple Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies a list and/or range of analog sources that are going to be used for Analog triggering. Each source corresponds to an element in each of the Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32*
Description: Specifies an array of slopes on which to trigger task to start generating or acquiring samples. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope 10280 Trigger on the rising slope of the signal.
DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope 10171 Trigger on the falling slope of the signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of thresholds in the units of the measurement or generation to start acquiring or generating samples. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of hysteresis levels in the units of the measurement or generation. If the corresponding element of Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Slopes is Rising, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below the corresponding element of Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Lvls minus the hysteresis. If Start.AnlgEdge.Slope is Falling, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above Start.AnlgEdge.Lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to use hysteresis. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32*
Description: Specifies an array that describes the couplings for the corresponding source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Start.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Window


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the Start Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the task starts acquiring or generating samples when the signal enters or leaves the window you specify with DAQmx_AnlgWin_StartTrig_Btm and DAQmx_AnlgWin_StartTrig_Top.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_EnteringWin 10163 Trigger when the signal enters the window.
DAQmx_Val_LeavingWin 10208 Trigger when the signal leaves the window.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or generation.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or generation.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Window Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Window Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Analog Window Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Time


Data Type: CVIAbsoluteTime
Description: Specifies when to trigger the start trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the timescale to be used for timestamps used in a time trigger.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_HostTime 16126 Use the host device.
DAQmx_Val_IODeviceTime 16127 Use the I/O device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Start Timestamp


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether the start trigger timestamp is enabled. If the timestamp is enabled but no resources are available, an error will be returned at run time.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the start trigger timestamp timescale.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_HostTime 16126 Use the host device.
DAQmx_Val_IODeviceTime 16127 Use the I/O device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: CVIAbsoluteTime
Description: Indicates the start trigger timestamp value.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Start More


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies an amount of time to wait after the Start Trigger is received before acquiring or generating the first sample. This value is in the units you specify with DAQmx_StartTrig_DelayUnits.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the units of DAQmx_StartTrig_Delay.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_SampClkPeriods 10286 Complete periods of the Sample Clock.
DAQmx_Val_Seconds 10364 Seconds.
DAQmx_Val_Ticks 10304 Timebase ticks.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether a finite task resets and waits for another Start Trigger after the task completes. When you set this property to TRUE, the device performs a finite acquisition or generation each time the Start Trigger occurs until the task stops. The device ignores a trigger if it is in the process of acquiring or generating signals.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the period of time in seconds after the task starts during which the device may trigger. Once the window has expired, the device stops detecting triggers, and the task will finish after the device finishes acquiring post-trigger samples for any triggers detected. If no triggers are detected during the entire period, then no data will be returned. Ensure the period of time specified covers the entire time span desired for trigger detection to avoid missed triggers. Specifying a Trigger Window of -1 causes the window to be infinite.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the period of time in seconds after each trigger during which the device may trigger. Once the window has expired, the device stops detecting triggers, and the task will finish after the device finishes acquiring post-trigger samples that it already started. Ensure the period of time specified covers the entire time span desired for retrigger detection to avoid missed triggers. Specifying a Retrigger Window of -1 causes the window to be infinite.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Specifies the maximum number of times the task will detect a start trigger during the task. The number of times a trigger is detected and acted upon by the module may be less than the specified amount if the task stops early because of trigger/retrigger window expiration. Specifying the Maximum Number of Triggers to Detect to be 0 causes the driver to automatically set this value to the maximum possible number of triggers detectable by the device and configuration combination. Note: The number of detected triggers may be less than number of trigger events occurring, because the devices were unable to respond to the trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute



Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the type of trigger to use to mark a reference point for the measurement.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AnlgEdge 10099 Trigger when an analog signal signal crosses a threshold.
DAQmx_Val_AnlgMultiEdge 16108 Trigger when any of the configured analog signals cross their respective thresholds.
DAQmx_Val_DigEdge 10150 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of a digital signal.
DAQmx_Val_DigPattern 10398 Trigger when digital physical channels match a digital pattern.
DAQmx_Val_AnlgWin 10103 Trigger when an analog signal enters or leaves a range of values. The range is in the units of the measurement.
DAQmx_Val_Time 15996 Trigger when a specified time is reached.
DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Disable triggering for the task.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Specifies the minimum number of pretrigger samples to acquire from each channel before recognizing the reference trigger. Post-trigger samples per channel are equal to DAQmx_SampQuant_SampPerChan minus the number of pretrigger samples per channel.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the name of the internal Reference Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return the name of the trigger source terminal.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Reference Digital Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Reference Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies on what edge of a digital pulse the Reference Trigger occurs.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Rising 10280 Rising edge(s).
DAQmx_Val_Falling 10171 Falling edge(s).

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Digital Edge Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Digital Edge Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Digital Edge Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Digital Pattern


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the physical channels to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a port is included, the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Reference Trigger to occur.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the Reference Trigger occurs when the physical channels specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_RefTrig_Src match or differ from the digital pattern specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_RefTrig_Pattern.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_PatternMatches 10254 Trigger when the physical channels match the specified pattern.
DAQmx_Val_PatternDoesNotMatch 10253 Trigger when the physical channels do not match the specified pattern.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the Reference Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies on which slope of the source signal the Reference Trigger occurs.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope 10280 Trigger on the rising slope of the signal.
DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope 10171 Trigger on the falling slope of the signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in the units of the measurement the threshold at which the Reference Trigger occurs. Use DAQmx_AnlgEdge_RefTrig_Slope to specify on which slope to trigger at this threshold.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement. If DAQmx_AnlgEdge_RefTrig_Slope is DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below DAQmx_AnlgEdge_RefTrig_Lvl minus the hysteresis. If DAQmx_AnlgEdge_RefTrig_Slope is DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above DAQmx_AnlgEdge_RefTrig_Lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to use hysteresis.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Edge Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width thefilter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Edge Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Edge Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Multiple Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies a List and/or range of analog sources that are going to be used for Analog triggering. Each source corresponds to an element in each of the Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32*
Description: Specifies an array of slopes on which to trigger task to start generating or acquiring samples. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_RisingSlope 10280 Trigger on the rising slope of the signal.
DAQmx_Val_FallingSlope 10171 Trigger on the falling slope of the signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of thresholds in the units of the measurement or generation to start acquiring or generating samples. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of hysteresis levels in the units of the measurement or generation. If the corresponding element of Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Slopes is Rising, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below the corresponding element of Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Lvls minus the hysteresis. If Ref.AnlgEdge.Slope is Falling, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above Ref.AnlgEdge.Lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to use hysteresis. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32*
Description: Specifies an array that describes the couplings for the corresponding source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel. Each element of the array corresponds to a source in Ref.AnlgMultiEdge.Srcs and an element in each of the other Analog Multi Edge property arrays, if they are not empty.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Window


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the Reference Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the Reference Trigger occurs when the source signal enters the window or when it leaves the window. Use DAQmx_AnlgWin_RefTrig_Btm and DAQmx_AnlgWin_RefTrig_Top to specify the window.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_EnteringWin 10163 Trigger when the signal enters the window.
DAQmx_Val_LeavingWin 10208 Trigger when the signal leaves the window.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Window Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Window Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Reference Analog Window Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Auto Trigger


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to send a software trigger to the device when a hardware trigger is no longer active in order to prevent a timeout.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: bool32
Description: Indicates whether a completed acquisition was triggered by the auto trigger. If an acquisition has not completed after the task starts, this property returns FALSE. This property is only applicable when DAQmx_RefTrig_AutoTrigEnable is TRUE.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Reference Timestamp


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether the reference trigger timestamp is enabled. If the timestamp is enabled but no resources are available, an error will be returned at run time.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the reference trigger timestamp timescale.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_HostTime 16126 Use the host device.
DAQmx_Val_IODeviceTime 16127 Use the I/O device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: CVIAbsoluteTime
Description: Indicates the reference trigger timestamp value.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Reference More


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the time to wait after the device receives the Reference Trigger before switching from pretrigger to posttrigger samples.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether a finite task resets, acquires pretrigger samples, and waits for another Reference Trigger after the task completes. When you set this property to TRUE, the device will acquire post-trigger samples, reset, and acquire pretrigger samples each time the Reference Trigger occurs until the task stops. The device ignores a trigger if it is in the process of acquiring signals.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the duration in seconds after the task starts during which the device may trigger. Once the window has passed, the device stops detecting triggers, and the task will stop after the device finishes acquiring post-trigger samples that it already started. If no triggers are detected during the entire period, then no data will be returned. Specifying a Trigger Window of -1 causes the window to be infinite.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the duration in seconds after each trigger during which the device may trigger. Once the window has passed, the device stops detecting triggers, and the task will stop after the device finishes acquiring post-trigger samples that it already started. Specifying a Retrigger Window of -1 causes the window to be infinite.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Specifies the maximum number of times the task will detect a reference trigger during the task. The number of times a trigger is detected and acted upon by the module may be less than the specified amount if the task stops early because of trigger/retrigger window expiration. Specifying the Maximum Number of Triggers to Detect to be 0 causes the driver to automatically set this value to the maximum possible number of triggers detectable by the device and configuration combination. Note: The number of detected triggers may be less than number of trigger events occurring, because the devices were unable to respond to the trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute




Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the type of Handshake Trigger to use.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Interlocked 12549 Use the Handshake Trigger as a control signal for asynchronous handshaking, such as 8255 handshaking.
DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Start the measurement or generation immediately when you start the task.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute



Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the source terminal of the Handshake Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the asserted level of the Handshake Trigger.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_High 10192 High state.
DAQmx_Val_Low 10214 Low state.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute



Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the type of trigger to use to pause a task.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AnlgLvl 10101 Pause the measurement or generation while an analog signal is above or below a level.
DAQmx_Val_AnlgWin 10103 Pause the measurement or generation while an analog signal is either inside or outside of a range of values.
DAQmx_Val_DigLvl 10152 Pause the measurement or generation while a digital signal is at either a high or low state.
DAQmx_Val_DigPattern 10398 Pause the measurement or generation while digital physical channels either match or do not match a digital pattern.
DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Do not pause the measurement or generation.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the name of the internal Pause Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return the name of the trigger source terminal.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Analog Level


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the task pauses above or below the threshold you specify with DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_Lvl.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AboveLvl 10093 Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is above the threshold.
DAQmx_Val_BelowLvl 10107 Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is below the threshold.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the threshold at which to pause the task. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or generation. Use DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_When to specify whether the task pauses above or below this threshold.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement or generation. If DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_When is DAQmx_Val_AboveLvl, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_Lvl minus the hysteresis. If DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_When is DAQmx_Val_BelowLvl, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above DAQmx_AnlgLvl_PauseTrig_Lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to use hysteresis.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Level Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Level Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Level Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Analog Window


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the task pauses while the trigger signal is inside or outside the window you specify with DAQmx_AnlgWin_PauseTrig_Btm and DAQmx_AnlgWin_PauseTrig_Top.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_InsideWin 10199 Pause the measurement or generation while the trigger is inside the window.
DAQmx_Val_OutsideWin 10251 Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is outside the window.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or generation.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or generation.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the terminal if the source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_AC 10045 Alternating Current.
DAQmx_Val_DC 10050 Direct Current.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Window Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and out of the window rapidly.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Window Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Analog Window Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Digital Level


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Pause Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies whether the task pauses while the signal is high or low.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_High 10192 High state.
DAQmx_Val_Low 10214 Low state.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Digital Level Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Digital Level Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Digital Level Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Pause Digital Pattern


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the physical channels to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a port is included, the lines within the port are in ascending order.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Pause Trigger to occur.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies if the Pause Trigger occurs when the physical channels specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_PauseTrig_Src match or differ from the digital pattern specified with DAQmx_DigPattern_PauseTrig_Pattern.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_PatternMatches 10254 Trigger when the physical channels match the specified pattern.
DAQmx_Val_PatternDoesNotMatch 10253 Trigger when the physical channels do not match the specified pattern.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the type of trigger to use to arm the task for a Start Trigger. If you configure an Arm Start Trigger, the task does not respond to a Start Trigger until the device receives the Arm Start Trigger.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_DigEdge 10150 Trigger on a rising or falling edge of a digital signal.
DAQmx_Val_Time 15996 Trigger when a specified time is reached.
DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Disable the trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the name of the internal Arm Start Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return the name of the trigger source terminal.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Digital Edge


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Arm Start Trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies on which edge of a digital signal to arm the task for a Start Trigger.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Rising 10280 Rising edge(s).
DAQmx_Val_Falling 10171 Falling edge(s).

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Digital Edge Digital Filter


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Digital Edge Timebase


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute settings for the filter.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Digital Edge Digital Synchronization


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of the device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Time


Data Type: CVIAbsoluteTime
Description: Specifies when to trigger the arm start trigger.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the timescale to be used for timestamps used in an arm start time trigger.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_HostTime 16126 Use the host device.
DAQmx_Val_IODeviceTime 16127 Use the I/O device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Arm Start Timestamp


Data Type: bool32
Description: Specifies whether the arm start trigger timestamp is enabled. If the timestamp is enabled but no resources are available, an error will be returned at run time.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the arm start trigger timestamp timescale.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_HostTime 16126 Use the host device.
DAQmx_Val_IODeviceTime 16127 Use the I/O device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute


Data Type: CVIAbsoluteTime
Description: Indicates the arm start trigger timestamp value.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute



Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the role of the device in a synchronized system. Setting this value to DAQmx_Val_Master or DAQmx_Val_Slave enables trigger skew correction. If you enable trigger skew correction, set this property to DAQmx_Val_Master on only one device, and set this property to DAQmx_Val_Slave on the other devices.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_None 10230 Disables trigger skew correction.
DAQmx_Val_Master 15888 Device is the source for shared clocks and triggers.
DAQmx_Val_Slave 15889 Device uses clocks and triggers from the master device.

You can get/set/reset this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTrigAttribute   DAQmxSetTrigAttribute   DAQmxResetTrigAttribute

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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