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Shantanu Shinde edited this page May 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

Init And Close Functions


Init and Close Group

Creates and returns a new session to the specified digital pattern instrument to use in all subsequent function calls. To place the instrument in a known startup state when creating a new session, set the reset parameter to VI_TRUE, which is equivalent to calling the niDigital_reset function immediately after initializing the session.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_init (ViRsrc resourceName, ViBoolean IDQuery, ViBoolean resetDevice, ViSession* newVi)

Parameter Description
resourceName The specified resource name shown in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) for a digital pattern instrument, for example, PXI1Slot3, where PXI1Slot3 is an instrument resource name. resourceName can also be a logical IVI name. This parameter accepts a comma-delimited list of strings in the form PXI1Slot2,PXI1Slot3, where PXI1Slot2 is one instrument resource name and PXI1Slot3 is another. When including more than one digital pattern instrument in the comma-delimited list of strings, list the instruments in the same order they appear in the pin map.
IDQuery A Boolean that verifies that the digital pattern instrument you initialize is supported by NI-Digital. NI-Digital automatically performs this query, so setting this parameter is not necessary.
resetDevice A Boolean that specifies whether to reset a digital pattern instrument to a known state when the session is initialized. Setting the resetDevice value to VI_TRUE is equivalent to calling the niDigital_reset function immediately after initializing the session.
newVi The returned instrument session.

Note   You only can specify multiple instruments of the same model. For example, you can list two PXIe-6570s but not a PXIe-6570 and PXIe-6571. The instruments must be in the same chassis.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.

Parent topic: NI-Digital Pattern Driver C Function Reference


Init and Close Group

Creates and returns a new session to the specified digital pattern instrument to use in all subsequent function calls. To place the instrument in a known startup state when creating a new session, set the reset parameter to VI_TRUE, which is equivalent to calling the niDigital_reset function immediately after initializing the session.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_InitWithOptions (ViRsrc resourceName, ViBoolean IDQuery, ViBoolean resetDevice, ViConstString optionString, ViSession* newVi)

Parameter Description
resourceName The specified resource name shown in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) for a digital pattern instrument, for example, PXI1Slot3, where PXI1Slot3 is an instrument resource name. resourceName can also be a logical IVI name. This parameter accepts a comma-delimited list of strings in the form PXI1Slot2,PXI1Slot3, where PXI1Slot2 is one instrument resource name and PXI1Slot3 is another. When including more than one digital pattern instrument in the comma-delimited list of strings, list the instruments in the same order they appear in the pin map.
IDQuery A Boolean that verifies that the digital pattern instrument you initialize is supported by NI-Digital. NI-Digital automatically performs this query, so setting this parameter is not necessary.
resetDevice A Boolean that specifies whether to reset a digital pattern instrument to a known state when the session is initialized. Setting the resetDevice value to VI_TRUE is equivalent to calling the niDigital_reset function immediately after initializing the session.
optionString The initial values of certain properties for the NI-Digital Pattern Driver session. The string can be empty. You can use the DriverSetup flag to simulate a digital pattern instrument. When simulating a digital pattern instrument, you must specify the model you want to simulate. For example, Simulate = 1, DriverSetup = Model:6570.
newVi The returned instrument session.

Note   You only can specify multiple instruments of the same model. For example, you can list two PXIe-6570s but not a PXIe-6570 and PXIe-6571. The instruments must be in the same chassis.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.

Parent topic: NI-Digital Pattern Driver C Function Reference


Init and Close Group

Closes the specified instrument session to a digital pattern instrument, aborts pattern execution, and unloads pattern memory. The channels on a digital pattern instrument remain in their current state.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_close (ViSession vi)

Parameter Description
vi The specified instrument session the niDigital_init or niDigital_InitWithOptions function returns.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.

Parent topic: NI-Digital Pattern Driver C Function Reference

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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