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NI RFSG Arb Attributes

Greg Stoll edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

Arb Attributes

Arb Advanced


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1152832|ViBoolean|R/W|None|None|


Enables or disables compensation for filter group delay on the AWG module. This attribute also accounts for the upconverter group delay and aligns the RF output with the Started Event, Done Event, and Marker Events.

At a low I/Q rate, the group delay can become so large that some devices may not be able to align the events with the RF output, in which case you must increase the I/Q rate or disable this attribute.

Defined Values:

|VI_TRUE|Enables compensation for filter group delay.| |VI_FALSE|Disables compensation for filter group delay.| Default Value: VI_FALSE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150204|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the digital gain, in decibels. The digital gain is applied to the waveform data after filtering. Use this attribute to adjust the output power of the device while keeping the analog path fixed. This may cause clipping, overflows, or quantization noise if used improperly.

To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration or Generation state.

Default Value: 0 dB

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150228|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Configures error reporting for onboard signal processing (OSP) overflows. Overflows lead to clipping of the waveform.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ERROR_REPORTING_WARNING|NI-RFSG returns a warning when an OSP overflow occurs. | |NIRFSG_VAL_ERROR_REPORTING_DISABLED|NI-RFSG does not return an error or a warning when an OSP overflow occurs. | Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_ERROR_REPORTING_WARNING

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150015|ViReal64|RW|None|None|


Indicates the carrier frequency generated by the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) module. The specified carrier frequency is related to the RF output as shown in the following equations:

|Device|Equation| |PXI-5610, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672|RF Frequency (MHz) = Upconverter Center Frequency + Arb Carrier Frequency – 25 MHz| |PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe- 5673/5673E, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841|RF Frequency (MHz) = Upconverter Center Frequency + Arb Carrier Frequency |

||Note  The NIRFSG_ATTR_UPCONVERTER_CENTER_FREQUENCY attribute and the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_CARRIER_FREQUENCY attribute cannot be set at the same time. The only time the carrier frequency is nonzero on these devices is when in-band retuning is used.|

||Note   Use this attribute to associate a carrier frequency with a waveform.|

||Note   This attribute is read-only on the PXI-5670/5671 and PXIe-5672.| Units: hertz (Hz)

Supported Devices: PXI-5610, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform—Refer to this topic for more information about using this attribute to associate a carrier frequency with a waveform.


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150016|ViReal64|RO|None|None|


Indicates the average output power from the PXI-5421, PXI-5441, PXIe-5442, and PXIe-5450 AWG module. If an arbitrary waveform is being generated, this attribute specifies either the average power or the peak power of the signal, depending on the NIRFSG_ATTR_POWER_LEVEL_TYPE attribute setting.

Units: dBm

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E

Data Transfer

Data Transfer Advanced


Specific Attribute

|Access|High Level Functions| |ViInt64|R/W|None|


Specifies the size of the DMA buffer in computer memory, in bytes. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

A sufficiently large host DMA buffer improves performance by allowing large writes to be transferred more efficiently.

Units: bytes

Default Value: 8 MB

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150088|ViInt32|R/W|Yes|None|


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent PCI Express read requests the RF signal generator can issue.

When transferring data from computer memory to device onboard memory across the PCI Express bus, the signal generator can issue multiple memory reads at the same time. In general, the larger the number of read requests, the more efficiently the device uses the bus because the multiple read requests keep the data flowing, even in a PCI Express topology that has high latency due to PCI Express switches in the data path. Most NI devices can issue a large number of read requests (typically 8 or 16). By default, this attribute is set to the highest value the RF signal generator supports.

If other devices in your system cannot tolerate long data latencies, it may be helpful to decrease the number of in-flight read requests the RF signal generator issues. This helps to reduce the amount of data the signal generator reads at one time.

Units: number of packets

Default Value: Device maximum

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E

Related Topics

Improving Streaming Performance


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150087|ViInt32|R/W|Yes|None|


Specifies the preferred size of the data field in a PCI Express read request packet.

In general, the larger the packet size, the more efficiently the device uses the bus. By default, NI RF signal generators use the largest packet size allowed by the system. However, due to different system implementations, some systems may perform better with smaller packet sizes.

Recommended values for this attribute are powers of two between 64 and 512.

|Note|Note  In some cases, the RF signal generator generates packets smaller than the preferred size you set with this attribute.| Units: bytes

Default Value: Device maximum

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E

Related Topics

Improving Streaming Performance


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150048|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Indicates the number of samples to transfer at one time from the device to host memory. This attribute is useful when the total data to be transferred to onboard memory is large.

Units: samples (s)

Default Value: 1 Ms

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672/5673/5673E


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150042|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Specifies whether the niRFSG_WriteArbWaveform function immediately writes waveforms to the device or copies the waveform to host memory for later download. NI-RFSG reads and validates this attribute when an arbitrary waveform is first allocated.

For the PXI-5670, direct download is always disabled. For all other devices, direct download is always enabled.

PXI-5671: To increase performance when using large waveforms, enable direct download. To maximize reconfigurability, disable direct download.

Perform the following steps to enable direct download:

\1. Set the I/Q rate to less than or equal to 8.33 MS/s with the NIRFSG_ATTR_IQ_RATE attribute.


\3. Disable the NIRFSG_ATTR_IQ_SWAP_ENABLED attribute.


Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Direct download is enabled.| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|Direct download is disabled.| Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150086|ViReal64|R/W|Yes|None|


Specifies the maximum amount of bus bandwidth to use for data transfers.

Units: bytes per second

Default Value: Device maximum

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E

Related Topics

Improving Streaming Performance



|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150047|ViInt64|RO|None|None|


Indicates the space available, in samples, in the streaming waveform for writing new data. For optimal performance, write new data to the waveform in a fixed size that is an integer divisor of the total size of the streaming waveform. This waveform size ensures that writes do not have to wrap around from the end to the beginning of the waveform buffer.

To read this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Committed state.

Units: samples

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150045|ViBoolean|R/W|None|None|


Enables and disables continuous streaming of waveform data.

Defined Values:

|VI_TRUE|Streaming is enabled.| |VI_FALSE|Streaming is disabled.| Default Value: VI_FALSE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics



|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150046|ViString|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the name of the waveform used to continually stream data during generation.

Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Streaming Waveform Data


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150140|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Indicates the maximum amount of time allowed to complete a streaming write operation.

Default Value: 10.0 seconds

Supported Devices: PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Streaming Waveform Data


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150012|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


When this attribute is enabled, NI-RFSG equalizes the waveform data to correct for variations in the response of the NI-RFSG device. Enabling digital equalization improves the modulation error rates (MER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) for signals with large bandwidths (> 500 kHz), but it increases tuning times.

On the PXI-5670/5671, equalization is performed in the software, so tuning time is increased. On the PXIe-5672, equalization is performed in the hardware so that there is no compromise in performance.

This attribute applies only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM or NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE is the only supported value for this device.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Filter is applied.| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|Filter is not applied| Default Value:


PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5672, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Response and Software Equalization—Refer to this topic for more information about equalization performed in software.

Frequency Tuning Times


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150044|ViBoolean|R/W|None|None|


Enables or disables digital pattern on the PXI-5421/5441 AWG module. This attribute must be set to VI_TRUE to enable signal routing to and from the Digital Data & Control connector.

To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Defined Values:

|VI_TRUE|Signal routing enabled.| |VI_FALSE|Signal routing disabled.| Default Value: VI_FALSE

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Applies to|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150018|ViInt32|R/W|N/A|None|niRFSG_ConfigureGenerationMode|


Specifies whether to generate a continuous wave (CW) signal, the arbitrary waveform specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_SELECTED_WAVEFORM attribute, or the script specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_SELECTED_SCRIPT attribute, upon calling the niRFSG_Initiate function.

To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_CW|Configures the RF signal generator to generate a CW signal.| |NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM|Configures the RF signal generator to generate the arbitrary waveform specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_SELECTED_WAVEFORM attribute.| |NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT|Configures the RF signal generator to generate arbitrary waveforms as directed by the NIRFSG_ATTR_SELECTED_SCRIPT attribute. | Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_CW

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI/PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696 (CW support only), PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform

Scripting Instructions—Refer to this topic for more information about scripting.


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250452|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


This attribute specifies the I/Q rate of the arbitrary waveform. The I/Q rate is coerced to a value the hardware can achieve. Read this value back after setting it to see the actual I/Q rate. NI-RFSG internally uses an FIR filter with flat response up to (0.4 × IQ rate). Given a desired signal with the maximum frequency content f, sample the signal at an I/Q rate greater than or equal to (f/0.4).

This attribute applies only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM or NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT.

|Note|Note  Use this attribute to associate an I/Q rate with a waveform.| To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Valid Values:

|Device|I/Q Rates| |PXIe-5644/5645|Up to 120 MS/s.| |PXIe-5646|Up to 250 MS/s.| |PXI-5670 |50 MS/s*| ||100 MS/s| |PXI-5671|50 MS/s*| ||100 MS/s| ||*(100 MS/s)/n, where n is divisible by 2 between 12 to 512, and divisible by 4 between 512 to 1,024 (n = 12, 14, 16, ..., 512, 516, 520, ..., 1,024). Setting the I/Q rate to one of these value enables the DUC.| |PXIe-5672 |Up to 100 MS/s.| |PXIe-5673/5673E|Up to 200 MS/s. |

|Note|Note  If an PXIe-5450 with module revisions A or B is used as part of your PXIe-5673/5673E, the NI-FGEN NIFGEN_ATTR_COMPENSATE_FOR_FILTER_GROUP_DELAY attribute is disabled if the requested I/Q rate is less than 1.5 MS/s.|

|PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841|Up to 1.25 GS/s.| |

Setting this attribute to 50 MS/s on the PXI-5670/5671 and PXIe-5672 has the following implications:

- NI-RFSG is forced to place the carrier frequency at 18 MHz ± 1 MHz to avoid aliasing. Forcing the IF carrier frequency to that point implies that NI-RFSG cannot select a carrier frequency that could optimize the waveform size if phase continuity is enabled.

- Output signal bandwidth must be <5 MHz to avoid aliasing.

- Close-in phase noise is higher.

|| Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform—Refer to this topic for more information about using this attribute to associate an I/Q rate with a waveform.

Digital Upconverter


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250404|ViBoolean|R/W|None|None|


Enables or disables the inverse phase rotation of the I/Q signal by swapping the I and Q inputs.

To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Defined Values:

|VI_TRUE|NI-RFSG device applies noninverse phase rotation of the I/Q signal.| |VI_FALSE|NI-RFSG device applies inverse phase rotation of the I/Q signal.| Default Value: VI_FALSE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150061|ViInt32|RO|None|None|


The total amount of memory on the signal generator in bytes.

|Note|Note  Not all onboard memory is available for waveform storage. A portion of onboard memory stores scripts that specify how the waveforms are generated. These scripts typically require less than 1 KB of onboard memory.| Units: bytes

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Memory Options

Phase Continuity


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150005|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Specifies whether the driver maintains phase continuity in the arbitrary waveforms. When this attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE, NI-RFSG may increase the waveform size. When this attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE, the NIRFSG_ATTR_FREQUENCY_TOLERANCE attribute specifies the maximum allowable frequency error that can be introduced when keeping the signal phase-continuous. To set the NIRFSG_ATTR_PHASE_CONTINUITY_ENABLED attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state. NIRFSG_ATTR_PHASE_CONTINUITY_ENABLED applies only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM or NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT.

PXI-5671: When using the PXI-5671 with I/Q rates less than or equal to 8.33 MS/s, an input phase-continuous signal is always phase-continuous upon output, and this attribute has no effect.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: Phase continuity is always enabled on this device.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_ATTR_PHASE_CONTINUITY_ENABLED Attribute Setting|NIRFSG_ATTR_PHASE_CONTINUITY_ENABLED Attribute Settings with I/Q Rates > 8.33 MS/s. || ||NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM|NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT| |NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO|The arbitrary waveform may be repeated to ensure phase continuity after upconversion. This setting could cause waveform size to increase.|Warning condition—NI-RFSG cannot guarantee a phase-continuous output signal in Script mode. Phase continuity is automatically disabled in Script mode and the arbitrary waveform plays back without regard to any possible phase discontinuities introduced by upconversion.| |NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|The arbitrary waveform may be repeated to ensure phase continuity after upconversion. Enabling this attribute could cause waveform size to increase.|Error condition—NI-RFSG cannot guarantee a phase-continuous output signal in Script mode.| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLED|The arbitrary waveform plays back without regard to any possible phase discontinuities introduced by upconversion. The time duration of the original waveform is maintained.|The arbitrary waveform plays back without regard to any possible phase discontinuities introduced by upconversion. The time duration of the original waveform is maintained.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Phase Continuity

Arb Waveform Mode Tuning Speed Factors


Specific Attribute

|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Applies to|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150025|ViReal64|R/W|N/A|None|None|


Specifies the AWG prefilter gain. The prefilter gain is applied to the waveform data before any other signal processing. Reduce this value to prevent overflow in the AWG interpolation filters. Other gains on the NI-RFSG device are automatically adjusted to compensate for nonunity AWG prefilter gain. The PXI-5671, PXIe-5672 must be in the Configuration state to use this attribute. However, the PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5673/5673E, and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 can be in either the Configuration or the Generation state to use this attribute.

On the PXI-5671, this attribute applies only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_IQ_RATE attribute is set to a value less than or equal to 8.33 MS/s. On the PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, this attribute is always applicable.

Units: dB

Default Value: 0 dB

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Pulse Shaping


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Applies to|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150056|ViInt32|R/W|N/A|None|None|


Specifies the pulse-shaping filter type for the FIR filter. You can use this attribute only with signal generators that support onboard signal processing (OSP). NI-RFSG returns an error if you use this attribute with a device that does not support OSP.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_FILTER_TYPE_NONE|No filter type is applied.| |NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_FILTER_TYPE_ROOT_RAISED_COSINE|Applies a root-raised cosine filter to the data with the alpha value specified with the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_FILTER_ROOT_RAISED_COSINE_ALPHA attribute.| |NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_FILTER_TYPE_RAISED_COSINE|Applies a raised cosine filter to the data with the alpha value specified with the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_FILTER_RAISED_COSINE_ALPHA attribute.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_FILTER_TYPE_NONE

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150060|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the alpha value to use when calculating the pulse-shaping filter coefficients. You can use this attribute only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_FILTER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_RAISED_COSINE and with signal generators that support onboard signal processing (OSP). NI-RFSG returns an error if you use this attribute with a device that does not support OSP.

Supported Devices: PXI-5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150057|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the alpha value to use when calculating the pulse-shaping FIR filter coefficients. You can use this attribute only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_FILTER_TYPE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_ROOT_RAISED_COSINE and with signal generators that support onboard signal processing (OSP). NI-RFSG returns an error if you use this attribute with a device that does not support OSP.

Supported Devices: PXI-5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E


Specific Attribute

|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Applies to|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150023|ViString|R/W|N/A|None|None|


Specifies the script in onboard memory to generate upon calling the niRFSG_Initiate function when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT.

The NIRFSG_ATTR_SELECTED_SCRIPT attribute is ignored when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM or NIRFSG_VAL_CW. To set the NIRFSG_ATTR_SELECTED_SCRIPT attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform

Scripting Instructions


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150007|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the bandwidth of the arbitrary signal. This value must be less than or equal to (0.8 × I/Q rate).

NI-RFSG defines signal bandwidth as twice the maximum baseband signal deviation from 0 Hz. Usually, the baseband signal center frequency is 0 Hz. In such cases, the signal bandwidth is simply the baseband signal's minimum frequency subtracted from its maximum frequency, or fmax - fmin.

This attribute applies only when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM or NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT, except for when using the PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, which supports setting this attribute in all supported generation modes. To set the NIRFSG_ATTR_SIGNAL_BANDWIDTH attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672: Based on your signal bandwidth, NI-RFSG determines whether to configure the upconverter center frequency in increments of 1 MHz or 5 MHz. Failure to configure this attribute may result in the signal being placed outside the upconverter passband.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5673/5673E: This attribute is used only for error-checking purposes. Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: Based on your signal bandwidth, NI-RFSG decides the equalized bandwidth. If this attribute is not set, NI-RFSG uses the maximum available signal bandwidth. For the PXIe-5840/5841, the maximum allowed signal bandwidth depends on the upconverter center frequency. Refer to the specifications document for your device for more information about signal bandwidth. The device specifications depend on the signal bandwidth.

Units: hertz (Hz)

Supported Devices: PXI-5610, PXIe-5611, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Phase-Locked Loop Bandwidth

Frequency Tuning Times

PXIe-5830 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection

PXIe-5831/5832 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection

PXIe-5841 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection


Specific Attribute

|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150226|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the bandwidth of the device. The instantaneous bandwidth is the effective real-time bandwidth of the signal path for your configuration.

The signal bandwidth, centered at the RF frequency must fit within the device instantaneous bandwidth, which is centered at the upconverter center frequency.

Units: Hz

Default Value: N/A

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

PXIe-5830 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection

PXIe-5831/5832 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection

PXIe-5841 Frequency and Bandwidth Selection


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150052|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies how much to scale the data before writing it with the niRFSG_WriteArbWaveform function. The resulting waveform must be smaller than 1.0 in complex magnitude. This attribute is supported only if you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_POWER_LEVEL_TYPE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_PEAK_POWER.

Default Value: 1.0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Spurious Performance

Waveform Attributes


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150263|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the I/Q rate of the waveform. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics


Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform—Refer to this topic for more information about using this attribute to associate an I/Q rate with a waveform.

Digital Upconverter


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150266|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR).

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150265|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the waveform runtime scaling. The waveform runtime scaling is applied to the waveform data before any other signal processing.

Units: dB

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150278|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Enables or disables RF blanking.

|NIRFSG_ATTR_RF_BLANKING_SOURCE|NIRFSG_ATTR_WAVEFORM_RF_BLANKING|Behaviour| |"" (empty string)|NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|No blanking performed.| |"" (empty string)|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Blanking performed based on burst start and stop values and blanking source set to private marker.| |NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER0, NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER1, NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER2, or NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER3|NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|Blanking performed based on the marker locations for the marker that the user set in the blanking source.| |NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER0, NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER1, NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER2, or NIRFSG_VAL_MARKER3|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Error is shown.| Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|RF blanking is enabled.| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|RF blanking is disabled.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLED

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Marker Events


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150264|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the bandwidth of the arbitrary signal. This value must be less than or equal to (0.8 × I/Q rate).

Units: hertz (Hz)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Waveform Capabilities


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250454|ViInt32|RO|None|niRFSG_QueryArbWaveformCapabilities|


Returns the maximum number of waveforms the device can hold in memory.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250457|ViInt32|RO|None|niRFSG_QueryArbWaveformCapabilities|


Returns the size of the largest waveform that is allowed.

To read this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

For the PXI-5671 and PXIe-5672, the value of this attribute depends on the I/Q rate. Set the I/Q rate before reading this attribute. For the PXIe-5673/5673E, the maximum waveform size is reduced to account for the amount of device memory currently used.

|Note|Note  Not all onboard memory is available for waveform storage. A portion of onboard memory stores scripts that specify how the waveforms are generated. These scripts typically require less than 1 KB of onboard memory.| Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250456|ViInt32|RO|None|niRFSG_QueryArbWaveformCapabilities|


Returns the smallest allowable waveform size. For the PXI-5671 and PXIe-5672, the value of this attribute depends on the I/Q rate. Set the NIRFSG_ATTR_IQ_RATE attribute before reading this attribute.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250451|ViString|R/W|None|niRFSG_SelectArbWaveform|


Specifies the waveform in onboard memory to generate upon calling the niRFSG_init function when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM. The NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_SELECTED_WAVEFORM attribute is ignored when the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute is set to NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPT or NIRFSG_VAL_CW. To set the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_SELECTED_WAVEFORM attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Default Value: "" (empty string)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Assigning Properties or Attributes to a Waveform


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1250455|ViInt32|RO|None|niRFSG_QueryArbWaveformCapabilities|


Returns the waveform quantum for the device. The number of samples in a waveform must be an integer multiple of the waveform quantum. The other restrictions on the length of the waveform are the minimum and maximum arbitrary waveform sizes.

PXI-5671, PXIe-5672: The value of this attribute depends on the I/Q rate. Set the NIRFSG_ATTR_IQ_RATE attribute before reading this attribute.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150158|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the repeat count of a waveform when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_WAVEFORM_REPEAT_COUNT_IS_FINITE attribute to VI_TRUE. This attribute is valid only when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Default Value: 1

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150157|ViBoolean|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the repetition mode of a waveform when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORM. If you set this attribute to VI_TRUE, the number of repetitions is determined by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_WAVEFORM_REPEAT_COUNT attribute. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Defined Values:

|VI_TRUE|Repeats the waveform a finite number of times.| |VI_FALSE|Repeats the waveform continuously until you abort the generation.| Default Value: VI_FALSE

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Write Waveform Burst Detection


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150273|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Enables the detection of burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform. You can read the detected burst start and burst stop locations using niRFSG_Get_Waveform_Burst_Start_Locations and niRFSG_Get_Waveform_Burst_Stop_Locations functions respectively.

|Note|Note  When you download a waveform using niRFSG_Read_and_Download_Waveform_From_file_(TDMS) function and if NIRFSG_ATTR_WAVEFORM_RF_BLANKING attribute is enabled, you must set the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE.| Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Burst detection is enabled.| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|Burst detection is disabled.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLED

**Supported Devices:**PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150277|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the minimum duration of the detected bursts. Any detected burst with a duration smaller than the value of this attribute is ignored by NI-RFSG. This attribute is ignored when you disable the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION attribute or when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MODE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO.

Units: seconds(s)

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150275|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies a time duration for which the signal must be quiet before a valid burst start location or after a valid burst stop location. This attribute is ignored when you disable the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION attribute or when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MODE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO.

The default value of this attribute is 0, which means NI-RFSG does not look for a quiet time before or after detected burst start and stop locations. This attribute is useful for detecting burst locations in signals containing multiple bursts. However, each burst must have large changes in signal power within itself. By configuring the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MINIMUM_QUIET_TIME attribute to a value that is less than or equal to the minimum time between two adjacent bursts in the waveform, you can ensure that the burst start and stop locations are detected at the beginning and end of a burst respectively, rather than at the signal power change within a burst.

Units: seconds(s)

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150274|ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the algorithm that NI-RFSG uses to detect the burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform when burst detection is enabled using the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION attribute. When you set NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MODE to NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO, NI-RFSG automatically detects the burst start and burst stop locations by analyzing the waveform. To fine-tune the burst detection process parameters yourself, you can set this attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_MANUAL and specify the burst detection parameters using the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MINIMUM_QUIET_TIME, NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_POWER_THRESHOLD, NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MINIMUM_BURST_TIME attributes.

Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO|NI-RFSG automatically detects the burst start and burst stop locations by analyzing the waveform.| |NIRFSG_VAL_MANUAL|User sets the burst detection parameters.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| |1150276|ViReal64|R/W|None|None|


Specifies the relative power level at which burst start or stop locations are detected. The threshold is relative to the peak power in the waveform. NI-RFSG detects burst start (or burst stop) locations when the signal exceeds (or falls below) the level specified by this attribute. This attribute is ignored when you disable the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION attribute or when you set the NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_BURST_DETECTION_MODE attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_AUTO.

Units: dB

Default Value: 0

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


|Numeric Value|Data
|Access|Coercion|High Level Functions| ||ViInt32|R/W|None|None|


Specifies whether to perform the normalization on a waveform.

|Note|Note  You can not set NIRFSG_ATTR_WRITE_WAVEFORM_NORMALIZATION and NIRFSG_ATTR_POWER_LEVEL_TYPE attributes at the same time.| Defined Values:

|NIRFSG_VAL_ENABLE|Enables normalization on a waveform to transform the waveform data so that its maximum is 1.00 and its minimum is -1.00| |NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLE|Disables normalization on the waveform.| Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_DISABLED

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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