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NI RFmx Instruments Attributes

Alex Starche edited this page Feb 22, 2022 · 4 revisions


Frequency Reference


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the frequency reference source.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value for PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653 is RefIn2, else the default value is OnboardClock.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFrequencyReferenceSource
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFrequencyReferenceSource
RFMXINSTR_VAL_ONBOARD_CLOCK_STR (OnboardClock) PXIe-5663/5663E: RFmx locks the PXIe-5663/5663E to the PXIe-5652 LO source onboard clock. Connect the REF OUT2 connector (if it exists) on the PXIe-5652 to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN terminal. On versions of the PXIe-5663/5663E that lack a REF OUT2 connector on the PXIe-5652, connect the REF IN/OUT connector on the PXIe-5652 to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN terminal. PXIe-5665: RFmx locks the PXIe-5665 to the PXIe-5653 LO source onboard clock. Connect the 100 MHz REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5653 to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN terminal. PXIe-5668: Lock the PXIe-5668 to the PXIe-5653 LO SOURCE onboard clock. Connect the LO2 OUT connector on the PXIe-5606 to the CLK IN connector on the PXIe-5624. PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5840/5841: RFmx locks the device to its onboard clock. PXIe-5830/5831/5832: For the PXIe-5830, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3621 REF OUT connector. For the PXIe-5831, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3622 REF OUT connector. For PXIe-5832, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3623 REF OUT connector. PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653: Connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3622 REF OUT connector. Connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXIe-3622 REF IN connector. PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653: Connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3623 REF OUT connector. Connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXIe-3623 REF IN connector. PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653: Lock onto the PXIe-5653 onboard clock. Connect the REF OUT (10 MHz) connector on the PXIe-5653 to the PXIe-5840 REF IN connector. Configure open NI-RFSG sessions to the device to use RefIn for PXIe-5840 or RefIn2 for the PXIe-5840 with the PXIe-5653.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_IN_STR (RefIn) PXIe-5663/5663E: Connect the external signal to the PXIe-5652 REF IN/OUT connector. Connect the REF OUT2 connector (if it exists) on the PXIe-5652 to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN terminal. PXIe-5665: Connect the external signal to the PXIe-5653 REF IN connector. Connect the 100 MHz REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5653 to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN connector. If your external clock signal frequency is set to a frequency other than 10 MHz, set the Frequency Reference Frequency attribute according to the frequency of your external clock signal. PXIe-5668: Connect the external signal to the PXIe-5653 REF IN connector. Connect the LO2 OUT on the PXIe-5606 to the CLK IN connector on the PXIe-5622. If your external clock signal frequency is set to a frequency other than 10 MHz, set the Frequency Reference Frequency attribute according to the frequency of your external clock signal. PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5840/5841: RFmx locks the device to the signal at the external REF IN connector. PXIe-5830/5831/5832: For PXIe-5830, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3621 REF OUT connector. For PXIe-5831, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3622 REF OUT connector. For PXIe-5832, connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3623 REF OUT connector. For PXIe-5830, lock the external signal to the PXIe-3621 REF IN connector. For PXIe-5831, lock the external signal to the PXIe-3622 REF IN connector. For PXIe-5832, lock the external signal to the PXIe-3623 REF IN connector. PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653: Connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3622 REF OUT connector. Connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXIe-3622 REF IN connector. Lock the external signal to the PXIe-5653 REF IN connector. PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653: Connect the PXIe-5820 REF IN connector to the PXIe-3623 REF OUT connector. Connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXIe-3623 REF IN connector. Lock the external signal to the PXIe-5653 REF IN connector. PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653: Lock to the signal at the REF IN connector on the associated PXIe-5653. Connect the REF OUT (10 MHz) connector on the PXIe-5653 to the PXIe-5840 REF IN connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_CLK_STR (PXI_Clk) PXIe-5668: Lock the PXIe-5653 to the PXI backplane clock. Connect the PXIe-5606 LO2 OUT to the LO2 IN connector on the PXIe-5624. PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665, and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5831 with PXIe-5653/5832/5832 with PXIe-5653/5840/5841/5840 with PXIe-5653: RFmx locks the device to the PXI backplane clock.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_IN_STR (ClkIn) PXIe-5663/5663E: RFmx locks the PXIe-5663/5663E to an external 10 MHz signal. Connect the external signal to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN connector, and connect the PXIe-5622 CLK OUT connector to the FREQ REF IN connector on the PXIe-5652. PXIe-5665: RFmx locks the PXIe-5665 to an external 100 MHz signal. Connect the external signal to the PXIe-5622 CLK IN connector, and connect the PXIe-5622 CLK OUT connector to the REF IN connector on the PXIe-5653. Set the Frequency Reference Frequency attribute to 100 MHz. PXIe-5668: Lock the PXIe-5668 to an external 100 MHz signal. Connect the external signal to the CLK IN connector on the PXIe-5624, and connect the PXIe-5624 CLK OUT connector to the REF IN connector on the PXIe-5653. Set the Frequency Reference Frequency attribute to 100 MHz. PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5831 with PXIe-5653/5832/5832 with PXIe-5653/5840/5841/5840 with PXIe-5653: This configuration does not apply.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_IN2_STR (RefIn2) PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653: RFmx locks the reference clock to the clock sourced at the PXIe-5840 REF IN terminal that is previously configured by an NI-RFSG session. Connect the PXIe-5840 REF OUT connector to the PXIe-5653 REF IN connector. Configure open NI-RFSG sessions to the device to use RefIn for the PXIe-5840 or OnboardClock for the PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653. PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5831 with PXIe-5653/5832/5832 with PXIe-5653/5840/5841: This configuration does not apply.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_CLK_MASTER_STR (PXI_ClkMaster) PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653: RFmx configures the PXIe-5653 to export the reference clock and configures the PXIe-5820 and PXIe-3622 to use PXI_Clk as the reference clock source. You must connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXI chassis REF IN connector. PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653: RFmx configures the PXIe-5653 to export the reference clock and configures the PXIe-5820 and PXIe-3623 to use PXI_Clk as the reference clock source. You must connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXI chassis REF IN connector. PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653: RFmx configures the PXIe-5653 to export the reference clock, and configures the PXIe-5840 to use PXI_Clk. For best performance, configure all other devices in the system to use PXI_Clk as the reference clock source. You must connect the PXIe-5653 REF OUT (10 MHz) connector to the PXIe-5840 REF IN connector for this configuration. PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: This configuration does not apply.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the Reference Clock rate, when the Frequency Reference Source attribute is set to ClkIn or RefIn. This value is expressed in Hz.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 10 MHz.

Valid values PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 10 MHz
PXIe-5665/5668 5 MHz to 100 MHz (inclusive), in increments of 1 MHz

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFrequencyReferenceFrequency
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFrequencyReferenceFrequency


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies a comma-separated list of the terminals at which to export the frequency reference.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is RFMXINSTR_VAL_NONE_STR.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFrequencyReferenceExportedTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFrequencyReferenceExportedTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_NONE_STR () The Reference Clock is not exported. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Export the clock on the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, the REF OUT terminals on the PXIe-5653, or the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5694, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, or PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Export the clock on the REF OUT2 terminal on the PXIe-5652. This value is valid only for the PXIe-5663E.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Export the Reference Clock on the CLK OUT terminal on the Digitizer. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 or PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.

RF Attenuation


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether RFmx computes the RF attenuation.

If you set this attribute to True, RFmx chooses an attenuation setting based on the reference level configured on the personality.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E, PXIe-5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRFAttenuationAuto
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetRFAttenuationAuto
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RF_ATTENUATION_AUTO_FALSE (0) Specifies that RFmx uses the value configured using RF Attenuation Value attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RF_ATTENUATION_AUTO_TRUE (1) Specifies that RFmx computes the RF attenuation.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the nominal attenuation setting for all attenuators before the first mixer in the RF signal chain. This value is expressed in dB.

RFmx uses the value of this attribute as the attenuation setting when you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_RF_ATTENUATION_AUTO attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_RF_ATTENUATION_AUTO_FALSE.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

PXIe-5663/5663E You can change the attenuation value to modify the amount of noise and distortion. Higher attenuation levels increase the noise level but decreases distortion; lower attenuation levels decrease the noise level but increases distortion.

PXIe-5603/5605/5665/5668 Refer to the PXIe-5665 or the PXIe-5668 RF Attenuation and Signal Levels topic in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help for more information about configuring attenuation.

The valid values for this attribute depend on the device configuration.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5603/5605/5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRFAttenuationValue
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetRFAttenuationValue

Mechanical Attenuation


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether RFmx chooses an attenuation setting based on the hardware settings.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetMechanicalAttenuationAuto
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetMechanicalAttenuationAuto
RFMXINSTR_VAL_MECHANICAL_ATTENUATION_AUTO_FALSE (0) Specifies that RFmx uses the value configured in the Mechanical Attenuation Value attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_MECHANICAL_ATTENUATION_AUTO_TRUE (1) Specifies that the measurement computes the mechanical attenuation.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the level of mechanical attenuation for the RF path. This value is expressed in dB.

RFmx uses the value of this attribute as the attenuation setting when you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_MECHANICAL_ATTENUATION_AUTO attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_MECHANICAL_ATTENUATION_AUTO_FALSE.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Valid valuesPXIe-5663/5663E0, 16PXIe-5665 (3.6 GHz)0, 10, 20, 30PXIe-5665 (14 GHz), PXIe-56680, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E, PXIe-5665, PXIe-5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetMechanicalAttenuationValue
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetMechanicalAttenuationValue



Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to reduce the effects of the instrument leakage by placing the LO outside the band of acquisition.

This attribute is ignored if: the bandwidth required by the measurement is more than the available instrument bandwidth after offsetting the LO. You set the Downconverter Center Frequency or Downconverter Frequency Offset attributes. When using a DPD applied signal for performing measurements like ModAcc, PvT, or TXP, you must set this attribute to False when the LO Source attribute is set to Automatic_SG_SA_Shared.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value for PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 is True, else the default value is False.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOLeakageAvoidanceEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOLeakageAvoidanceEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED_FALSE (0) RFmx does not modify the Downconverter Frequency Offset attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED_TRUE (1) RFmx calculates the required LO offset based on the measurement configuration and appropriately sets the Downconverter Frequency Offset attribute.


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the local oscillator (LO) signal source used to downconvert the RF input signal.

If this attribute is set to '' (empty string), RFmx uses the internal LO source. For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed.

If no signal downconversion is required, this attribute is ignored.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOSource
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOSource
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_NONE (None) Specifies that no LO source is required to downconvert the RF input signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_ONBOARD (Onboard) Specifies that the onboard synthesizer is used to generate the LO signal that downconverts the RF input signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_LO_IN (LO_In) Specifies that the LO source used to downconvert the RF input signal is connected to the LO IN connector on the front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_SECONDARY (Secondary) Specifies that the LO source uses the PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840 internal LO. This value is valid on only the PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653, PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653 (LO1 stage only), or PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653 (LO1 stage only).
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_SG_SA_SHARED (SG_SA_Shared) Specifies that the internal LO can be shared between RFmx and RFSG sessions. RFmx selects an internal synthesizer and the synthesizer signal is switched to both the RX and TX mixers. This value is valid only on PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_AUTOMATIC_SG_SA_SHARED (Automatic_SG_SA_Shared) Specifies whether RFmx automatically configures the signal analyzer to use the LO utilized by the signal generator on the same vector signal transceiver (VST) based on the configured measurements. When using instruments that do not have LOs with excellent phase noise and to minimize the contribution of the instrument's phase noise affecting your measurements, NI recommends to share the LO between the signal generator (SG) and the signal analyzer (SA). This value is recommended in test setups that use a VST with NI-RFSG to generate a signal at the DUT's input and RFmx to measure the signal at the DUT's output. This value automatically: determines whether the SG LO can be shared with SA based on the test instrument used, selected measurement, and the measurement settings.configures instrument specific attributes on SA to share the LO between the generator and analyzer, whenever possible. To enable automatically sharing SG LO with SA, you must first setup the required device specific physical connections mentioned below and then follow the steps in the recommended order. PXIe-5840/5841: SG LO is shared with SA via an external path. Hence, you must connect RF Out LO Out to RF In LO In using a cable. PXIe-5830/5831/5832: SG LO is shared with SA via an internal path. Hence, an external cable connection is not required. NI recommends the following order of steps: 1. Set LO Source attribute to Automatic SG SA Shared in NI-RFSG (or enable Automatic SG SA shared LO on NI-RFSG Playback Library) 2. Set RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_SOURCE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_AUTOMATIC_SG_SA_SHARED in RFmx 3. Configure any additional settings on RFSG and RFmx, including selecting waveforms 4. Initiate RFSG 5. Initiate RFmx. Note: When using a DPD applied signal for performing measurements like ModAcc, PvT, or TXP, you must set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_FALSE and RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_SOURCE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_AUTOMATIC_SG_SA_SHARED. Refer to following functions for examples in RFmx WLAN and RFmx NR that show the behavior of Automatic SG SA Shared LO. (LabVIEW directory)\examples\RFmx\WLAN\RFmxWLAN FEM Test with Automatic SG SA Shared directory)\examples\RFmx\NR\RFmxNR FEM Test with Automatic SG SA Shared This value is valid only on PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the LO signal frequency for the configured center frequency. This value is expressed in Hz.

If you are using the vector signal analyzer with an external LO, use this attribute to specify the LO frequency that the external LO source passes into the LO IN or LO1 IN connector on the RF downconverter front panel. If you are using an external LO, reading the value of this attribute after configuring the rest of the parameters returns the LO frequency needed by the device.

You can set this attribute to the actual LO frequency because RFmx corrects for any difference between expected and actual LO frequencies.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOFrequency
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOFrequency


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the LO OUT terminals on the installed devices.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax.

TRUE Enables the LO OUT terminals.

FALSE Disables the LO OUT terminals

Default value:PXIe-5663/5663E: TRUE PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: FALSE

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOExportEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOExportEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the LO2 OUT terminals in the installed devices.

Set this attribute to Enabled to export the 4 GHz LO signal from the LO2 IN terminal to the LO2 OUT terminal. You can also export the LO2 signal by setting the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_EXPORT_ENABLED attribute to TRUE. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported Devices: PXIe-5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLO2ExportEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLO2ExportEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO2_EXPORT_DISABLED (0) Disables the LO2 OUT terminals.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO2_EXPORT_ENABLED (1) Enables the LO2 OUT terminals.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the power level expected at the LO IN terminal when the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_SOURCE attribute is set to RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SOURCE_LO_IN. This value is expressed in dBm.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax. For PXIe-5644/5645/5646, this attribute is always read-only.

The default value is 0.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOInPower
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOInPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the power level of the signal at the LO OUT terminal when the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_EXPORT_ENABLED attribute is set to TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Supported devices: PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOOutPower
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOOutPower


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Makes tradeoffs between tuning speed and phase noise.

This attribute is not supported if you are using an external LO. For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax.The PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 supports only Medium for this attribute.

Default value: Normal for PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, Medium for PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetTuningSpeed
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetTuningSpeed
RFMXINSTR_VAL_TUNING_SPEED_NORMAL (0) PXIe-5665/5668: Adjusts the YIG main coil on the LO for an underdamped response. PXIe-5663/5663E/5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5840/5841: Specifies that the RF downconverter module uses a narrow loop bandwidth.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_TUNING_SPEED_MEDIUM (1) Specifies that the RF downconverter module uses a medium loop bandwidth. This value is not supported on PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668 devices.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_TUNING_SPEED_FAST (2) PXIe-5665/5668: Adjusts the YIG main coil on the LO for an overdamped response. Setting this attribute to Fast allows the frequency to settle significantly faster for some frequency transitions at the expense of increased phase noise. PXIe-5663/5663E/5644/5645/5646: Specifies that the RF downconverter module uses a wide loop bandwidth.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies an offset from the center frequency value for the downconverter. Use this attribute to offset the measurement away from the LO leakage or DC Offset of analyzers that use a direct conversion architecture. You must set this attribute to half the bandwidth or span of the measurement + guardband. The guardband is needed to ensure that the LO leakage is not inside the analog or digital filter rolloffs. This value is expressed in Hz.

NI recommends using the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED attribute instead of the Downconverter Frequency Offset attribute. The RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED attribute automatically configures the Downconverter Frequency Offset attribute to an appropriate offset based on the bandwidth or span of the measurement.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Default values: For spectrum acquisition types, RFmx automatically calculates the default value to avoid residual LO power. For I/Q acquisition types, the default value is 0 Hz. If the center frequency is set to a non-multiple of LO Frequency Step Size attribute, this attribute is set to compensate for the difference.

The following valid values correspond to their respective devices: PXIe-5646-100 MHz to +100 MHz PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841-500 MHz to +500 MHz Other devices-42 MHz to +42 MHz

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDownconverterFrequencyOffset
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetDownconverterFrequencyOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Enables in-band retuning and specifies the current frequency of the RF downconverter. This value is expressed in Hz.

After you set this attribute, the RF downconverter is locked to that frequency until the value is changed or the attribute is reset. Locking the downconverter to a fixed value allows frequencies within the instantaneous bandwidth of the downconverter to be measured without the overhead of retuning the LO and waiting for the LO to settle. This method is called in-band retuning and it has the highest benefit on analyzers that have larger LO settling times. After setting the downconverter center frequency, you can set the center frequency to the frequencies at which you want to take the measurements.

If you want to avoid the LO leakage or DC offset of analyzers that use a direct conversion architecture, it is more convenient to use the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_DOWNCONVERTER_FREQUENCY_OFFSET or RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_LEAKAGE_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED attributes.

If you set this attribute, any measurements outside the instantaneous bandwidth of the device are invalid. To disable in-band retuning, reset this attribute or call the RFmxInstr_ResettoDefault function.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is the carrier frequency or spectrum center frequency.

Valid Values: Any supported tuning frequency of the device. PXIe-5820: The only valid value for this attribute is 0 Hz.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDownconverterCenterFrequency
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetDownconverterCenterFrequency


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the LO injection side.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

PXIe-5663/5663E For frequencies below 517.5 MHz or above 6.4125 GHz, the LO injection side is fixed, and RFmx returns an error if you specify an incorrect value. If you do not configure this attribute, RFmx selects the default LO injection side based on the downconverter center frequency. Reset this attribute to return to automatic behavior.

PXIe-5665 (3.6 GHz) Setting this attribute to Low Side is not supported for this device.

PXIe-5665 (14 GHz) Setting this attribute to Low Side is supported for this device for frequencies greater than 4 GHz, but this configuration is not calibrated, and device specifications are not guaranteed.

PXIe-5668 Setting this attribute to Low Side is supported for some frequencies in high band, varying by the final IF frequency. This configuration is not calibrated and device specifications are not guaranteed.

Default value:PXIe-5663/5663E (frequencies ( 3.0 GHz): High SidePXIe-5663/5663E (frequencies )= 3.0 GHz): Low SidePXIe-5665/5668: High Side

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOInjectionSide
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOInjectionSide
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_INJECTION_HIGH_SIDE (0) Configures the LO signal that the device generates at a frequency higher than the RF signal. This LO frequency is given by the following formula: fLO = fRF + fIF
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_INJECTION_LOW_SIDE (1) Configures the LO signal that the device generates at a frequency lower than the RF signal. This LO frequency is given by the following formula: fLO = fRF – fIF


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the step size for tuning the LO phase-locked loop (PLL).

You can only tune the LO frequency in multiples of the LO Frequency Step Size attribute. Therefore, the LO frequency can be offset from the requested center frequency by as much as half of the LO Frequency Step Size attribute. This offset is corrected by digitally frequency shifting the LO frequency to the value requested in Downconverter Center Frequency attribute. For PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653, PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653, and PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653, this attribute is ignored if PXIe-5653 is used as the LO source.

The valid values for this attribute depend on the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE attribute.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646: If you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE_DISABLED, the specified value is coerced to the nearest valid value.

PXIe-5840: If you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE_DISABLED, the specified value is coerced to the nearest valid value that is less than or equal to the desired step size. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE Attribute Setting LO Frequency Step Size Attribute Valid Values on PXIe-5644/5645 LO Frequency Step Size Attribute Valid Values on PXIe-5646 LO Frequency Step Size Attribute Valid Values on PXIe-5840/5841 LO Frequency Step Size Attribute Valid Values on PXIe-5830/5831/5832


Enabled 50 kHz to 24 MHz 50 kHz to 25 MHz 50 kHz to 100 MHz 8 Hz to 400 MHz 4 kHz to 400 MHz

Disabled 4 MHz, 5 MHz, 6 MHz, 12 MHz, 24 MHz 2 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 25 MHz 1 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 25 MHz, 50 MHz, 100 MHz -- --

Default valuesPXIe-5644/5645/5646200 kHzPXIe-58302 MHz PXIe-5831/5832 (RF port)8 MHz PXIe-5831/5832 (IF port)2 MHz, 4 MHzPXIe-5840/5841500 kHzThe default value for PXIe-5831/5832 depends on the frequency range of the selected port for your instrument configuration. Use RFmxInstr Get Available Ports function to get the valid port names.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOFrequencyStepSize
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOFrequencyStepSize


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the step size for tuning the internal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) used to generate the LO signal. The valid values for LO1 include 1 Hz to 50 MHz and for LO2 include 1 Hz to 100 MHz.

Do not set this attribute with the LO Frequency Step Size attribute. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 1 MHz.

Supported devices: PXIe-5830/5831/5832

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOVCOFrequencyStepSize
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOVCOFrequencyStepSize


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to use fractional mode for the LO phase-locked loop (PLL).

Fractional mode provides a finer frequency step resolution, but may result in non harmonic spurs. Refer to the specifications document of your device for more information about fractional mode and non harmonic spurs.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, if you want to configure or read on LO1 or LO2 channel, use 'lo1' or 'lo2' as part of the selector string. You do not need to use a selector string or use 'lo1, lo2' as part of the selector string if you want to configure this attribute for both channels. You can also use RFmxInstr_BuildLOString utility function to create the LO String. For all other devices, lo channel string is not allowed.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string, if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read on that signal instance. Refer to the Selector string topic for information about the string syntax. The RFMXINSTR_ATTR_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE attribute is applicable only when using the internal LO. For PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653, PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653, and PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653, this attribute is ignored if the PXIe-5653 is used as the LO source.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOPLLFractionalMode
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOPLLFractionalMode
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE_DISABLED (0) Indicates that the attribute is disabled.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_PLL_FRACTIONAL_MODE_ENABLED (1) Indicates that the attribute is enabled.



Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the exported Reference Trigger. You can also choose not to export any signal.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetTriggerExportOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetTriggerExportOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists on only PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5624.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for the PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid on only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/RefTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/RefTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/RefTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetTriggerTerminalName



Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the start trigger is a digital edge or a software trigger.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetStartTriggerType
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetStartTriggerType
RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_TYPE_NONE (0) No start trigger is configured.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE (1) The start trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified by the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_DIGITAL_EDGE_SOURCE attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_TYPE_SOFTWARE (3) The start trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the RFmxInstr_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function.

Digital Edge Start Trigger


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the source terminal for the start trigger. This attribute is used only when you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value of this attribute is '' (empty string).

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetStartTriggerDigitalEdgeSource
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetStartTriggerDigitalEdgeSource
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) The trigger is received on PFI 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) The trigger is received on PFI 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR (PXIe_DStarB) The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_TIMER_EVENT (TimerEvent) The trigger is received from the timer event. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5840/5841 and for digital edge advance triggers on PXIe-5663E/5665.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the active edge for the start trigger. This attribute is used only when you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetStartTriggerDigitalEdge
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetStartTriggerDigitalEdge
RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_DIGITAL_EDGE_RISING_EDGE (0) The trigger asserts on the rising edge of the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_START_TRIGGER_DIGITAL_EDGE_FALLING_EDGE (1) The trigger asserts on the falling edge of the signal.


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the exported start trigger.

You can also choose not to export any signal. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetStartTriggerExportOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetStartTriggerExportOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/StartTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/StartTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/StartTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetStartTriggerTerminalName



Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the advance trigger is a digital edge or a software trigger.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetAdvanceTriggerType
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetAdvanceTriggerType
RFMXINSTR_VAL_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_TYPE_NONE (0) No advance trigger is configured.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE (1) The advance trigger is not asserted until a digital edge is detected. The source of the digital edge is specified with the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_DIGITAL_EDGE_SOURCE attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_TYPE_SOFTWARE (3) The advance trigger is not asserted until a software trigger occurs. You can assert the software trigger by calling the RFmxInstr_SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger function.

Digital Edge Advance Trigger


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the source terminal for the advance trigger.


You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value of this attribute is '' (empty string).

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetAdvanceTriggerDigitalEdgeSource
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetAdvanceTriggerDigitalEdgeSource
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) The trigger is received on PFI 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) The trigger is received on PFI 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) The trigger is received on PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) The trigger is received on the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARB_STR (PXIe_DStarB) The trigger is received on the PXIe DStar B trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_TIMER_EVENT (TimerEvent) The trigger is received from the timer event. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5840/5841 and for digital edge advance triggers on PXIe-5663E/5665.


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the exported advance trigger.

You can also choose not to export any signal. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetAdvanceTriggerExportOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetAdvanceTriggerExportOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/AdvanceTrigger, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/AdvanceTrigger, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/AdvanceTrigger, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetAdvanceTriggerTerminalName


Ready For Start


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the Ready for Start event.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForStartEventOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetReadyForStartEventOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/ReadyForStartEvent, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/ReadyForStartEvent, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/ReadyForStartEvent, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForStartEventTerminalName

Ready For Advance


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the Ready for Advance event.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForAdvanceEventOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetReadyForAdvanceEventOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/ReadyForAdvanceEvent, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/ReadyForAdvanceEvent, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/ReadyForAdvanceEvent, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForAdvanceEventTerminalName

Ready For Reference


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the Ready for Reference event.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForReferenceEventOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetReadyForReferenceEventOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/ReadyForReferenceEvent, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/ReadyForReferenceEvent, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/ReadyForReferenceEvent, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetReadyForReferenceEventTerminalName

End Of Record


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the End of Record event.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetEndOfRecordEventOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetEndOfRecordEventOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/EndOfRecordEvent, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/EndOfRecordEvent, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/EndOfRecordEvent, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetEndOfRecordEventTerminalName



Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the destination terminal for the Done event.

This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is Do not export signal.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDoneEventOutputTerminal
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetDoneEventOutputTerminal
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR () Does not export the signal.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLK_OUT_STR (ClkOut) Exports the signal to the CLK OUT connector on the PXIe-5622/5624 front panel.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT_STR (RefOut) Exports the signal to the REF IN/OUT terminal on the PXIe-5652, and the REF OUT terminal on the PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_REF_OUT2_STR (RefOut2) Exports the signal to the REF OUT2 terminal on the LO. This connector exists only on PXIe-5652.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI0_STR (PFI0) Exports the signal to the PFI 0 connector.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PFI1_STR (PFI1) Exports the signal to the PFI 1 connector on PXIe-5142 and PXIe-5622.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG0_STR (PXI_Trig0) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 0.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG1_STR (PXI_Trig1) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 1.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG2_STR (PXI_Trig2) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 2.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG3_STR (PXI_Trig3) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 3.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG4_STR (PXI_Trig4) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 4.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG5_STR (PXI_Trig5) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 5.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG6_STR (PXI_Trig6) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 6.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_TRIG7_STR (PXI_Trig7) Exports the signal to the PXI trigger line 7.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXI_STAR_STR (PXI_STAR) Exports the signal to the PXI star trigger line. This value is not valid for PXIe-5644/5645/5646.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PXIE_DSTARC_STR (PXIe_DStarC) Exports the signal to the PXIe DStar C trigger line. This value is valid only for PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841.


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the fully qualified signal name as a string.

The standard format is as follows:PXIe-5820/5840/5841: /ModuleName/ai/0/DoneEvent, where ModuleName is the name of your device in MAX.PXIe-5830/5831/5832: /BasebandModule/ai/0/DoneEvent, where BasebandModule is the name of your device in MAX.All other devices: /DigitizerName/DoneEvent, where DigitizerName is the name of your associated digitizer module in MAX.This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDoneEventTerminalName

Device Information


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the current temperature of the module. This value is expressed in degrees Celsius.

To use this attribute for PXIe-5830/5831/5832, you must first use the Selector string attribute to specify the name of the channel you are configuring. When you are reading the device temperature, you must specify the context in the Selector String input as 'module::(ModuleName)'. You can also use the RFmxInstr_BuildModuleString function to build the module string. For all other devices, the only valid value for the selector string is '' (empty string).

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string. For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, you must specify the context in the selector string input as port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)/module::(moduleName).

Refer to the following table to determine which strings are valid for your configuration.

Hardware ModuleTRX Port TypeSelector StringPXIe-3621/3622/3623-if or '' (empty string)PXIe-5820-fpgaFirst connected mmRH-5582DIRECT TRX PORTS Onlyrf0SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7]rf0switch0SWITCHED TRX PORTS [8-15]rf0switch1Second connected mmRH-5582DIRECT TRX PORTS Onlyrf1SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7]rf1switch0SWITCHED TRX PORTS [8-15]rf1switch1

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDeviceTemperature


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the current temperature of the digitizer module. This value is expressed in degrees Celsius.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.This attribute is not supported if you are using an external digitizer.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDigitizerTemperature


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the current temperature of the LO module associated with the device. This value is expressed in degrees Celsius.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.This attribute is not supported if you are using an external LO.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOTemperature


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the serial number of the RF downconverter module.

For PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5840/5841, this attribute returns the serial number of the VST module. For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, this attribute returns the serial number of PXIe-3621/3622/3623. On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSerialNumber


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns a string that contains the model number or name of the RF device that you are currently using.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetInstrumentModel


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns the revision of the RF downconverter module.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string. For PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, this attribute returns the revision of the VST module.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetModuleRevision


Data Type: char []
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeString
Description: Returns a string containing the firmware revision information of the RF downconverter for the composite device you are currently using.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetInstrumentFirmwareRevision


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeI32
Description: Indicates whether a preselector is available on the RF downconverter module.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.

TRUE A preselector is available on the downconverter.

FALSE No preselector is available on the downconverter.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetPreselectorPresent


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeI32
Description: Indicates whether an RF preamplifier is available on the RF downconverter module.

On a MIMO session, use 'port::(deviceName)/(channelNumber)' as the Selector string to read this attribute. You can use the RFmxInstr_BuildPortString2 function to build the selector string.

TRUE A preamplifier is available on the downconverter.

FALSE No preamplifier is available on the downconverter.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRFPreampPresent



Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the RF preamplifier is enabled in the system.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: If you set this attribute to Automatic, RFmx selects the preamplifier state based on the value of the Reference Level attribute and the center frequency. For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, the value is not coerced.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value for PXIe-5644/5645/5646 and PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841 is Automatic, else the default value is Disabled.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetPreampEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetPreampEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PREAMP_DISABLED (0) Disables the RF preamplifier. Supported Devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PREAMP_ENABLED (1) Enables the RF preamplifier when it is in the signal path and disables it when it is not in the signal path. Only devices with an RF preamplifier on the downconverter and an RF preselector support this option. Use the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_RF_PREAMP_PRESENT attribute to determine whether the downconverter has a preamplifier. Supported Devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668
RFMXINSTR_VAL_PREAMP_AUTOMATIC (3) Automatically enables the RF preamplifier based on the value of the reference level. Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the RF IN connector is AC- or DC-coupled on the downconverter.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Note  For the PXIe-5665/5668, this attribute must be set to AC Coupled when the DC block is present, and set to DC Coupled when the DC block is not present to ensure device specifications are met and proper calibration data is used. For more information about removing or attaching the DC block, refer to the PXIe-5665 Theory of Operation or the PXIe-5668 Theory of Operation topics in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help.


Valid valuesPXIe-5665 (3.6 GHz): AC Coupled DC CoupledPXIe-5665 (14 GHz): AC Coupled, DC CoupledPXIe-5668: AC Coupled

Supported devices: PXIe-5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetChannelCoupling
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetChannelCoupling
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CHANNEL_COUPLING_AC_COUPLED (0) Specifies that the RF input channel is AC-coupled. For low frequencies ((10 MHz), accuracy decreases because RFmxInstr does not calibrate the configuration.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CHANNEL_COUPLING_DC_COUPLED (1) Specifies that the RF input channel is DC-coupled. RFmx enforces a minimum RF attenuation for device protection.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the tunable preselector is enabled on the downconverter.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDownconverterPreselectorEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetDownconverterPreselectorEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_DOWNCONVERTER_PRESELECTOR_ENABLED (1) The preselector is automatically enabled when it is in the signal path and is automatically disabled when it is not in the signal path. Use the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_PRESELECTOR_PRESENT attribute to determine if the downconverter has a preselector.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the mixer level. This value is expressed in dBm.

The mixer level represents the attenuation value to apply to the input RF signal as it reaches the first mixer in the signal chain. If you do not set this attribute, RFmx automatically selects an optimal mixer level value based on the reference level.

If you set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_MIXER_LEVEL and RFMXINSTR_ATTR_MIXER_LEVEL_OFFSET attributes at the same time, RFmx returns an error.

This attribute is read-only for PXIe-5663/5663E devices.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Default valuesPXIe-5665/5668-10All other devices N/A

The valid values for this attribute depend on your device configuration.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetMixerLevel
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetMixerLevel


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the number of dB by which to adjust the device mixer level.

Specifying a positive value for this attribute configures the device for moderate distortion and low noise, and specifying a negative value results in low distortion and higher noise. You cannot set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_MIXER_LEVEL_OFFSET and RFMXINSTR_ATTR_MIXER_LEVEL attributes at the same time.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0. The default value specifies device settings that are the best compromise between distortion and noise.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetMixerLevelOffset
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetMixerLevelOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the step size for the RF attenuation level. This value is expressed in dB. The actual RF attenuation is coerced up to the next highest multiple of the specified step size. If the mechanical attenuators are not available to implement the coerced RF attenuation, the solid state attenuators are used.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Default values: PXIe-5601/5663/5663E0.0PXIe-5603/5665 (3.6 GHz)1.0PXIe-5605/5665 (14 GHz), PXIe-5606/56685.0

Valid values: PXIe-5601/5663/5663E0.0 to 93.0, continuousPXIe-5603/5665 (3.6 GHz)1.0 to 74.0, in 1 dB stepsPXIe-5605/5665 (14 GHz) (low band), PXIe-5606/5668 (low band)1.0 to 106.0, in 1 dB stepsPXIe-5605/5665 (14 GHz) (high band), PXIe-5606/5668 (high band)5.0 to 75.0, in 5 dB steps

Supported devices: PXIe-5663, PXIe-5665, PXIe-5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRFAttenuationStepSize
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetRFAttenuationStepSize


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the digitizer OSP block to delay Reference Triggers, along with the data samples, moving through the OSP block.

If you set this attribute to Disabled, the Reference Triggers bypass the OSP block and are processed immediately.

Enabling this attribute requires the following equipment configurations:All digitizers being used must be the same model and hardware revision. All digitizers must use the same firmware. All digitizers must be configured with the same I/Q rate. All devices must use the same signal path.

For more information about the digitizer OSP block and Reference Triggers, refer to the following topics in the NI High-Speed Digitizers Help: PXIe-5622 Onboard Signal Processing (OSP)PXIe-5142 Onboard Signal Processing (OSP)PXIe-5622 Trigger SourcesPXI-5142 Trigger SourcesPXIe-5622 Block DiagramPXI-5142 Trigger Sources

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetOSPDelayEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetOSPDelayEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OSP_DELAY_DISABLED (0) Disables the attribute.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OSP_DELAY_ENABLED (1) Enables the attribute.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the offset to apply to the initial I and Q phases.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Valid values are –180 degrees to 180 degrees, inclusive.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetPhaseOffset
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetPhaseOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the FFT width of the device. The FFT width is the effective bandwidth of the signal path during each signal acquisition.

The lower limit for all devices that support setting the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_FFT_WIDTH attribute is 7.325 kHz.

PXIe-5663/5663E: The FFT width upper limit for the PXIe-5663/5663E depends on the RF frequency and on the module revision of the PXIe-5601. For more information about determining which revision of the PXIe-5601 RF downconverter you have installed, refer to the Identifying Module Revision topic in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help. The maximum FFT width for your device is constrained to 50 MHz or 25 MHz, depending on the digitizer option you purchased. You can use the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_FFT_WIDTH attribute with in-band retuning. For more information about in-band retuning, refer to the Downconverter Center Frequency attribute.

RFmx treats the device instantaneous bandwidth as the effective real-time bandwidth of the signal path. The span specifies the frequency range of the computed spectrum. A signal analyzer can acquire a bandwidth only within the device instantaneous bandwidth. If the span you choose is greater than the device instantaneous bandwidth, RFmx obtains multiple acquisitions and combines them into a single spectrum. By specifying the FFT width, you can control the specific bandwidth obtained in each signal acquisition.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665, PXIe-5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFFTWidth
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFFTWidth


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies how to obtain the lowest noise floor or faster measurement speed.

Some measurements, such as Spurious Emissions enable the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_CLEANER_SPECTRUM attribute by default. You can speed up those measurements by disabling the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_CLEANER_SPECTRUM attribute. You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

PXIe-5665 Sets the FFT Width attribute to take narrower bandwidth acquisitions and avoid digitizer spurs. Uses IF filters to reduce the noise floor for frequencies below 80 MHz.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5840/5841 Returns the best possible spectrum.

PXIe-5668 Returns the best possible spectrum. To provide the best spectrum measurement, the acquisition is reduced to 100 MHz segments for any center frequency.

Other devices This attribute is ignored.


Supported devices: PXIe-5665, PXIe-5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetCleanerSpectrum
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetCleanerSpectrum
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLEANER_SPECTRUM_DISABLED (0) Disable this attribute to get faster measurement speed.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_CLEANER_SPECTRUM_ENABLED (1) Enable this attribute to get the lowest noise floor and avoid digitizer spurs.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the power offset by which to adjust the default IF output power level. This value is expressed in dB.

This attribute does not depend on absolute IF output power levels; therefore, you can use this attribute to adjust the IF output power level on all RFmx-supported devices without knowing the exact default value. Use this attribute to increase or decrease the nominal output level to achieve better measurement results.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665, PXIe-5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetIFOutputPowerLevelOffset
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetIFOutputPowerLevelOffset


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether dithering is enabled on the digitizer.

Dithering adds band-limited noise in the analog signal path to help reduce the quantization effects of the ADC and improve spectral performance. On the PXIe-5622, this out-of-band noise is added at low frequencies of up to approximately 12 MHz.

PXIe-5663/5663E/5665: When you enable dithering, the maximum signal level is reduced by up to 3 dB. This signal level reduction is accounted for in the nominal input ranges of the PXIe-5622. Therefore, you can overrange the input by up to 3 dB with dither disabled. For example, the +4 dBm input range can handle signal levels up to +7 dBm with dither disabled.

For wider bandwidth acquisitions, such as 40 MHz, disable dithering to eliminate residual leakage of the dither signal into the lower frequencies of the IF passband, which starts at 12.5 MHz and ends at 62.5 MHz. This leakage can slightly raise the noise floor in the lower frequencies, thus degrading the performance in high-sensitivity applications. When performing spectral measurements, this leakage can also appear as a wide, low-amplitude signal near the 12.5 MHz and 62.5 MHz frequencies. The width and amplitude of the signal depends on your resolution bandwidth and the type of time-domain window you apply to your FFT.

PXIe-5668: When you enable dithering, the maximum signal level is reduced by up to 2 dB. For the PXIe-5624, the maximum input power with dither off is 8 dBm and the maximum input power level with dither on is 6 dBm. When acquiring an 800 MHz bandwidth signal, the I/Q data contains the dither even if the dither signal is not in the displayed spectrum. The dither can affect actions like power level triggering.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.For PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, only Enabled is supported.

Note For the PXIe-5668, disabling dithering can negatively affect absolute amplitude accuracy.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDigitizerDitherEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetDigitizerDitherEnabled


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the IF filter path bandwidth for your device configuration.

RFmx chooses an appropriate IF filter as default IF Filter based on measurement configuration, center frequency, cleaner spectrum and downconverter preselector.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Note For composite devices, such as the PXIe-5665/5668, the IF filter path bandwidth includes all IF filters across the component modules of a composite device.

Supported devices: PXIe-5665/5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetIFFilterBandwidth
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetIFFilterBandwidth


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the delay duration units and interpretation for LO settling.

Specify the actual settling value using the Frequency Settling attribute.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Note The Frequency Settling Units attribute is not supported if you are using an external LO.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFrequencySettlingUnits
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFrequencySettlingUnits
RFMXINSTR_VAL_FREQUENCY_SETTLING_UNITS_PPM (0) Specifies the frequency settling in parts per million (ppm).
RFMXINSTR_VAL_FREQUENCY_SETTLING_UNITS_SECONDS_AFTER_LOCK (1) Specifies the frequency settling in time after lock (seconds).
RFMXINSTR_VAL_FREQUENCY_SETTLING_UNITS_SECONDS_AFTER_IO (2) Specifies the frequency settling in time after I/O (seconds).


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the value used for LO frequency settling.

Specify the units and interpretation for this scalar value using the Frequency Settling Units attribute.

Valid values

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Frequency Settling Units Attribute Value PXIe-5663/5663E PXIe-5665/5668 PXIe-5644/5645/5646 PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841, PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653 (using PXIe-3622 LO), PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653 (using PXIe-3623 LO) PXIe-5831 with PXIe-5653 (using PXIe-5653 LO) and PXIe-5832 with PXIe-5653 (using PXIe-5653 LO) PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653 (using internal LO) PXIe-5840 with PXIe-5653 (using PXIe-5653 LO)

Seconds After Lock 2 µs to 80 ms, resolution of approximately 2 µs 4 µs to 80 ms, resolution of approximately 4 µs 1 µs to 65 ms, resolution of 1 µs 1 µs to 10s, resolution of 1 µs 4 µs to 80 ms, resolution of approximately 4 µs 1 µs to 10s, resolution of 1 µs 4 µs to 80 ms, resolution of approximately 4 µs

Seconds After I/O 0 µs to 80 ms, resolution of 1 µs 0 µs to 80 ms, resolution of 1 µs 1 µs to 65 ms, resolution of 1 µs 0 µs to 10s, resolution of 1 µs 0 µs to 80 ms, resolution of 1 µs 0 µs to 10s, resolution of 1 µs 0 µs to 80 ms, resolution of 1 µs

PPM 1.0, 0.1, 0.01 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 1.0, 0.1, 0.01 1.0 to 0.01 1.0 to 0.01 1.0 to 0.01 1.0 to 0.001

Note This attribute is not supported if you are using an external LO.

The default value is 0.1.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetFrequencySettling
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetFrequencySettling


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the maximum corner frequency of the high pass filter in the RF signal path. The device uses the highest frequency high-pass filter option below or equal to the value you specify and returns a coerced value. Specifying a value of 0 disables high pass filtering silly. For multispan acquisitions, the device uses the appropriate filter for each subspan during acquisition, depending on the details of your application and the value you specify. In multispan acquisition spectrum applications, this attribute returns the value you specified rather than a coerced value if multiple high-pass filters are used during the acquisition.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

The valid values range from 0 to 26.5.

Supported devices: PXIe-5668

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRFHighpassFilterFrequency
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetRFHighpassFilterFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the amount of overlap between consecutive subspans in a multispan spectrum acquisition. Overlapping subspans can reduce the power level of spurs in the acquired data. The value you specify determines the amount of shift as a percentage of subspan width.

Specifying a value of 0 disables subspan overlap. In this case, RFmx uses either a single-span acquisition or a multispan acquisition without overlap, depending on the frequency range requested and the current device settings.

Specifying a value greater than 0 causes RFmx to use a multispan acquisition with the specified overlap even in situations in which it would normally use a single-span acquisition. RFmx acquires data within the overlapped percentage and uses the minimum of the acquired values. RFmx may apply further shifts to the specified value to accommodate fixed-frequency edges of components such as preselectors.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Valid values PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841: 0
PXIe-5665/5668: 0 to 100

Supported devices: PXIe-5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSubSpanOverlap
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetSubSpanOverlap


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the net signal gain for the device at the current RFmx settings and temperature. RFmx scales the acquired I/Q and spectrum data from the digitizer using the value of this attribute.

For a vector signal analyzer (VSA), the system is defined as the RF downconverter for all interfaces between the RF IN connector on the RF downconverter front panel and the IF IN connector on the digitizer front panel. For a spectrum monitoring receiver, the system is defined as the RF preselector, RF downconverter, and IF conditioning modules including all interfaces between the RF IN connector on the RF preselector module front panel and the IF IN connector on the digitizer front panel. This attribute is not supported on a MIMO session.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is N/A.

Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetDownconverterGain


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the amplitude settling accuracy value. This value is expressed in decibels. RFmx waits until the RF power attains the specified accuracy level after calling the RFmx Initiate function.

Any specified amplitude settling value that is above the acceptable minimum value is coerced down to the closest valid value.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetAmplitudeSettling
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetAmplitudeSettling


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Configures error reporting for ADC and overflows occurred during onboard signal processing. Overflows lead to clipping of the waveform.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetOverflowErrorReporting
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetOverflowErrorReporting
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OVERFLOW_ERROR_REPORTING_WARNING (0) RFmx returns a warning when an ADC or an onboard signal processing (OSP) overflow occurs.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OVERFLOW_ERROR_REPORTING_DISABLED (1) RFmx does not return an error or a warning when an ADC or OSP overflow occurs.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the common-mode level presented at each differential input terminal. The common-mode level shifts both positive and negative terminals in the same direction. This must match the common-mode level of the device under test (DUT). This value is expressed in Volts.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 0.

Supported devices: PXIe-5820

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetCommonModeLevel
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetCommonModeLevel


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the resource name assigned by Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) for NI Source Measure Units (SMU) which is used as the noise source power supply for Noise Figure (NF) measurement, for example, PXI1Slot3, where PXI1Slot3 is an instrument resource name. RFMXINSTR_ATTR_SMU_RESOURCE_NAME can also be a logical IVI name.

Supported devices: PXIe-4138, PXIe-4139, PXIe-4139 (40 W), and PXIe-4143 SMUs.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSMUResourceName
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetSMUResourceName


Data Type: char []
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeString
Description: Specifies the output channel to be used for noise figure (NF) measurement in RFmx.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSMUChannel
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetSMUChannel


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Optimizes RF path for the signal bandwidth that is centered on the IQ carrier frequency.

You can disable this attribute to avoid changes to the RF path when changing the signal bandwidth.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetOptimizePathForSignalBandwidth
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetOptimizePathForSignalBandwidth
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OPTIMIZE_PATH_FOR_SIGNAL_BANDWIDTH_DISABLED (0) Disables the optimized path for signal bandwidth.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OPTIMIZE_PATH_FOR_SIGNAL_BANDWIDTH_ENABLED (1) Enables the optimized path for signal bandwidth.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_OPTIMIZE_PATH_FOR_SIGNAL_BANDWIDTH_AUTOMATIC (2) Automatically enables the optimized path based on other configurations.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether input isolation is enabled.

Enabling this attribute isolates the input signal at the RF IN connector on the RF downconverter from the rest of the RF downconverter signal path. Disabling this attribute reintegrates the input signal into the RF downconverter signal path. If you enable input isolation for your device, the device impedance is changed from the characteristic 50-ohm impedance. A change in the device impedance may increase the VSWR value higher than the device specifications.

For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, input isolation is supported for all available ports for your hardware configuration.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.


Supported devices: PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetInputIsolationEnabled
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetInputIsolationEnabled
RFMXINSTR_VAL_INPUT_ISOLATION_DISABLED (0) Indicates that the attribute is disabled.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_INPUT_ISOLATION_ENABLED (1) Indicates that the attribute is enabled.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the expected thermal operating range of the instrument from the self-calibration temperature returned from the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_DEVICE_TEMPERATURE attribute. This value is expressed in degree Celsius.

For example, if this attribute is set to 5.0, and the device is self-calibrated at 35 degrees Celsius, then you can expect to run the device from 30 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius with corrected accuracy and no overflows. Setting this attribute with a smaller value can result in improved dynamic range, but you must ensure thermal stability while the instrument is running. Operating the instrument outside of the specified range may cause degraded performance and ADC or DSP overflows.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Default valuePXIe-5830/5831/58325PXIe-5840/584110

Supported devices: PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetThermalCorrectionHeadroomRange
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetThermalCorrectionHeadroomRange


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the minimum time difference between temperature sensor readings. This value is expressed in seconds.

When you call the RFmx Initiate function, RFmx checks if the amount of time specified by this attribute has elapsed before reading the hardware temperature. RFmx ignores Temperature Read Interval attribute if you read the Downconverter Gain attribute.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

The default value is 30 seconds.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetTemperatureReadInterval
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetTemperatureReadInterval


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the temperature change required before RFmx recalculates the thermal correction settings when entering the running state. This value is expressed in degree Celsius.

You do not need to use a selector string if you want to configure this attribute for all signal instances. Specify the signal name in the selector string if you want to configure or read that signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax.

Default valuePXIe-5830/5831/58320.2PXIe-5840/58411.0

Supported devices: PXIe-5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetThermalCorrectionTemperatureResolution
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetThermalCorrectionTemperatureResolution

Self Calibration


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether RFmx validates the self-calibration data.

You can specify the time interval required to perform the check using the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_SELF_CALIBRATION_VALIDITY_CHECK_TIME_INTERVAL attribute.

NI recommends to perform self-calibration using the RFmxInstr_SelfCalibrate function when RFmx reports an invalid self-calibration data warning. RFmx does not consider self-calibration range data during self calibration validity check.


Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSelfCalibrationValidityCheck
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetSelfCalibrationValidityCheck
RFMXINSTR_VAL_SELF_CALIBRATION_VALIDITY_CHECK_OFF (0) Indicates that RFmx does not check whether device self-calibration data is valid.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_SELF_CALIBRATION_VALIDITY_CHECK_ENABLED (1) Indicates that RFmx checks whether device self-calibration data is valid and reports a warning from the RFmx Commit and RFmx Initiate functions when the data is invalid.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the minimum time between two self calibration validity checks. This value is expressed in seconds.

When you call RFmx Commit or Initiate functions by enabling the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_SELF_CALIBRATION_VALIDITY_CHECK attribute, RFmx checks if the amount of time specified by the Self Calibration Validity Check Time Interval attribute has elapsed before validating the calibration data.

The default value is 30 seconds.

Supported devices: PXIe-5663/5663E/5665/5668, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5830/5840/5841

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetSelfCalibrationValidityCheckTimeInterval
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetSelfCalibrationValidityCheckTimeInterval

LO Sharing


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the RFmx session with the respective LO sharing mode.

The following figures illustrate different connection configuration topologies for different LO Sharing modes.

You must set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_NUMBER_OF_LO_SHARING_GROUPS attribute to 1 for the following LO connection configurations.

You must set the RFMXINSTR_ATTR_NUMBER_OF_LO_SHARING_GROUPS attribute to 2 for the following LO connection configurations.


Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetLOSharingMode
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetLOSharingMode
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SHARING_MODE_EXTERNAL_STAR (3) The LO connection configuration is configured as External Star.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_LO_SHARING_MODE_EXTERNAL_DAISY_CHAIN (4) The LO connection configuration is configured as External Daisy Chain.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxInstr_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the RFmx session with the number of LO sharing groups.

The default value is 1.

The valid values are 1 and 2.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetNumberOfLOSharingGroups
Set Function: RFmxInstr_SetNumberOfLOSharingGroups

Recommended Settings


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the recommended acquisition type for the last committed measurement configuration.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedAcquisitionType
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RECOMMENDED_ACQUISITION_TYPE_IQ (0) Indicates that the recommended acquisition type is I/Q. Use the Analyze (IQ) function to perform the measurement.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RECOMMENDED_ACQUISITION_TYPE_SPECTRAL (1) Indicates that the recommended acquisition type is Spectral. Use Analyze (Spectrum) function to perform the measurement.
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RECOMMENDED_ACQUISITION_TYPE_IQ_OR_SPECTRAL (2) Indicates that the recommended acquisition type is I/Q or Spectral. Use either Analyze (IQ) or Analyze (Spectrum) function to perform the measurement.


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended center frequency of the RF signal. This value is expressed in Hz.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedCenterFrequency


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the recommended number of records to acquire to complete measurement averaging.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedNumberOfRecords


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended minimum quiet time during which the signal level must be below the trigger value for triggering to occur. This value is expressed in seconds.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedTriggerMinimumQuietTime



Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended acquisition time for I/Q acquisition. This value is expressed in seconds.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedIQAcquisitionTime


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended minimum sample rate for I/Q acquisition. This value is expressed in Hz.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedIQMinimumSampleRate


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended pretrigger time for I/Q acquisition. This value is expressed in seconds.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedIQPreTriggerTime



Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended acquisition span for spectral acquisition. This value is expressed in Hz.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedSpectralAcquisitionSpan


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the recommended FFT window type for spectral acquisition.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedSpectralFFTWindow
RFMXINSTR_VAL_RECOMMENDED_SPECTRAL_FFT_WINDOW_NONE (0) Indicates that the measurement does not use FFT windowing to reduce spectral leakage.


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxInstr_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the recommended FFT bin width for spectral acquisition. This value is expressed in Hz.

This attribute is supported when
1. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1'.
2. RFmxInstr Initialize function is called with option string 'AnalysisOnly=1;MaxNumWfms:n'. Use 'instr(n)' as the selector string to read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxInstr_GetRecommendedSpectralResolutionBandwidth

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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