Tags: pmai/open-simulation-interface
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#302 from OpenSimulationInt… …erface/CarloVanDriestenBMW-patch-1 Adapt version file to release 3.1.2
Revert breakage in ce92c01 to CMake build of SO (OpenSimulationInterf… …ace#301) Commit ce92c01 changed the open_simulation_interface target from being a shared library to a static library (for which we already have the open_simulation_interface_static target). This reverses that part of the patch.
Documentation3.1.0 v001 (OpenSimulationInterface#299) * Unify comments. Change HTML Documentation. Try to remove HTML tags, if possible. Use only \ for doxygen tags (remove all @) Add Unit tests to parse comments. * Update osi_trafficsign.proto Unify doxygen Format. Dot at the end of 1mio sentences. * Math Formulas Add MathJax * Update Math formulas Merge Master Branch
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#267 from OpenSimulationInt… …erface/Moving-Objects-relative-velocity-definition Update Definition solves OpenSimulationInterface#234
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#202 from OpenSimulationInt… …erface/review/pre-release Reordering / Restructuring and much more!
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#188 from OpenSimulationInt… …erface/maintenance/v2.2.x-fixes Maintenance/v2.2.x fixes
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#59 from OpenSimulationInte… …rface/feature/define-rain-and-fog Resolve issue OpenSimulationInterface#54 (fog definition)
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#40 from OpenSimulationInte… …rface/contour2d Contour2d
Merge pull request OpenSimulationInterface#11 from OpenSimulationInte… …rface/change_version_numbering Updated README.md for versioning definitions